St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Financial Accounting II Question Paper PDF Download



 B.COM – II SEMESTER (Travel & Tourism)


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100




  1. Answer any TEN of the following questions.                ( 10 x 2  = 20)
  1. What do you understand by the term ‘Mark up or Loading’ in invoicing goods in Branch accounts?
  2.  Shyam sundar’s goods costing Rs.50,000 were destroyed by fire, stock saved was Rs.5,000. He had insured his goods for Rs.2,00,000, but the actual stock on the date of fire was Rs.1,50,000. Is average clause applicable for calculating claim, give reasons? What is the amount of claim?
  3. What do you understand by the term ‘Independent Branches’ in Branch Accounting ?
  4. How is the Credit sales ascertained during conversion of single entry into double entry?
  5.  What is the difference between Branch Debtors system and Branch Final account system?
  6. Calculate the missing figure
    Opening Capital ?
    Closing Capital Rs. 36,400;  Capital Introduced Rs. 9,400; Drawings Rs. 5,600; Loss Rs. 2,800
  1. Calculate Sales; if Opening Debtors – Rs. 10,000; Cash Received From Debtors &

B/R – Rs. 20,000; Opening Balance of B/R – Rs. 4,000 and Closing Balance

of B/R –   Rs. 2,000; Closing Balance of Debtors – Rs. 16,000


  1. Write the journal entry for bills receivable dishonored?
  2. Calculate Purchases:

Cost of goods sold Rs.4,00,000, opening stock Rs.50,000 and closing stock           Rs.60,000.

  1. A trader had taken a Fire Insurance Policy for  Rs.3,42,000 with an average           clause. The stock on date of fire is Rs.4,56,000 and the stock salvaged was      Rs.56,000.  Calculate the claim.
  2. The Gross Profit for the year ending 31/3/06 was 40% of sales. The selling price

has been reduced by 10% in order to increase sales from 1/4/06.  What would be

the expected Gross Profit percentage?









  1. II) Answer any FOUR of the following      ( 4 x 5  = 20)


  1. 12. Fire occurred in the premises Janatha Enterprises on 30-9-2009 and stock of the value of Rs.1,01,000 was salvaged and the books of accounts were saved. The following information is given:

Purchases during the year ended 31-3-2009               Rs.7,00,000

Sales during the above period                                     Rs.10,00,000

Purchases from 1-4-2009 to 30-9-2009                      Rs.2,40,000

Sales from 1-4-2009 to 30-9-2009                              Rs.3,60,000

Stock on 31-3-2008                                                    Rs.3,00,000

Stock on 31-3-2009                                                    Rs.3,40,000

Stock on 31-3-2009 as over valued by Rs.20,000.  Calculate the fire claim based on the rate of profit for the previous year.


  1. 13. A head office in Mangalore had branches at Puttur and Udupi. Give entries in the books of the head office to rectify or adjust the following, assuming the books are closed on 31st March 2007.
  2. Expenses of Rs.4,800 to be charged to Udupi Branch for work done on its behalf by the Head office
  3. Puttur Branch paid Rs.3,600 salary to a visiting Head office official. The Branch has debited the amount to salaries account.
  4. Depreciation at 10% p.a. is to be charged on Furniture at Puttur costing Rs.10,000, the account of which is in the Head office.
  5. Goods costing Rs.2,400 purchased by the Head office from D’souza Brothers, but the payment was made by Puttur Branch.
  6. A remittance of Rs.3,750 made by Udupi Branch to the Head office on 28th March 2007, was received by the latter on 1st April 2007.


  1. Prepare the Debtors account and Bills receivable account from the following ON 31/03/2005 .


Debtors on 31-3-2005 40,000 B/R as endorsed dishonoured 2,000
Bills receivable 31-3-2005 30,000 Discount allowed 1,000
Stock on 31-3-2005 30,000 Discount received 2,000
B/R dishonoured 5,000    
B/R endorsed to creditors 15,000    



  1. A head office in Madras sends goods to its branch in Kannur. Prepare Branch Account and calculate the profit.
Debtors on 1st July 2004 12,000
Stock on 1st July 2004 10,000
Goods sent to Branch 32,000
Cash sales 16,000
Cash received from Debtors 29,000
Goods returned to Head office 1,920
Cheques sent to Branch for expenses 14,510
Stock on 31st March 2005 12,000
Debtors on 31st March 2005 22,500


  1. What are the differences between Single Entry system and Double Entry system of

Book keeping?


  1. Explain the salient features of Branch Accounting?




III) Answer any THREE of the following questions.                                ( 3 x 15  = 45)


  1. Hameed enterprises suffered loss of stock due to fire on May 15,2010. From the following information, prepare a statement showing the claim to be lodged.

Stock on 1-1-2009                                                 Rs.38,400

Purchases during 2009                                           Rs.1,60,000

Sales during 2009                                                  Rs.2,02,600

Closing stock on 31-12-2009                                 Rs.31,800

Purchases from 1-1-2010 to 15-5-2010                 Rs.54,000

Sales from 1-1-2010 to 15-5-2010                         Rs.61,400

An item of stock purchased in 2008 at a cost of Rs.10,000 was valued at Rs.6,000 on 31st. December 2008.  Half of this stock was sold in 2009 for Rs.2,600 the remaining was valued at Rs.2,400 on 31-12-2009.  One fourth of the original stock was sold in March  2010 for Rs.1,400 and the remaining stock was considered to be worth 60% of the original cost.  Salvage was Rs.12,000.  The amount of the policy was Rs.30,000 and there was an average clause in the policy.


  1. Manikchand carries on business as retail merchant.  He does not maintain regular account books.  From cash sales effected by him he effects business and other payments, always retain cash of Rs.1,000 on hand and deposits the balance in the bank account.  The stock inventories for the year ended 31st December 2005 are lost.  However, he informs you that he has sold goods invariably at a price, which yields him a profit of 33 1/3% on cost.  From the following additional information supplied to you prepare necessary final accounts for the year ended 31st December 2005.
Assets and Liabilities 1st Jan. 2005 31st Dec. 2005
Cash in hand  Rs.1,000  Rs. 1,000
Sundry Creditors   4,000 9,000
Cash at Bank N.A.   8,000
Sundry Debtors 10,000 35,000
Stock of Goods 28,000 N.A.

(N.A. = not available)


Analysis of the Bank Pass book reveals the following information:

Payment to Creditors Rs.70,000
Payment for Business Expenses 12,000
Receipts from Debtors 75,000
Loans from Azad taken on 1st Jan., 2005 @ 10% p.a. 10,000
Cash deposited in the Bank 10,000

In  addition, he paid to the creditors for goods Rs.2,000 in cash and salaries Rs.4,000 in cash.  He also withdrew Rs.8,000 cash for his personal expenses.

  1. A shoe company of Kanpur has its branch at Mangalore. Goods are invoiced to the branch at cost plus 25%.  Branch has been instructed to deposit daily all cash received by it in the H.O except the petty cash expenses, which are met by the branch manager from the petty cash amount sent by the H.O. from time to time.  From the following particulars, prepare Mangalore Branch Account in the books of the H.O at  Kanpur.  The branch sells goods at the invoice price only.
Stock on 1st April 2000 at invoice price

Sundry debtors on 1st April 2000

Cash on hand on 1st April 2000

Office Furniture on 1st April 2000





Cash sales 1,00,000  
Credit sales 60,000  
Expenses paid by the H.O for

Rent                 2,400

Salary              4,800

Printing and stationery            600







Goods invoiced from H.O (invoice price) 1,60,000  
Goods returned form the H.O (invoice price) 2,000  
Cash received form debtors 60,000  
Discount allowed by debtors 600 Petty expenses paid by the branch manager  


Goods returned by debtors 960  
Depreciation to be provided on branch furniture at 10% p.a.      
  1. Greenply has 2 departments P and Q, Department P sells goods to Department Q at normal selling prices. From the following particulars, prepare Departmental Trading and P&L account for the year ended 31-3-2004 and ascertain the profit to be transferred to Balance sheet.
Particulars Dept P Dept Q
Opening stock 1,00,000 Nil
Purchases 23,00,000 2,00,000
Goods from Department P ——— 7,00,000
Wages 1,00,000 1,60,000
Traveling expenses 10,000 1,40,000
Closing stock at cost to the Dept 5,00,000 1,80,000
Sales 23,00,000 15,00,000
Printing and stationery 20,000 16,000


The following expenses incurred for both the departments were not apportioned between the departments.

  1. Salaries Rs.2,70,000
  2. Advertisement expenses Rs.90,000
  3. General expenses Rs.8,00,000
  4. Depreciation @ 25% on the machinery value of Rs.48,000

Advertisement expenses are to be apportioned in the turnover ratio, salaries in 2:1 and depreciation in 1:3 ratio, between the Departments P and Q. General expenses are to be apportioned in the ratio of 3:1


  1. Following is the trial balance of Bangalore Branch as on 31-3-2005
  Debit Credit
Furniture 1,400  
Cash at bank & on hand 1,780  
Office expenses 470  
Rent 960  
Debtors & creditors 3,700 1,850
Salaries 1,500  
Goods supplied to Head office   6,000
Sales   38,000
Goods received from head office 8,000  
Purchases 18,800  
Stock on 1st April 2004 6,000  
Head office account 3,240  
  45,850 45,850


Closing stock was valued at Rs.2,700. The Branch Account in the Head office books stood at Rs.400 (Dr). Goods worth Rs.2,500 sent by Head office and remittance of Rs.1,200 sent by Branch to Head office was in transit.

You are required to incorporate the above trial balance in the Branch in Head office  and to prepare the  Bangalore Branch account in the books of the Head office.


  1. IV) Compulsory question     (15 marks)
  2. A trader, who has not kept a complete set of books, asks you to prepare his final accounts for the year ended 31st December 2005.  You are, however, able to obtain the following information:


Balance of Cash on 1st January, 2005 51,700
Receipt from Debtors 4,20,500
Personal Drawings 30,000
Payment to Creditors 3,24,000
Salaries 25,000
Rent 12,000
Electricity Charges 3,500
Printing and Stationery 2,500
Advertising 4,500

Additional Information:

Debtors 33,500 51,000
Creditors 14,000 35,000
Rent Outstanding 1,000 1,000
Electricity Charges Outstanding 200 150
Advertising Outstanding   2,500

The stock on 31st December 05 was valued at Rs.45,000, but the trader has no record of the Stock on 31st December 04.  He informs you, however, that he invariably sells, his goods at cost plus 33 1/3  percent.

Prepare his Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31st December 05 and his Balance Sheet as on that date.  Give detailed working of arriving at the different unknown figures.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Computer Application And Mis Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester ExamINATION –APRIL 2013

B.Com – II Semester (TRAVEL & TOURISM)

Computer Applications and MIS

Time: 2 hours                                                                                           Max Marks: 60


  1. I) Answer the following questions briefly in two or three sentence. (5X2=10)
  2. What is DBMS?
  3. What do you mean by network?
  4. How to organise text in a web page?
  5. What is Templates in MS- Word?
  6. What is Computer Monitoring?



  1. Answer any five questions from the following.         (5X5=25)


  1. What do you mean by mail merging? How will you prepare Mail merge in


  1. Write commands based on the following MS-Excel sheet:
  A B C D E F G
  Name English(50) Maths(50) Accounts(50) Total Percentage Grade
1 Ram 30 30 35      
2 Ashwin 48 44 40      
3 Rohit 33 30 34      
4 Vijay 10 20 13      

Assign the values to appropriate cell location addresses and answer the following:

a .Calculate the total. (English+Maths+Accounts)

  1. Calculate Percentage.
  2. Calculate Grade P.T.O…..

Rules for Grading

Percentage Grade
More than 70 Distinction
More than 60 First Class
More than 50 Second class
More than 40 Pass
Less than 40 fail


  1. Explain the Mesh and Star Network topology with diagram.
  2. Explain the following

Relational Database Model

Hierarchical Data base Model

Network Data Base Model

  1. Explain Biometric security with a neat diagram.
  2. Explain Data Warehouse


III        Answer any one question from the following:                         (1×10=10)


  1. Explain any five MS-Excel financial functions with example.
  2. .Explain any 10 important features of MS WORD.



  1. IV) Compulsory question. (15makrs)
  2. Explain the following

SET                             (5 Marks)

Firewall                     (5 Marks)

Cryptography           (5 Marks)




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Business Law Question Paper PDF Download





TIME : 3HRS                                                                                                             MARKS: 100


  1. Read the statements mentioned below and quote the word or phrase in law that represents the same. (10×1=10)


  1. An order of the court restraining the wrong doer from doing, or continuing, the

wrongful act complained of . It is usually granted to enforce negative stipulations in cases where damages are not adequate.


  1. The rule of law or the underlying principle upon which a decision is founded and which gives it the element of authority.


  1. The relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other.


  1. A false statement which the person making it honestly believes to be true or which he does not know to be false. It also includes non-disclosure of a material fact or facts without any intent to deceive the other party.


  1. An agreement whereby one party is to assist another to bring an action for recovering money or property , and is to share in the proceeds of the action.


  1. Acceptance of a lesser fulfillment of the promise made in discharge of the whole debt.


  1. When (i) a new contract is substituted for an existing one between the same parties or

(ii) a contract between two parties is rescinded in consideration of a new  contract being entered into on the same terms between one of the parties and  a third party.


  1. One who is entrusted with the possession of goods and who has the authority to buy, sell or otherwise deal with the goods or to raise money on their security. He has a general lien on the goods.


  1. Any document issued which includes any notices, circular, advertisement or any other document inviting offers form the public for the subscription or purchase of any shares in, or debentures of a body corporate.


  1. An act in which whoever with the intent to cause or knowing that it is likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or any information residing in a computer resource or diminishes value or utility or affects it injuriously by any means.


Section – B

  1. Answer following questions    (5×2=10)

Read the cases mentioned below and answer the questions that follow by not only quoting the respective law but also giving a suitable  explanation for the same.


