St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 V Sem Accounting And Information Systems (Elective P1: Accounts) Question Paper PDF Download



B.B.M. – V Semester


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks: 100



  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                                       (10 x 2=20)


  1. What are the components of IS? Why it is important?
  2. What do you mean by Online Batch TPS? Give an example?
  3. ‘Data is usually not useful until subjected to a value added processes. Why?
  4. What is Information System Audit? What are the major areas of its activity?
  5. Write any four problems of auditing in an EDP environment?
  6. What is C 2 B Ecommerce?
  7. What do you mean by internet security?
  8. State any two objectives of trial balance.
  9. In Tally, how do you treat carriage outwards?
  10. Write the steps for creating a multiple ledger in Tally.



  1. Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                               (4×5=20)


  1. What are the elements of a system? Can you have a visible system without feed back? Explain.
  2. Explain the different audit approaches?
  3. Ecommerce has given birth to interactive marketing. What are your comments on this?
  4. Explain cryptography? What is the working of public-key encryption?
  5. Distinguish between Manual Accounting System and Computerized Accounting System.
  6. Explain the steps involved in creating a Company in Tally Accounting Package.


III)      Answer any THREE questions.    Each carries 15 marks.                    (3×15=45)


  1. Explain Accounting Information System and its role in modern business?
  2. Explain in detail the objectives of Information System Audit?
  3. What is EFT? Explain the credit and debit transfer through ACH? Explain the

clearing information through value exchange system?



  1. Explain the following:


Digital Certificates



  1. Create necessary journal, ledgers (specify under which group you have to         create the ledger) and pass the entries into the respective vouchers (specify voucher button) in the books of “Star Software” with date and amount.


1/4/2014      Mr. Manohar started STAR SOFTWARE business with cash Rs.500000

2/4/2014      He opened a bank account with ICICI for Rs.100000

3/4/2014      Purchased Plant and Machinery for Rs.5000

5/4/2014      Purchased goods from Mr. Ram Mohan Rs.4000

8/4/2014      Goods returned to Mr.Ram Mohan Rs.1000

9 /4/2014     Paid Mr.Ram Mohan in full settlement Rs.2800.

12/4/2014     Withdrew cash for personal expenses Rs.1200

14/4/2014     Paid carriage on goods purchased Rs.800

15/4/2014     Paid commission Rs.700

18/4/2014     Paid rent Rs.400

22/4/2014     Sold goods to Mr.Antony for cash Rs.2000

26/4/2014     The following payment has been made by cheque

Audit fees Rs.2000, Factory lighting Rs.500, Directors fees Rs.1000, Salaries Rs.5000





  1. IV) Case study- Compulsory questions.    (15 marks)


  1. You are the owner of Rob’s Concierge Service, a small business that provides personal services , such as house sitting, dog walking, and deliveries ,for busy professionals. You are considering in creating a Web site and conducting business online. Describe how a web site could help you in exploit the inherent advantages of an online business – that is, how it might help you expand your market , create greater visibility for your business , and maximize your relationship with your customers.













B.Com /B.B.M. – V Semester



Answer Key

  1. Machine Side->H/w, Programs

Human side->People,Procdeures


These transforms data resources into information products.


  1. The system that groups a number of transactions for later processing.

Ex: A number of hourly work slips may be collected during the day and gathered into a batch. This batch will be input into the computer system at the end of the day and processed ,obtain reports.


3.Data is raw, unsummarised , unanalyzed facts.Data has to be processed and becomes information.Information is a resource.So, data should not be useful until subjected to a value added process.

  1. Systematic independent examination of the information systems and to check whether the objectives are achieved or not.

Gathering Information

Comparison of Information

Asking why

5.Absence of supporting vouchers

Vulnerability to manipulation

Lack of visible auditing sequence

Garbage in Garbage out

Storage problem

Coding problem

Computer virus in frauds

  1. Consumer-to-business (C2B) is a business model in which consumers (individuals) create value and businesses consume that valueC2B model, also called a reverse auction or demand because this enables buyers to name or demand their own price, which is often binding, for a specific good or service. The website collects the demand bids then offers the bids to participating sellers.
  2. Security is the protection of any computer device, communication device or network from unauthorized access to data, viruses etc.
  3. To check the arithmetical accuracy of books of account.

