PANIGRAHI, SHRI CHINTAMANI, M.A., [Congress (T)—Orissa, Bhubaneswar, 1984] s. of late Shri Gopinath Panigrahi; b. at Biswanathpur, Balipatna Tehsil, Puri District, March 22, 1922; ed. at Ravenshaw College, Cuttack, Vidyasagar College, Calcutta and Calcutta University; m. Smt. Radhamani Panigrahi, March, 1946; 4 s. and 1 d.; Journalist, Author and Writer; Editor, (i) Daily Prajatantra, Cuttack from 1947 to 1951 and (ii) Daily Matrubhumi, Cuttack from 1951 to December, 1956; took part in the Quit India Movement in 1942; was an active worker of the West Bengal Students Congress; was Secretary, Ravenshaw College Union in 1942; President, (i) Keonjhar Mining and Forest Workers’ Union, 1958, (ii) All Utkal Bank Employees’ Association, 1957; Chairman, Utkal Democratic Youth Federation, 1958; Vice President, World Democratic Youth Federation, 1959; Vice-Chairman, Federation of India Youth, 1958; was Treasurer, Indian National Rural Labour Federation, 1979; President, Orissa Gramina Majdoor Sangh, 1975; Chairman, Orissa Bharat Sevak Samaj; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1977-80 and Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, I978; Member (i) Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62, (ii) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70, (iii) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77 and (iv) Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84; Member, (i) Panel of Chairmen, (ii) Railway Convention Committee, (iii) General Purposes Committee, (v) Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions, (v) Library Committee; Chairman, Estimates Committee, 1985-86.
Social activities: Rendering of relief work during floods and drought; starting of night schools, libraries and youth clubs in villages; actively worked for unification of outlying Oriya speaking tracts and for safeguarding the interests of the people of Orissa living in Calcutta.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading and writing; travelling and sight seeing; gardening and looking after farming.
Special interests: Youth and child welfare, constructive work and spreading education in rural areas.
Publications: In Oriya : Gandhi Kahani (in two parts); Gandhiji and Chirantan Biplaba; Jawahar lal Nehru; Subhas Bose; Yuga Sahitya; Sanchita; Sanchayan, Tantrik Bamakshepa; Nutan Chin Pathe; Chinchasira Jami Dakshal; Jami Dakhalpare Chinchasi Nut an Prabaha; Bijayee Ho-Chi Minh; Pilanka Mao-Tse-Tung and Charan Sangita. In English : Orissa Speaks and the Tragedy, of the Orissa Floods, and many English articles.
Sports and clubs: Volleyball and Chess.
Travels abroad: China, Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Romania, Bulgaria, U.S.S.R., Ceylon, Afghanistan, Tran, Turkey, Kuwait, U.S.A., France, Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, Britain, Singapore and Australia.
Permanent address: Srima Nibas, Santrapur, Bhubanesuar-2, District Puri, Orissa.