  1. A sent a telegram to B,” Will you sell your car? Quote lowest price.” B Sent a reply. “Lowest price Rs. 25,000.” A sent a second telegram to B, “I agree to buy your car for Rs. 25,000.” B thereafter refuses to sell.
  • Can A compel B to do so?
  • (b) Is there a contract between A and B?


  1. Ravi promises to make a gift of Rs. 3,000 towards the repairs of a temple. The trustee of the temple on the faith of his promise incurs liabilities. Ravi does not pay. Can the trustee recover the promised amount from Ravi?


  1. G pays Rs. 500 to A, a civil servant employed in a Government department, in consideration of A’s promise that a Government contract which is at the disposal of his department will be placed with G. Before this can be done, A is transferred to another department. G now wishes to reclaim from A Rs. 500 paid to him. Will G succeed?



  1. ‘M’ made a contract with ‘N’ for supplying to him certain goods at a place outside the State when there was no prohibition against sending the goods outside the State. Subsequently prohibition was imposed on the sending of those goods to that place and the railway booking was consequently closed. M, failed to supply the goods . N sued M for damages for non-supply of goods. M, inter alia, pleaded that the contract became impossible of performance and so he was absolved from performing it. Will M succeed in his said defence?



  1. X commenced a periodical publication called, the Armour, and engaged Y to write a volume on ancient armour for it. For this Y was to receive the sum of Rs. 10,000 on completion of the work. When he had completed a part, but not the whole of his volume, X abandoned the publication. Y sued X for recovery of the amount contracted for .Advise Y.


Section – C


  • Answer the following questions .                                                              (10×2=20)


  1. Who is a plaintiff?
  2. Does a contract create a ‘Jus in Rem’ or a ‘Jus in personam’ Elaborate.
  3. Explain the term ‘Obiter dictum’.
  4. Differentiate between a void agreement and a void contact?
  5. State what is meant by “Quantum Meruit’?
  6. What is meant by ‘Power of Attorney’?
  7. How is a ‘Factor’ different from a ‘Broker’?
  8. Mention the minimum number of members to form a private and public company . Alos state the maximum number of member that they can have.
  9. State briefly the laws relating to competence of parties to a contract.
  10. Can a minor be a agent? If so will he be responsible to the principal?


Section – D

  1. Answer any Four                      (4×5=20)


  1. What are the Sources of Indian Business law?
  2. When is consent said to be free and genuine?
  3. How is a contract discharged by supervening impossibility?
  4. Briefly explain the various modes by which an agency may be created.
  5. Is a client hiring the services of an advocate considered to be a Consumer under the consumer protection act? Why? In light of the above bring out clearly as to who is a consumer and who are not consumers according to the act.
  6. Elaborate the various types of cyber crimes.



Section – E

  1. Answer any FOUR questions.                  (4×10=40)


  1. What is an Offer? Explain the essentials of a valid offer.




  1. Explain the exception to
  • The doctrine of Privity of contract.
  • ‘Ex Nudo Pacto Non Oritur actio’


  1. How does the Memorandum of Association differ from the Articles of Association of a company? List the various contents of the Articles of Association of a company.


  1. “The consumer protection Act seeks to provide speedy and simple redressal to consumer disputes. For this purpose there has been set up a quasi- judicial machinery at the District, State and Central levels”. With reference to the above statement explain the Composition, Appointment, Term of office and Jurisdiction of the various consumer protection agencies in the country”.



  1. Elaborate the rights and duties of an agent.


  1. What are the objectives of FEMA? Why was there a need to repeal FERA and substitute it with FEMA?


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Additional English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – April 2013

B.Com – II Semester (Travel & Tourism)

 Additional English

Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                                     Max Marks: 100

Note: Exceeding the word limit will result in loss of marks.


Answer any six in less than 100 words each.                             (6 x 6 = 36)

  1. What is your understanding of the title of the poem ‘A Ring to Me is Bondage’? Is it a suitable title to the poem?
  2. Comment on the way in which the monologue ‘Girl’ is written. Which do you think would be more effective: a performance of ‘Girl’ or a reading of it?
  3. Describe the process of mending the wall in the poem ‘Mending Wall’.
  4. Comment on any two advice that Abraham Lincoln gives to his son’s teacher.
  5. Narrate the way in which misunderstanding arises between Muni and the foreign traveller because of the language barrier.
  6. Mention any two things that Narayan Murthy says that we must learn from the west and explain their relevance to the present times.
  7. Why do you think Muni’s wife did not believe him when he said that he sold the goats to a foreigner? Comment on the nature of their relationship.
  8. What is the lesson that Sudha Murthy learnt by meeting the villagers?




Read the following poem titled Four Walls by Zeeshan Sahil and answer all the three questions in about 200-250 words each.                                      9 x 3 = 27

Four Walls


You could call where we live
a house.
A room, very high up
with a very low ceiling,
one window, quite large,
and one very small door
that you could pass through
with your hands folded over your breast,
never lifting your feet from the floor.
You can look out this window, too,
out the window in the very high room
with the very low ceiling
if you like;
you can sleep without stretching your legs;
you can live never lifting your head.


  1. What are the different actions that the poem describes? Comment on any one interesting feature of the poem.
  2. How is this poem different from the other poems that you have read on the theme of ‘Wall’? Comment on any one or two differences in detail.
  3. Write about a story/documentary/movie which has a similar theme (the theme of Wall) and also give your thoughts on the concept of ‘Wall’.




Read the following Britannica Encyclopaedia entries and answer all the three questions in about 200-250 words each.                                              9 x 3 = 27

Gift exchange or ceremonial exchange:

Gift exchange is the transfer of goods or services that, although regarded as voluntary by the people involved, is part of the expected social behaviour. Gift exchange may be distinguished from other types of exchange in several respects: the first offering is made in a generous manner and there is no haggling between donor and recipient; the exchange is an expression of an existing social relationship or of the establishment of a new one that differs from impersonal market relationships; and the profit in gift exchange may be in the sphere of social relationships and prestige rather than in material advantage.

The gift-exchange cycle entails obligations to give, to receive, and to return. Sanctions may exist to induce people to give, disapproval or loss of prestige resulting from a failure to do so. Refusal to accept a gift may be seen as refusal of social relations and may lead to enmity. The reciprocity of the cycle rests in the obligation to return the gift; the prestige associated with the appearance of generosity dictates that the value of the return be approximately equal to or greater than the value of the original gift.

The French anthropologist Marcel Mauss made the first extended application of the idea of gift exchange to various aspects of social life, stressing the social concomitants of the exchange rather than its economic functions. A gift exchange may not only provide a recipient with what amounts to credit for a period but also validates, supports, and expresses a social relationship in terms of the status of those concerned. The concept of reciprocity behind gift exchange has been extended into the field of ritual and religion. Thus, some sacrifices may be viewed as gifts to supernatural powers from which a return in the form of aid and approval is expected. Reciprocal social relations, as in the transfer of women in marriage between kin groups, is similar in terms of obligations and types of relationships to gift exchange. Gift exchange such as the potlatch (q.v.) of the Northwest Pacific coast Indians has also been analyzed as an adaptive subsistence aspect of a socioeconomic system allowing for redistribution of surplus wealth and food in certain ecological settings.


Potlatch is a ceremonial distribution of property and gifts to affirm or reaffirm social status, as uniquely institutionalized by the American Indians of the Northwest Pacific coast. The potlatch reached its most elaborate development among the southern Kwakiutl from 1849 to 1925. Although each group had its characteristic version, the potlatch had certain general features. Ceremonial formalities were observed in inviting guests, in speechmaking, and in the distribution of goods by the donor according to the social rank of the recipients. The size of the gatherings reflected the rank of the donor. Great feasts and generous hospitality accompanied the potlatch, and the efforts of the kin group of the host were exerted to maximize the generosity. The proceedings gave wide publicity to the social status of donor and recipients because there were many witnesses.

A potlatch was given by an heir or successor to assert and validate his newly assumed social position. Important events such as marriages, births, deaths, and initiations into secret societies were also occasions for potlatches; but trivial events were used just as often, because the main purpose of a potlatch was not the occasion itself but the validation of claims to social rank. The potlatch was also used as a face-saving device by individuals who had suffered public embarrassment and as a means of competition between rivals in social rank.


Kula is an exchange system among the people of the Trobriand Islands of southeast Melanesia, in which permanent contractual partners trade traditional valuables following an established ceremonial pattern and trade route. In this system, described by the Polish-born British anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski, only two kinds of articles, traveling in opposite directions around a rough geographic ring several hundred miles in circumference, were exchanged. These were red shell necklaces and white shell bracelets, which were not producers’ capital, being neither consumable nor media of exchange outside the ceremonial system. Kula objects, which sometimes had names and histories attached, were not owned in order to be used but rather to acquire prestige and rank.

Every detail of the transaction was regulated by traditional rules and conventions, and some acts were accompanied by rituals and ceremonies. A limited number of men could take part in the kula, each man keeping an article for a relatively short period before passing it on to one of his partners from whom he received the opposite item in exchange. The partnerships between men, involving mutual duties and obligations, were permanent and lifelong. Thus the network of relationships around the kula served to link many tribes by providing allies and communication of material and nonmaterial cultural elements to distant areas.

  1. Explain the process of gift exchange in your own words and comment on Marcel Mauss’ application of the idea on social life.
  2. What are the similarities and differences between Potlatch and Kula? Which do think is more interesting? Why?
  3. What according to you is the purpose of gift exchange? What kind of gifts would you like to give or receive? Why?


Answer in about 250 words:                                                                 1 x 10 = 10

One of the definitions of Aphorism is: a brief sentence or phrase that expresses an opinion or a statement and which embodies universal or general truth.  “A penny saved is a penny earned” is an example of an aphorism.

Think of an aphorism that you have heard or read or create a new one and explain it in detail.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 IV Sem General English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (AUTONOMOUS)

End Semester Examination – April 2013

B.Com – IV Semester


Time: 1 ½  Hours                                                                                           Max. Marks: 50

Note: Answer this question paper in a separate answer script.


  1. Answer any TWO of the following in about 200 words each.    (2×10=20)
  1. How many of the ten flatteners have affected your life? Do you think Friedman left any flatteners out? Is the importance of any of the flatteners he lists overstated?


  1. What are the benefits/ detriments of the “world is flat” metaphor? What is Friedman trying to convey with this image? Is the world he describes really flat? Think of another metaphor that would better explain (or explain just as well, if you buy the idea that the world is flat) what Friedman details in these chapters.
  2. Do you work for a company that is implementing any of Friedman’s coping strategies? Which of them would be the most controversial in your industry?


  1. In Chapter Nine’s third section, “I Can Only Get It for You Retail,” Friedman offers a vivid portrait of the “neighborhoods” comprising various parts of the globe today. How will those neighborhoods look one hundred years from now? Will America still be a gated community, and Asia “the other side of the tracks”?



  1. Answer any ONE of the following in about 200 words each        (1×10=10)


  1. Prospero presents himself as the civilized discoverer of a desert island, with Caliban and Ariel as its not-quite-human inhabitants. How does Caliban’s history of the island differ from Prospero’s? Whom do you think Shakespeare agrees with, Prospero or Caliban? Whom do you agree with, Prospero or Caliban? Give textual evidence in working out your answers.
  2. What do Antonio and Sebastian want to do to Alonso and Gonzalo? Why? What does Antonio mean when he says, “What’s past is prologue” .
  3. What are the goals of the conspiracy staged by Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban (II.ii, III.ii)? What does each party want to get out of it? Do you ever feel that they are likely to succeed? How (if at all) does the playwright let us know whose side he’s on?


III) Annotate any TWO of the following                                                               (2×5=10)

  1. “ A living drollery. Now I believe
    That there are unicorn; that in Arabia
    There is one tree, the phoenix’ throne; one phoenix
    At this hour reigning there” [ Act 3, Scene 3, 21-24]
  2. “ We are such stuff
    As dreams are made on, and our little life
    Is rounded with a sleep [ Act 4, Scene 1, 156-158]
  3. Ay, that I will; and I’ ll be wise hereafter,
    And seek for grace. What a thrice-double ass
    Was I, to take this drunkard for a god,
    And worship this dull fool!”[ Act 5, Scene 1, 294-297]



  1. Answer any FIVE of the following in about 200 words each.           (5×2=10)


  1. What task does Prospero impose upon Ferdinand?
  2. Give as good a description as you can of Caliban.
  3. What does Ariel do for Gonzalo?
  4. Where is the scene of this drama placed?
  5. What does Miranda mean by the phrase, “Brave new world” .
  6. Who is Caliban? What is his attitude towards Prospero’s control of the island?


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 IV Sem Financial Markets And Services Question Paper PDF Download





TIME: 3 HRS                                                                                                MARKS : 100


  1. Answer ALL the questions.                          (10 x 2 = 20)
  2. “Financial system provides the intermediation between savers and investors and promotes faster economic development”. Substantiate.
  3. The RBI has taken several steps to bring ————– sector of financing under its control but did not succeed. Explain giving two examples of this sector.
  4. How does a Money Market differ from a Capital Market? Give four points.
  5. Explain the method of Primary Issue which helps the issuing company to discover volume and price of the issue.
  6. Write a note on NSDL.
  7. What is a derivative instrument? Explain the derivative contract that is tailor made and not standardised.
  8. Explain two innovative fees based financial services.
  9. ————— is a short term credit facility that is always extended with recourse. Explain the process.
  10. What is leveraged lease?
  11. “Stock markets render invaluable services to the investors, companies and to the economy as a whole.”  explain in four points.


  1. Answer any FOUR                                            (4 x 5 = 20)
  2. What is the significance of Listing? Explain briefly the steps to be followed for the same.