To have all ledgers balances at one place.

To facilitate the preparation of financial statements.

9.carriage outwards :ledger creation under ->Indirect expenses

Carriage outward a/c         dr

To cash a/c      Payment voucher(f5)

  1. Gateway of Tally ->Accounts Information->Ledgers->Multiple Ledgers->create

Section B

  1. “System is an orderly grouping of interdependent components linked together according to a plan to achieve a specific objective.”
  • Outputs (goods/services/information) and inputs (material/men)
  • Processor(s)- total/partial transformation.
  • Control- Guides the system.
  • Feedback- Measures output against standard.
  • Environment- In which organization operates.
  • Boundaries and Interface.

No. We cannot have a visible system without feedback Because feedback leads to control.


1.Auditing around the computer

Checking the correctness of the o/p data  without going into the details.

Approach can be useful in the following circumstances:

*system is simple, logic is straight forward and clear.

*Risk is due to material errors/ irregulations/ ineffectiveness in operations.

*used when the application system uses a generalized package (SAP),that is well tested and used by many users.

*Auditors should ensure that the organization has not modified the package and adequate control exists over the source code and documentation to prevent unauthorized modification of the package.

*Not suitable for complex system.

2.Auditing through the computer

*knowledge of OS,H/W, technical expertise.

*Here,computer programs and the data constitute the target of IS audit.

*Continuous testing on the computer system,OS,S/w and data.

*Auditor can use computer to test logic, controls the system and records produced by the system.

*Understanding the internal working of the system.

3.Auditing with the computer

*The data from the auditee’s computer system are retrieved to an independent environment.

*Such data is checking

*Checking computer system and its programs.


Planning, Promotion and sale of existing products in the existing or new markets (New products).

Interactive Marketing: This is a customer focused marketing. Two way communications is possible. That is, customer can be a member of while planning, developing and after sales service of the product.

Ex: Internet chat, Discussion groups, Questionnaires, E-mail correspondence.

  1. Cryptography

Greek word-Kryptos(Hidden)

Art and methodology involved in creating cryptograms

Cryptogram->Writing a message which appears to be meaningless to those who have no means or we need a key to extract the original text from the cipher text.

2Types of Cypher systems.




1.Private key

2.Public key

Public key(Asymmetric Encryption)

User have  2 keys



A person uses a program to generate two keys.

Key is a mathematically created value which is difficult to reverse.

1.Private                      2.Public(Telephone Index)

>To send msg,Check the public key and send the msg.Owner decrypts the msg with his private key.


  1. Tracing of any entry in the journal or ledger is easy in manual accounting because data recorded are visible. In Computerized accounting it is difficult.

Risk of manipulation is less in Manual accounting. In computerized accounting system  data recorded is  subject to the risk of manipulation.

In the manual accounting system , accounting data cannot be adjusted to produce various special statements and reports. But under computerized accounting data can be easily adjusted to generate or prepare special statements and reports.

The cost of preparing statements and reports is high in manual accounting but it is low in computerized accounting in the long run.

The reports prepared under manual accounting system are mostly general purpose reports. But under computerized accounting,  a number of special reports can be prepared to meet the requirements of different mangers


16. Directory

The data path where you want the company to be created is specified in the Directory field.


Enter the name of the company whose books are being opened. If you are a professional accountant and are maintaining the books of your clients, give the Client Company’s name.

Mailing Name and Address

In addition to the Company Name, Tally.ERP 9 provides the facility to enter the Mailing Name field. It displays the Company Name by default. You may change it as required, if the mailing name is different from the Company Name.

Statutory compliance for

Select the Country from the List of Countries. The Statutory Features and Base Currency Symbol are enabled in accordance with the country selected..


You can select the appropriate state from the predefined list.

PIN Code

Specify the PIN Code (Postal Index Number) of the specified address.


Enter the Telephone number.

Mobile No

Enter the mobile number of the company.

E-mail Address

Enter the E-mail address that will be used to e-mail documents, reports and data from Tally.ERP 9.


Currency symbol is the symbol of the base currency, that is, the currency that will be used to maintain the books of account.

The symbol ` appears by default in case India for India/SAARC Companies and the field is left blank for International Companies.


