St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 VI Sem Accounts Of Other Companies (Accounts Elective) Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 hours                                                                                            Max. Marks : 100

Section -A

  1. I) Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks                   (10×2=20)


  1. Write notes on ‘Development Reserve ‘and ‘Contingency Reserve ‘in case of electricity Companies?
  2. Explain Unexpired Risk Reserve.
  3. Give two advantages of Double Account System.
  4. State various departments in which a hotel organization can be divided.
  5. What is Tariff and dividend Control Reserve?
  6. The Following Balances are extracted from the books of AB life Insurance Corporation. Life insurance Fund (as on 31.3.2014)               –  1600 lakhs                                                                         Net liabilities as per Valuation                           –   1200 lakhs                                                                 Interim Bonus paid                                          –    150  lakhs                                                                              You are required to show  the valuation balance sheet as on 31.3.2014.
  7. Distinguish between single account system and double account system.
  8. What do you mean by “Catastrophe Reserve”?
  9. Distinguish between Endowment Policy and Whole Life Policy.
  10. State the difference between Resident Guests and Non Resident Guests.


Section – B

  1. II) Answer any FOUR questions. Each carries 5 marks (4×5=20)


  1. The Life Insurance Fund of Hindustan Life Insurance Co .Ltd was Rs 34,00,000 on 31st March 2014. Its actuarial valuation on 31st March, 2014 disclosed a net liability of Rs 28,80,000. An interim bonus of Rs 40000 was paid to the policy-holders during the previous two years. It is now proposed to carry forward Rs 1, 10, 000 and to divide the balance between the policy holders and the share holder. Show

(a) The valuation balance sheet

(b) The net profit for the two year period

(c) The distribution of the profits.


  1. Prepare the Fire Insurance Revenue A/c as per IRDA regulations for the year ended 31st March 2014 from the following details
Claims paid 4,90,000
Legal expenses regarding claims 10,000
Premiums received 13,00,000
Re-insurance premium paid 1,00,000
Commission 3,00,000
Expenses of management 2,00,000
Provision against unexpired risk on 1st April 2013 5,50,000
Claims unpaid on 1st April 2013 50,000
Claims unpaid on 31st March 2014 80,000


  1. Write a note on night audit and explain a night auditor’s job.


  1. Write a note on statutory corporations.


15. Hiralal checks into a 5 star hotel on 10th January 2014 at 9 A.M on American Plan @ Rs 300 per day. The hotel levies a service tax @ 12% in addition to the room rent. Find the duration of stay and amount payable by Hiralal if he checks out at:

a)      6 P.M on 10th January, 2014
b)     8 A.M on 11th January, 2014
c)      4 P.M on 11th January, 2014
d)     11 A.M on 12th January, 2014

When the duration of day is ascertained by the hotel on (i) 24 hours or part thereof basis; (ii) fixed check out time of 12 noon basis; and (iii) night spent basis.

  1. The following information is extracted from the books of modern Electricity Co Ltd for the year ended 31st March 2014.
  Net profit before charging debenture interest 67, 50,150
  10% debenture interest paid during the year 11, 25,000
Capital base arrived at by the company 3,10,89,000
Reasonable return calculated by the company 40,68,450


You are required to indicate the disposal of surplus of the company.





Section C

III) Answer ANY THREE Questions. Each carries 15 Marks                              (3X15=45)


  1. Explain the provisions regarding maintenance of books of account, presentation of annual accounts and audit of Government companies?


  1. From the following figures relating to the Metro Life Insurance Company Ltd Prepare its Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014 and a Balance Sheet as on that date:
Particulars (Rs.In 000s)
2,00,00,000 Shares of Rs 25 each, Rs 10per share paid up 2,00,000
Claims under policies and outstanding   less received on Re-assurance 45,00,000
Life Assurance fund on 1st April 2013 4,80,00,000
Investment fund on 1st April 2013 50,00,000
Expenses of Management 15,00,426
Investments 5,10,00,000
Freehold and Leasehold Property 25,00,000
Unpaid Dividends 51,790
Outstanding premiums (Net) 6,03,200
Claims admitted or intimated, but not paid 30,00,000
Outstanding interest 5,90,000
Surrenders 2,58,950
Annuities 30,000
Premiums less Re-assurance 75,00,000
Consideration for annuities granted 50,500
Bonus in reduction of premiums 4,000
Gain on redemption of Debenture                                                                                (to be  carried to investment  Reserve  Fund) 20,000
Interests, Dividends and Rents  received 32,00,336
Interest accrued 3,17,000
Income Tax 2,80,148
Agents Balances Outstanding 1,45,904
Furniture and Fittings 90,500
Loans on the company s policies within their surrender value 49,00,000
Cash in hand and at Bank 3,64,000
Stamps in hand 7,322
Cheques paid into Bank and in course of realisation 49,000
Cheques issued but not presented for payment 66,520
Sundry Creditors 44,874
Premium received in advance 1,00,000
Commission paid 1,00,000
Income tax on interest and dividends 1,20,000
Transfer and other fees 6,430


  1. Gupta Electricity Company earned a profit of Rs 33,97,000 after paying Rs 1,20,000 @ 6 per cent as debentures interest for the year ended 31 March 2014 .The following further information is supplied to you:


Fixed assets 7,20,00,000
Depreciation written off 2,00,00,000
Loan from electricity board 1,60,00,000
Reserve fund investment at par (4 per cent) 40,00,000
Contingency reserve investment at par (4 per cent) 30,00,000
Tariff and dividend control reserve 4,00,000
Security deposits of customers 6,00,000
Customers contribution to assets 2,00,000
Preliminary expenses 1,60,000
Monthly average of current assets including amount due from customers RS 1000000 30,40,000


Development   reserve 10,00,000

Show the disposal of profits mentioned above taking bank rate as 9%


20.(a)  Holiday Inn, a five star hotel in New Delhi, has 600 rooms in all .Out of which 30 rooms are used for operation purposes and 10 rooms are occupied by departmental heads. On 2nd January, 2014, 400 rooms were occupied by the guests. You are required to compute the room occupancy rate.