  1. Write short notes on:
  2. Deep discount Bonds
  3. Commercial Papers


  1. What are the differences between financial lease and operating lease?


  1. What are the scope and limitation of a Merchant banker?


  1. Briefly discuss the procedure to be followed and the method of trading in a stock exchange as a speculator/investor.
  2. Observe the following picture. Explain the funding method which can help the manager.





  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.                 (3 x 15 = 45)
  1. “A firm may propose to acquire a certain asset either with equity funds or with a financial lease.”
  2. What are the factors influencing buy/lease decisions?
  3. Explain the procedure followed to evaluate a lease.


  1. What is the significance of Venture Capital financing? Explain the stages of Venture Capital Financing.


  1. How does SEBI protect the interest of Investors? Explain with reference to its Functions & Powers.


  1. Discuss briefly:
  2. Lame Ducks
  3. S&P CNX 100
  1. Open-ended Funds
  2. Forfeiting




  1. Discuss in detail about the method of investing depicted in the picture.



  1. Compulsory Question                                 (1 x 15 = 15)
  1. An investor has invested in NCDs of Tata Chemicals, Eid Party ltd., Bharti Tele-Venture & United Western Bank in the ratio of 4:3:2:1.

Credit rating agency ICRA has reaffirmed the LAA + rating assigned to the Rs.125 crore non-convertible debentures of Tata Chemicals to AA/ stable.

Eid parry India ltd., has informed BSE that CRISIL has upgraded the rating for the non convertible debenture to AA/stable from AA-/stable.

Credit rating agency has upgraded the rating of Rs.100 crore non convertible debentures of Bharati Tele-Venture from ‘LAA’ to ‘LAA+’ indicating high credit quality.

CARE has placed B+ rating of United Western Bank NCDs under ‘credit watch’.


  1. Advice the investor with regard to revision of the portfolio. Discuss with reference to the significance of the rating symbols.               (8 marks)
  2. Explain the Credit Rating Process.  (7 marks)


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 IV Sem Cost Accounting Question Paper PDF Download





Duration::3 HOURS                                                                                      Max. Marks:100




  1. Answer ALL the following questions.                                               (10×2=20)


  1. Define the term Cost. How does it differ from expense?
  2. Explain the following costs: a) sunk cost,          b) opportunity cost.
  3. What is the difference between Abnormal Idle Time and Normal Idle Time?
  4. What is the meant by ABC Analysis?
  5. Calculate economic order quantity from the following :

Annual consumption – 12,000 units.

Cost of ordering           – Rs.15 per order.

Cost of material            – Rs.1.25 per unit.

Storage cost – 20% of average inventory

  1. What are overheads? How do they differ from Prime Cost?
  2. Explain the term Escalation Clause?
  3. What is meant by Inter-Process Profits?
  4. What is the objective of Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts?
  5. What is meant by Profit on incomplete contracts?




  1. Answer any FOUR out of the following six questions.                   (4×5=20)


  1. In a manufacturing company, a material is used as follows :

Maximum comsumption-12.000 units per week

Minimum comsumption-4,000 units per week

Normal consumption – 8.000 unit per week

Reorder quantity-48.000 units

Time required for delivery

Minimum : 4 weeks

Maximum : 6 weeks.

Calculate: a,  Re-order Level; b,   Minimum Level ; c,   Maximum level ; d, Danger level ; e, Average stock level.


  1. In a factory, the standard time allowed for producing 25 units of a product is 1 hour. The hourly rate is Rs.11. Workers A, B and C produced 275 units, 200 units and 325 units respectively in a day.

Calculate (i) wages for each worker on that day (ii) Effective rate of earnings per hour for each worker under (a) Halsey premium Bonus (bonus @ 50% of time saved) Plan (b) Rowan premium method (c) Straight piece rate method.


  1. A manufacturing unit has added a new machine to its fleet of five existing machines. The total cost of purchase and installation of the machine is Rs.7,50,000. The machine has an estimated life of 15 years and is expected to realize Rs.30,000 as scrap at the end of its working life.

Other relevant data are as under:-

  • Budgeted working hours are 2,400 based on 8 hours per day for 300 days. This includes 400 hours for plant maintenance.
  • Electricity used by the machine is 15 units per hour at a cost of Rs.2 per unit. No current is drawn during maintenance.
  • The machine requires special oil for heating, which is replaced once every month at the cost of Rs.2,500 on each occasion.

(iv)       Estimated cost of machine maintenance is Rs.500 per week of 6

working days

  • Three operators control the operations of the entire battery of six machines and the average wages per person are Rs.450 per week plus 40% fringe benefits.
  • Departmental and general works overheads allocated to the operation during the last year was Rs.60,000. During the current year, it is estimated that there will be an increase of 12.5 % of this amount. No incremental overhead is envisaged of the installation of the new machine.

You are required to compute the machine hour rate of recovery of the running cost of the machine.



  1. Write short notes on:
  2. a) Kaizen costing                     (b)  Balance Score Card


  1. What are the practical difficulties in installing the Costing System in an organization ?


  1. From the following information, Prepare a Process Account, Abnormal Gain Account .


Input of raw material                    840 units @ Rs.40 per unit.

Direct Material                              Rs. 5,924

Direct Wages                                 Rs. 8,000

Overheads                                      Rs. 8,000

Actual Output                                 750 units

Normal loss                                    15%

Value of scrap per unit                   Rs.10 per unit

                                                            SECTION – C


  • Answer any THREE out of the following questions.                        (3×15=45)


  1. The following is the summarized Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ending 31st 2008 in which year 800 waterproofs were sold by the said company.-


Trading and Profit and Loss Account


To cost of materials 32,000 By sales 1,60,000


To Direct wages 48,000


To Manufacturing charges 20,000    
To Gross profit c/d 60,000    
  1,60,000   1,60,000
To Office salaries 24,000 By gross profit b/d 60,000


To Rent and taxes 4,000    
To Selling expenses 8,000    
To General expenses 12,000    
To Net profit 12,000    
  60,000   60,000


Following estimates were made by the costing department of the company of the year ending 31st March 2009 :

  1. The output and the sales will be 1,000 waterproofs.
  2. The price of materials will rise by 25% on the previous year’s level.
  3. Wages during the year will rise by 12.5%.
  4. Manufacturing cost will rise in proportion to the combined cost of materials and wages
  5. Selling cost per unit will remain unchanged
  6. Other expenses will remain unaffected by the rise in output.

From the above information, prepare a cost statement showing the price at which the waterproofs would be marketed so as to show a profit of 10% on the selling price.


  1. Enter the following transactions in the stores ledger of Y material for the month of July, 2011 using (1) the FIFO method and (2) the LIFO method.


1st July Balance 200 units @ Re. 1 per unit.
3rd July Issued 50 units
6th July Received 800 units @ Rs.1.10 per unit
7th July Issued 300 units
8th July Returned to stores 20 units issued on 3rd July
12th July Received 300 units @ Rs.1.20 per unit
15th July Issued 320 units
18th July Received 100 units @ Rs.1.20 per unit
20rd July Issued 120 units
23rd July Returned to vendors 40 units received on 18th July
26th July Received 200 units @ Re1 per unit
28th July Freight paid on purchase Rs.50
30th July Issued 250 units


  1. Indian Manufacturing Company has 3 products A, B and C and 2 Service Departments X and Y. The following is the budget for Feb 2004:


Particulars     Total A B C X Y
Direct Materials


1,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 1,000
Direct Wages 5,000 2,000 8,000 1,000 2,000
Factory Rent 4,000          
Power 2,500          
Depreciation 1,000          
Other Overhead 9,000          


Additional information is given as under:-


       Particulars A B C X Y
Area sq. ft. 500 250 500 250 500
Capital value of

Assets (Rs.lakhs)

20 40 20 10 10
Machine hours 1,000 2,000 4,000 1,000 1,000
HP of machines 50 40 20 15 25

A technical assessment for apportionment of the costs of service departments is as under:

A              B             C           X          Y

Service Department   X            45%        15%         30%         –          10%

Service Department   Y            60%         35%         –              5%        –


You are required to distribute overheads to various departments and re-distribute service department costs to production department.


  1. AKP Builders Ltd. Commenced a contract on April 1, 2010. The total contract was for Rs. 5,00,000. Actual expenditure for the period April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011 and estimated expenditure for April 1,2011 to December 31,2011 are given below :


Particulars                                                 2010-11            2011-12

(actual)            (9 months



Materials issued                                                                 90,000                  85,750

Labour  : Paid                                                                      75,000                 87,325

Outstanding at the end                                                        6,250                  8,300

Plant                                                                                      25,000                      –

Sundry expenses: Paid                                                          7,250                  6,875

Pre-paid at the end                                                                   625                      –

Establishment charges                                                         14,625                     –

A part of the material was unsuitable and was sold for Rs. 18,125 (cost being Rs. 15,000) and a part of plant was scrapped and disposed of for Rs. 2,875. The value of plant at site on 31st March, 2011 was Rs.7,750 and the value of material at site was Rs. 4,250. Cash received on account to date was Rs.1,75,000, representing 80% of the work certified. The cost of work uncertified was valued at Rs.27,375.

The contractor estimated further expenditure that would be incurred in completion of the contract:-

  1. The contract would be completed by 31st December, 2012
  2. A further sum of Rs. 31,250 would have to be spent on the plant and the residual value of the plant on the completion of the contract would be Rs.3,750.
  3. Establishment charges would cost the same amount per month as in the previous year.
  4. 10,800 would be sufficient to provide for contingencies.


You are required to prepare Contract Account and calculate estimated total profit on this contract. Profit transferable to Profit and Loss Account is to be calculated by reducing estimated profit in proportion of work certified and contract price.


  1. A transistor manufacturer who commenced his business on 01.04.2011 supplies you with the following information and asks you to prepare a statement showing the profit per transistor sold.

Wages and materials are to be charged at actual cost, works overheads at 75% of wages and office overhead at 30% of works cost. Number of transistors manufactured and sold during the year was 540.

Other particulars are: materials per set Rs.240, Wages per set Rs.80, Selling price per set Rs.600.


If the actual Works Expenses were Rs.32,160 and Office Expenses were Rs. 61,800,        Prepare a Reconciliation Statement.






  1. Answer the following compulsory question.             (1×15=15)


  1. A product passes through three processes A, B and C. 10,000 units at a cost of Re. 1 were issued to process A. The other direct expenses were:


  Process A Process B Process C
Sundry materials 1,000 1,500 1,480
Direct Labour 5,000 8,000 6,500
Direct Expenses 1,050 1,188 1,605


The wastage of Process A was 5% and Process B was 4%. The wastage of Process A was sold at Rs.0.25 per unit and that of B at Rs.0.50 per unit and that of C at Rs.1.00 per unit. The overhead charges were 168% of direct  labour. The final product was sold at Rs.10 per unit fetching a profit of 20% on sales. Find the percentage of wastage in Process C.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 IV Sem Corporate Accounting II Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examinations – March /April 2013


 Corporate Accounting- ii


Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                                   Marks: 100

Section – A


  1. Answer ALL Questions. Each carries 2 marks:                                   (10 x 2 =20)


  1. Who is a liquidator?
  2. What are the two forms of internal reconstruction?
  3. Distinguish between Capital Reduction Account and Capital Redemption Reserve Account.
  4. What is the purpose of AS – 14?
  5. Explain the 2 types of voluntary winding up?
  6. How is the balancing figure treated while incorporating assets and liabilities of selling company, when it is (a) Nature of merger (b) Nature of purchase?
  7. What are the four methods of purchase consideration?
  8. Give the meaning of redemption of preference shares?
  9. Explain sub – division of shares with an example?
  10. What is the entry passed when statutory Reserves are to be maintained in the books of the New Company?


Section – B


  1. Answer any FOUR Questions. Each carries 5 marks:                         (4 x 5 = 20)



  1. On the reconstruction of a company, the following terms were agreed upon: the shareholders to receive in lieu of their present holding (viz., 50,000 shares of Rs.10 each) the following:
  2. Fully paid Equity Shares equal to 2/5th of their holdings
  3. 6% Preference shares fully paid, to the extent of 1/5th of the above new Equity shares
  4. 60,000/- 5% Second Debentures

An issue of Rs.50,000/- 5% First Debentures was made and allotted payment for the same having been received in cash.


The Goodwill which stood at Rs.3,00,000/- was written down to Rs.1,50,000.


The Plant and Machinery, which stood at Rs.1,00,000 were written down to Rs.75,000.

The Freehold and Leasehold Premises, which stood at Rs.1,50,000 were written down to Rs.1,25,000.


Pass the Journal Entries in the books of the company necessitated by the above reconstruction.


  1. Bring out the differences between Amalgamation and External Reconstruction.


  1. Explain the various circumstances under which a company would have to go in for the legal formalities of winding up.


  1. Luckless limited went into voluntary liquidation on 31/12/2001 when the sale of affairs was as below:

Unsecured creditors was Rs.4,00,000 including Rs. 50,000 preferential claim.  Secured creditors, secured on plant and machinery, stood at Rs. 2,00,000. Cash in hand was Rs.10,000.


The liquidator realized plant and machinery for Rs.1,50,000 and the other assets realized Rs.1,00,000/- The liquidation expenses came to Rs.10,000 and the liquidator’s remuneration was fixed at 4% of the amount realized including cash balance and 2% of the amount distributed to unsecured creditors including preferential creditors.


Prepare Liquidator’s Final Statement of Account showing the distribution of cash.


