Western Educational Thoughts and Thinkers
Max Marks:30
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.
Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 marks. 6×1=06
1. Who was the propounder of Naturalism?
2. Who has given the concept of KG Classes?
3. John Dewey is associated with which educational philosophy?
4. Who introduced Project Method?
5. Who introduced Play-Way Method?
6. Give name of one realist thinker.
Section-B (Short Answer Questions)
Note- Answer any four questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 3 marks. ( 4 x 3= 12 )
7. Describe the educational thoughts of Rousseau.
8. What is the educational implication of Frobel philosophy
9. Differentiate between Pragmatism and Realism.
10. Plato is a strong supporter of Idealism. Explain.
11. Write an essay on educational thought of Socrates.
Section-C (Long Answer Questions)
Note- Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 400 words. Each question carries 6 marks. ( 2 X 6 = 12 )
12. Explain the play way method with examples.
13. What is the educational implication of humanistic philosophy
14. Write an essay on the educational thoughts of Maria Montessori
15. Critically analyze educational philosophy of Aristotle.
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