St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 II Sem Cost Management Question Paper PDF Download


st. joseph’s college of commerce (autonomous)

end semester examination – march/april 2016 – ii semester
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions. Each carries 5 marks.    (7×5=35)
  1. Homee& Co manufactures three durables A,B and C using the same raw material and is selling them in a competitive market. Data regarding its demand, selling price, and cost structure are given below:

Particulars A B C
Expected demand in units 10,000 12,000 20,000
Selling price per unit in Rs. 20 16 10
Variable cost per unit in Rs.      
Direct material  at Rs. 10/kg 6 4 2
Direct Labour at Rs. 15/hr 3 3 1.50
Variable Overheads 2 1 1
Fixed overhead per unit in Rs. 5 4 2

The company is frequently affected by acute scarcity of raw material and high labour turnover. During the next period it is expected to have one of the following situations:

a)      Raw material available will be only 12,100 kg.

b)     Direct labour hours available will be only 5000 hours

Suggest the best production plan in each case and the resultant profit that the company would earn.

  2. Following information is given to you:

Budgeted output 80,000 units. Fixed expenses Rs.4,00,000; Variable expenses per unit is Rs.10. Selling price per unit is Rs.20. Draw a break even chart and ascertain the breakeven point. If the selling price is reduced to Rs.18 per unit find the new break even point from the chart.

  3. A firm needs a component in its assembly line. If it decides to manufacture it inhouse it has to buy a machine for Rs.4 lakhs which will last for four years with no salvage value. Manufacturing costs in each of the four years will be Rs.8 lakhs, Rs.9 lakhs,Rs.10 lakhs and Rs.12 lakhs respectively. If the firm had to buy the components from a supplier the cost would be Rs.9 lakhs, Rs.10 lakhs, Rs.11 lakhs and Rs.14 lakhs respectively in each of the four years. The cost of capital is 10% and the present value factor for each of the four years is 0.909, 0.826, 0.751 and 0.683 respectively. Should the firm make the component or buy from outside?



  4. X & Co has budgeted to make 40,000 units of its product A whose variable cost per unit is Rs.6 and budgeted fixed cost is Rs.80,000. The financial director suggested to fix the selling price at a profit margin of 25% on full cost. But the marketing manager challenged the wisdom of this suggestion, and gave the following demand schedule:

Price per unit in Rs. Demand in units
9 32,000
10 29,000
11 26,500
12 24,000
13 20,000

a)      Find the profit for the year if the price is fixed at fullcost plus 25% margin.

b)     Find the profit for the year if profit maximizing pricing is used.

  5. X Ltd. is considering purchase of a new machine for Rs.7 lakh. It is expected that this machine will generate a cash surplus of Rs.2 lakh p.a. However it is apprehensive of its working life. It took a survey of 250 machines and found that the working of these machines vary as under:

Working life in Years 3 4 5 6 7 Total
NPV @10% of investment for each machine (2,02,000) (66,000) 58,000 1,72,000 2,74,000  
No. of machines 20 50 100 70 10 250

Should the company purchase the new machine?

  6. X Ltd. has prepared the following sales budget for the six months ending 31st Dec 2016:

Months July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Sales in units 10,800 15,600 12,200 10,400 9,800 11,000

Stock of finished goods at the end of every month is to be equal to 25% of estimated sales of next month. On 1st July 2016,  2,700 units of stock are expected. There shall be no work in progress at the end of any month. Every unit of the product requires 4 kg of material A. Material equal to 50% of the requirement of the next month’s production are to be in hand at the end of every month. This requirement will be met on 1st July 2016 also.

Prepare (a) Production budget in Units and (b) Material purchase budget in kg. for the 3 months July 2016 – Sept 2016

  7. X Ltd. has two divisions – A and B. Following data is given:

Particulars Division A Division B
Investment in Rs 5 lakh 10 lakh
Sales in Rs 10 lakh 20 lakh
Variable costs 30% of sales 40% of sales
Direct controllable fixed cost in Rs 1.50 lakh 3 lakh
Direct uncontrollable fixed cost  in Rs 0.50 lakh 1 lakh
Indirect uncontrollable fixed cost  in Rs 3 lakh 5.5 lakh


Which is the most profitable division using

a)      Division’s contribution margin criterion

b)     Return on investment (ROI) criterion

c)      Residual income criterion (company’s minimum rate of return is 15%)

d)     List few non financial performance measures that can be used to evaluate the divisional managers.

  8. Define zero base budgeting. Distinguish it from traditional budgeting.
  9. Balanced score card is strategy driven. Comment.
  10. Define responsibility accounting. What are its benefits?
II) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                             (3×15=45)
  11. X Ltd. produces a component in two separate steps which are departmentalized. One is fabrication and the other is plating and each department is treated as a profit center.

The fabricating department manufactures 24,000 components during the year, out of which it sells 4,000 units in the open market at Rs.5 per unit and transfers the balance at the same rate of Rs.5 per unit to plating department. The material and conversion cost in fabricating department is Rs.3.50 per unit and its fixed cost is Rs.20,000.

