St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem Accounting For Decision Making Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s college of commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – OCTOBER 2013

MIB – I SEMester

Accounting for Decision Making

            Duration: 3 hours                                                                                        Max. Marks: 100               


  1. Answer any SEVEN questions out of Ten:           (7×5=35)


  1. The income statements of a concern are given for the year ending on 31st December 2010 and 2011. Rearrange the figures in a comparative form the study the profitability position of the concern.       ‘000
  2010 (Rs.) 2011 (Rs.)
Net sales 785 900
Cost of goods sold 450 500
General and administrative expenses 70 72
Selling expenses 80 90
Interest paid 25 30
Income tax 70 80


  1. These are two similar factories under the same management. The management desires to merge these two plants. The following particulars are available:
  Factory I Factory II
Capacity operation 100% 60%
Sales 300 lakhs 120 Lakhs
Variable costs 220 Lakhs 90 Lakhs
Fixed costs 40 Lakhs 20 Lakhs

You are required to calculate:

  1. What would be the capacity of the merged plant to be operated for the purpose of Break-even?
  2. ii) What would be the profitability on working at 75% of the merged capacity?
  3. From the following forecasts of income and expenditure, prepare a cash budget for the months January and April, 2011: (Rs)
Months Sales (credit) Purchases (credit) wages Manufacturing expenses Administrative expenses Selling expenses
2007 November 30,000 15,000 3,000 1,150 1.060 500
December 35,000 20,000 3,200 1,225 1,040 550
2008 January 25,000 15,000 2,500 990 1,100 600
February 30,000 20,000 3,000 1,050 1,150 620
March 35,000 22,500 2,400 1,100 1,220 570
April 40,000 25,000 2,600 1,200 1,180 710


Additional information is as follows:

  • Customers are allowed a credit period of 2 months
  • A dividend of Rs. 10,000 is payable in April
  • Capital expenditure to be incurred: plant purchased on 15th of January for Rs. 5,000; a Building has been purchased on 1st March and the payments are to be made in monthly installments of Rs. 2,000 each
  • The creditors are allowing a credit of 2 months
  • Wages are paid on the 1st of the next month
  • Lag in payment of other expenses in one month
  • Balance of cash in hand on 1st January,2011 is Rs. 15,000
  1. The following information at 50% capacity is given, prepare a flexible budget and forecast the profit and loss at 60%, 70% and 90% capacity:
  Expenses at 50% capacity
Fixed expenses: salaries 50,000
Rent and taxes 40,000
Depreciation 60,000
Administrative expenses 70,000
Variable expenses  
Material 2,00,000
Labour 2,50,000
Others 40,000
Semi-variable expenses: Repairs 1,00,000
Indirect Labour 1,50,000
Others 90,000

It is estimated that fixed expenses will remain constant at all capacities. Semi-Variable expenses will not change between 45% and 60% capacity, will rise by 10% between 60% and 75% capacity, a further increase of 5% when capacity crosses 75%.

Estimated sales at various levels of capacity are:

Capacity.                    Sales (Rs.)

60%                             11, 00,000

70%                             13, 00,000

90%                             15, 00,000.


  1. Write a note on Activity based costing, life cycle costing and target costing.


  1. Write journal entries for the following:

(1) Proprietor withdrew for his personal use cash Rs.2000 and goods worth RS.1000.

(2)Rs.1000 due from Rohit is now written off as bad debts.

(3)Rahul who owed us Rs.20,000 becomes insolvent and a final dividend of 60 paise in a rupee is received from his estate.

(4)Goods worth Rs.10,000 were destroyed by a fire. Insurance company admitted a claim for 60% amount.

(5)Goods worth Rs.5000 were distributed as free samples.


  1. From the following list balances, extract from the books of Rakesh, prepare a trial balance as on 31/3/2005. The amount requires to balance should be entered as capital.




