Bagidora Assembly Constituency in Banswara District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Bagidora

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Banswara

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 165

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Mahendra Jeet Singh Malviya

Votes in Favour: 81016

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Khemraj Garasiya

Votes in Favour: 66691

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 165

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Mahendrajeet Singh

Votes in Favour: 76113

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jeetmalkhant

Votes in Favour: 31424

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (United) (JD(U))

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Janata Dal (United) (JD(U))

Assembly Constituency No: 132

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Jeetmal Khant

Votes in Favour: 61952

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (United) (JD(U))

Runner Up Candidate: Mahendrajit Singh Malviyaa

Votes in Favour: 55661

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 132

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Jeet Mal

Votes in Favour: 35920

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Panna Lal

Votes in Favour: 30957

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 132

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Poonjalal

Votes in Favour: 25087

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Pannalal

Votes in Favour: 23380

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 132

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Soma

Votes in Favour: 27669

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Mahendra Malviya

Votes in Favour: 21567

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 132

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Panna Lal

Votes in Favour: 20666

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Poonja Lal

Votes in Favour: 17140

Gender: M

Party: Lok Dal (LKD)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 132

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathoo Ram

Votes in Favour: 20946

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Harji

Votes in Favour: 12441

Gender: M

Party: Janata Party (Secular) – CH. Charan Singh (JNP(SC))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 132

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathu Ram R/O Bori

Votes in Favour: 20545

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Nathu Ram R/O Bawadi

Votes in Favour: 10265

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 120

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathuram

Votes in Favour: 24789

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Bahadurseeng

Votes in Favour: 21904

Gender: M

Party: Samyukta Socialist Party/Socialist Party (SOP)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 120

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathuram

Votes in Favour: 24332

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kaluram

Votes in Favour: 20252

Gender: M

Party: Sanghata Socialist Party (SSP)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 98

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathuram

Votes in Favour: 11005

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kama

Votes in Favour: 10640

Gender: M

Party: SOC

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 64

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Nathu Ram

Votes in Favour: 12708

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kalia

Votes in Favour: 8876

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1951

Assembly Constituency No: 89

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Hari Ram

Votes in Favour:

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Unconstested

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Kushalgarh Assembly Constituency in Banswara District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Kushalgarh

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Banswara

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 166

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Bhima

Votes in Favour: 63979

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Hurting Khadiya

Votes in Favour: 63271

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 166

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Fateh Singh

Votes in Favour: 37610

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (United) (JD(U))

Runner Up Candidate: Savlal

Votes in Favour: 36653

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Indian National Congress (INC)

Assembly Constituency No: 128

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Fateh Singh

Votes in Favour: 54589

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (United) (JD(U))

Runner Up Candidate: Hurteeng

Votes in Favour: 41854

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 128

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Fateh Singh

Votes in Favour: 45316

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Hurting

Votes in Favour: 38702

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 128

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Fateh Singh

Votes in Favour: 42072

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Hari Ram

Votes in Favour: 27722

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 128

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Fateh Singh

Votes in Favour: 40987

Gender: M

Party: Janata Dal (JD)

Runner Up Candidate: Var Singh

Votes in Favour: 17727

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 128

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Ver Singh

Votes in Favour: 25591

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Heera Bhai

Votes in Favour: 25279

Gender: M

Party: Lok Dal (LKD)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 128

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Fateh Singh

Votes in Favour: 23277

Gender: M

Party: Janata Party (Secular) – CH. Charan Singh (JNP(SC))

Runner Up Candidate: Rangi

Votes in Favour: 16314

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 128

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Jithing

Votes in Favour: 25218

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Hira Lal

Votes in Favour: 7757

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 117

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Jithing

Votes in Favour: 27284

Gender: M

Party: Samyukta Socialist Party/Socialist Party (SOP)

Runner Up Candidate: Varseeng

Votes in Favour: 19176

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 117

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Heera

Votes in Favour: 21662

Gender: M

Party: Sanghata Socialist Party (SSP)

Runner Up Candidate: Varsing

Votes in Favour: 21569

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 97

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Hira

Votes in Favour: 19987

Gender: M

Party: SOC

Runner Up Candidate: Bhimarat

Votes in Favour: 10807

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 65

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Heera

Votes in Favour: 15591

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Rangji

Votes in Favour: 5608

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Chorasi Assembly Constituency in Banswara District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Chorasi

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Banswara

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 161

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Sushil

Votes in Favour: 72247

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Mahendra Kumar Barjod

Votes in Favour: 51934

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 161

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Shankar Lal Ahari

Votes in Favour: 46023

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Sushil Katara

Votes in Favour: 39809

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 134

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Sushil

Votes in Favour: 44327

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Shankar Lal Ahari

Votes in Favour: 40018

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 134

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Shankar Lal Ahari

Votes in Favour: 50066

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jeev Ram Katara

Votes in Favour: 21415

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 134

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Shankar Lal Ahari

Votes in Favour: 38688

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jeevram Katara

Votes in Favour: 24598

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 134

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Jeeva Ram Katara

Votes in Favour: 22739

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Shanker Lal Ahari

Votes in Favour: 19453

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 134

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Shanker Lal

Votes in Favour: 26189

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Jeev Ram

Votes in Favour: 6146

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 134

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Govind Amaliya

Votes in Favour: 19357

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Udailal

Votes in Favour: 6010

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 134

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Heera Lal

Votes in Favour: 20522

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: GovINDAmaliya

Votes in Favour: 9945

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 122

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Ramchandra

Votes in Favour: 16210

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Vijaypal

Votes in Favour: 12499

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 122

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Ratanlal

Votes in Favour: 19128

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Hiralal

Votes in Favour: 12294

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Ghatol Assembly Constituency in Banswara District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Ghatol

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Banswara

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 162

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Navneet Lal

Votes in Favour: 93442

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Nanalal Ninama

Votes in Favour: 66244

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 162

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nanalal Ninama

Votes in Favour: 53262

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Navneetlal

Votes in Favour: 32640

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 130

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Navneetlal Ninama

Votes in Favour: 73715

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Nanalal Ninama

Votes in Favour: 46760

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 130

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nana Lal

Votes in Favour: 43768

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Man Shankar

Votes in Favour: 39587

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 130

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Jitendra Neenama

Votes in Favour: 35225

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Navnet Lal Neenama

Votes in Favour: 33037

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 130

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Navneet Lal Ninama

Votes in Favour: 25299

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Jitendra Ninama

Votes in Favour: 24547

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 130

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Navneer Lal Ninama

Votes in Favour: 22664

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Poonji Lal

Votes in Favour: 21679

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 130

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Puji Lal

Votes in Favour: 18004

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Navaneeta Lal

Votes in Favour: 14884

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 130

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nahtu Lal

Votes in Favour: 29414

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Punji Lal

Votes in Favour: 13362

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



04th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 99

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Harideo Joshi

Votes in Favour: 16165

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Narayan

Votes in Favour: 9191

Gender: M

Party: SOC

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 63

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Hari Deo

Votes in Favour: 12924

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Keshav Chandra

Votes in Favour: 9641

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1951

Assembly Constituency No: 91

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Dulji

Votes in Favour: 10297

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Madan Singh

Votes in Favour: 3199

Gender: M

Party: RRP

Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Garhi Assembly Constituency in Banswara District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Garhi

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Banswara

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 163

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Jeetmal Khant

Votes in Favour: 91929

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Kanta Bheel

Votes in Favour: 67479

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 163

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Smt Kanta Bheel

Votes in Favour: 63360

Gender: F

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Dharmendra Rathore

Votes in Favour: 37927

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



11th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



10th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



09th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



08th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



07th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



06th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



05th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



04th Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



01st Assembly Election:

Election Year:

Assembly Constituency No:

Category of Reservation:

Elected Member:

Votes in Favour:



Runner Up Candidate:

Votes in Favour:



Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Banswara Assembly Constituency in Banswara District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Banswara

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Banswara

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 164

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Dhansingh

Votes in Favour: 86620

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Arjun Singh Bamaniya

Votes in Favour: 56559

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 164

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Arjun Singh Bamaniya

Votes in Favour: 47753

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Dhansingh Rawat

Votes in Favour: 31904

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 131

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bhawani Joshi

Votes in Favour: 60777

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Rameshchandra Pandya

Votes in Favour: 37802

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 131

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Ramesh Chandra

Votes in Favour: 50530

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Bhawani Joshi

Votes in Favour: 24983

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

By Election:

Election Year: 1995

Assembly Constituency No: By Poll

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bhawani Joshi

Votes in Favour: 35644

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Dinesh Joshi

Votes in Favour: 34457

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 131

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Harideo Joshi

Votes in Favour: 41500

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Bhawani Joshi

Votes in Favour: 26376

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 131

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Hari Deo Joshi

Votes in Favour: 42521

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Manilal Bohra

Votes in Favour: 11624

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 131

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Harideo Joshi

Votes in Favour: 38485

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Mani Lal Bohra

Votes in Favour: 8081

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 131

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Harideojoshi

Votes in Favour: 26925

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Saripatrai Dave

Votes in Favour: 6718

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 131

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Hari Deo Joshi

Votes in Favour: 23407

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Keshav Chandra

Votes in Favour: 17586

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 119

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Harideo Joshi

Votes in Favour: 33903

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Vijay Lal

Votes in Favour: 8695

Gender: M

Party: Samyukta Socialist Party/Socialist Party (SOP)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 119

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: H. Joshi

Votes in Favour: 25430

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Keshavchandra

Votes in Favour: 12099

Gender: M

Party: Sanghata Socialist Party (SSP)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 96

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Vithla

Votes in Favour: 16373

Gender: M

Party: SOC

Runner Up Candidate: Heera

Votes in Favour: 6124

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 62

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Mogji

Votes in Favour: 11272

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Hari Ram

Votes in Favour: 8188

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1951

Assembly Constituency No: 90

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Belji

Votes in Favour: 8071

Gender: M

Party: SP

Runner Up Candidate: Bhartandra Singh

Votes in Favour: 4658

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Dungarpur Assembly Constituency in Dungarpur District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Dungarpur

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Dungarpur

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 158

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Devendra Katara

Votes in Favour: 58531

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Lalshankar Ghatiya

Votes in Favour: 54686

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 158

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Lal Shankar Gatiya

Votes in Favour: 48536

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Sushila Bhil

Votes in Favour: 36915

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

By Election:

Election Year: 2006

Assembly Constituency No: By Poll

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Punji Lal Parmar

Votes in Favour: 49067

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Surmal Parmar

Votes in Favour: 39188

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Assembly Constituency No: 135

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathu Ram Ahari

Votes in Favour: 40788

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Sushila

Votes in Favour: 40052

Gender: F

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 135

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathu Ram Ahari

Votes in Favour: 42768

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Heera Lal Bhil

Votes in Favour: 23017

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 135

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathuram Ahari

Votes in Favour: 33871

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Hiralal Bhil

Votes in Favour: 25841

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 135

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathu Ram Ahari

Votes in Favour: 23794

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Amrit Lal Parmar

Votes in Favour: 20544

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 135

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Nathu Ram

Votes in Favour: 17439

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Heera Lal Ahari

Votes in Favour: 5565

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 135

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Naathuram

Votes in Favour: 20327

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Heera Lal

Votes in Favour: 5722

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 135

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Amrat Lal

Votes in Favour: 18570

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Sunder Lal

Votes in Favour: 4404

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (CPI)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 124

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Lukshman Singh

Votes in Favour: 23081

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

Runner Up Candidate: Kanti Shanker

Votes in Favour: 12664

Gender: M

Party: Communist Party of India (CPI)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 124

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Laxmansingh

Votes in Favour: 21932

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

Runner Up Candidate: Bhogilal

Votes in Favour: 21653

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 101

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Vijaypal

Votes in Favour: 14439

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

Runner Up Candidate: Ram Chandra

Votes in Favour: 13007

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 67

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bal Mukund

Votes in Favour: 10460

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Runner Up Candidate: Jai Kishan

Votes in Favour: 8586

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

01st Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1951

Assembly Constituency No: 93

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Soma

Votes in Favour: 26113

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Rajeshorisajjan Singh

Votes in Favour: 15989

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

Sagwara Assembly Constituency in Dungarpur District Rajasthan

Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Sagwara

Parliament Constituency: Banswara

District: Dungarpur

Voters Statistics:

15th Assembly Election

14th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2013

Assembly Constituency No: 160

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Anita Katara

Votes in Favour: 69065

Gender: F

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Surendra Kumar

Votes in Favour: 68425

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

13th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2008

Assembly Constituency No: 160

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Surendra Kumar

Votes in Favour: 73408

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kanakmal Katara

Votes in Favour: 41082

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

12th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 2003

Assembly Constituency No: 133

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Kanak Mal Katara

Votes in Favour: 55128

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Surendra Kumar

Votes in Favour: 36845

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

By Election:

Election Year: 2002

Assembly Constituency No: By Poll

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Kanak Mal Katara

Votes in Favour: 54341

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Runner Up Candidate: Surendra Kumar

Votes in Favour: 40236

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

11th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1998

Assembly Constituency No: 133

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Bheekha Bhai Bheel

Votes in Favour: 44421

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kanak Mal

Votes in Favour: 34720

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

10th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1993

Assembly Constituency No: 133

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Bheekha Bhai

Votes in Favour: 38145

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kankmal

Votes in Favour: 35034

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

09th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1990

Assembly Constituency No: 133

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Kamla Bheel

Votes in Favour: 21382

Gender: F

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kankamal Katara

Votes in Favour: 21318

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

08th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1985

Assembly Constituency No: 133

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Kamla Devi

Votes in Favour: 30027

Gender: F

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Harji

Votes in Favour: 5083

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

07th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1980

Assembly Constituency No: 133

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Kamla

Votes in Favour: 22019

Gender: F

Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))

Runner Up Candidate: Heeralal

Votes in Favour: 3682

Gender: M

Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

06th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1977

Assembly Constituency No: 133

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Lal Shankar

Votes in Favour: 18473

Gender: M

Party: Janta Party (JNP)

Runner Up Candidate: Bhikha Bhai

Votes in Favour: 15798

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

05th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1972

Assembly Constituency No: 121

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Bheekha Bhai

Votes in Favour: 23575

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Kalooram

Votes in Favour: 3963

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

04th Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1967

Assembly Constituency No: 121

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Bheekhabhai

Votes in Favour: 28208

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Lalshanker

Votes in Favour: 9963

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

03rd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1962

Assembly Constituency No: 100

Category of Reservation: Scheduled Tribe Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Elected Member: Bheeka Bhai

Votes in Favour: 22327

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Lalshanker

Votes in Favour: 13432

Gender: M

Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)

02nd Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1957

Assembly Constituency No: 66

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bheekha Bhai

Votes in Favour:

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Unconstested

Votes in Favour:



01st Assembly Election:

Election Year: 1951

Assembly Constituency No: 92

Category of Reservation: General (GEN)

Elected Member: Bhogilal Pandaya

Votes in Favour: 16744

Gender: M

Party: Indian National Congress (INC)

Runner Up Candidate: Laxman Singh

Votes in Favour: 10195

Gender: M

Party: Independent (IND)

Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies

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