Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
July, 1979 to
Feb., 1980
June, 1985
18 Nov. 1986 to 5 Nov. 1988
Other Positions held
Social and Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime
and Recreation
Sports and Clubs
Countries visited
Other Information
Shri Narayanrao19th December, 1934
Distt. Jalgaon (Maharashtra)
Married on 7th July, 1965
Shri Devisingh Ransingh Shekhawat
One son and one daughter
M.A., LL.B.
Educated at M.J. College, Jalgaon (Maharashtra)
Social worker
(a) 57, New Congress Nagar, Opp. Govt. Milk Scheme, Amravati (Maharashtra)
(b) 1701, Wainganga, Worli Sagar Cooperative Housing Society, Pochkhanwala Road, Worli, Bombay-400018
11, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001. Tel. 3782357
Member, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
Deputy Minister, Public Health, Prohibition, Tourism, Housing and Parliamentary Affairs, Maharashtra
Cabinet Minister, Social Welfare, Maharashtra
Cabinet Minister, Public Health and Social Welfare, Maharashtra
Cabinet Minister, Prohibition, Rehabilitation and Cultural Affairs, Maharashtra
Cabinet Minister, Education, Maharashtra
Leader of Opposition, CLP(I), Maharashtra
Cabinet Minister, Urban Development and Housing, Maharashtra
Cabinet Minister, Civil Supplies and Social Welfare, Maharashtra
Elected to Rajya Sabha
Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha
Chairman, Committee of Privileges, Rajya Sabha
Member, Business Advisory Committee, Rajya Sabha
Elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth)
President, P.C.C., Maharashtra
Welfare of women, established a hostel for working women in Bombay and an Engineering College at Jalgaon for the benefit of rural youth; Managing Trustee, Shram Sadhna Trust
Development of rural economy
Music and reading
Champion in table tennis during college days and won shields in Inter-College tournaments
Widely travelled; attended International Council of Social Welfare Conference, Nairobi and Puerto Rico; Leader, Delegation to Austria on Status of Women Conference; Member, A.I.C.C.(I) Delegation, Bulgaria, 1985; Attended Commonwealth Presiding Officers Conference, London, 1988
Organised Women Home Guards in Jalgaon District and was their Commandant at the time of Chinese aggression in 1962; Vice-Chairman, National Federation for Cooperative Urban Banks and Credit Societies, and Chairman, 20-Point Programme Implementation Committee, Maharashtra.