Sundry expenses

Leasehold premises

Free hold premises

Return inward

Furniture &Fixtures


Repairs to equipment


















Sundry Debtors

Sundry Creditors

Bad debts

Investments (10%)


Long term borrowings

Loan from UTI bank

Interest on loan

Petty cash A/C

















  1. M/s Raj and Co. purchased a machine for Rs.1,00,000. Estimated useful life and scrap value were 10 years and Rs.12000 respectively. The machine was put to use on 1/1/2006. Show the machinery A/C and depreciation A/C in their books for 2011 by using Sum of Years digits method.


  1. Under what headings will you show the following items in the balance sheet of a company

(A) Interest accrued and due on unsecured loans

(B)  Interest accrued and due on secured loans

(C) Interest accrued but not due on loan

(D) Mortgage Loan

(E) Government and trust securities

(F) Loose tools

(G) Live Stock

(H) General Reserve

(I) Capital Reserve

(J) Discount on issue of shares


  1. Write short notes on any two:

(a) Going Concern Concept

(b) Money Measurement Concept

(c) Periodicity Concept



  1. II) Answer any three out of five questions: (3×15=45)


  1. The following are the summarized balance sheets of Good Luck Ltd., as on 31st December, 2010 and 31st December 2011.
Liabilities 31st Dece. 2010 31st Dec 2011 Assets 31st Dec. 2010 31st Dec. 2011
Equity share capital 2,00,000 2,40,000 Land and buildings 1,05,000 1,50,000
8% Debentures 50,000 Plant and machinery ( at cost) 2,90,000 3,20,000
Share Premium   10,000 Furniture (at cost) 9,000 10,000
General reserve 30,000 50,000 Inventories 1,30,000 1,05,000
Profit and Loss account 48,000 68,000 Sundry debtors 75,000 85,000
Sundry Creditors 1,30,000 1,50,000 cash 15,000 26,000
Proposed Dividend 20,000 24,000      
Provision for depreciation          
Plant and machinery 1,40,000 1,50,000      
Furniture 6,000 4,000      
  6,24,000 6,96,000   6,24,000 6,96,000


Additional information is as follows:

  • Furniture which cost Rs. 5,000 written down value Rs. 1,000 was sold during the year 2011 for Rs. 2,000
  • Plant and machinery which cost Rs. 20,000 and in respect of which Rs. 13,000 had been written off as depreciation was sold during the year 2011 for Rs. 3,000
  • The dividend of 2010 was paid during 2011
  • You are required to prepare:

The statement of change in working capital during 2011

Funds flow statement for the year 2011.

  1. A company finds on 1st January, 2008 that it is short of funds with which to implement its programme of expansion. On 1st January, 2007 it had a bank balance of Rs. 1.80,000. From the following information, prepare a statement for Board of directors, to show how the overdraft of Rs. 68,750 as at 31st December, 2007, has arisen:

Figures as per balance sheet as at 31st December of each year are as follows:

  2006 (Rs.) 2007 (Rs.)
Fixed assets 7,50,000 11,20,000
Stock and stores 1,90,000 3,30,000
Debtors 3,80,000 3,35,000
Bank balance 1,80,000 68,750 (overdraft)
Trade creditors 2,70,000 3,50,000
Share capital (in shares of Rs. 10 each) 2,50,000 3,00,000
Bills receivable 87,500 95,000
  • The profit for the year ended 31st December, 2007 before charging depreciation and taxation amounted to Rs. 2, 40,000.
  • 5,000 shares were issued on 31st January, 2007 at a premium of Rs. 5 per share.
  • 1, 37,500 were paid in March, 2007 by way of income tax. Dividend was paid as follows.

2006 (final) on the capital on 31-12-2006 at 10% less tax at 25%.

2007(interim) 5% free of tax


  1. Given the following information for ABC Company at the end of 2011 determine balances for the income statement and the balance sheet:

Net sales Rs. 1, 00,000

Debtor’s turnover ratio based on net sales: 2

Inventory turnover ratio: 1.25

Fixed assets turnover ratio: 0.8

Debt-assets ratio: 0.6

Net profit margin: 5%

Gross profit margin: 25%

Return on assets: 2%

ABC Company

Income statement

(For the year ending Dec 31, 2011)

sales Rs. 1,00,000
Cost of goods sold ………………..
Gross profit ………………..
Other expenses ………………..
Earnings before tax ………………..
taxes@50% ………………..
Earnings after tax ………………..

