St.Joseph’s College of commerce (Autonomous)
End semester examination – Sept/Oct. 2015
Duration: 3Hrs Max marks: 100
- Answer the following questions in a word phrase or a sentence (5×2=10)
- A poem should not mean But be. What do you think is the meaning of these words?
- Why does Wordsworth want to be a pagan’ ?
- When is a relationship merely an activity according to J. Krishnamurthy?
- Where was the husband in the story ‘Necklace’ employed?
- In the story “ An astrologer’s day’ what does the word ‘ paraphernalia’ mean?
- Write short notes on any four of the following (4×5=20)
- The character of Gurunayak.
- The ending of the story ‘Necklace.’
- Artist’s life as depicted in “Last leaf”.
- The element of satire in the poem “ Saviors”
- Poet Wordsworth’s dissatisfaction and its cause.
- Answer any three of the following in about two pages each. (3×10=30)
- Write your personal response to the poem ‘Ars Poetica’.
- Of the two short stories “Last leaf” and “Necklace”, which do you like more? Give reasons for your answer.
- What are some of the chief insights of J. Krishnamurthy on the topic of relationship? Do you agree or disagree with him ? Why?
- In the backdrop of K. Narayan’s “An Astrologers day”, examine the authour’s attitude towards astrology and astrologers. What is your own view on the subject?
- Read the following passage carefully and then answer questions set on it.
It seems that the ancient Greeks knew better than we about the subject of love, at least in regard to distinguishing its categories. They identified several varieties: The love of parents for children, love between friends, the affection of comrades who have experienced much together, charitable love for humanity in general, obsessive love, erotic love and so on and gave each its own name and story. They thought that mania, what we call infatuation was a punishment sent by the gods: and they prized philia, the love between friends above all other kinds.
Interestingly, they did not single out the only kind of love that can be and often is, genuinely unconditional asking nothing in return and getting nothing in return, and which is unquestionably a matter of biology and, more accurately biochemistry, namely maternal love
Without question maternal attachment has been a constant since our remotest ancestors lived in trees, for everywhere in mammalian nature, mothers tend and protect their young untill the latter are able to survive alone, illustrating how essential maternal attachment is, to the continuance of life itself. One of the more poignant comparisons between human mother-child bonds and their existence among our relatives in nature is provided by chimpanzees: Jane Godall discovered when she studied the chimpanzees of Gombe in Tanzania that some young chimps die of grief when they loose their mothers.
Although mother-love is biological, it is not universal because it is not guaranteed in every case, atleast among humans. This is no contradiction. Not all women have the instinct, and it is known that the processes of pregnancy and childbirth that fully activate the instinct can sometimes be disrupted.
- Answer the following in a word, phrase or a sentence. ( 5×2=10)
- What term did the Greeks use for infatuation.
- What is the basis of maternal instinct?
- Which well known primatologist is mentioned in the passage?
- What form of love was the highest, in the opinion of the Greeks
- Suggest a suitable title for the passage.
- Love is many things to many people. Based on your understanding of the passage express your views on the possibilities and the limitations of Love as a human emotion.
(10 marks)
- Re-write a directed. (5×2=10)
- It started raining. People ran for shelter. (Re-write the sentence using No sooner______ than)
- This ________ is very beautiful (alter, altar) Choose the right word to fill in the blank.
- Newzeland is a very good cricket team. It has never won the world cup. (Change into a complex sentence)
- This building was constructed by them two years ago. (Change into active voice)
- He is preparing seriously for his exams. (Identify the specific tense of the verb in this sentence)
- Correct the errors if any, in the following sentences. (3×2=6)
- He is the tallest of the two brothers.
- She came in Rajadhani express from Delhi.
- There was a dramatic turn over in the last ball of the match.
- Use the any two of the following idioms correctly in sentences of your own.
- To see stars
- To be head and shoulders above others.
- To run from pillar to post.
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