  1. Super Express Ltd., and Fast Express Ltd., were in competing business. They decided to form a new company named Super Fast Express Ltd.  The summarized balance sheets of both the companies were as under:


Super Express Ltd

Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2012

  Rs.   Rs.
20,000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each 20,00,000 Buildings 10,00,000
Provident Fund 1,00,000 Machinery 4,00,000
Sundry creditors 60,000 Stock 3,00,000
Insurance reserve 1,00,000 Sundry debtors 2,40,000
    Cash at bank 2,20,000
    Cash in hand 1,00,000
  22,60,000   22,60,000


Fast Express Ltd

Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2012

  Rs.   Rs.
10,000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each 10,00,000 Goodwill 1,00,000
Employees profit sharing account 60,000 Buildings 6,00,000
Sundry creditors 40,000 Machinery 5,00,000
Reserve account 1,00,000 Stock 40,000
Surplus 1,00,000 Sundry debtors 40,000
    Cash at bank 10,000
    Cash in hand 10,000
  13,00,000   13,00,000

The assets and liabilities of both the companies were taken over by the new company at their book values.  The companies were allotted equity shares of Rs.100 each in lieu of purchase consideration.  Prepare opening balance sheet of Super Fast Express Ltd.


  1. The Balance Sheet of X Ltd., on the date of redemption of preference shares is as follows:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Equity Share Capital (Rs.10 each) 4,00,000 Fixed Assets 10,50,000
Preference Share Capital (Rs.100 each partly paid up) 1,00,000 Investments (Face value Rs.2,37,500) 2,00,000
Preference Share Capital (Rs.100 each fully paid) 2,00,000 Bank 1,00,000
Capital Redemption Reserve 1,00,000 Other Current Assets 1,50,000
Securities Premium 5,000    
Profit and Loss A/c 2,95,000    
Liabilities 4,00,000    
  15,00,000   15,00,000


To redeem preference shares following resolution is passed:

  • Preference shares are to be redeemed at a premium of 20%
  • Investments are to be sold at a loss of 5%
  • 5,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each are to be issued at par for the purpose of redemption of preference shares


Pass journal entries to record the above transactions assuming that all the necessary formalities are complied with.



Section – C


  • Answer any THREE Questions. Each carries 15 marks:     (3 x 15 = 45)


  1. The following is the summarized Balance Sheet of Redeemable Limited:


Liabilities   Rs. Assets Rs.
Paid up Share Capital

Equity Shares:

    Bank 90,000
50,000 shares of Rs.10 each   5,00,000 Other Assets 8,10,000
10% Redeemable Pref. Shares:        
1,000 shares of Rs.100 each fully called – up 1,00,000      
Less: Calles – in – arrear 1,000 99,000    
(on 50 shares @ Rs.20 each)   5,99,000    
Reserves & Surplus        
General Reserve 1,00,000      
Dev. Rebate Reserve 50,000 1,50,000    
Other Liabilities   1,51,000    
    9,00,000   9,00,000


The Redeemable Preference Shares were redeemed on the following basis:

  • Further 4,500 equity shares were issued at a premium of 10 per cent:
  • Expenses for fresh issue of shares – Rs.5,000;
  • Of the 50 Preference Shares, holders for 40 shares paid the call before the date of redemption. The balance 10 shares were forfeited for non – payment of calls before redemption.  The forfeited shares were reissued as fully paid on receipt of Rs.500 before redemption;
  • Preference shares were redeemed at a premium of 10 percent, and securities premium amount was utilized in full for the purpose.


Show journal entries including those relating to cash and the summarized Balance Sheet after redemption showing rough workings.











  1. The balance sheet of H Ltd., was as follows on 31/12/2001


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Authorized and issued capital   Goodwill 40,000
5,000, 6% preference shares of Rs.10 each fully paid 50,000 Sundry other assets 1,64,500
15,000 ordinary shares of Rs.10 each fully paid 1,50,000 Patents 15,000
6% Debentures 30,000 Cash 500
Creditors 20,000 Profit & Loss A/c 28,000
(Preference dividend is in arrears for 4 year )   Preliminary expenses 2,000
  2,50,000   2,50,000


A scheme of external reconstruction was agreed upon as follows:

  • A new company called J Ltd., was formed with an authorized capital of Rs.3,25,000/- All in ordinary shares of Rs.10
  • One ordinary share, Rs.5/- paid, in new company to be issued to each ordinary share held in H Ltd.
  • Two ordinary shares, Rs.5 paid, in the company to be issued for each preference share in H Ltd.
  • Arrears to be cancelled
  • Debenture holders are to get 3,000 ordinary shares in the new company credited as fully paid
  • Creditors to be taken over by new company
  • The remaining unissued shares to be taken up and paid for fully by the directors.
  • The new company to take over old company’s assets except patents, subject to writing down “sundry assets” by Rs.35,000/-
  • Patents were realized by H Ltd for Rs.1,000/-



  1. Realization Account
  2. Equity holders accounts
  3. J Ltd A/c in H Ltd., books and
  4. Reconstructed balance sheet in J Ltd.







  1. Quick Consumption Limited went into voluntary liquidation on 31/12/2001. The balance sheets as on that date was:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital:   Land and buildings 2,50,000
5,000 6% Cumulative preference shares of Rs.100 each 5,00,000 Machinery 6,25,000
2,500 Equity share of Rs.100 each Rs.75 paid up 1,87,500 Patents 1,00,000
7,500 Equity shares of Rs.100 each Rs.60 paid up 4,50,000 Stock 1,37,500
5% mortgage Debentures 2,50,000 Debtors 2,75,000
Interest outstanding on Debentures 12,500 Cash at bank 75,000
Creditors 3,62,500 Profit & Loss A/c 3,00,000
  17,62,500   17,62,500

The liquidator is entitled to a commission of 3% on all assets realized except cash and 2% on amounts distributed to unsecured creditors.


Creditors include Rs.17,500/- for income tax due to government, Rs.5,000/- outstanding salaries of employees and an award of Rs.15,000/- made under Workmen’s Compensation Act.  It also includes a loan for Rs.1,25,000/- secured by mortgage on Land and buildings.


The preference dividends were in arrears for two years.  The assets realized as follows:

Land & Buildings 3,00,000
Machinery 5,00,000
Patents 75,000
Stock 1,50,000
Debtors 2,00,000
Expenses of liquidation amounted to 27,250
Prepare the Liquidator’s Final Statement of Account  










  1. M/s. Platinum Limited has decided to reconstruct the Balance Sheet since it has accumulated huge losses. The following is the Balance Sheet of the company as on 31st March 2012 before reconstruction.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Cpital      
50,000 shares of Rs.50 each fully paid up 25,00,000 Goodwill 22,00,000
1,00,000 shares of Rs.50 each Rs.40 paid up 40,00,000 Land & Building 42,70,000
Capital Reserve 5,00,000 Machinery 8,50,000
8% Debentures of Rs.100 each 4,00,000 Computers 5,20,000
12% Debentures of Rs.100 each 6,00,000 Stock 3,20,000
Trade Creditors 12,40,000 Trade Debtors 10,90,000
Outstanding Expenses 10,60,000 Cash at Bank 2,68,000
    Profit & Loss A/c 7,82,000
Total 1,03,00,000 Total 1,03,00,000

Following is the interest of Mr. Shiv and Mr. Ganesh in M/s. Platinum Limited

  Mr. Shiv Mr. Ganesh
8% Debentures 3,00,000 1,00,000
12% Debentures 4,00,000 2,00,000
Total 7,00,000 3,00,000

The following scheme of internal reconstruction was framed and implemented as approved by the court and concerned parties:

  • Uncalled capital is to be called up in full and then all the shares to be converted into Equity Shares of Rs.40 each
  • The existing shareholders agree to subscribe in cash, fully paid up equity shares of 40 each for Rs.12,50,000/-
  • Trade Creditors are given option of either to accept fully paid equity shares of 40 each for the amount due to them or to accept 70% of the amount due to them in cash in full settlement of their claim. Trade Creditors for Rs.7,50,000/- accept equity shares and rest of them opted for cash towards full and final settlement of their claim.
  • Shiv agrees to cancel debentures amounting to Rs.2,00,000/- out of total debentures due to him and agree to accept 15% Debentures in cash amounting to Rs.1,00,000/-
  • Ganesh agrees to cancel debentures amounting to Rs.50,000 out of total debentures due to him and agree to accept 15% Debentures for the balance amount due.
  • Land & Building to be revalued at Rs.51,84,000, Machinery at Rs.7,20,000, Computers at Rs.4,00,000, Stock at Rs.3,50,000 and Trade Debtors at 10% less to as they are appearing in Balance Sheet as above.
  • Outstanding Expenses are fully paid in cash
  • Goodwill and Profit & Loss A/c will be written off and balance, if any, of Capital Reduction A/c will be adjusted against Capital Reserve.

You are required to pass necessary Journal Entries for all the above transactions and draft the company’s Balance Sheet immediately after the reconstruction.


  1. Ram Limited and Shyam Limited carry on business of a similar nature and it is agreed that they should amalgamate. A new company, Ram and Shyam Limited, is to be formed to which the assets and liabilities of the existing companies, with certain exception, are to be transferred.  On 31st March 2011, the Balance Sheets of the two companies were as under:

Ram Limited

Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2011

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Issued and subscribed   Freehold Property, at cost 2,10,000
Share Capital:   Plant and Machinery, at cost Less: Depreciation 50,000
30,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid 3,00,000 Motor Vehicles, at cost less Depreciation 20,000
General Reserve 1,60,000 Stock 1,20,000
Profit and Loss Account 40,000 Debtors 1,64,000
Sundry Creditors 1,50,000 Cash  at Bank 86,000
  6,50,000   6,50,000


Shyam Limited

Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2011

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Issued and subscribed   Freehold Property, at cost 1,20,000
Share Capital:   Plant and Machinery, at cost Less: Depreciation 30,000
16,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid 1,60,000 Stock 1,56,000
Profit and Loss Account 40,000 Debtors 42,000
6% Debentures 1,20,000 Cash  at Bank 36,000
Sundry Creditors 64,000    
  3,84,000   6,50,000

Assets and Liabilities are to be taken at book value, with the following exceptions:

  • Goodwill of Ram Limited and of Shyam Limited is to be valued at Rs.1,60,000 and Rs.60,000/- respectively.
  • Motor Vehicles of Ram Limited are to be valued at Rs.60,000/-
  • The debentures of Shyam Limited are to be discharged by the issue of 6% Debentures of Ram and Shyam Limited at a premium of 5%.
  • The Debtors of Shyam Ltd., realized fully and Bank Balance of Shyam Limited are to be retained by the liquidator and the Sundry Creditors of Shyam Ltd., are to be paid out of the proceeds thereof.


You are required to:

  1. Compute the basis on which shares in Ram and Shyam Limited will be issued to the Shareholders of the existing companies assuming that the nominal value of each share in Ram and Shyam Limited is Rs.10/-


  1. Draw up a Balance Sheet of Ram and Shyam Limited as of 1st April, 2011 the date of completion of amalgamation


  • Write up Journal entries, including Bank entries, for closing the books of Shyam Limited.


Section – D


  1. Compulsory Question: (15 marks)


  1. As on 31st March 2008, the following is the balance sheet of Agile Industries Ltd:


Liabilities Rs.

(in ‘000)

Assets Rs.

(in ‘000)

Share Capital:   Fixed Assets 97.50
14% Preference Share

Capital of Rs.100 each



Investments 18.00
Equity Shares of Rs.10 each 45.00 Current Assets 15.00
General Reserve 27.00    
15% Debentures 21.00    
Current Liabilities 15.00    
  130.50   130.50








Ankit Industries Ltd., agreed to take over the assets and liabilities of Agile Industries Ltd., on the following terms and conditions:


  • – Discharge of 15% debentures at a premium of 10% by issuing 15% debentures in Ankit Industries Ltd.
  • Fixed Assets 10% above the book value
  • Investments at par value
  • Current Assets at a discount of 10%
  • Current liabilities at book value


  • – Discharge the debenture holders of Agile Industries Ltd., at 10% premium by issuing 15% debentures of Ankit Industries Ltd.
  • Preference shareholders are discharged at a premium of 10% by issuing 15% preference shares of Rs.100
  • Issue 3 equity shares of Rs.10 each for every 2 equity shares in Ankit Industries Ltd., and pay cash @ Rs.3 per equity share.


Calculate purchase consideration under ‘net assets method and net payment method’.





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 IV Sem Business Stations & Research Techniques Question Paper PDF Download




Business Statistics & reserach techniques


TIME: 3 HRS                                                                                                MARKS : 100


  1. I) ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS.                                         (10 x 2 = 20)
  2. Define Business Statistics.
  3. W hat are Ogives? Which average can be estimated by the help of Ogives ?
  4. There are two branches of an establishment employing 100 and 80 people respectively. If the arithmetic means of the monthly salaries paid by two branches are Rs 275 and Rs 225 respectively. Find the arithmetic mean of the salaries of the employees of the establishment as a whole.
  5. What do you understand by the term range? How is it calculated?
  6. A bag contains 6 white and 4 black balls. One ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that it is white?
  7. What are the two types of errors in hypothesis testing? Describe them.
  8. Mention any three methods used for calculation of time series.
  9. What are Index Numbers?
  10. Explain the term positive and negative correlation. State in the following cases what type of correlation would you expect: a) shoe size and intelligence b) ages of husbands and wives and c) insurance companies profit and number of claims they have to pay.
  11. For a sample size 25 from a population, the coefficient of correlation is -0.13. Find the probable error.


  1. II) ANSWER ANY FOUR     ( 4 X 5 = 20)
  2. a) What is a pie-diagram?
  3. b) Construct a pie chart for the following data

Principal Exporting Countries Of Cotton

U.S.A                  India               Egypt             Brazil        Argentina

6367                 2999                1688                650                  202.

  1. The following are the figures of production (in thousand quintals) of a sugar factory

Year                  2000       2002      2004      2006      2008     2010       2012

Production           77           81          88           94         94          96          98

  1. a) fit a straight line trend to the data.
  2. b) graph the observed values and trend values
  3. c) estimate the production in the year 2014.
  4. From the Data given below, calculate Fisher’s Index Number and prove that Fishers Index Number satisfies both Time Reversal Test and Factor Reversal Test.
Item Base Year Current Year
  Price Quantity Price Quantity
M 5 50 8 40
N 7 25 12 30
O 9 10 15 25
P 12 5 20 18


  1. Explain the meaning and scope of statistics, highlighting its importance particularly in the field of trade and commerce.
  2. The marks and number of students seen in a class has been observed. Locate the values of the lower quartile, 4th decile and 60th percentile.