Balance sheet

As on 31st Dec 2011

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Equity ……………….. Net fixed assets ………………..
Long term debt ……………….. Inventory ………………..
Short term debt 50,000 Debtors ………………..
    Cash ………………..
Total ……………….. Total ………………..


  1. On 1st August 2010 a firm purchased 2 vehicles at Rs.3,00,000 each to serve for 10 years, at the end of which scrap value shall be 25% of the cost price. Another vehicle was purchased on 1st October 2010 for Rs.4,00,000, charging depreciation at 10% on original cost. On 1st January 2012, a new vehicle was acquired for Rs.4,20,000 to serve for 5 years. On 1st July 2012 one vehicle which was purchased on 1st August 2010, was auctioned at 20% of book value. Prepare the Vehicle A/C from 1st August 2010 to 31/3/2013.

Books are closed on 31st March every year.

Also prepare depreciation A/C for the above period.


  1. Oil India is a bulk distributor of high octane petrol. A periodic inventory of petrol on

hand is taken when the books are closed at the end of each month. The following summary of information is available for the month of June 2008.



General Administrative Cost

Opening Stock: 1,00,000 litres at Rs.3 per litre

Purchases (Including Freight) in:

June 1 – 2,00,000 litres

June 30 – 1,00,000 litres

Closing Stock on June 30th – 1,30,000 litres















Compute the following data by FIFO, weighted average and LIFO method of inventory costing.

  • Value of inventory on June- 30th
  • Amount of the goods of goods sold for June
  • Profit or loss for June


III) Compulsory case study.                                                                                           (20 marks)

  1. From the ratios given below, draw the profit and loss and the balance sheet of X Co. Ltd.,
    Trading and profit and loss account


For the year ending 31st December, 2010

To opening stock 4,80,000 By sales ……………
To purchases …………… By closing stock ……………
To purchases expenses 40,000    
To gross profit ……………    
  ……………   ……………
To office expenses 2,40,000 By gross profit ……………
To selling expenses 1,86,000 By commission ……………
To interest on debentures 30,000    
To provision for taxation ……………    
To net profit ……………    
  ……………   ……………
To proposed dividends …………… By balance b/f 60,000
To transfer to general reserves …………… By net profit this year ……………
To balance carried to balance sheet ……………    
  ……………   ……………

Balance sheet

As at 31st December 2010

Authorized share capital:

5,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each

5,00,000 Fixed Assets  
Issued, subscribed and paid up capital:

4,000 equity shares of issued, subscribed and Rs. 100 each fully paid.

4,00,000 Goodwill 72,000
Reserves and surplus   Land 3,00,000
Previous reserves …………… Plant and machinery 2,00,000
Additions during the year …………… Current assets  
Balance of P/L A/c …………… Stock in trade ……………
Secured loans:   Sundry debtors ……………
15% debentures of Rs. 100 each …………… Bank balance 40,000
Current Liabilities ……………    
  ……………   ……………
  • dividends proposed are 30% of share capital
  • current ratio 2:1
  • sundry debtors represents 2 months sales
  • stock turnover ratio 6 2/3 %
  • gross profit ratio 33 1/3 %
  • provisions for taxation is at 50% of profits
  • profit carried forward were 10% of the transfer to general reserve
  • transfer to general reserve was equivalent to proposed dividends
  • Secured loans were half of current liabilities.
  • Balance to the credit of general reserve at the beginning of the year was twice the amount transferred to that account from current profits. Workings should form part of your answer.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2014 I Sem Accounting For Decision Making Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – October 2014

MIB – I Semester



Duration: 3 hrs                                                                                            Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer any SEVEN questions. Each carries 5 marks.                      (7 x 5 = 35)


  1. From the following Balance Sheet of a Company, calculate the following ratio’s.
  • Current Ratio (2) Liquid Ratio

(3)  Inventory Turnover Ratio


Liabilities   Assets  
Share Capital 2,00,000 Goodwill 1,20,000
Reserves and Surplus 58,000 Plant and Machinery 1,50,000
Debentures 1,00,000 Stock 80,000
Creditors 40,000 Debtors 45,000
Bills payable 20,000 Cash 17,000
Other current liabilities 2,000 Miscellaneous Current Assets 8,000
  4,20,000   4,20,000

