St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2012 IV Sem Advanced Computer Applications For Business Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester Examinations – APRIL 2012




Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100 

Section – A


  1. Answer THREE questions out of four.                     (3 x 5 = 15)


  • Outline the Three Stages of a Typical ERP Implementation Process.
  • How does the “Pyramid “Approach help in strategizing Business Processes.
  • Identify the key benefits claimed by ORACLE’s

( a ) E-Mail Centre

( b ) Call Centre Intelligence in the context of CRM

  • What do you understand by an “Extended Enterprise “?



Section – B

  1. Answer TWO questions out of Three.                                (2×10 = 20)


  • Explain with a Flow Chart the most Common Loan System followed by Banks
  • Explain with a Flow Chart the Sequence of Customer-centric Operations followed by Telecom Service Providers.
  • What are the Benefits of the Nokia Model of Integrated IT Applications ?


Section – C

  • Answer ONE question out of Two                                                                  ( 10 Marks )


  • Explain briefly the SAP NETWEAVER Approach towards configuring a Customized ERP Solution for a Company & compare the same with the Odette Approach.


  • Explain with a Sketch the Hoshin Model of Performance Assessment


Explain with a Sketch the Recommended IT Architecture for Performance Assessment based on the BI Model.





Section – D

                                                                                                                              ( 25 Marks )

  1. A well-known European Brand has decided to enter the Indian Market with a range of

fast-moving Products like Mixer Grinders & Microwave Ovens. They would like to first

satisfy themselves with the Market Potential & then decide on their Marketing &

Manufacturing Strategy. As a first step, they have set up an office, implemented the

Sales & Relationship Management Modules of an ERP, depute a Sales Team & would like

to start selling the Products from their Parent Plant.


Answer the following Questions to guide this Company :

  1. Draw Two Pyramids & guide them on the Strategy they should adopt


  1. Outline the Sales & Distribution Process in the form of a Flow Chart
  2. What are the Four Stages of SCM for Production Planning & what are the Confirmations taken at each of the Stages ?
  3. What are the typical Outputs generated from the ERP Manufacturing Module ?

What are their Functions in Manufacturing?             ( any three )


Section – E

  1. Answer THREE questions out of Five.                                                 (3×10 = 30)


  • In an integrated ERP System, briefly outline any three of the following cycles in sequence & list out the Final outputs from the respective Modules:


  1. Sales Order process cycles
  2. Purchase process cycle
  3. Inventory Planning process cycle
  4. Manufacturing Planning process cycle from the BOM Stage upto the release of Process Cards
  5. Capacity Planning process cycle


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 II Sem Advanced Computer Applications For Business Question Paper PDF Download


SUPPLEMENTARY Examinations – APRIL 2013



Note: Attach this question paper to your answer sheet.     – C.O.E.

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100 

Section – A


  1. Answer THREE questions out of four.                     (3 x 5 = 15)


  • Outline the Three Stages of a Typical ERP Implementation Process.
  • How does the “Pyramid “Approach help in strategizing Business Processes.
  • Identify the key benefits claimed by ORACLE’s

( a ) E-Mail Centre

( b ) Call Centre Intelligence in the context of CRM

  • What do you understand by an “Extended Enterprise “?



Section – B

  1. Answer TWO questions out of Three.                                (2×10 = 20)


  • Explain with a Flow Chart the most Common Loan System followed by Banks
  • Explain with a Flow Chart the Sequence of Customer-centric Operations followed by Telecom Service Providers.
  • What are the Benefits of the Nokia Model of Integrated IT Applications ?


Section – C

  • Answer ONE question out of Two                                                                  ( 10 Marks )


  • Explain briefly the SAP NETWEAVER Approach towards configuring a Customized ERP Solution for a Company & compare the same with the Odette Approach.


  • Explain with a Sketch the Hoshin Model of Performance Assessment


Explain with a Sketch the Recommended IT Architecture for Performance Assessment based on the BI Model.





Section – D

                                                                                                                              ( 25 Marks )

  1. A well-known European Brand has decided to enter the Indian Market with a range of

fast-moving Products like Mixer Grinders & Microwave Ovens. They would like to first

satisfy themselves with the Market Potential & then decide on their Marketing &

Manufacturing Strategy. As a first step, they have set up an office, implemented the

Sales & Relationship Management Modules of an ERP, depute a Sales Team & would like

to start selling the Products from their Parent Plant.


