Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Krishnapuram, Kerala Research Areas

Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Krishnapuram, Kerala Research Areas

Crop Improvement; Production;
Protection; Plant Physiology
Biochemistry & PHT; Social

Contact Perssons:

Dr. George V. Thomas,
Tel.: + 91-177-2625073, + 91-
4994-232333 (O), Ext: 222
Mobile: 9446051847
[email protected],
[email protected]

Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Research Areas

Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Research Areas

Development of Varieties;
Sustainable Technologies for
enhancing Productivity &
Utilization of Potato

Contact Perssons:

Dr Bir Pal Singh, Director
Tel.:+ 91-177-2625073
Fax: +91-177-2624460
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]

Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Panagadh, Kerala Research Areas

Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Panagadh, Kerala Research Areas

Fisheries; Ocean Studies &
Technology; Ocean Engineering;
Climate Variability & Aquatic
Ecosystems; Management &
Social Sciences

Contact Persons:

Dr. K. Dinesh, Assistant
Professor & Head, Fisheries
Mobile: +91-9446032977
[email protected]


Dr. B.V Rao Institute of Poultry Management and Technology, Pune, Maharashtra Research Areas

Dr. B.V Rao Institute of Poultry Management and Technology, Pune, Maharashtra Research Areas

Poultry Housing; Poultry
Poultry Nutrition; Poultry Health

Contact Persons:

Dr. Hingane, Director,
Tel.: +91-20-26926320, +91-
20-26926321, +91-20-
Fax: +91-20-26926508,
24332287, 24337760
Email: [email protected]
, [email protected]


National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Research Areas

National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Research Areas

Dairy & Food Technology;
Dairy Microbiology; Artificial
Animal Breeding; Animal
Reproduction; Animal
Biotechnology; Animal
Genomics; Animal Nutrition

Contact Persons:

Dr. A. K.Srivastava, Director
Tel.: +91-184-2252800
Email: [email protected]


National Research Centre on Meat, Boddupal, Hyderabad Research Areas

National Research Centre on Meat, Boddupal, Hyderabad Research Areas

Meat animal and meat
inspections; Fresh meat
Technology; Processed meat

Contact Persons:

Dr. V. V. Kulkarni, Director
Tel.: +91-40 -27204541,
27201674, Extn: 201
Fax: +91-40 -27201672
[email protected]

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala Research Areas

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala Research Areas

Marine fish catch estimation
through Multistage Stratified
Random Sampling; Marine Fish
Stock Assessment; Ecosystem
Approaches to Fisheries
Management (EAFM);

Taxonomy of Marine Finfish,
Shellfish, Corals, Sponges and
Marine Mammals; Cage culture
of Marine fish and Integrated
Multitrophic Aquaculture
(IMTA); Marine Bivalve farming;
Mabe pearl production from pearl
oyster; Breeding and seed
production of marine food and
ornamental fish; GIS application
in capture fisheries; Remote
sensing and GIS for marine
fisheries resource management;
Carbon foot print and life cycle
analysis in marine environment;
Vulnerability Assessment and
livelihood analysis; Artificial
Reef for conservation and
resource management; Fish age
estimation; Bionomics of marine
fish and shellfish; Genetic stock
structure analysis using advanced
molecular markers; DNA
Barcoding of marine organisms;
Functional genomics; Marine fish
cell line development; Disease
diagnosis of marine organisms;
Feed formulation and fish
nutrition; Marine Bio-prospecting
and development of
nutraceuticals; Proximate
composition analysis of finfish
and shellfish; Economic valuation
of marine biodiversity; Gender
mainstreaming in fisheries; Fish
supply chains; Policy analysis and
I.14 Central Institute of
Fisheries Technology,
Kochi, Kerala
Harvest and Post-harvest
Technology Development in
Fisheries – Fishing Technology;
Fish Processing Technology; Fish
Biochemistry & Nutrition;
Microbiology; Biotechnology and
Fermentation; Quality Assurance
& Management; Fishery
Engineering and Fisheries
Extension; Economics &

Contact Person:

Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan,
Tel.: +91-484-2394798
Fax: +91-484-2394909/
Email: [email protected]

Central Institute of Post- Harvest Engineering & Technology, Ludhiana, Punjab Research Areas

Central Institute of Post- Harvest Engineering & Technology, Ludhiana, Punjab Research Areas

Post-Harvest Engineering:
Rapid Evaluation of Food Quality
and Safety; Packaging and
Storage of Agricultural Produce
and Products; Extrusion
Processing Technology; Microencapsulation;
Milling of Food
Grains and Oilseeds

Contact Person:

Dr. R.K. Gupta, Head (FG &
Mobile: +91-9872859024
[email protected]

Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Research Areas

Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Research Areas

Veterinary Research: Molecular
Diagnosis for Animal Diseases;
Rumen Microbes and Their Role
in Feed Degradation; Fracture
Management in Large Animals;
Rapid Detection of Food Borne
and Zoonotic Pathogens; Stem
Cell Research and Therapeutic

Contact Person:

Dr. P. Joshi, Acting Joint
Mobile: +91-9897279493
Email: [email protected]


Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Research Areas

Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Research Areas

Reclamation and Management of
Salt Affected Soils; Physics and
Chemistry of Saline and Sodic
Soils; Assessment of Salt
Affected Soils through Remote
Sensing and GIS; Conservation
Agriculture and Integrated
Nutrient Management on Salt
Affected Soils; Enhancing Water
Productivity through Multi
Enterprise Agriculture;
Management of Poor Quality
Waters in Agriculture and Other
Land Uses; Bio-Remediation of
Waste Waters; Bio-Drainage for
Controlling Water Logging and
Soil Salinity; Carbon
Sequestration Potential in Saline
Environment under Changing
Climatic Conditions; Solid Waste
Management for Soil

Contact Person:

Dr. D. K. Sharma, Director
Tel.: +91-184-2290501
Email: [email protected]
Dr. T. Damodaran, Regional
Research Station, Lucknow
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Parbodh Chander
Sharma, Principal Scientist
Tel.: +91-184-2209329
[email protected]


Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Research Areas

Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Research Areas


Development of Agro-forestry
models; Genetics and Plant
Propagation; Forest Pathology;

Silviculture and joint Forest
Management; Sustainable
harvesting and cultivation
techniques; Forest Entomology;
Forest Ecology and rehabilitation;
studies on plant diversity,
enthnobotany, ecotones,
influence of climate change on
biodiversity, documentation of
indigenous traditional knowledge
of plant resources

Contact Person:

Director or Head Extension
Tel.: +91-761-2840483,

Fax: +91-761-2840483
Email: [email protected]


Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore Research Areas

Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore Research Areas

Tree improvement; Bamboo
Cultivation; Bio-prospecting of
Forest Natural Resources; Gene
function Analysis and Transgenic
for Salt and Insect Tolerance in
Trees; Climate Change
Adaptation Research in Trees
with Specific Reference to
Elevated CO2; Tree Physiology
and Seed Biochemistry; Seed
Science & Technology; Species
Recovery Research on
Threatened Species; Insect
Diversity in relation to Tree
Cultivation; Biopesticides;
Techniques in Mycorrhizae/
Beneficial Microbes
(Biofertilizers); Non Timber
Forest Produce and Tree Borne
Oil Seeds Genetics; Plant

Contact Person:

Dr. Mathish Nambiar –
Tel.: +91-422- 2450542
Mobile:+91- 9488167842
Email: [email protected]

Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun Research Areas

Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun Research Areas

Forest Management,
Menstruation and JFM
Silviculture, Agro Forestry and
Urban Forestry, Climate Change,
Wood Science and Technology,
Biodiversity Conservation, Forest
Protection, Chemistry of Natural
Product, NWFP; Ecology and
Environment, Forest Genetics
and Tree Propagation

Contact Person:

Dr. P.S. Rawat, Scientist – D,
Research Coordination
Tel.: +91-135-2224353
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Sadhna Tripathi,
Scientist F
Tel.: 0135-2224398
Email: [email protected]


National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi Research Areas

National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi Research Areas


Plant Genetic Resources (PGR)
Management and Use, Policy
Issues on Exchange of Genetic
Resources: Quarantine, IPR;
Assessing Economic Value;
Conflicts over Ownership
Management and Use; National
and International Treaties /
Legislation; CBD, IT-PGRFA,
GPA, PVP&FR Act, Biodiversity
Act etc, Genomics and
Bioinformatics: Genomic
Resources Generation, Use and
Conservation, GM Crops; GM
Detection Techniques

Contact Person:

Dr. I.S. Bisht, Principal
Scientist & Professor
Tel.: +91-11-25843697
Mobile: +91-9873425491
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Dr. K.V. Bhat, Principal
Scientist and Officer-in-
Charge, Division of Genomic
Tel: 011-25849214, 9208,
3296 Ext. 264
[email protected]

National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Research Areas

National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Research Areas

Dairy & Food Technology;
Dairy Microbiology; Artificial
Animal Breeding; Animal
Reproduction; Animal
Biotechnology; Animal
Genomics; Animal Nutrition

Contact Person

Dr. A. K.Srivastava, Director
Tel.: +91-184-2252800
Email: [email protected]

National Research Centre on Meat, Boddupal, Hyderabad Research Areas

National Research Centre on Meat, Boddupal, Hyderabad Research Areas

Meat animal and meat
inspections; Fresh meat
Technology; Processed meat

Contact Person:

Dr. V. V. Kulkarni, Director
Tel.: +91-40 -27204541,
27201674, Extn: 201
Fax: +91-40 -27201672
[email protected]

Agharkar Research Institute Pune, Maharashtra Research Areas

Agharkar Research Institute Pune, Maharashtra Research Areas


Biodiversity & Palaeobiology,
Bioenergy, Bioprospecting,
Development Biology, Genetics
& Plant Breeding,

Contact Person:

Dr. K. M. Paknikar, Director
Tel.: +91-20-25654357
Email: [email protected]

Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi Research Areas

Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi Research Areas

Research Areas:

Genetics & Plant Breeding; Plant, Pathology; Microbiology; Post, Harvest Technology

Contact Person:

Dr. I. Sekar, Principal
Scientist & In-charge PME
Tel.: +91-11-25842416
[email protected]

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