Additional Information:

  • Credit Sales for the year = Rs.4,00,000
  • Gross Profit = Rs.1,60,000


  1. The following information at 50% capacity is given. Prepare a flexible budget and forecast the profit or loss at 60% capacity. Sales at 60% capacity =11,00,000.
Particulars Expenses at 50% capacity (Rs.)
Fixed expenses:  
Salaries 50,000
Rent & Taxes 40,000
Depreciation 60,000
Administrative Expenses 70,000
Variable Expenses:  
Materials 2,00,000
Labour 2,50,000
Others 40,000
Semi Variable Expenses:  
Repairs 1,00,000
Indirect Labour 1,50,000
Others 90,000

Additional Information:

  1. Fixed expenses will remain fixed at all capacities
  2. Semi variable expenses will not change between 45% and 60% capacity.


  1. From the following information, calculate Funds From Operations

Profit and Loss Account

To Salaries 10,000 By Gross Profit 2,00,000
To Rent 3,000 By Profit on sale of machinery 5,000
To Commission 2,000 By Refund of tax 3,000
To Discount allowed 1,000 By Dividend received 2,000
To Provision for Dep 14,000    
To Transfer to Gen Res 20,000    
To Provision  for tax 10,000    
To Loss on sale of investments 5,000    
To Discount on issue of Debentures 2,000    
To Preliminary Expenses 3,000    
To Selling Expenses 20,000    
To Net Profit 1,20,000    
  2,10,000   2,10,000


  1. Calculate the trend percentages from the following figures of X Ltd., taking 2009 as the base year and interpret the result.
Year Sales Stock Profit Before Tax
2009 1,881 709 321
2010 2,340 781 435
2011 2,655 816 458
2012 3,021 944 527
2013 3,768 1,154 672


  1. Following are the receipts and issues of a raw material in Jatram Ltd., during May 2013.
1st May Opening balance 200 units worth Rs.7,000
3rd May Purchased 300 units at Rs.40 per unit
13th May Purchased 900 units at Rs.43 per unit
23rd May Purchased 600 units at Rs.38 per unit
5th May Issued 400 units
15th May Issued 600 units
25th May Issued 600 units


You are required to record the above transactions in Stores Ledger pricing the issues under Weighted Average Method.


  1. Explain “Depreciation”, and its causes in the books of account. Explain Fixed and Reducing balance method of depreciation using your own examples.




  1. Prepare daily Balance Sheet of Mr. X
1st April Commenced business with cash Rs.50,000/- Plant and Machinery Rs.1,00,000, Furniture Rs.20,000,Stock Rs.60,000 and Bank loan Rs.70,000
2nd April Sold goods costing Rs.10,000 at a profit of 15% on 3 months credit to Mr. Y
5th April Paid Rent Rs.5,000 and bought goods from Mr. Z worth Rs.10,000, receiving a trade discount @ 5%
10th April Incomes received in advance Rs.2000 and Prepaid expense Rs.1000
15th April Outstanding expenses Rs.10,000 and incomes due to be received Rs.2000


  1. From the following trial balance of Hariprasad of Bombay (containing errors), prepare a correct trial balance.
  Dr. Cr.
Purchases 60,000
Reserve Fund 20,000
Sales 1,00,000
Purchases Returns 1,000
Sales Returns 2,000
Opening Stock 30,000
Closing Stock 40,000
Expenses 20,000
O/s Expenses 2,000
Bank Balances 5,000
Assets 50,000
Debtors 80,000
Creditors 30,000
Capital 94,000
Suspense account being difference in books 10,000
  2,72,000 2,72,000


  1. Briefly explain the following concepts:
  • Variance Analysis
  • ABC Costing


  1. Find out the break – even point from the following:
  • Fixed cost Rs.40,000, variable cost Rs.2 per unit, selling price Rs.10 per unit.
  • It has been found that Rs. 80,000 will be the likely sales turnover for the next budget period. The Cost and Selling price will remain the same. Calculate the estimated contribution.
  • A profit target of Rs.30,000 has been budgeted. Calculate the turnover required.





