Renaissance to Jacobean Age
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write answer as per the given instruction.
Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1mark. 4×1=04
Q1 To which age did Chaucer belong?
Q2 Who was Tranquil?
Q3 When did Earl of Surrey died?
Q4 What does health represent in King Lear?
Section-B (Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08
Q5 Chaucer’s prologue to Canterbury Tales is a blend of humour and satire. Discuss.
Q6 What do you mean by moral allegory?Illustrate it in the reference of ‘Faerie Queen’ Canto -I.
Q7 Explain with reference to the context.
“Haste therefore each degree
To welcome destiny:
Heaven is our heritage,
Earth but a player’s stage.”
Q8 Ben Johnson is a writer of comedy of Humour. Discuss.
Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks.
Q9 Write a note on the themes and plot construction of the play “The Duchess of Malfi”.
Q 10 How does Johnson reflect the society and London of his times in “The Alchemist”?
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