St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 II Sem Business Ethics And Corporate Governance Question Paper PDF Download


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examinations – March / April 2016– ii semester
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                     Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                          (7×5=35)
  1. What is business ethics? Is business ethics the same as “Religion, Law, Cultural traits, Feelings, a branch of Science, a collection of values?” Discuss.
  2. Under what circumstances is a person considered ‘not morally responsible’ for an injury or wrong?
  3. Discuss briefly the ‘Code of Conduct and Ethics’ for Managers of business entities and the significance of maintaining ethical code.
  4. Comment on the general ethical issues encountered by marketing managers with suitable examples.
  5. Is irrational persuasion an acceptable practice under marketing?
  6. Compare and contrast the three main kinds of arguments(utilitarian, rights and justice) against racial and gender job description.
  7. Explain the different types of bank frauds.
  8. What is meant by insider trading?  What are the ethical issues involved in insider trading?
  9. What are the steps taken by  SEBI  for strengthening corporate governance in India ?
  10. Describe the role of CSR, as a Business strategy for Sustainable Development for corporations.


II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                      (3×15=45)
  11. Kohlberg’s views on moral development argue that, the more morally matured a person becomes, the more likely it is that the person will obey the moral norms of his or her society. Discuss the statement.
  12. Critically evaluate producer’s duties to the consumer. In your judgment, which theory is more adequate?
  13. Elucidate the ethical issues companies make in relation with human resource management.
  14. Discuss the structure and functioning of Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006.  What are the benefits of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme?
  15. Explain the characteristics of business enterprises obligation to the expectations and interest of the society. Elucidate the responsibilities associated with the Corporate Governance towards various groups in the society.


III) Case Study                                                                                                     (1×20=20)
  16. Conflict Diamonds

During the late 1990s, South African diamond producer De Beers and other companies in the diamond industry discovered that some of the diamonds they were buying or selling came from groups who used the proceeds to finance brutal civil wars. In Sierra Leone, rebels took control of diamond mines by systematically chopping off the arms and hands of as many as 20,000 children, women and men until the diamond operations were turned over to them. Similar events took place at diamond mines in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. About 4 million civilians have  died in the civil wars financed by the diamonds. Anxious to avoid a consumer boycott of “conflict diamonds,” De Beers and other Diamond companies in 2000 formed the World Diamond Council, a group made up of buyers and sellers of diamonds that pledged to use the “Kimberley Process” to track the diamonds from the mine to the jewelry shop to ensure that diamonds   they sold customers were “conflict-free.” However, in 2004, Global Witness, a watchdog group, published “Broken Vows,”  a report of a survey it conducted which concluded that “83 percent of [diamond] companies surveyed are falling short on implementing the basic measures” of the 2000 agreement to keep conflict diamonds from getting mixed in with non-conflict diamonds.




a. Is it morally wrong for retail stores to knowingly buy diamonds if it is not possible for them to determine whether they are conflict diamonds or not?

b. Is it morally wrong for customers to do the same?

c. Explain your answers in terms of utilitarianism, rights and justice.





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