(b)  The guest staying in the hotel on 31st December, 2013 were 400; Guests checked out on 1st January, 2014 before checkout time 12noon were 100.guest checked in 1st January, 2015 were 150 and guests checked out on 2nd January, 2014 before checkout time 12 noon were 100. You are required to compute the occupancy of rooms for 1st January, 2014.

(c) Hotel Sun and Sand, a three star hotel, in Bombay has 450 lettable rooms. Out of which 300 rooms are single bed rooms and 150 are double bed rooms .On 15th February, 2014, 200 single rooms and 100 double rooms are occupied by the guests. You are required to compute the bed occupancy rate for the day.

(d) A Five star hotel has 350 rooms available for letting out .On a particular day 300 rooms were occupied by 350 guests. Calculate the double occupancy rate

(e) Write  a note on  fixation of the room rate.





  1. From the following balances extracted from the books of Perfect General Insurance Company Limited as on 31.3.2014 , you are required to prepare Revenue Accounts in respect of Fire and Marine Insurance Business for the year ended 31.3.2014 and a Profit and Loss Account for the same period


Directors fees 80,000 Interest received 19,000
Dividend received 1,00,000 Fixed Assets(1.4.2013) 90,000
Provision for taxation     Income Tax paid during the  
   ( As on 1.4.2013) 85,000   Year 60,000


         Fire    Marine
Outstanding claims on 1.4.2013    28,000     7,000
Claims Paid  1,00,000    80,000
Reserve for Unexpired Risk on 1.4.2013   2,00,000  


Premiums Received  4,50,000  3,30,000
Agents Commission   40,000  20,000
Expenses of Management   60,000  45,000
 Re-Insurance Premium (Dr)   25,000  15,000


The following additional points are also to be taken into account

  • Depreciation on Assets to be provided at 10% p.a
  • Interest accrued on investments Rs 10,000
  • Closing provision for taxation on 31.3.2014 to be maintained at Rs 1,24,138
  • Claims outstanding on 31.3.2014 were fire insurance Rs 10,000 Marine insurance Rs  15,000
  • Premium outstanding on 31.3.2014 were fire insurance Rs 30,000 Marine insurance Rs 20,000
  • Reserve for unexpired risk to be maintained at 50% and 100% of net premiums in respect of Fire and Marine insurance respectively
  • Expenses of management due on 31.3.2014 were Rs 10,000 for fire insurance and Rs 5,000 in respect of marine insurance.



  1. IV) Case Study   (15 Marks)


  1. The Following balances are extracted from the Books of Account of vidyut Electric Supply Company Ltd for the year ended 31st March 2014





License 9,000
Land (addition during the year Rs 10,000 ) 2,10,000
Building 12,18,000
Plant and Machinery 2,04,000
Transformer sub-station 83,70,000
Mains-overhead and underground (additions during the year Rs 17,70,000 ) 2,84,25,000
Meter House Service Connection (addition during the year Rs 2,25,000) 32,10,000
Furniture and Fixture (in addition during the year Rs 21,000) 3,30,000
Motor Lorries (addition during the year Rs 50,000) 3,15,000
Investments of contingency Reserves (in government Securities) 4,80,000
Purchase of Energy 62,25,000
Salaries and Wages 12,00,000
Repairs and Maintenance:

Buildings                                   22,500

Lorries                                          7,500

Transformers                             90,000

Mains and services                5,10,000

Plant and Machinery                18,000









Establishment Expenses 19,95,000
Rent, Rates and Taxes 76,500
Conveyance and Travelling 60,000
Audit fees 22,500
General expenses 1,50,000
Electricity Duty 10,50,000
Directors Fees and Allowences 25,500
Interest on Fixed Assets 3,52,500
Interest on consumers security deposits 1,20,000
Current assets 33,00,000
Work- in -Progress 19,20,000
Sundry Debtors 40,50,000
Cash and Bank Balances 21,00,000
Loans and Advances 10,50,000
                                                                 Total 6,71,16,000








Share Capital:

750000 Equity shares of Rs 10 each

300000 7per cent Preference shares of Rs 10 each




Reserve for Rebate to Consumers 2,11,500
Contingency Reserve 4,80,000
Tariff and Dividend Control Reserve 2,10,000
Developmental Reserve 9,18,000
Accumulated Depreciation 2,40,00,000
Balance of net revenue A/c brought forward from previous year 22,500
Loan from State GOVERNMENT (secured by charge on fixed assets) 49,50,000
Loan from state Electricity Board 5,70,000
Sundry Creditors 25,74,000
Consumers Security Deposits 48,00,000
Unclaimed Dividends 2,25,000
Sale of Energy 1,74,75,000
Rental of Meters 1,05,000
Maintenance of Public Lamps 22,500
Hire on Machinery and Goods 37,500
Interest on bank A/c 15,000


The following adjustments have to be made:

  • Depreciation for the year               17,25,000
  • Provision For Taxation                    22,80,000
  • Transfer to Contingency Reserve 2,25,000
  • Transfer to Development Reserve 1,20,000

The amount of reasonable return may be presumed to be Rs 11,94,000

You should prepare Capital Account, Revenue Account, Net Revenue Account and General Balance Sheet of the Vidyut Electric Supply Company Ltd in the prescribed form.




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