Marks       Below10   10-20      20-30         30-40       40-50      50-60       60-70     70above

No. Of          13                        17           50            60                       55           45            23             7



  1. a) A company is to appoint a person as its Managing Director, who must be an M.Com, M.B.A and I.A.S. the probability of which is one in twenty five, one in forty, and one in fifty respectively. Find the probability of getting such a person to be appointed by the Company.
  2. b) Three groups of children consist of 3 girls and 1 boy, 2 girls and 2 boys and 1 girl and 3 boys. One child is selected at random from each group. Show that the chances that the three selected consist of one girl and two boys is 13/32.


III) ANSWER ANY THREE QUESTIONS.                                                         (3 X 15 =45)

  1. A) Define Tabulation. What are the different parts of a table?
  2. B) An investigation conducted by the Education Department in a public library revealed the following facts. You are required to tabulate the information as neatly and clearly as you can:

“in 1950 the total number of the readers was 46,000 and they borrowed some 16,000 volumes. In 1960 the number of books borrowed increased by 4000 and the borrowers by 50%. The classification was on the basis of three sections: Literature, Fiction and Illustrated News. There were 10,000 and 30,000 readers in the sections Literature and Fiction respectively in the year 1950. In the same year, 2,000 and 10,000 books were lent in the sections Illustrated News and Fiction respectively. Marked changes were seen in 1960. There were 7,000 and 42,000 readers in the Literature and Fiction sections respectively. So also 4000 and 13,000 books were lent in the sections Illustrated News and Fiction respectively.”

( 7 + 8)

  1. a) An automatic machine was designed to pack exactly 2.0 kg of Vanaspati. A sample of 100 tins was examined to test the machine. The average weight was found to be 1.96 kg with S.D of 0.10 kg. Is the machine working properly?
  2. b) To test the effectiveness of inoculation against cholera the following table were obtained:
  Attacked Not Attacked
Inoculated 12 28
Not Inoculated 13 7

The figures represent the number of persons. Does inoculation prevent attack from cholera?

( 7 + 8)

  1. In trying to evaluate the effectiveness of its advertising campaign, a firm compiled the following information:
Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Adv. Expenditure(‘000) 12 15 15 23 24 38 42 48
Sale (lakh rs) 5.0 5.6 5.8 7.0 7.2 8.8 9.2 9.5

Calculate the regression equation of sales on advertising expenditure. Estimate the probable sales when advertisement expenditure is Rs 60,000.

  1. The following table gives the figures of profits of two companies X and Y for the last 10 years. Which of the two companies has greater consistency in profits?
Year     Profits  Year       Profits
  Co. X Co. Y   Co. X Co. Y
1979 700 550 1984 700 600
1980 625 600 1985 650 550
1981 725 575 1986 700 525
1982 625 550 1987 600 625
1982 650 650 1988 650 600


  1. Write short notes on a) primary and secondary data   b) types of frequency distributions
  2. c) Rank Correlation   d) uses of Index numbers    e) procedure for testing a hypothesis.



  1. IV) Compulsory question (1 x 15 =15)

India is the second largest country in the world, with more than a billion people. Nearly three quarters of the people live in rural areas scattered about the countryside in 6,000,000 villages. In fact, it may be said that one in every 10 people in the world live in rural India. Presently the population in India can be described as poor and semi-illiterate. With an annual income of less than 1$ per day, rural India accounts for only about one third of total national product sales.

However, in addition to the impressive size of the population, there are other compelling reasons for companies to market their goods and services to rural India. The market for rural India has been growing at 5 times the rate of urban India. There is increasing agricultural productivity, leading to growth in disposable income, and there is a reduction in the gap between the tastes of urban and rural customers. The literacy level is increasing and people are becoming more conscious about their lifestyles and opportunities for better lives.  More than one-third of all rural households have a main source of income other than farming. Virtually every home has a radio, almost 20% have a television, and more than 30% have a bank account.

Toothpaste consumption in India doubled and the consumption of shampoo increased manifold. Other products like bicycles, bath soaps, fans, etc have also done well. Because of such factors, many US and Indian firms, have entered the Indian market. Rural market has a huge untapped market for business. However, entering such a market is not without risks. The dilemma facing the firms is whether to enter this marketplace and if so, to what extent and how.


  1. How and where do you think the researchers could have collected data for this research? Do you think the statistics presented here are exact or estimates?
  2. What other statistics would help the research become better?
  3. Formulate a possible null and an alternate hypothesis which can be tested based on the information given above.
  4. Present the information given above in form of a proper research report.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 IV Sem Business Communication II Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (AUTONOMOUS)

End Semester Examination – April 2013

B.Com – IV Semester

 Business Communication – II

Time: 1 ½  Hours                                                                                           Max. Marks: 50

Note: Answer this question paper in a separate answer script.

Section – A

  1. I) Answer any FIVE from the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence. (5×2=10)

1) Define a business report.

2) Differentiate between a show cause notice and a charge sheet.

3) For what purposes are memos used? Name any two.

4) What are office orders?

5) What is a Fax?

6) What is teleconferencing?

Section – B

  1. II) Answer any four of the following      (4×5 = 20)  

7)  What are the duties of a secretary? Describe any four.

8)  Draft a public notice informing the public in general that Shri N.N  Vohra is no longer an employee of your company, giving appropriate reasons.

9)  Draft a memorandum warning an employee for his being habitually late.

10)  What is an office note? Draft an office note seeking the superior’s approval for the transfer of an employee.

11)  Write a note on videoconferencing, discussing its advantages.

Section – C

III) Answer any two of the following questions.                                             (2×10 = 20)

12) Eastern Trading Transport Corporation, Chennai, requires a Business Development Manager.

The person they are looking for must be able to plan for and produce tangible results in  business growth. Draft a suitable application for appointment incorporating your bio-data.

13) Briefly discuss the changes brought about in the field of communication by the newly introduced modern communication devices.

14) Prepare a report for submission to the Board of Directors regarding the market potential of a new smart phone.

15) Draft a letter where the Director asks the secretary to include certain important items in the agenda for discussion regarding the budget for the next financial year in the ensuing Board meeting.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 IV Sem Additional English Question Paper PDF Download





Duration::3 HOURS                                                                                                Max. Marks:100

Section – A

  1. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.                  (5×2=10)
  • The ‘lion’ in the ‘The Lion and the Lamb’ belonged to which menagerie?
  • How did the male raven treat the female raven in Bertrand Russell’s lesson?
  • Where are the feet of the hawk locked up in the poem by Ted Hughes?
  • What takes hold on the loam in Sylvia Plath’s poem?
  • List two things that Rupert Brooke has loved in ‘The Great Lover’.

Section – B

  1. Write short notes on any four of the following.                       (4×5=20)
  • The Vicar in ‘The Lion and the Lamb’
  • ‘Whatever changes or disappears love last forever’ in reference to the poem ‘The Great Lover’.
  • Russell’s examples of Yokel and the Lord of the Manor.
  • Humour in ‘The Lion and the Lamb’.

10)  Imagery in the poem ‘Hawk Roosting’.


III Answer any three questions in about two pages.                                       (3×10=30)

  • How does Russell justify the use of force in the formation of international government? Do you agree with his views? Give reasons.
  • Write a critical summary of the poem ‘Hawk Roosting’.
  • What does the ‘mushroom’ stand for in Sylvia Plath’s poem? What do you think their message in for us?
  • In what ways do you think Rupert Brook’s poem ‘The Great lover’ is an                    example of an unusual love poem.

Section – C

Swami and Friends

  1. IV) Write short notes on the following.  (2×5=10)
  • Malgudi Cricket Club
  • Sketch the character of Mani
  1. V) Answer any two of the following questions.      (2×10= 20)

17) Describe the nature of the relationship between Swami and Rajam. How does it              end?

18)  What led to Swaminathan’s exit from Board school? Describe his ordeal after that incident.

19)  How does Narayan portray Swami’s struggle to gain acceptance in the adult world? Give suitable examples from the text to prove the above point.

Section – D

  1. V) Write an essay on any one of the following topics.                            (1×10=10)                                                                   

20)  Rise in crimes against women in India, and possible counter measures.


21) Should there be mandatory qualifications and retirement age for politicians.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem General English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – April 2013

B.Com – II Semester

 General English

Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                         Max Marks: 100


  1. Answer any six in less than 100 words each.      (6 x 6 = 36)


  1. Comment on the upper middle class lifestyle that V. Gangadhar describes in the essay ‘Money and Changing Lifestyle’.
  2. What is the nature of the character Pahom in the story ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need?’ By Tolstoy?
  3. What according to you is the poem ‘The Brook’ about?
  4. What is Chief Seattle’s understanding of nature?
  5. Describe the nature of the character Wasserkopf in the play ‘Refund’.
  6. Comment on the importance of imagination for the present world that Friedman talks about in the essay ‘9/11 versus 11/9’.
  7. Explain any two paradoxes that His Holiness the Dalai Llama writes about in the poem ‘The Paradoxes of Our Times’.
  8. Describe the term ‘tolerance’ according to E M Forster.


  1. Read the following passage and answer all the three questions below in about 200 to 250 words each.    (3 x 9 = 27)

Why is there conflict between Tutsis and Hutus?

The bloody history of Hutu and Tutsi conflict stained the 20th century, from the slaughter of 80,000 to 200,000 Hutus by the Tutsi army in Burundi in 1972 to the 1994 Rwanda genocide in which Hutu militias targeted Tutsis, resulting in a 100-day death toll between 800,000 and 1 million.

But many observers would be surprised to learn that the longstanding conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi has nothing to do with language or religion — they speak the same Bantu tongues as well as French, and generally practice Christianity — and many geneticists have been hard-pressed to find marked ethnic differences between the two, though the Tutsi have generally been noted to be taller. Many believe that German and Belgian colonizers tried to find differences between the Hutu and Tutsi in order to better categorize native peoples in their censuses.

Generally, the Hutu-Tutsi strife stems from class warfare, with the Tutsis perceived to have greater wealth and social status (as well as favouring cattle ranching over what is seen as the lower-class farming of the Hutus). The Tutsis are thought to have originally come from Ethiopia, and arrived after the Hutu came from Chad. The Tutsis had a monarchy dating back to the 15th century; this was overthrown at the urging of Belgian colonizers in the early 1960s and the Hutu took power by force in Rwanda. In Burundi, however, a Hutu uprising failed and the Tutsis controlled the country.

On April 6, 1994, the Hutu president of Rwanda, Juvénal Habyarimana, was assassinated when his plane was shot down near Kigali International Airport. The current Hutu president of Burundi, Cyprien Ntaryamira, was also killed in the attack. This sparked the chillingly well-organized extermination of Tutsis by Hutu militias, even though blame for the plane attack has never been established. Sexual violence against Tutsi women was also widespread, and the United Nations only conceded that “acts of genocide” had likely happened after an estimated half-million Rwandans had already been killed.

After the genocide and the Tutsis regaining control, about two million Hutus fled to Burundi, Tanzania (from where 500,000 were later expelled by the government), Uganda, and the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the great focus of Tutsi-Hutu conflict is today. Tutsi rebels in the DRC accuse the government of providing cover for the Hutu militias.

Note: Hutus and Tutsis are two tribes living in Central Africa.

  1. What is the exact nature of conflict between Hutus and Tutsis? Narrate in your own words.
  2. How can a tolerant society be built under circumstances described in the above passage? Use the essay Tolerance by E M Forster that you have read in the class to respond to the question.
  3. Narrate an incident from real life or fiction in which tolerance can be seen in practice.


How did the reading of the essay Tolerance help you in your personal and social life?


  • Read the following excerpt from the play The Boor by Anton Chekov and answer all the questions     (3 x 9 = 27)

LUKA: What do you wish?

SMIRNOV: Something to drink! [LUKA goes out. SMIRNOV sits down and looks at his clothes.] Ugh, a fine figure! No use denying that. Dust, dirty boots, unwashed, uncombed, straw on my vest–the lady probably took me for a highwayman. [He yawns.] It was a little impolite to come into a reception-room with such clothes. Oh, well, no harm done. I’m not here as a guest. I’m a creditor. And there is no special costume for creditors.

LUKA: [Entering with glass.] You take great liberty, sir.

SMIRNOV: [Angrily.] What?

LUKA: I…I…I just…

SMIRNOV: Whom are you talking to? Keep quiet.

LUKA: [Angrily.] Nice mess! This fellow won’t leave!

[He goes out.]

SMIRNOV: Lord, how angry I am! Angry enough to throw mud at the whole world! I even feel ill! Servant!

[MRS. POPOV comes in with downcast eyes.]

MRS. POPOV: Sir, in my solitude I have become unaccustomed to the human voice and I cannot stand the sound of loud talking. I beg you, please to cease disturbing my rest.

SMIRNOV: Pay me my money and I’ll leave.

MRS. POPOV: I told you once, plainly, in your native tongue, that I haven’t the money at hand; wait until day after to-morrow.

SMIRNOV: And I also had the honour of informing you in your native tongue that I need the money, not day after tomorrow, but today. If you don’t pay me today I shall have to hang myself tomorrow.

MRS. POPOV: But what can I do if I haven’t the money?

SMIRNOV: So you are not going to pay immediately? You’re not?

MRS. POPOV: I cannot.

SMIRNOV: Then I’ll sit here until I get the money. [He sits down.] You will pay day after tomorrow? Excellent! Here I stay until day after tomorrow. [Jumps up.] I ask you, do I have to pay that interest tomorrow or not? Or do you think I’m joking?

MRS. POPOV: Sir, I beg of you, don’t scream! This is not a stable.

SMIRNOV: I’m not talking about stables; I’m asking you whether I have to pay that interest tomorrow or not?