Answer the following Questions to guide this Company :

  1. Draw Two Pyramids & guide them on the Strategy they should adopt


  1. Outline the Sales & Distribution Process in the form of a Flow Chart
  2. What are the Four Stages of SCM for Production Planning & what are the Confirmations taken at each of the Stages ?
  3. What are the typical Outputs generated from the ERP Manufacturing Module ?

What are their Functions in Manufacturing?             ( any three )


Section – E

  1. Answer THREE questions out of Five.                                                 (3×10 = 30)


  • In an integrated ERP System, briefly outline any three of the following cycles in sequence & list out the Final outputs from the respective Modules:


  1. Sales Order process cycles
  2. Purchase process cycle
  3. Inventory Planning process cycle
  4. Manufacturing Planning process cycle from the BOM Stage upto the release of Process Cards
  5. Capacity Planning process cycle


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem Advanced Computer Applications For Business Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions Out of TEN. (7×5=35)
1. Explain data processing cycle with relevant example?
2. What is real time data processing? Specify any two advantages of real time data
3. What are the main objectives of information systems audit?
4. Explain the factors to be considered while planning an information systems audit in
an IT organization?
5. Discuss the stages in security life cycle with relevant example?
6. How is Information Technology impacting the changes in the 21st century workplace?
7. What is ITES? Discuss the application of ITES in various areas of business?
8. What are the business advantages of Ms-Excel application?
9. “One of the main advantages of MIS is to facilitate effective managerial decision
making” Discuss?
10. What are the components of a computer system? Explain the utility of the computer
II) Answer any THREE out of FIVE. (3×15=45)
a. Explain the framework for conducting information systems audit? (10 marks)
b. Discuss the relationship between capability maturity model Levels and IS audit with
an example? ( 5 Marks)
12. “The 21st century business is built on highly sensitive information” Discuss the
statement from the perspective of an Information technology organization?
13. What is BPO? Explain the conceptual framework of BPO implementation in any
service sector?
14. a) What are advantages of computer applications in various areas of business?
(10 marks)
b) What are the computer related jobs available in the market for a commerce
graduate? (5 marks)
a) Explain in detail the phases of system development life cycle with relevant
examples? (12 marks)
b) Is SDLC part of Information Technology project management method? ( 3 marks)
II) Case Study – Compulsory question (No Choice) (1×20=20)
Noida Public Library is the biggest library in Noida. Currently it has about 300 members.
A person who is 18 or above can become a member. There is a membership fee of Rs 400
for a year. There is a form to be filled in which person fills personal details. These forms
are kept in store for maintaining members’ records and knowing the membership period.
A member can issue a maximum of three books. He/she has three cards to issue books.
Against each card a member can issue one book from library. Whenever a member
wishes to issue a book and there are spare cards, then the book is issued. Otherwise that
request is not entertained. Each book is to be returned on the specified due date. If a
member fails to return a book on the specified date, a fine of Rs 2 per day after the due
return date is charged. If in case a card gets lost then a duplicate card is issued. Accounts
are maintained for the membership fees and money collected from the fines. There are
two librarians for books return and issue transaction. Approximately 100 members come
to library daily to issue and return books.
There are 5000 books available out of which 1000 books are for reference and cannot be
Records for the books in the library are maintained. These records contain details about
the publisher, author, subject, language, etc. There are suppliers that supply books to the
library. Library maintains records of these suppliers. Many reports are also produced.
These reports are for details of the books available in the library, financial details,
members’ details, and supplier’s details.
Currently all functions of the library are done manually. Even the records are maintained
on papers.
Now day by day members are increasing. Maintaining manual records is becoming
difficult task.
There are other problems also that the library staff is facing. Like in case of issue of
duplicate cards to a member when member or library staff loses the card. It is very difficult
to check the genuinely of the problem. Sometimes the library staff needs to know about the
status of a book as to whether it is issued or not. So to perform this kind of search is very
difficult in a manual system. Also management requires reports for books issued, books in
the library, members, and accounts. Manually producing the reports is a cumbersome job
when there are hundreds and thousands of records.
Management plans to expand the library, in terms of books, number of members and
finally the revenue generated. It is observed that every month there are at least 50-100
requests for membership. For the last two months the library has not entertained requests
for the new membership as it was difficult to manage the existing 250 members manually.
With the expansion plans, the management of the library aims to increase its members at
the rate of 75 per month. It also plans to increase the membership fees from 400 to 1000
for yearly and 500 for half year, in order to provide its members better services, which
includes increase in number of books from 3 to 4.
Due to the problems faced by the library staff and its expansion plans, the management is
planning to have a system that would first eradicate the needs of cards. A system to
automate the functions of record keeping and report generation. And which could help in
executing the different searches in a faster manner.
1. What is System analysis and Design? What is the role of Systems analyst in
performing SAD? (5 marks)
2. As a systems analyst, perform the system analysis and design (SAD) and identifying
the problems of the current system study the feasibility of a new automated system
and provide solution to the management of the library?- (15 marks)