Section – B


  1. II) Answer THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks:                                 (3 x 15 = 45)


  1. From the following Balance Sheets of A Ltd., prepare:
  • Statement of Changes in the Working Capital: and
  • Funds Flow Statement


Liabilities 31.3.2012 31.3.2013 Assets 31.3.2012 31.3.2013
Equity Share Capital 6,00,000 8,00,000 Land and Buildings 1,80,000 2,20,000
Profit & Loss A/c 1,00,000 1,60,000 Plant and Machinery 5,00,000 8,00,000
General Reserve 50,000 70,000 Stock 1,00,000 85,000
Provision for Taxation 50,000 40,000 Bills Receivable 50,000 30,000
Sundry Creditors 1,10,000 1,30,000 Debtors 1,50,000 1,60,000
Bills Payable 80,000 90,000 Cash in Hand 20,000 20,000
Outstanding Rent 10,000 25,000      
  10,00,000 13,15,000   10,00,000 13,15,000

Additional Information:

  • Depreciation on plant and machinery in 2013 Rs.50,000
  • A piece of machinery costing Rs.12,000 was sold for Rs.8,000 during 2013 (depreciation of Rs.7,000 had been provided on it)
  • An interim dividend of Rs.6,000 was paid during the year.
  • Income tax paid during 2013 Rs.45,000


  1. Following is the balance sheet of AB Co Ltd as at 1/01/ 2013. And 31/12/ 2013
Liabilities 1/01/2013 31/12/2013 Assets 1/01/2013 31/12/2013
Equity share capital 3,00,000 3,50,000 Land & building 2,30,000 3,90,000
Share premium _____ 30,000 Plant & Machinery 85,400 1,40,000
General reserve 45,000 65,000 Furniture 5,500 6,500
Profit and loss 30,000 80,800 Stock 82,400 95,700
Debentures ______ 70,000 Sundry debtors 75,000 85,500
Sundry creditors 85,000 90,700 Bank balance 34,200 44,300
Provision for taxation 22,500 40,500      
Proposed dividend 30,000 35,000      
  5,12,500 7,62,000   5,12,500 7,62,000



Additional Information:

  • Depreciation written off during the year.

Land and building                 Rs. 60,000

Plant and machinery                        Rs. 50,000

Furniture                               Rs. 1,200

  • Tax paid during the year Rs. 22,500 and dividend paid is Rs. 30,000

You are required to prepare a Cash Flow Statement.


  1. A company has Rs.25,000 cash in hand on 1st April 2014 and it requires you to prepare cash budget for the three months. April to June 2014.  The following information is supplied to you
  Sales Purchase Wages Expenses
  Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
February 70,000 40,000 8,000 6,000
March 80,000 50,000 8,000 7,000
April 92,000 52,000 9,000 7,000
May 1,00,000 60,000 10,000 8,000
June 1,20,000 55,000 12,000 9,000

Other information:

  • Period of credit allowed by suppliers is two months:
  • 25% of sale is for cash and the period of credit allowed to customers for credit sale is one month:
  • Delay in payment of wages and expenses one month.
  • Income tax Rs.25,000 to be paid in June 2014


  1. A Company having a net working capital of Rs.2.8 lakhs as on 30th June 2014 has the following financial ratios and performance figures


Current ratio 2.4
Liquidity ratio 1.6
Inventory turnover (on cost of sales) 8
Gross profit on sales 20%
Credit allowed (months) 1.5


The company’s fixed assets is equivalent to 90% of its net-worth (share capital plus reserves) while reserves amounted to 40% of share capital.  Net worth is also equal to fixed assets plus working capital.


Prepare the Balance Sheet of the company as on 30-06-2014, showing step by step calculations.


  1. Explain how marginal costing techniques can be used for taking managerial decisions.






Section – C


III) Compulsory Question                                                     (1 x 20 = 20 marks)


  1. From the following information prepare comparative balance sheet. Comment on the financial position and interpret the result.