MRS. POPOV: You have no idea how to treat a lady.

SMIRNOV: Oh, yes, I have.

MRS. POPOV: No, you have not. You are an ill bred, vulgar person! Respectable people don’t speak so to ladies.

SMIRNOV: How remarkable! How do you want one to speak to you? In French, perhaps! Madame, je vous prie! Pardon me for having disturbed you. What beautiful weather we are having today! And how this mourning becomes you!

[He makes a low bow with mock ceremony.]

MRS. POPOV: Not at all funny! I think it is vulgar!

  1. Briefly summarize the above conversation in your own words in not more than two paragraphs.
  2. The word boor means “a rude, unpleasant person”. Which character do you think is a boor in the above excerpt and why?
  3. Imagine a beginning and an end to the above conversation. Write it in about two or three paragraphs.


IV)Answer any one in less than 250 words.                        (1 x 10 = 10)

  1. Write about a book/news item/documentary/movie that you have read/watched recently. Comment on any one interesting aspect of it.




Write about an incident or an experience which has impacted you very much, recently.





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Financial Accounting II Question Paper PDF Download


SUPPLEMENTLARY Examination – April 2013 – II Semester


Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                                    Max. Marks 100


  1. Answer all the questions.  Each question carries 2 marks                       (10 x 2  = 20)
  2. What is average clause?
  3. How can claim for loss of stock will be calculated when average clause is
  4. What is salvage?
  5. State any two objectives of conversion of single entry to double entry system?
  6. Mention any two differences between Statement of Affairs and Balance Sheet.
  7. Distinguish between cost price and loaded price in branch accounts.
  8. State any two advantages of Departmental Accounts.
  9. What is the base of apportionment of the following expenses in case of departmental accounts?-
    1. Labour welfare expenses  ii) Power consumption
  10. What do you mean by accounting Standard?
  11. Name the title of the accounting standard for AS 6 and AS 10

                                                                   Section- B

  1. II) Answer any four of the following. Each question carries 5 marks (4 x 5 = 20)
  2. A fire broke out in the premises of a merchant on 30-09-2012. He desires to file a claim with the insurance company for loss of stock and gives the following information.

Final account of the merchant were prepared on 31-12-2011

Sundry creditors on 31-12-2011 were Rs. 25,000

Sundry creditors on 30-09-2012 were Rs. 20,000

Stock on 31-12-2011 was Rs. 15,000

Sales from 1-1-2012 to 30-09-2012 Rs. 1, 34,000

Cash paid to creditors Rs. 1, 30,000

Normal rate of gross profit on sales was 20% and salvage was Rs. 2,800

Prepare a statement of claim.

12.From the following information you are required to calculate total sales-


Bills Receivable in the beginning                                   7,800

Debtors in the beginning                                          30,800

Bills receivable received during the year                   20,900

Cash received from debtors                                     70,000

Bad debts written off                                                2,800

Bills Receivable at the end                                        6,000

Debtors at the end25,500

Cash Sales (as per cash book) 60,000


  1. Bangalore H.O. has a branch in Hyderabad to which goods are invoiced by the H.O. at cost + 25%, cash received by the branch is daily remitted to H.O. All the expenses of branch are paid from Bangalore H.O. From the following details prepare Hyderabad Branch Account in H.O. Books-

Stock on 1-1-2012 at invoice price                                                    12,500

Debtors on 1-1-2012                                                                          12,000

Goods sent from Bangalore at invoice price                                     40,000

Remittances to Bangalore H.O. —     Cash Sales:   16,000

Cash from debtors:  29,500

­­­­­­­­———–                    45,500

Goods returned to H.O. at invoice price                                             2,400

Cash received from Bangalore H.O. for-

Wages and salaries   11,000

Rent                             3,000

Sundry expenses           510

————-                   14,510

Stock on 30-6-2012 at invoice price                                                     15,000

Debtors on 30-6-2012


  1. From the information prepare departmental trading account in the columnar form for the period ending 31-3-2012

Department A     Department B

Opening Stock                                                                       5,000                7,000

Purchases                                                                            42,000               52,000

Sales                                                                                     80,000               93,000

Purchase Returns                                                                  2,000                 2,000

Sales Returns                                                                                2,000                 2,000


Power Rs.6,000, Wages Rs.11,000 and Carriage –in-wards Rs.4,500 are for both the departments. Closing stock of Department A Rs.2, 000 and B Rs. 9000 and the wages are allocated in the ratio of 5:6 and the number of units consumed by Department A and Department B are in the ratio of 1:2.


  1. Give the differences between single entry system and double entry system.


  1. Explain any two accounting standards?




  1. Answer any Three of the following. Each question carries 15 marks. (3 x 15 = 45 )


  1. The premises and stock of a merchant were totally destroyed by fire on 31-3- The records saved from the fire shows the following information.
Particulars 2010 2011 201 2013
Opening stock as valued    27,090    32,400    36,000 36,900
Purchases less returns    74,900    80,000    81,000   6,000
Sales less returns 1,20,000 1,32,000 1,40,000 12,000
Wages    17,400    19,000    20,900  2,000
Closing stock as valued    32,400    36,000    36,900     —

Stock has been valued always at 10% less than cost. Prepare a statement for submission to the Insurance Company in support of the company for loss of stock.

  1. X commenced business on 1-4-2012 with Rs. 15,000 of his own and Rs.10,000 borrowed from his friend Joseph. He purchased a building for Rs. 10,000, Furniture Rs. 2, 000, Machinery Rs. 8,000 and deposited Rs. 2,500 in a bank as fixed deposit at 10% interest p.a. The balance of cash was retained as working capital. The following is the cash transactions during the year-

Collection from debtors                                                         15,000

Cash Sales                                                                              20,000

Cash Purchases                                                                     10,000

Payment to creditors                                                               6,000

Purchase of motor bike                                                           3,000

Purchase of cycle for his son                                                      500

Salary                                                                                       1,500

Business expenses                                                                    2,000

Mr Joseph’s loan was repaid together with interest at 6% p.a. as on 31-3-2013.  On 31-3-2013 his position was as follows-

Debtors                 12,500            Bills Payable      2,500

Creditors               17,500

Bills Receivable      5,000

There was no record of closing stock, but in this type of business the Gross Profit is 50% on sales. During the year purchases returns were Rs. 1,000, Sales Returns were Rs. 2,000, bad debts Rs, 500, outstanding salaries Rs. 250 and prepaid expenses Rs. 50.

Prepare Final Accounts.

  1. A Bangalore Trader has a branch at Chennai to which the goods are supplied at cost price. The Chennai Branch keeps its own sales ledger and transmits all cash received to the Head Office every day. All the expenses of the Branch are paid from the Head Office. The transactions for the branch were as follows-

Stock as on 1-4-2012                                                              22,000

Debtors as on 1-4-2012                                                                200

Petty cash on 1-4-2012                                                                 400

Cash Sales                                                                                  5,300

Goods sent to Branch                                                              32,000

Cash received from Debtors                                                   42,000

Goods returned to H.O.                                                               480

Bad debts                                                                                       600

Allowances to debtors                                                                   500

Sales Returns                                                                              1,000

Cheque sent to Branch —

Rent                         1,200

Wages                         400

Salaries                    1,800

______                                                                                          3,400

Stock on 31-3-2013                                                                    20,800

Debtors on 31-3-2013                                                                  4,000

Petty cash on 31-3-2013                                                                  200

Miscellaneous Income                                                                       50

Prepare Branch Trading, Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31-3-2013 in the books of H.O.

  1. From the particulars given below, prepare Departmental Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet in the books of John Traders
               Particulars Department  A  Department  B
Stock on 1-1-2012




Rent, Taxes & Insurance

Sundry expenses


Lighting & Heating

Discount allowed

Discount Received


Carriage Inwards


Plant & Machinery

Sundry Debtors

Sundry Creditors




























Additional Information:

  1. Rent, Taxes & Insurance, sundry expenses, lighting and heating, salaries and carriage inwards to be apportioned in the ration of 2:1 to A & B, advertising to be apportioned equally.
  2. Discount allowed and Discount received to be apportioned asper sales and purchases(ignoring transfers)
  3. Depreciation at 10% p.a. on furniture and plant and machinery to be charged in the ratio of 3:1 to department A & B.
  4. Services rendered by B department to A  department included in wages of B  Department Rs. 500
  5. Stock on 31-12-2012 were- Department A—Rs. 16,740

Department      B-  Rs.  12,050

  1. Internal transfer of goods from department A to Department B at cost price Rs.420


  1. What do you mean by Independent Branches? List out the various journal entries while accounting for Independent Branches
  2. a) In the books of Head office b) In the books of branch office.


Section- D


  • Answer the Compulsory question carries 15 marks             (1 x 15 = 15)


  1. You are given-
  2. a) Balance Sheet of Peter on 1-4-2012
  3. b) The cash transactions for the year up to March 2013
  4. c) A summary of additional information

Balance Sheet of Peter as on 1-4-2012

Liabilities Rs. Assets    Rs.
Bank overdraft

Sundry Creditors

Bills payable









Cash on hand

Bills Receivable

Sundry debtors

Stock of goods

Plant and machinery

Land and Building










  1. b) Cash transactions upto march 2013


Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
To balance b/d

To Receipts from debtors

To Bills Receivable

To Cash Sales













By overdraft

By Salaries

By wages

By Bills payable

By payment to creditors

By Office Expenses

By Drawings

By Investment

By Balance c/d-





















  1. c) Summary of additional information-

Credit sales                               40,700

Discount to customers                 200

Purchases                                30,000

Discount received                          100

Bills Receivable received         10,900

Bills payable issued                   15,000

Stock of goods on 31-3-2013    5,300

Reserve for doubtful debts at 5% on debtors outstanding and provide depreciation on plant and machinery at 5% and on Land and Building at 5%

Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Computer Applications And Mis Question Paper PDF Download



B.Com – II Semester

Computer Applications and MIS


Time: 2 hours                                                                                Max Marks: 60



  1. Answer the following questions briefly in two or three sentence    (5×2=10)


  1. What do you mean by Macros in Ms-Word?
  2. What is Cybercrime?
  3. List four components of a database
  4. Distinguish between data and information.
  5. What is Network? What are the types of Network?




  1. Answer any FIVE questions from the following.                     (5×5=25)


  1. What is DBMS? Explain different types of DBMS models.
  2. What do you mean by mail-merging? What are the benefits of this facility?
  3. What is a Tag in HTML? Explain the various types of tags with syntax in


  1. What is ERP? Explain the basic features of ERP.
  2. Explain Biometric system with a neat diagram.
  3. Give the syntax of any FIVE Financial functions.




III.       Answer any ONE question from the following:                             (1×10=10)


  1. Explain between Data Mining and Data warehouse.


  1. What do you mean by network topologies? Explain with diagram the four

different types of topologies?



  1. IV) Explain the following                                                                       (1 x 15=15)


  1. Discuss the Impact of Information Technology on society. Explain the

positive and negative aspects.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Business Law Question Paper PDF Download

St. Josephs College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester ExamINATION – APRIL 2013

BCOM – II Semester


Time:  3hours                                                                                                    marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the following questions.                 (10×2 =20)     
    1. What is meant by ‘ratio decidendi’?
    2. What is an ‘Injunction’?
    3. What are the types of patents?
    4. State two objectives of FEMA.
    5. What is your understanding of ‘Intellectual Property’?
    6. Who is an ‘Alien Enemy’ as per the Indian Contract Act?
    7. Differentiate between revocation and surrender of a patent.
    8. Susan offers to sell Nidhi her house for Rs 15 Lakhs. Nidhi says she will buys it for Rs 10 Lakhs. Susan refuses. What is the legal term given for what transpired here?
  2. Who is an ‘Unpaid Seller’ as per the Sale of Goods Act?
  3. What is meant by
  4. ‘Cracking’ b).Virus Dissemination as per Cyber Laws, 1999?


Section – B


  1. Answer any four from the following:                     (4 x 5= 20)


  1. Distinguish between Coercion and Undue Influence.
  2. What is the law relating to competence of parties to a contract?
  3. How do you classify contracts?
  4. Differentiate between conditions and warranties.
  5. Distinguish between FERA and FEMA.
  6. Explain the classification of goods as per the Sale of Goods Act.

Section – C


  • Answer any three of the following:                              (3×15=45)


  1. What are the essential elements of a valid consideration?
  2. What are the various ways in which a contract may be discharged?




  1. What is meant by Opposition of grant of patent and what are the various grounds on which it can be opposed?
  2. Write a note on Consumer Redressal Agencies.
  3. What are the rights of an unpaid seller, as per the Sale of goods Act, 1935?

Section – D


IV.  Case Study   – Compulsory question.                                                           (5×3=15)


  1. F offered, by letter to buy B’s horse for Rs 3,00,000, adding ‘If I hear no more from you, I shall consider the horse mine at Rs 3,00,000.’ No answer was given by B. Is there a contract?


  1. A contract is made for the sale of certain jewellery for Rs 5 Lakhs. The buyer deposited Rs 50,000. Subsequently, the seller gave the buyer a notice to deposit the balance amount. The buyer did not respond. The jewellery was then resold for Rs 4 Lakhs. Can the seller recover the shortfall in the price from the previous buyer?


  1. X agrees to sing at Y’s theatre on 1st Jan 2013.. X received Rs 1,000 as advance but failed to turn up due to a sudden heart attack on 1st Jan 2013. Advise Y as to the appropriate legal remedies available to him.





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Business Economics II Question Paper PDF Download

St. Josephs College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester ExamINATION – MARCH /  april 2013

BCOM – II Semester

Business  Economics – II

Time:  3hours                                                                                         marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the following questions.        (10×2 =20)


  1. Explain any two objectives of Pricing.
  2. What is meant by Balance of Trade?
  3. Give any two examples of a monopoly market.
  4. What is meant by Price Rigidity?
  5. What is Full Cost Pricing?
  6. What is foreign private investment?
  7. What is meant by Untied Aid?
  8. What is meant by Depression?
  9. Give the meaning of Deflation.
  10. What is meant by Exchange Control?


