Name of Member: Shri Yogendra Sharma
Political Party: Communist Party
Constituency & State: Begusarai (Bihar)
Lok Sabha Experience: 4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
SHARMA, SHRI YOGENDRA, B.A., Comm., (Bihar—Begusarai—1967); s. of Shri Gaya Prasad Sharma; b. at Rahimpur, Monghyr Distt., August 20, 1915 ed. at Patna College; m. Shrimati Geeta Sharma, June 5. 1935; 4 s.; Political worker, journalist and agriculturist; previously associated with the Indian National Congress and Congress Socialist Party; General Secretary, Bihar State Kisan Sabha, 1951—56; Secretary, (i) Bihar State Council of C.P.I., 1956—62; and (ii) National Council of C.P.I.. 1962 onwards-Social activities: Took part in anti-eviction druggles of tenants, kisan movements for land reforms, famine relief work, anti-hoarding campaigns and satyagraha against price rise and tax burden.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading, speech-making and the movies.
Special interests: Welfare of the exploited and the oppressed people.
Travels abroad: U.A.R., France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and U.S.S.R.
Permanent address: Vill. & P. O. Rahimpur, Distt. Monghyr (Bihar).
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