Tally.ERP 9 displays a drop down for the Type of Company with two options Accounts only and Accounts with Inventory

Select Accounts only if you do not have any inventory transactions (suitable for professionals and corporate offices).

However, at a later date (if required) you can choose to alter the information as Accounts-with-Inventory. Select Accounts-with-Inventory, to maintain both financial accounts and inventory.

Financial Year From

In most countries, the books of accounts of a company are maintained for a stipulated period like, 12 months, 15 months, and so on.  This stipulated period is referred to as the Financial Year.

Books Beginning From

Tally.ERP 9 presumes that you wish to maintain books from the beginning of the financial year. Hence, Tally.ERP 9 displays the date given in Financial Year From field automatically.

TallyVault Password

TallyVault is an enhanced security system, which allows for encryption of the company data. Encryption involves converting normally accessible Tally information into unrecognisable information, which can only be reconverted by authorised persons.

It can be observed that only the second condition is applicable to our example. Since length is 9, that is, greater than 8 but lesser than 12, the score is rounded off from 4 to 3.

Therefore, as per this example, the net score is 3 and hence the strength attributed to the password is Good.

Use Security Control?

Set this to Yes, if you want to initiate a password-protected system to control access to Tally.ERP 9 data. Else, set this to No.

Use TallyAudit Features

Tally Audit allows the administrator or an auditor profile user to track changes in accounting information. If you wish to use this facility, select Yes

Base Currency Information

The Base Currency Information is found in the bottom frame of the Company creation Screen. Base Currency is the currency in which your accounts would be maintained.

Company ACCEPT/REJECT screen YES –Company is created.

  1. A CBIS which collects, store and process the financial and accounting data and provides statistical report for decision making.

Used by internal and external parties.

Functions of an AIS

  • Collect and Store Data
  • Record Transactions
  • Safeguard Organizational assets
    • Documentation of business activities
    • Effective segregation of duties


  • Accounting Information System

->Double entry bookkeeping concept

->records flow of fund/P&L/BS

1.Online Accounting System

*Internet technologies

*Order processing/inventory control/receivables & payments

*direct transaction

2.Order processing/Sales order processing

*process data  for sales analysis.

*Recording and screening customer order

*Status of customer order.

  • Inventory Control

*Changes in the inventory

*Inventory status report

*Inventory level

4.Accounts Receivables

*Prompt customer payments

*helps to control the credit extended and collection of money owned.

  1. Accounts Payable

*Purchases from &payments to suppliers

*Good relationships/good credit standing/secure discounts offered.


*Data from employee time cards

*Prompt payment to employees, reports to mgt., & Govt.agencies.

7.General Ledger

*Better financial control and management reports

*Less labor/lower costs.


  1. Objectives of Information System Audit

1.Safeguarding of information system(assets and resources)

Good system for internal control

Protection to the hardware ,software etc.

Information system auditor has to review the physical securities, adequacy and internal control.

Information system must be protected against :

Accidental Hazardous: Natural destruction, earth quake etc..

Intentional Hazardous: Virus

2.Maintenance of data integrity

It includes safeguarding of information(a/c record,backups) against unauthorized addition,deletion,modification and alteration.

Data entry is important.









Up to date

3.Maintenance of system effectiveness

It provides input to decide (when/what/how) the system should improve.System effectiveness is a ratio of the actual o/p to the std. output.

If it is >100% effectiveness is achieved

Else ineffective.

Improved task accomplishments

Improved quality

Operational effeciveness

Technical effectivess

Economic effectiveness

Ensuring system efficiency

Resources must be utilized

Use minimum resource to achieve goal.

Ratio of output to the input is known as efficiency.


The assessment of the capabilities of the h/w and s/w against the work load is important.

Automation should deliver the planned result with less consumption of computer h/w , s/w ,computer operations and computer personnel.

5.Other  objectives

*Identify the risks  that the organization  is facing and priortize the risks.

* Implementation of IT in the organization as per the security              policy, approved by the BOD.

  • Verify whether proper security policies /procedures have been formulated and implemented regarding duties of the system administrator, and system maintainers.

*contribute effectively towards minimization of computer abuses and crimes.

*suggest improvements in the security controls for the IS.

*Act as an advisor to the management for improving security and IT implementations.

*Verify whether the IS procedures and policies have been formulated and implemented for the entire organization.