Balance Sheet

As on 31st December


Particulars 2012 2013 Particulars 2012 2013
Equity Capital 6,857 6,862 Land & Building 3,772 4,719
Reserves 35,046 30,209 Plant & Machinery 17,291 22,391
Debentures 2,470 8,290 Furniture & Fixture 1,053 1,194
Loans 16,690 22,667 Vehicles 93 108
Non – Bank loans 14,754 14,302 Inventory 4,971 7,206
Creditor 3,629 5,804 Debtor 3,143 2,803
Provision for Dividend 651 Cash 4,784 4,784
Others 4,328 10,729 Bank 10,966 13,817
Tax Payable 8,302 9,564 Work-in-Progress 46,654 51,405
      (Fixed Assets)    
  92,727 1,08,427   92,727 1,08,427



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2015 I Sem Accounting For Decision Making Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) 
End Semester Examinations – Sept/Oct. 2015
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. State which of the following would result in inflow/outflow of cash or cash equivalents:

Sl. No. Items Effect on Cash or Cash Equivalents
1 Purchase of Stock-in-trade for cash  
2 Sale of goods costing Rs. 10,000 for Rs. 12,000 for cash  
3 Sale of goods on credit  
4 Purchase of a fixed asset by issue of shares  
5 Sale of a fixed asset (book value Rs. 15,000) at a loss of Rs. 5,000.  
6 Cash received from trade receivable Rs. 9,000 and allowed discount Rs. 1,000.  
7 Shares issued for cash.  
8 Issue of fully paid bonus shares  
9 Redemption of Debentures by converting them into equity shares  
10 Writing off bad debts against the provision for doubtful debts  
  2. Extracts of Balance Sheets are given below:

Particulars 31/12/14 31/12/15
Balance of P&L A/c 1,00,000 1,50,000
Additional information    
1) Depreciation charged on assets   10,000
2)  Preliminary expenses written off   5,000
3)  Amount transferred to dividend Equalization fund   15,000
4)  A plant having a book value of Rs. 60,000 was sold for   65,000
5)  Interim dividend paid   10,000

Calculate funds from operation.


  3. Following is the Balance Sheet of Sunshine Ltd., for the year ending December 31, 2014:




Balance Sheet

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Equity Share Capital 5,00,000 Land and Building 3,50,000
5% Debentures 2,00,000 Plant and Machinery 2,50,000
Bank Loan (Long term) 1,50,000 Cash in hand 25,000
Sundry Creditors 75,000 Cash at Bank 55,000
Bills Payables 50,000 Sundry Debtors 85,000
Outstanding Expenses 5,000 Bills Receivables 1,05,000
    Stocks 1,00,000
    Prepaid Expenses 10,000
  9,80,000   9,80,000

From the information given above, calculate:

(i)                 (a) Current Ratio (b) Acid test Ratio  (c) Absolute Liquid Ratio

(ii)              Comment on the short term financial position.


  4. The following information at 50% capacity is given. Prepare a flexible budget and forecast the     profit or loss at  90% capacity.

Particulars Expenses at 50% capacity                       (Rs)
Fixed Expenses:  
Salaries 50,000
Rent and Taxes 40,000
Depreciation 60,000
Administrative Expenses 70,000
Variable Expenses:  
Materials 2,00,000
Labour 2,50,000
Others    40,000
Semi-Variable Expenses  
Repairs 1,00,000
Indirect Labour 1,50,000
Others 90,000

It is estimated that fixed expenses will remain constant at all capacities. Semi-Variable expenses will not change between 45% and 60% capacity, Semi-Variable expenses but they will rise by 10% between 60% and 75% capacity, a further increase of 5% when capacity crosses 75%


Estimated sales at 90 percent  level of capacity is 15,00,000:


  5. A firm purchased Machinery I on 01/01/2014 for Rs.58,200 and spent Rs.1,800 on installation.  On 01/07/2014 Machinery II was purchased for Rs.20,000/-.  On 01/07/2014 Machinery I was auctioned for Rs.38,600 and on the same date Machinery III was purchased at the cost of Rs.40,000/-.  Depreciation was provided annually on 31st Dec at the rate of 10%.   Prepare Machinery Account, calculating depreciation as per written down method.