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2014 III Sem Advanced Computer Applications For Business Question Paper PDF Download





TIME: 3 Hours                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100
Section – A

  1. Answer any SEVEN Each carries 5 marks.                     (7 x 5  = 35)


  1. What do you mean by EDP and explain its advantages?
  2. Explain the different Approaches of Information System Audit taking company as a case?
  3. Decode: HTML, SGML, XML, VOIP, ERP with proper examples and its usability in real time?
  4. What is a System? Explain the Characteristics and elements of the system?
  5. Enumerate the steps involved in Information System Development?
  6. Differentiate between SPSS and Excel? What is the role of SPSS in the real time applications?
  7. What do you mean by Web Publishing and Write in the advantages?
  8. SAD or SAP how can you differentiate with the two. Explain their usability when working on different applications?
  9. Differentiate between IS Vs IT and how can they both inter-relate with each other?
  10. OAS or EDI? Which can benefit the company when you are transferring the messages from one place to the other and write in the advantages?


Section – B

  1. Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.               (3 x 15   = 45)

11) What do you mean by SDLC? Explain the steps involved in the same taking the company as a case?

12) Explain in brief the classification of Information System and its importance by giving real-time examples?

13) What do you mean Digital Watermarking? Explain in the same different features of Watermarking and its applications in real-time scenario?

14) What are the steps in Data Processing? And how can be it involved in data processing operations?

15) What are the Objectives of IS Audit? Explain in detail the relevant roles at each stage by taking company as a case?



Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study                                                                          (20 marks)


Panasonic Information Systems, the systems division of Japan’s giant Panasonic group, was challenged with building an IT infrastructure capable of meeting increasing business demands. HP 3PAR Utility Storage formed an important part of the backbone systems that not only provide on-demand response to business demands but also support the company’s new Nextructure cloud services. Panasonic Information Systems (Panasonic IS),

the systems division of Panasonic, offered a next generation IT infrastructure solution known as Nextructure.“As the systems division at Panasonic, we were involved with development and operations focusing primarily on backbone systems, and then we became independent,” says Hisashi  Kurono, Managing Director and CIO at Panasonic IS. “We had gained a lot of experience facing the whirlwind of rapid advancement seen with open architecture right before and after our establishment. Nextructure is a systemized IT infrastructure solution made possible by the cultivation of know-how spanning over 50 years. It brings together construction and operating processes based on practical experience, technology that has been proven in the field, and products selected with the user in mind. We took advantage of our construction and operating know-how to implement virtual storage and server systems across the board for our cloud-based service infrastructure here at Panasonic IS.” Technology that virtualizes CPU, memory, and storage resources has finally become widespread in recent years, even among open systems. However, it was in 2004 that Panasonic IS implemented virtualization within the Panasonic backbone system, while consideration of the move actually began in 2002.


When Panasonic decided to implement virtualization within its backbone system, this was driven in particular by the quick advancement of open architecture, which brought about a complication of systems and  the so-called silo effect. Executive officer Keisuke Tanaka recalls the situation at that time: “At the initiative of the application development team, individual systems were being implemented one after another resulting in a rapid increase in the load on systems operations. We had to approach operations using separate methods for each respective system. The increase in operational costs became an issue, and we also faced various system troubles. It was at this point that we began working on a drastic redesign aiming to increase the operational quality of open systems and reduce costs.” Panasonic IS decided upon the strategy of separating the application from the execution infrastructure, allowing integration of systems operations at the infrastructure level, rather than approaching them at the application level as was done previously.


“When deciding upon server and storage systems, our focus was really on how we could reduce operational load, which had been nearing its limits, while still maintaining service quality on a par with that of a mainframe,” explains Tanaka.



  1. a) What are the steps can Panasonic take to meet the business demands and the challenges to meet at achieving convergence?
  2. b) Define Virtualization and its Usability and the advantages where the company can benefit?                                     (10+10)



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