Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
Other Positions held
Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments
Social and Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Countries visited
Other Information
Shri D. Veera Reddy1928
Raidurga in Distt. Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh)
Married on 22nd May, 1948
Shri Sarana Basavaraj
Four sons and four daughters
Educated at Govt. Girls High School, Bellary (Karnataka)
Agriculturist, Educationist, Industrialist and Social worker
Amara Krupa, Gandhi Nagar, Bellary (Karnataka) Tel. 349344 (Bangalore) 2947 (Bellary)
6, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110 001. Tel. 3327837
Member, Karnataka Legislative Assembly; Deputy Minister, Social Welfare and Minor Irrigation, Karnataka for about 5 years
Member, Karnataka Legislative Council
Chairman, Karnataka Legislative Council for about 3 years
Elected to Lok Sabha (Eighth); Member, Consultative Committee, Steel and Mines for 5 years; Member, Panel of Chairmen in Eighth Lok Sabha
Member, House Committee
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth)
Elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth) for the third time
Member, AICC for two terms; Secretary, DCC, Raichur
Report on the grievances of farmers in irrigated areas
Welfare of the poor by providing health and housing facilities and by removal of social evils; fought for the rights of farmers and solved many problems of farmers in Karnataka
Farmers’ problems, dairy development, social work and setting up of industries
Agriculture, horticulture and social work
Widely travelled; Member, Indian Parliamentary Delegation to CPA Conference at Lusaka; Leader, Farmers’ Delegation to Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia; Member, Indian Parliamentary Delegation to Egypt; participated in Speaker’s Conference at Zambia and Second World Telugu Conference in Kualalumpur, Malaysia, April 1981.
Joined Indian National Congress in 1956; Managing Director, Nava Karnataka Steels Ltd., Bellary, Karnataka for around 14 years; Chairman, Kalyan Keonics Ltd., Bedar for about 4 years; Executive President, Karnataka Krishak Samaj, Bangalore; Founder Vice-President, Institute of Parliamentary Affairs; Member, Senate, Karnataka University Board of Regent, Agriculture University, and Central Social Welfare Board, 1990; Founder President, Tagore Memorial Education Society, Raichur; Member, Executive Committee, Vijayanagar Engineering College, Bellary. |