The following is the record of receipts and issue of a certain material in a factory:

Purchases: 2015

Jan 4th  500 kg at Rs. 25 per Kg.

Jan 6th 1,200 Kg at Rs. 24 per Kg.

Jan 15th 1,800 kg at Rs. 23 per Kg.


Issues: 2015

Jan 5th 500 Kg

Jan 20th 800 Kg

Jan 25th 1,500 Kg.

The stock on Jan 1st was 100 kg. at Rs. 26 per kg.  On 22nd Jan, stock verification revealed a shortage of 60 Kg.  Show the Stores Ledger assuming that the shortage is Normal by adopting the FIFO Method.


  7. Selling price per unit of an article = Rs.150

Variable cost per unit = Rs.90

Fixed Cost = Rs.6,00,000

Contribution = Rs.60

(a)   What will be the selling price per unit if the Breakeven point is 8000 units

(b)   Compute the sales required to earn a profit of Rs.2,20,000


  8. a) Overheads incurred = Rs.19,200

Actual production = 2,000 units

Std variable overhead rate per unit is Rs.10.

Compute variable overhead variance.

b) Classify the following reasons for causing variance in cost of materials used under Material Cost Variance, Material Price Variance, and Material Usage Variance

(i) Change in Transport charges (ii) Pilferage  (iii) Change in Quality


  9. Explain Life Cycle Costing.


  10. Prepare a statement of cost and profit from the following information, in the books of M/s. Precision Tools Co; for the half year ended Mar 31, 2013.  Also show the costs at each stage in terms of cost per unit and also the total.

Direct materials consumed 4,20,000
Direct labour charges paid 2,00,000
Direct labour charges outstanding 1,80,000
Prime cost expenses 2,00,000
Factory materials consumed 1,80,000
Factory expense including depreciation 40,000
Factory rent 1,00,000
Office salaries 4,80,000
Salesmen’s salaries 2,40,000


Units produced during the period 10,000 – all the units were sold @ Rs.300/- each.

II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. From the following Balance Sheet, comment on the financial position of the business using comparative balance sheet technique

Name of the Co.:  Raj Ltd. Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2014 & 2015

Particulars Note No. 31.12.2015 31.12.2014
(1)  Shareholders’ Funds:      
        (a) Share Capital  1   21,00,000   11,00,000
        (b) Reserves and Surplus 2     7,25,000     6,00,000
(2)  Share Application Money pending allotment      
(3)  Non-current Liabilities:      
        (a) Long-term borrowings (8% Debentures)             10,00,000          2,00,000
(4)  Current Liabilities:      
(a) Short-term borrowings      
(b) Trade Payables (Creditors)       1,00,000        80,000
( c) Other current liabilities (O/S Exps)     25,000    20,000
        ( d) Short-term provisions      
TOTAL     39,50,000  20,00,000
II. ASSETS:      
(1)  Non-current assets:      
        (a) Fixed Assets:      
                    (i) Tangible Assets 3   25,00,000   10,00,000
                   (ii) Intangible Assets      
        (b) Non-current Investments   2,00,000 3,00,000
(2)  Current Assets:      
(a) Current Investments      
(b) Inventories   6,00,000 4,00,000
(c) Trade Receivables (Debtors)   3,50,000 2,00,000
 (d) Cash and Cash Equivalents (Cash)   3,00,000 1,00,000
(e) Short-term Loans and Advances      
 (f)  Other Current Assets      
TOTAL     39,50,000   20,00,000


Note: 1:    
Share Capital: 31.12.2015 31.12.2014
Equity Share Capital 12,00,000 6,00,000
Preference Share Capital 9,00,000 5,00,000
  21,00,000 11,00,000



Note: 2:

Reserves and Surplus:    
Profit and Loss A/c 2,25,000 2,00,000
General Reserve 5,00,000 4,00,000
  7,25,000 6,00,000
Note: 3:    
Tangible Assets    
Fixed Assets 40,00,000 18,00,000
Accumulated Depreciation 15,00,000 8,00,000
  25,00,000 10,00,000
  12. From the following Balance Sheet prepare schedule of changes in working capital and fund flow statement.