*Check professional standards and ethics to ensure quality and consistency of audit work.

  1. Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the electronic exchange, transfer of money from one account to another, either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, through computer-based systems.

The term covers a number of different concepts;

  • Cardholder-initiated transactions, using a payment card such as a credit or debit card
  • Direct deposit  payment initiated by the payer
  • Direct debit payments, sometimes called electronic checks, for which a business debits the consumer’s bank accounts for payment for goods or services
  • Wire transfer via an international banking network
  • Electronic bill payment in online banking, which may be delivered by EFT or paper check
  • Transactions involving stored value of electronic money, possibly in a private currency.

Explain each.



->It enforces an access control policy b/w two n/w.

->Pair of mechanism

Block Traffic

Permit Traffic


1.Request from client

2.Validate the request


4.Cache-Sent to the client

5.Internet:Connect to server

6.Request to server

7.Response from server.

8.Send to client.(Diagram)

Digital Certificate

*An attachment to an electronic message used for security purpose

*It is a method of verifying the identity of the person/corporation.

*If an individual is wishing to send an encrypted message,applies for a digital certificate from the CA.

*CA issues an encrypted digital certificate containing the applicants public key and other identification information.

*It should include the digital signature of the certificate issuing authority.





Open standard for protecting and ensuring the authenticity of electronic transactions.

SET is not itself a payment system.It is a set of  security protocols and formats  enabling users to employ the existing credit card payment infrastructure on an open n/w such as internet.

3 services

1Providing a secure communication channel.

2.Providing a trust by the use of digital certificate.(Attachment to an electronic message)

3.Ensuring privacy because the information is available to parties  when and where necessary.

Establishing SET

Assume the customer is having SET enabled browser and transaction provider (bank,Store)is having  SET enabled server.

A customer  opens   bank a/c

Receives a digital certificate.(public key with expiry date)

The third party merchant also  receives a certificate from bank.(merchant ppl key ,bank public key)

Customer places an order over a webpage.

The customer browser receives and confirms the merchant is valid.

Browser sends the order info.This msg encrypts with the merchants public key.The  payment info which is encrypted with the bank public key.(which can not be read by the merchant).Info that ensures that the payment can be for the particular order.

Merchant verification by the customer by checking the digital signature on the customer certificate.This may be done by referring the certificate to the bank/to a third party.

The merchant sends the order message along to the bank.This includes the bank’s public key and customer payment information& the merchant certificate.

The bank verifies the merchant and the message.The bank uses the digital signature on the certificate with the message and verifies the payment part.

The bank digitally signs &send authorization to the merchant who can fill the order.


List of ledgers and group head

Cash                 –          Default

Capital –                       capital

Bank –                          bank

Plant & machinery        Fixed asset

Purchases                    Purchases

Mr.Ram Mohan             Sundry Creditor

Return Outward            Purchase a/c

Discount Received       Indirect Income

Drawings                      Capital

Carriage inwards          Direct Expenses

Commission Paid         Indirect Expenses

Rent Paid                      Indirect Expenses

Sales                            Sales

Audit fees                    Indirect Expenses

Factory lighting                        Direct Expenses

Directors fee                Indirect Expenses

Salary                           Indirect Expenses




Following is the journal Vouchername, voucher button

  1. Receipt-F6

Cash a/c dr                               500000

To capital

  1. Contra – F4

Bank a/c Dr                              100000

To cash

3.Payment- F5

Plant&Machinery a/c Dr            5000

To Cash

  1. Purchases a/c dr 4000

To Mr.Ram Mohan(Purchase voucher f9)

  1. Mr.Ram Mohan a/c dr. 1000.

To Return Outward (Journal F7)

  1. Mr.Ram Mohan a/c dr 3000 (payment a/c f5)

To cash                                                2800

To discount                              200

7Drawings a/c dr          1200(payment f5)

To Cash

8.Carriage inwards a/c dr         800(payment f5)

To cash

9.Commission a/c dr    700

To cash                        (f5)

  1. Rent a/c dr 400(f5)

To cash

11.Cash a/c Dr 2000

To sales                       2000  Receipt F6)

12.Audit fees a/c dr     2000

Factory lighting a/c dr  500

Directors fees a/c dr    1000

Salaries a/c dr              5000

To bank                                    7500                (F5)





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