The plating department further works on the material received from fabricating department and sells all the 20,000 units in the open market at Rs.17 per unit. Material and conversion cost per unit for plating department is Rs.15.75 per unit and its fixed cost is Rs.15,000.

a)      Calculate the profit for each department and the total profit of the company.

b)     The plating department could buy its material from open market at Rs.4 per unit and hence insists that fabricating department should supply the material at Rs.4 per unit. Should fabricating department agree to the proposal?

c)      If fabricating department agrees to supply to plating department at Rs.4 per unit but decides to break even, how many units should it sell in the open market at Rs.5 per unit and how many can it sell to plating department? Maximum capacity for fabricating department is 24,000 units only.

  12. X Ltd. decides to analyse the profitability of its 4 new customers. It buys plastic containers at Rs.90 per unit and sells to retailers at different discount rates. List price is Rs.120 per unit. Following further data is given:



Particulars Customers
Containers sold 9,620 1,46,200 73,200 5,500
Actual selling price in Rs. 96 102 108 120
Number of purchase orders 25 30 20 15
Number of customer visits 3 5 2 3
Number of deliveries 25 50 30 15
Kilometers travelled per delivery 25 5 10 20
Number of rush delivery 2 NIL NIL 1

Its five activities and its cost drivers are:

Activity Cost driver Rate
Order taking Rs.700 per purchase order
Customer visits Rs.500 per customer visit
Deliveries Rs.5 per delivery per km travelled
Product handling Rs.2 per container sold
Rush delivery Rs.1,300 per rush delivery

Compute the customer level operating income for the four customers and comment on the results.

  13. Prepare a flexible budget and estimate the profits at 60%, 80%, and 100% capacities from the following information:

a)      Fixed expenses Rs.1,49,500

b)     Semi variable expenses at 50% capacity Rs.89,500

c)      Variable expenses at 50% capacity Rs.2,67,000

Semi Variable expenses remained constant between 40% and 70% capacity, increase by 10% between 70% and 80% capacity and by 15% between 85% and 100% capacity. Sales at 60% capacity are Rs.5,10,000; at 80% capacity are Rs.6,80,000 and at 100% capacity are Rs.8,50,000. Assume all products produced are sold.

  14. X & Co. is manufacturing a special component used in the manufacture of turning machine. The firm is currently working at 80% capacity and gives the following cost data at this operating level of 80%.

Particulars Amount

 ( lakhs)

Sales 1,200
Direct materials 560
Direct Labour 240
Factory overheads (80% fixed) 180
Selling & administration overhead (40% fixed) 100

The firm has received an export order which requires utilization of 40% of plant capacity. The order cannot be split and has to be executed in one lot. The export price offered is 10%less than the current domestic price. Further 10% additional variable selling and administration cost is to be incurred due to special export packing requirement. The firm is considering the following options:

a)      Reject the export order and carry on with the domestic sales.

b)     Accept the export order and allow the domestic sales to fall to the extent required.

c)      Create additional plant capacity by installing new machinery which will result in increased fixed cost of Rs.20 lakh p.a.

Evaluate each of these options and suggest the best course of action.

  15. The budget estimates of a company using sophisticated high speed machines based on a normal working of 50,000 machine hours during 2016 are as follows:

Particulars Amount

(Rs. in Lakhs)

Sales (1,00,000 units) 100
Raw materials 20
Variable expenses 35
Contribution 45
Contribution/hour 45 lakh/50,000

= Rs.90

Fixed expenses 25
Profit 20

Since the demand for the company’s product is high, the possibilities of increasing the production are explored by the budget committee. The technical director stated that if preventive maintenance is introduced, the breakdown repair costs and hours lost due to breakdown can be reduced and consequently production can be increased. In support of this he presented the following data, showing how pumping of more and more funds on preventive maintenance will bring down the break down repair costs and reduce/eliminate machine stoppage due to breakdown:



Proposed expense on

preventive maintenance

 (in Rs)


breakdown expense

(in Rs)


 hours saved

1 19,200 1,92,000 NIL
2 38,400 1,53,600 800
3 76,800 1,15,200 1,600
4 1,53,600 76,800 2,400
5 3,07,200 57,600 3,200
6   6,14,400 NIL 4,000

Using differential cost and contribution concept, advice the management on, up to what level breakdown hours can be reduced to increase production and maximize profits of the company consistent with minimum costs.



III) CaseStudy (Compulsory)                                                                                  (1×20=20)
  16. Zed & co manufactures two products P & Q and sells them at Rs.215 per unit and Rs.320 per unit respectively. Their variable costs per unit are given below:

Particulars Product P


Prodduct Q


Raw material X 22 28
Raw material Y 8 32
Direct wages (Rs.6 per labour hour)


  Department A 36 54
      Department B 18 36
      Department C 54 NIL
      Department D Nil 72
Variable overheads 23 14.30

It operates at single shift a day of 8 hours for 300 days in a year. The number of workmen engaged are 3,01,618 and 24 in departments A,B,C and D respectively. Neither the workers are subject to transfer from one department to another or any new recruitment is possible at present. Fixed costs are Rs.12,000 per month.

a)      Find the product mix to yield maximum profit.

b)     The most profitable product if only one product is to be manufactured.




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