Section – B


  1. II) Answer any FOUR of the following questions. (4 x 5 =20)


  1. Explain the main feature of perfect competition in brief
  2. Explain the concept of dumping? State the merits and demerits of dumping.
  3. What is a Budget? Explain the different types of Budget
  4. Explain demand pull and cost push inflation.
  5. Mention any four features of a Multi National Company.


Section – C


  • Answer any three of the following questions.            (3×15 =45)


  1. Explain the price and output of a Monopolistic Competitive Firm with a Diagram?
  2. What is Monetary Policy? State the Various quantitative instruments of Monetary Policy.
  3. Explain the various measures to correct the Disequilibrium in the BOP.
  4. State any five methods of Pricing?




Section – D

  1. Case Study – Compulsory question.        (15 marks)

Dumpkin pizzas are very famous in Bangalore.  It  is customized according to each customers’ tastes.  It  was founded by Mr Romaan in the year 2002.  He started his outlet in a small suburb of Bangalore.  Initially he did not find many takers for his pizzas and Burgers. Slowly his business picked up.  When the new players like Dominos and Crackles  and the others, came in the competition became stiff.  Though Romaan had a sizeable market share he had to fix his price which was fixed by Crackle, since crackle was the leader in the market.

He slowly ventured into manufacturing readymade spices, an all new venture, which just caught up  like  wild fire, spreading across various states. In the meantime, he also continued with his manufacture of pizzas. Seeing phenomenal profits in the spice market, he wanted to venture to other countries, where he knew the demand would be preferably very high for spice. One major strategy which he did was to reduce the price of the spices phenomenally in foreign countries, but he kept a reasonably high price for his spices in the home market. It once again saw him scaling heights as far as his profits and market share of spices were concerned even in the foreign countries.


1.Name the pricing method followed by Dumpkins  while selling their pizza initially?

  1. Name the market strategy of Romaan in the foreign market? State any one reason why he would have followed this strategy.
  2. Name and explain the pricing method followed by Romaan when he priced his spice in the foreign market.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Additional English Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)
End Semester Examination- april 2013

B.Com – Ii Semester

Duration: 3 hours                                                                                   Max.Marks:100

Section- A

I Answer FIVE questions from the following. Each carries 2 marks.                      (5X2=10)

  1. What does Sudha Murthy mean when she says that forests are difficult to negotiate during the rains?
  2. Why did Muni try to humour the shopkeeper? Was he successful in his attempts?
  3. “For every scoundrel there is a hero,” – what do you think this means?
  4. “He moves in darkness as it seems to me” what kind of darkness is this? What makes the poet think his neighbor walks in this darkness?
  5. What happens if a wall is built around a brain?
  6. Why does the poet envy the sea in the poem “Ring to me is Bondage”?

Section – B
II Answer any FOUR questions.                                                                             (4X5=20)

  1. Critically analyze the value of Intellectual Independence and value of Honouring contracts?
  2. What were the things that Sudha Murthy found impressive about the school and its students?
  3. The speaker constantly harping on one point-warning the other girl not to do certain things and behave in a certain way what does this tells you about the speaker?
  4. How the proverb Blessing in Disguise does comes true in Muni’s life?
  5. How does Lincoln link the boy’s faith in him to the development of his character?
  6. Do you believe “good fences make good neigbours”? Why? Give reasons to support your answer.

Section- C
III.      Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 10 marks.                         (3X10=30)


  1. Can a person enjoy freedom even when there is a wall built around him? How is this possible? Discuss with reference to the poem “Wall is just a Wall”.
  2. Do you agree that a ring is bondage? Give reasons to support your answer.
  3. “Only the test of fire makes fine steel”. What are the various ‘tests of fire’ the boy will have to go through? What lesson will he have to learn to be a successful person?
  4. … the time will come when no servant will be hired without a diploma from some training school, and a girl will as much expect to fit herself for house-maid or cook, as for dressmaker or any trade.

Comment on the above statement with reference to the instructions given to a girl as she grows.

Section- D



  1. What does this picture suggest to you? Write a brief personal response in about 150 words.                                                                                                     (10marks)


  1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below (5×2=10)

In his thought-provoking work, Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein uses an easily conceptualized scenario in an attempt to clarify some of the problems involved in thinking about the mind as something over and above the behaviors that it produces. Imagine, he says, that everyone has a small box in which they keep a beetle. No one is allowed to look in anyone else’s box, only in their own. Over time, people talk about what is in their boxes and the word “beetle” comes to stand for what is in everyone’s box.

Through this curious example, Wittgenstein attempts to point out that the beetle is very much like an individual’s mind; no one can know exactly what it is like to be another person or experience things from another’s perspective—look in someone else’s “box”—but it is generally assumed that the mental workings of other people’s minds are very similar to that of our own (everyone has a “beetle” which is more or less similar to everyone else’s). However, it does not really matter—he argues—what is in the box or whether everyone indeed has a beetle, since there is no way of checking or comparing. In a sense, the word “beetle”—if it is to have any sense or meaning—simply means “what is in the box”. From this point of view, the mind is simply “what is in the box”, or rather “what is in your head”.

Wittgenstein argues that although we cannot know what it is like to be someone else, to say that there must be a special mental entity called a mind that makes our experiences private, is wrong. His rationale is that he considers language to have meaning because of public usage. In other words, when we talk of having a mind—or a beetle—we are using a term that we have learned through conversation and public discourse (rooted in natural language). The word might be perceived differently in each of our minds, but we all agree that it signifies something; this allows us to develop language for talking about conceptualizations like color, mood, size and shape. Therefore, the word “mind” cannot be used to refer specifically to some entity outside of our individualized conception, since we cannot see into other people’s boxes.



  • Based on information in the passage, Wittgenstein apparently believes that


  1. it is best to think of mental states as nothing over and above the behaviors they produce
  2. the public use of language is responsible for misconceptions about the mind

III. through the use of precise language, it is possible to accurately describe the shared properties of the mind


  1. I only
  2. II only
  3. I and II only
  4. II and III only
  5. I, II, and III


2) Which of the following literary devices best describes Wittgenstein’s use of the “beetle in a box” scenario?

  1. Authorial intrusion, characterized by a point at which the author speaks out directly to the reader.
  2. Aphorism, characterized by the use of a concise statement that is made in a matter of fact tone to state a principle or an opinion that is generally understood to be a universal truth.
  3. Amplification, characterized by the embellishment or extension of a statement in order to give it greater worth or meaning.
  4. Allegory, characterized by the use of symbolic representation to convey the meaning of an often abstract concept.
  5. Ambiguity, characterized by the expression of an idea in such a way that it becomes possible to glean more than one meaning from it.


3) Wittgenstein would most likely disagree with which of the following statements?

  1. It is impossible to know another person’s thoughts.
  2. The mind is a special mental substance.
  3. The color green may actually look different to everybody.
  4. Words do not always accurately represent the things they symbolize.
  5. It takes time for public discourse to create a new word with a common meaning.


4) As used in paragraph 3, which is the best synonym for discourse?

  1. exchange
  2. conversation
  3. announcement
  4. knowledge
  5. setting





5) Based on his use of the “beetle in a box” comparison in the passage, it can be inferred that Wittgenstein might similarly compare a room full of people to a

  1. deck of cards
  2. box of chocolates
  3. collection of rocks
  4. library of books
  5. group of drinking glasses filled with water


  1. Write an essay of 250 words             (12 marks)

Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  1. Fill in the Blanks with suitable verb forms (4×1=4)
  2. The Earth ___ round the Sun. (Move)
    b. This paper ___ thrice weekly. (Appear)
    c.   He usually ___ at the back of the class. (Sit)
    d.   He ___ here for the last five years. (Work)


  1. 21. Use the following pairs of words correctly in sentences of your own (4 marks)


  1. Devise – Device
  2. Inquire – Enquire





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Advanced Accounting I Question Paper PDF Download


                               END SEMESTER EXAMINATION – APRIL 2013



Max. Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                                                            Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer ALL questions in One or Two sentences:                           (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Write the different methods of valuation of Shares.
  2. What is the main purpose of having an average clause in an insurance policy?
  3. What do you mean by Short Working?
  4. Write the different methods of valuation of non-purchased Goodwill.
  5. Under what heads the Debit balance of Profit and Loss Account and the balance in Preliminary Expenses appear in the Revised Schedule VI?
  6. Write any two types of Royalty.
  7. Loss of stock by fire is Rs. 20,00,000. Amount of Policy is Rs. 17,10,000.  Total Value of Stock on the date of fire is Rs. 22,80,000.  Find the amount of claim applying Average Clause.
  8. Write any two objectives of Branch Accounting.
  9. Write any two factors affecting the valuation of shares.
  10. Normal Profit is Rs. 2,25,000 and the Adjusted Average Profit is Rs. 3,85,000. If Goodwill is to be valued at 4 years purchase of Super Profits, find the value of Goodwill.



  1. Answer ANY FOUR questions:                                                                             (4 x 5 = 20)


  1. On 12th June, 2012 fire occurred in the premises of N.R. Patel, a paper merchant. Most of the stocks were destroyed, cost of stock salvaged being Rs. 11,200.  In addition, some stock was salvaged in a damaged condition and its value in that condition was agreed at Rs. 10,500.  From the books of account, the following particulars were available.
  2. His stock at the close of account on December 31, 2011 was valued at Rs. 83,500.
  3. His purchases from 1.1.2012 to 12.06.2012 amounted to Rs. 1,12,000 and his sales during that period amounted to Rs. 1,54,000.

On the basis of his accounts for the past three years it appears that he earns on an average a Gross profit of 25% on cost.

Patel has insured his stock for Rs. 60,000.  Compute the amount of claim applying average clause.


  1. Under what headings and sub-headings will you show the following items in the Balance Sheet of the Company?
Unclaimed Dividend Capital Reserve
Prepaid Insurance Goodwill
Calls in arrears Provision for tax
Bills Payable Proposed Dividend
Discount on Issue of Debentures Securities Premium


  1. It was agreed to calculate the value of Goodwill of a company at three years purchase of the weighted average profits of the past four years. The appropriate weights to the used are
2009 2010 2011 2012
1 2 3 4


The profits for these years after tax are:

2009 2010 2011 2012
Rs. 20,200 Rs. 24,800 Rs. 20,000 Rs. 30,000


On a scrutiny of the accounts the following matters are revealed:-

  1. On 1st September, 2011 a major repair was made in respect of the plant incurring Rs. 6,000 which amount was charged to revenue. The paid sum is agreed to be capitalized for goodwill calculation subject to adjustment of depreciation of 10% p.a. on reducing balance method.
  2. The closing stock for the year 2010 was over-valued by Rs. 2,400.
  • To cover management cost an annual charge of Rs. 4,800 should be made for the purpose of goodwill valuation.
  1. Income tax rate should be taken at 50%.
  2. Accounts are closed on 31st every year.


Compute the Value of Goodwill.


  1. Hindustan Ltd. invoices goods to its Poona Branch at Cost. The branch sells the goods only for cash.  From the following details, prepare the Branch Account for the year ending 31.12.2012:
Particulars Rs.
Stock on 1.1.2012 12,500
Stock on 31.12.2012 14,500
Goods supplied to branch 45,400
Goods returned by branch 600
Petty cash on 1.1.2012 150
Petty cash on 31.12.2012 320
Cash Remitted to branch for:  
       Rent 1,200
       Salary 4,500
       Petty Cash 1,000
Cash Sales 81,300


  1. X Coal Ltd., leased a colliery on 1st, 2009 at a minimum rent of Rs. 15,000 merging into a Royalty of Re. 0.50 per ton with a stipulation to recoup short workings over the first three years of the lease. The output for the first four years of the lease was 16,000; 26,000; 42,000 and 36,000 tons respectively.

Prepare Short Workings A/c and Land Lord’s A/c in the books of X Coal Ltd.


  1. The following is the Balance Sheet of Bangalore Trading Co. Ltd.
Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.)
2,000   6% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each 2,00,000 Fixed Assets 3,00,000
30,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each 3,00,000 Current Assets 3,00,000
Other outside liabilities 1,00,000    
Total 6,00,000 Total 6,00,000


The market value of Fixed Assets is 25% more than the book value were as Current Assets is 15% less than the book value.  There is an unrecorded liability of Rs. 10,000.  Assume Preference shareholders have right over the Equity Share holders.

You are required to value each Equity Share under Net Asset Method.



  • Answer ANY THREE questions:                                                                  (3 x 15 = 45)


  1. On 1st April, 2012 the stock of Shri Ramesh was destroyed by fire but sufficient records were saved from which following particulars were ascertained:
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Stock at Cost 1.1.2011 73,500
Stock at Cost 31.12.2011 79,600
Purchases – year ended 31.12.2011 3,98,000
Sales – year ended 31.12.2011 4,87,000
Purchases from 1.1.2012 to 31.3.2012 1,62,000
Sales from 1.1.2012 to 31.3.2012 2,31,200


In valuing the stock for the Balance Sheet at 31st December, 2011, Rs. 2,300 had been written off on certain stock which was of poor selling line having the cost of Rs. 6,900.  A portion of these goods were sold in March, 2012 at a loss of Rs. 250 on original cost of Rs. 3,450.  The remainder of this stock was now estimated to be worth its original cost.  Subject to the above exception, Gross Profit had remained at a uniform rate throughout the year.


The value of stock salvaged was Rs. 5,800.  The policy was for Rs. 50,000 and was subject to the average clause.  Work out the amount of the claim of loss by fire.


