Name of Member: Shri V. Dhandayuthapani
Political Party: Janata Party
Constituency & State: Vellore (Tamil Nadu)
Lok Sabha Experience: 6
6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
DHANDAYUTHAPANI, SHRI V. B.Sc, B.L., Janata, (Tamil Nadu—Vellore—1977): s. of Shri A. G. Vilvanathan; b. at Alinjikuppam, North Arcot District, November 28, 1941; m. Smt. Kamalaveni, August 23, 1975; 1 s.; political and social worker; worked (i) as a teacher in Valathoor High School for one year, (ii) as Lab-Chemist in Ambur Sugar Factory for one year; Secretary, Congress (Organisation), Tamil Nadu Congress Committee since 1973; Chairman, Law College Union; Convener, Tamil Nadu Students’ Congress; presently Member, Joint Committee on Salaries, and Allowances of M.Ps.
Social activities: Secretary of Social Service League in Law College for one year.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Photography, indoor games, dramatics, gliding and flying; was in Airwing from 1960 to 1963.
Special interest: Improvement of leather industry in Tamil Nadu, intensive agriculture.
Publications: Letters written to Tamil newspapers.
Sports and clubs: Hockey, football, member of Sports Club, Ambur.
Permament addrcsa: Alinjikuppam, Rajakkal (Post) Via. Mailpatti, North Arcot District, Tamil Nadu.
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