SHINDE, SHRI ANNASAHEB, B.A., LL.B., Congress, (Maharashtra—Ahmednagar—1977) : s. of late Shri Pandurang Vithoba Shinde; b. at Padali Village, Nasik District, January 21, 1922; b. at D. M. Palit High School, Sangamner, Wilson College, Bombay, Baroda College, Baroda; Law College Ahmedabad and Poona; m. Smt. Hirabai, 1947; 3 s. and 1 d.; Legal Practitioner and mainly Agriculturist; actively participated in Quit India Movement 1942 and worked as underground worker, 1942-43; was arrested and detained under Defence of India Rules in Nasik Central Jail and released in 1944; after independence arrested and detained in the Yerwada Central Jail by the Bombay Government-for leading the demonstration of kisans, released, in 1949; organised and successfully led the movement of the land-owning farmers, who had leased their lands to private sugar factories on nominal rents for higher rates of rents; Member, All India Congress Committee and Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee; associated with a number of official and non-official bodies like Maharashtra State Irrigation Commision, Shrirampur Taluka, Marketing Society; Chairman, Maharashtra State Co-operative Sugar Factories Federation, Poona; Member, Managing Committee, All India Co-operative Sugar Factories Federation, New Delhi; Vice-Chairman, Pravara Co-operative Sugar Factory and Pravara Agricultural and Industrial Development Co-operative Society Ltd., Pravaranagar, Ahmednagar District; Member, (i) Managing Committee, Maharashtra State Co-opera live Union, (ii) Advisory Committee of the R.B. Borawake College, Shrirampur; Director, Land Mortgage Bank, Ahmednagar; Trustee, Sir David Sasoon Trust, Bombay; Member, (i) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67, (ii) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967—70 and (iii) Fifth lok Sabha 1971—77; Parliamentary Secretary attached to the Minister of Food and Agriculture, 1962-63; Parliamentary Secretary attached to the Minister for Community Development and Cooperation, 1964-65; Union Deputy Minister for Food, Agriculture, Community Development and Co-operation, 1966-67; Minister of State in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Community Development and Co-operation, 1967—74; Minister of State in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Irrigation, 1974—77; as Minister closely associated with (i) programmes of providing relief to the drought-affected people and the regions, during the years 1965-66, 1972, 1973 and 1974, (ii) reorganisation of agricultural research and (iii) establishment of agricultural universities; represented India in World Food Congress held at Hague; presently Member, Estimates Committee.
Social activities: Worked to provide free legal aid to poor; organised a number of co-operative institutions like credit, multi-purpose, service, producers, processing, sales, land mortgage, and commerce and science colleges at Shrirampur, and Sangamner; connected with a large number of secondary schools in the northern, part of the district; associated with benevolent institutions like students’ board etc.
Favourite Pastime and recreation: Gardening and reading.
Special interests: Problems of Indian agriculture, cooperation, irrigation, sociology and history.
Publications: “Problems of Indian Agriculture and Food” and “The Indo-Pakistan Conflict”; edited, ‘Jansatta’ a weekly for some years.
Travels abroad: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Poland, Soviet Union, West Germany, Netherlands, Italy, France, U.K., Egypt, Ghana.
Permanent address: Shrirampur P.O., Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra.