SARMA, SHRI ANANTA TRIPATHI, MA, P.O.L.. Sahityasiromani, Ayurvedacharya, Mimamsa Vidya Praveena and Rashtrabhasharatna, Cong. [ Orissa-Bhanjnagar-1967]: s. of Shri Gadadhar Tripathi, b. at Jagannathapur, Sasan, Distt. Ganjam, Orissa, February 10, 1905 ; ed . at the Universities of Andhra, Madras and Nagpur ; m. Shrimati Vishnupriya Devi, January, 1925; 1 S. and 8 D.; Practitioner of Ayurvedic system of medicine; Lecturer, Oriya and Sanskrit, Maharajah’s College, Parlakimedi. 1924-25; Senior Professor of Sahitya and Mimamsa, Sanskrit College, Parlakimedi, 1925—39; Pradhanacharya, Ayurvedic Vidyalaya, Parlakimedi 1939—49; Member, Senate, Academic Council and Board of Studies Anhdra University, 1935—39; Vice-President. Ganjam District Board, Ganjam, 1946—52; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1946—52; Member, Syndicate, Academic Council & Board of Studies, Utkal University, 1951—57; Chairman, Board of Studies in Oriya, Andhra University, 1939—59; Member Senate of Utkal University, 1948—66 and Member, Barhampur University, 1967; Member, Sanskrit Parishad, Sanskrit Council and Board of Studies of the Orissa Association of Sanskrit Learning and Culture, 1936—67; President, All India Ayurvedic Congress. Delhi, 1956— 64; Secretary, Gurukul Vidyapeth, Bhubaneswar, 1956—67; Vice-President, Governing Body, Sanskrit College, Parlakimedi, 1948—67; Member, Oriya Language and Literature Improvement Committee and Oriya Encyclopaedia Advisory Board of the Utkal University, 1952—67, Programme Advisory Board, All India Radio, Cuttack, 1957—66; Ayurvedic Council, Orissa, Ayurvedic Faculty Council, Orissa; Health Council., Orissa, 1959—67; Sahitya Akademi, Orissa, 1960— 67; Museum and Archaeology, Orissa, 1962—67; Sanskrit Advisory Board, Orissa, 1960—67, Shuddha Ayurvedic Board, 1964—67, Rice Research Committee, Government of India, 1962—66, and Delimination Committee, 1964—66; Member and Vice-President, Rathnadhina Sanskrit College, Berhampur, 1967; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1961-62, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67, and In that capacity worked as a member of the various Select Committees un Bills.
Social activities: Always taking keen interest in reforming the society. Wrote many articles in support of Sarda Act. As the Vice President Of the Ganjam District Board. improved the public health and medical and in the District. As a member of almost all Academic institutions of Orissa, take keen interest in improving Oriya literature , Sanskrit and Ayurveda in the State.
Special interests: To improve on indigenous system of medicines and Sanskrit learning in India; to write books at leisure and to collect and to attend public meetings and conferences relating to Ayurveda and Sanskrit.
Accomplishments in letters, art and science: As a specialist in Indo-European Philology, wrote the Oriya Bhashatatwa and is taking keen interest in art and science. Has written the script , scenario and songs for Vasantasena a Sanskrit picture.
Books published: Wrote 50 books an Sanskrit literature, Ayurveda and Oriya, etc., out of which 20 have been published and 2 are in the Press; translated 220 Upanishads and prominent Ayurvedic books such as Charakasamhita, Susruta Samhita, Vagbhata Samhita, etc., into Oriya and Shakespear’s dramas and books of Rabindranath Tagore into Sanskrit; editing a Sanskrit monthly journal, Manorama, for the last six years.
Sports: Volleyball.
Travels abroad: Ceylon.
Permanent address: Siromoni Press, P.O. Berhampur, Distt. Ganjara, Orissa.