KARNI SINGH, DR., MAHARAJA OF BIKANER, B.A., (Hons.), Ph.D. (Ind.) Rajasthan-Bikaner—1971, Son of His late Highness Maharaja Shri Sadul Singhji Bahadur of Bikaner; b. at Bikaner, April 21, 1924; ed. at St. Stephens College, Delhi and St. Xavier’s College, Bombay; m. Maharani Sushila Kumari, February 25, 1944; 1 s. and 2 d.; Social Worker; Member, (i) All Party Committee on Political Defections, (ii) Punjabi Suba Parliamentary Committee, and (iii) Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust; Member, Consultative Committees (i) Planning appointed by the Prime Minister, (ii) Irrigation and Power, (iii) Information and Broadcasting and (iv) Family Planning; Member, First Lok Sabha, 1952-57, Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62, Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67 and Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70.
Hobbies.—Photography, painting, social service, golf and clay target shooting.
Favourite pastime and recreation.—Target shooting, golf, tennis, flying and painting.
Accomplishments in letters, art and science.— Ph.D. from Bombay University; interested in painting.
Books published.—”The Relations of House of Bikaner with the Central Powers 1465-1949″.
Sports and Clubs.—Member of (i) Willingdon Sports Club, Bombay, (ii) Cricket Club of India, Bombay, (iii) Bombay Flying Club, Bombay, (iv) Presidency Gold Club, Bombay, (v) Western India Automobile Association, Bombay, (vi) Roshanara Club, Delhi, (vii) Delhi Flying Club, Delhi, (viii) Delhi Gymkhana Club, Delhi, (ix) Delhi Golf Club, Delhi, and (x) Rajputana (Abu) and Sadul Club, Bikaner; represented India in shooting events at (i) Olympics games held in Rome, 1960, Tokyo, 1964 and Mexico, 1968; (ii) World Shooting Championship at Oslo, 1961, Cairo, 1962, Weisbaden, 1966, Bologana, 1967 and San Sebastian, 1969; (iii) First Asian Shooting Championship, Tokyo, 1967 and (iv) Pre-Olympic held in Tokyo, 1963; won Silver Medal for India in Clay Pigeon at Cairo, 1962.
Awards.—Recipient of ‘Arjun Award’ in 1962.
Travels abroad.—Round the world; travelled extensively in Europe, Egypt, U.S.A., Mexico, Japan, Canada and Far East.
Permanent address.— Lallgarh Palace, Bikaner, Rajasthan.