  1. From the following particulars furnished by Abhishek Ltd. prepare the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2012 as required by Schedule VI of the Companies Act.
Particulars Debit Credit
Equity Capital (Face Value Rs. 100)   10,00,000
Calls in arrears 1,000  
Land 2,00,000  
Building 3,50,000  
Plant and Machinery 5,25,000  
Furniture 50,000  
General Reserve   2,10,000
Loan from State Finance Corporation   1,50,000
Stock of Finished Goods 2,00,000  
Stock of Raw Materials 50,000  
Provision for Taxation   68,000
Sundry Debtors 2,00,000  
Advances 42,700  
Proposed Dividend   60,000
Profit and Loss Account   1,00,000
Cash 30,000  
Bank 2,47,000  
Preliminary Expenses 13,300  
Loans (Unsecured)   2,21,000
Sundry Creditors (for goods and expenses)   2,00,000
TOTAL 19,09,000 19,09,000


  1. Balance Sheet of Golden Ltd. as on 31.12.2012
Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.)
Share Capital: 2,000 shares of Rs. 100 each 2,00,000 Land & Buildings 1,10,000
General Reserve 40,000 Plant & Machinery 1,30,000
Profit & Loss A/c 32,000 Patents & Trade Marks 20,000
Sundry Creditors 1,28,000 Stock 48,000
Income tax payable 60,000 Debtors 88,000
    Bank 52,000
    Preliminary Expenses 12,000
Total 4,60,000 Total 4,60,000


The expert valuer valued Land and Building at Rs. 2,40,000; Goodwill at Rs. 1,60,000 and Plant and Machinery at Rs. 1,20,000.  Out of the total Debtors, it is found that debtors of Rs. 8,000 are bad.  The profits of the company after tax have been as follows:-


2010 2011 2012
Rs. 80,000 Rs. 90,000 Rs. 86,000


The Company follows the practice of transferring 25% of the profits to General Reserve.  Similar types of companies, each, earn a profit of 10% of the value of their shares.  Income tax rate is 50%.  Ascertain the value of shares of the company under:


  1. Intrinsic Value Method b) Yield Method                     c) Fair Value Method







  1. The summarized Balance Sheet of Raj Ltd., as on 31st December, 2012 is as follows:
Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.)
1,500  6% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each 1,50,000 Goodwill 50,000
6,500  Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each 6,50,000 Freehold Property 3,75,000
Profit and Loss A/c 4,50,000 Plant & Machinery 3,50,000
5% Debentures 3,00,000 Stock 3,70,000
Sundry Creditors 2,39,250 Debtors (net) 3,99,250
    Bank 2,45,000
Total 17,89,250 Total 17,89,250


Profit after tax for the last 3 years was as follows:


2010 2011 2012
Rs. 2,20,500 Rs. 3,22,500 Rs. 2,40,000

Mr. Anesh is interested in buying all the Equity Shares and requests you to let him know the proper price.

You are given the following information:

  1. Normal Profit to be calculated at 10% of the Closing Capital Employed.
  2. Goodwill may be calculated on the basis of an annuity of super profits of the 3 years. The present value of an annuity of Re. 1 for 3 years at 10% p.a. interest is Rs. 2.478.
  • The value of freehold property is to be ascertained on the basis of 10% return. The current rental value is Rs. 60,800.
  1. Rate of Income tax is 50%.
  2. 10% of profits before tax for 2011 arose from a transaction of a non-recurring nature.
  3. A provision of Rs. 15,750 on sundry debtors was made in 2012, which is no longer required.
  • A claim of Rs. 5,000 against the company is to be provided and adjusted against profit for 2012.
  • Closing Stock of 2011 was over-valued by Rs. 10,000.
  1. A Major repair of plant was made on 1.7.2010 incurring Rs. 25,000. The said sum is agreed to be capitalized, subject to adjustment of depreciation at 10% p.a. on straight line method.

Ascertain the value of Goodwill of the Company.


  1. X Coal Ltd. has taken on lease coalfields from Y, on the following terms:
  2. Lease is for 99 years.
  3. Lease rent is to be 50 paise for every tonne of coal raised.
  • Minimum royalty per annum is to be Rs. 30,000 and the lessee has a right to recoup any short working within a period of three years for which the excess payment was made.
  1. In case the working of the mines was affected by any strike or riot and there were no raisings, then the minimum rent payable would abate proportionately.
  2. The following were the raisings for the different years:
Year Tonnes Other Information
1997 20,000  
1998 35,000  
1999 30,000 There was a strike for 3 months during which no coal was mined.
2000 70,000  
2001 80,000  
2002 1,00,000  


You are required to show the Royalties, Short-workings and Y’s A/c in the books of X Coal Ltd.  Analytical Table should form part of your answer.



  1. COMPULSORY QUESTION:                                                                           (1 x 15 = 15)


  1. On account of a fire on 15th June 2011, in the business house of a Company, the working remained disturbed upto 15th December,2011 as a result of which it was not possible to effect any sales. The company had taken out an insurance policy with an average clause against consequential losses for Rs. 35,000, and a period of 7 months has been agreed upon as Indemnity Period.  An increase of 25% was marked in the current year’s sales as compared to the last year.  The company incurred an additional expenditure of Rs. 3,000 to make sales possible and made a saving of Rs. 500 in the Insured Standing charges.  The following further details are available:-
Particulars Amount in Rs.
Actual Sales from 15th June 2011 to 15th Dec. 2011 17,500
Sales from 15th June 2010 to 15th Dec. 2010 60,000
Net Profit for the Last financial year 20,000
Insured Standing Charges for the Last Financial Year 17,500
Total Standing Charges for the Last Financial Year 30,000
Turnover for the Last Financial Year 1,50,000
Turnover for one year : 16th June 2010 to 15th June 2011 1,40,000


Ascertain the Claim for Loss of Profits.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 II Sem General English Question Paper PDF Download


End semester EXAMINATION – MARCH/ APRIL 2013

B.B.M.  – II semester


TIME : 3 HRS                                                                                                            MARKS : 100

Section – A

1) Answer any five of the following in a word, phrase or a sentence.                           (5×2=10)

a.”Whenever I walk away from clocks, they get larger”. Whose words are these in “Refund”?

  1. Name the author of “Eco-Junk”.
  2. Who posed the question “Then…Is your son really dead?” to the fat man?
  3. What is referred to, as ‘food for your soul’ by Khalil Gibran?
  4. Which Indian River and dam are mentioned by Ramachandra Guha as an example of pro- environment protest movement?
  5. Who suggested iodine pills as an antidote to a nuclear attack?

2) Write short notes on any four of the following.                                                                 ( 4×5=20)

  1. The mathematics teacer in ‘Refund”.
  2. The conversation among parents in the story ‘war’.
  3. The problems of green consumerism.
  4. Arundhathi Roy’s views on green consumerism.
  5. M. Forster’s experiences as owner of property.


3) Answer any three of the following in about two pages each.                                   (3×10=30)

  1. Write a critical summary of the poem “Buying and Selling”.
  2. What are the main observations and arguments of Arundhathi Roy concerning the nature of nuclear weapons? Do you find them relevant for today’s world? Give reasons.
  3. Which aspects of war and its tragedy does Pirendello’s short story explore?
  4. Describe the major differences between American and Indian environmental movements. What factors have caused these differences?


Section – B

4) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set on it .              (5×2=10)


Anyone who drives in a car in the city of Dhaka is assailed on all sides by professional beggars to give them a hand-out. Why not give? For just a few pennies we can alleviate our conscience. When a person approaches who has leprosy and his fingers  and hands are eaten away, we are so shocked, we immediately and quite naturally reach into our pockets and hand over a bill that is a pittance for us abut a fortune for the recipient. But is this useful? No, most of the time it is actually harmful. On the donor’s side , you have the feeling that you have done something. But in fact you have done nothing. Handing out money is a way of shielding ourselves form addressing the real issue. Handing out a pittance is a way of making ourselves think we have done something and of feeling good for having shared our good fortune with the poor. But in fact we are leaving the problem alone. We have merely thrown money at it and walked away. But for how long? Giving alms to beggar is not a long-term or even a short-term solution. The beggar will only go to the next car, the next tourist and do the same. And eventually he will come back to the donor who gave him money and on whom he now depends. If we honestly want to solve the problem, we have to get involved and start a process. If the donor opened the door of his car and asked  the beggar what the problem was and such relevant information then the donor might be of help. But handing the beggar money is only a way of telling him to buzz off and to leave the donor alone.

I do not question the moral duty to help, nor the instinct to want to help the needy, only the form that help takes. On the recipients side, charity can have devastating effects. It robs the recipient of dignity, and it removes the incentive of having to generate income. It makes the recipient passive and satisfied with thinking ‘all I have to do is sit her with my hand out and I will earn a living.” This is one reason that for too long Bangladesh and other third world countries have had a deliberate policy of playing up their natural disaster . For the last decade, we have given the international image-makers the idea that we are in an incurable situation. While it is true that we have many natural disasters, we are not helpless nor hopeless. When I see a child begging, I resist the natural impulse to give. This example of the individual’s experience illustrates what happens with aid on an international level. Dependence on aid creates an environment which sustains governments that are good at negotiating for more aid. Promoters of hard work, austerity and self-reliance are ridiculed. Food aid encourages the perpetuation of food shortages. So aid distorts the economy and the political climate in favour of petitioners,  of politicians who are good at pleasing the donors and of contractors and corrupt officials, instead of securing local solutions.   -Muhammud Yunus.


  1. What is the meaning of the term ‘third –world countries as used in the passage?
  2. List two reasons the author gives to prove that donors are selfish.
  3. List two devastating effects of charity.
  4. What is the main issue that the author is trying to highlight through the example of


  1. Why does the author say that the promoters of hardwork, self-reliance and austerity

are ridiculed?





5.Bring out the different dimensions of the cartoon below in a personal response of about 100 words.                                                                                                                                 (10 marks)


  1. Write an event report of the college sports day covering all the important details. (10 marks)
  2. Correct the errors in the following sentences.          (2×3=6)
  3. He is working in Wipro for the last three years.
  4. None of them are fluent in French.
  5. Computer is a useful devise.
  6. 8. Use the following pairs of words correctly in your own sentences.           ( 1×4=4)
  7. Raise, raze        b. great , grate


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – APRIL 2013

BBM – II Semester


Time : 3 hours                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer all the questions.                 (10×2=20)
  2. Define business environment.
  3. What is EXIM policy?
  4. Distinguish between Privatization and liberalization?
  5. What is the purpose of setting up special economic zones?
  6. Write four sentences on Environment Protection Act.
  7. Write a note on joint ventures.
  8. What is:  (a)   GATT                  (b)
  9. List any four MNC’s operating in India.
  10. Mention any two International Financial Institutions.
  11. Write a short note on inflation.



  1. Answer any four questions:        (4×5=20)


  1. Explain the various offences that are recognized under the IT act, 2000.
  2. Critically examine the monetary policy of the RBI?
  3. Bring out the challenges of international business.
  4. Critically evaluate the importance of fundamental rights.
  5. Explain the principle objectives of a modern business firm.
  6. Explain the advantages of Technology in Trade Environment.



  • Answer any three questions: (3×15=45)


  1. Do you think that there is a possibility of complete cultural integration of the world in the modern global environment? Justify your answer.


  1. What are the objectives of Competition Act? Explain the provisions of competition commission of India.
  2. Distinguish clearly with the help of suitable examples the differences between internal and external environment of business.
  3. “Business and government are two most powerful institutions in the society.” Discuss the relationship between these two.
  4. Discuss the characteristic features of Indian Economy and explain the factors affecting the economy.



  1. Case Study – Compulsory question. (15 Marks)


Internet censorship in China is conducted under number of laws and administrative regulations. More than sixty Internet regulations have been made and implemented by the Chinese government. The government not only blocks website content but also monitors the internet access of individuals. Several government bodies are involved in reviewing and enforcing laws relation to information flowing within, into, and from China, but the most powerful monitoring body is the Communist Party’s Central Propaganda Department (CPD), which coordinates with GAPP and SARFT to make sure that content promotes and remains consistent with party doctrine. Google, the world’s largest internet search engine company has been facing the Chinese bites since 2000. In 2000, the company developed the Chinese interface for its website. In 2002, the company search engine became unavailable for Chinese users. In 2005, Google hired the ex-CEO of Microsoft Lee Kai Fu as head of Google China. Microsoft sued Google saying that Lee will disclose the propriety information to the company. In December 2005, both the companies reached at the settlement. In 2006, Google rolled out, China based search page that censors the results as per the Chinese rules. (Economic Times). Critics viewed announcement of Google to comply with the internet censorship laws in China as the submission to the Golden Shield Project (a censorship and surveillance project operated by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) division of the government of China in 1998 and implemented in 2003)

Due to this censorship, whenever people search for prohibited Chinese keywords on a blocked list maintained by the Chinese Government, will display the in accordance with local laws, regulations and policies, part of the search result is not shownî. Or ìSearch results may not comply with the relevant laws, regulations and policy cannot be displayed. In August 2008 Google launched the free music downloads to the users to better compete with the market leader Baidu. Cn. In March, 2009 China Banned the Google’s You Tube. In June, 2009, Gmail, and other online services of Google become unavailable and Chinese Government accused Google of spreading obscene content over the internet.

In September 2009 Lee Kai Fu resigned from the post and in October 2009 many of the Chinese authors accused Google of violating the copyrights with its digital library. Finally in January 2010 the company said it’s no longer willing to censor the results in the country and may pull out of the country. A blog posted by Google explained exactly that like many other well know organizations it faces regular cyber-attacks Chinese Government downplays the Google’s threat of exit by saying that this is the latest manifestation of western imperialism and this time a private player. They can also blame company for not having the potential to compete with the domestic player Chinese Government holds its point that there are many ways to resolve a problem but every foreign company including Google will have to abide by Chinese Laws. (Reuters). (Economic Times Bureau).




  1. In the context of above case, examine the need of cyber laws.


  1. Do you support the actions of Chinese Government on Google? Justify your point of view.


  1. Critically evaluate Google’s decision to exit Chinese economy.




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