Name of the Co.:  R Ltd.

Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2014 and 2015

Particulars Note No. 31.12.2014 31.12.2015
(1)  Shareholders’ Funds:      
(a) Share Capital          60,000         65,000
 (b) Reserves and Surplus (P & L A/c)           34,000          26,000
(2)  Share Application Money pending allotment      
(3)  Non-current Liabilities:      
 (a) Long-term borrowings      
(4)  Current Liabilities:      
(a) Short-term borrowings      
(b) Trade Payables (Creditors)      
( c) Other current liabilities          12,000           3,000
( d) Short-term provisions      
TOTAL   1,06,000 94,000
II. ASSETS:      
(1)  Non-current assets:      
 (a) Fixed Assets:      
(i) Tangible Assets (Plant and Machinery)   60,000 50,000
 (ii) Intangible Assets (Goodwill)           30,000         25,000
 (b) Non-current Investments      
(2)  Current Assets:      
(a) Current Investments      
(b) Inventories      
(c) Trade Receivables      
(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents      
(e) Short-term Loans and Advances      
 (f)  Other Current Assets         16,000     19,000
TOTAL        1,06,000        94,000

Additional Information:

a.      Depreciation of Rs. 20,000 on Plant and Machinery was charged to P & L A/c.

b.      Dividend of Rs. 12,000 was paid during the year.


  13. “Marginal costing is a valuable technique used by the Management, while taking decisions” explain.


  14. Given:

Receivables Turnover =4                   Capital turnover ratio = 2 times

Payable turnover         = 6                   Fixed assets turnover ratio = 8 times

Inventory turnover = 8                        Gross profit ratio= 25%

Gross profit during the year amounted to Rs.80, 000. There are no long term loans or Overdraft. Reserve and surplus amount to Rs. 28,000. Closing inventory of the year is Rs.2,000 above the opening inventory. Bills receivable amount to Rs. 5,000 and Bills payable to Rs.2,000. Prepare a Balance sheet on the basis of the information given above.


  15. Hindustan Agro Ltd., was registered with an authorized capital of 8,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each.  6,00,000 shares were issued to the public out of which 5,00,000 share were taken up.  The following balances appeared in the books of the company as on 31st March 2015:

Share Capital 5,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each, Rs.5 called up 25,00,000
Calls in arrears 10,000
Calls in advance 15,000
Profit and Loss balance (on 1.4.2014) 3,50,000
12% Debentures 5,00,000
Unsecured loan 1,50,000
Cash in hand 12,800
Balance with Bank 20,700
Sundry Debtors:  
        More than six months old 25,000
        Other debtors 3,50,000
Sundry creditors 1,82,200
Provision for taxation 75,000
Net profit for the year (after tax) 7,20,000
Freehold premises 16,00,000
Plant and Machinery 18,50,000
Patents 10,000
Goodwill 2,00,000
Preliminary Expenses 44,800
Prepaid Expenses 5,000
Outstanding expenses 66,000
Investment in shares 53,000
Closing stock 3,64,100
Bills receivable 20,000
Bills payable 7,200


Prepare the Company’s Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2013 in the prescribed form after taking into account the following matters:


a)      Transfer to General Reserve Rs.3,00,000;

b)     Provide for a dividend of 10% on share capital.





III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)


  16. (a) “The users of accounting info include both internal and external users”.  Explain.


(b) Prepare an accounting equation/Balance Sheet at the end of every transaction:

  1. Kunal started business with cash Rs.2,50,000, Bank loan Rs.1,00,000 and Stock Rs.2,00,000
  2. Paid Rent Rs.10,000, Salaries Rs.20,000
  3. Sold goods costing Rs.50,000 for cash Rs.60,000
  4. Cash Rs.20,000 and goods Rs.10,000 withdrawn for personal use
  5. Loss of goods by fire Rs.10,000





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