St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examination – APRIL 2013

BBM – II Semester


Time : 3 hours                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer all the questions.                 (10×2=20)
  2. Define business environment.
  3. What is EXIM policy?
  4. Distinguish between Privatization and liberalization?
  5. What is the purpose of setting up special economic zones?
  6. Write four sentences on Environment Protection Act.
  7. Write a note on joint ventures.
  8. What is:  (a)   GATT                  (b)
  9. List any four MNC’s operating in India.
  10. Mention any two International Financial Institutions.
  11. Write a short note on inflation.



  1. Answer any four questions:        (4×5=20)


  1. Explain the various offences that are recognized under the IT act, 2000.
  2. Critically examine the monetary policy of the RBI?
  3. Bring out the challenges of international business.
  4. Critically evaluate the importance of fundamental rights.
  5. Explain the principle objectives of a modern business firm.
  6. Explain the advantages of Technology in Trade Environment.



  • Answer any three questions: (3×15=45)


  1. Do you think that there is a possibility of complete cultural integration of the world in the modern global environment? Justify your answer.


  1. What are the objectives of Competition Act? Explain the provisions of competition commission of India.
  2. Distinguish clearly with the help of suitable examples the differences between internal and external environment of business.
  3. “Business and government are two most powerful institutions in the society.” Discuss the relationship between these two.
  4. Discuss the characteristic features of Indian Economy and explain the factors affecting the economy.



  1. Case Study – Compulsory question. (15 Marks)


Internet censorship in China is conducted under number of laws and administrative regulations. More than sixty Internet regulations have been made and implemented by the Chinese government. The government not only blocks website content but also monitors the internet access of individuals. Several government bodies are involved in reviewing and enforcing laws relation to information flowing within, into, and from China, but the most powerful monitoring body is the Communist Party’s Central Propaganda Department (CPD), which coordinates with GAPP and SARFT to make sure that content promotes and remains consistent with party doctrine. Google, the world’s largest internet search engine company has been facing the Chinese bites since 2000. In 2000, the company developed the Chinese interface for its website. In 2002, the company search engine became unavailable for Chinese users. In 2005, Google hired the ex-CEO of Microsoft Lee Kai Fu as head of Google China. Microsoft sued Google saying that Lee will disclose the propriety information to the company. In December 2005, both the companies reached at the settlement. In 2006, Google rolled out, China based search page that censors the results as per the Chinese rules. (Economic Times). Critics viewed announcement of Google to comply with the internet censorship laws in China as the submission to the Golden Shield Project (a censorship and surveillance project operated by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) division of the government of China in 1998 and implemented in 2003)

Due to this censorship, whenever people search for prohibited Chinese keywords on a blocked list maintained by the Chinese Government, will display the in accordance with local laws, regulations and policies, part of the search result is not shownî. Or ìSearch results may not comply with the relevant laws, regulations and policy cannot be displayed. In August 2008 Google launched the free music downloads to the users to better compete with the market leader Baidu. Cn. In March, 2009 China Banned the Google’s You Tube. In June, 2009, Gmail, and other online services of Google become unavailable and Chinese Government accused Google of spreading obscene content over the internet.

In September 2009 Lee Kai Fu resigned from the post and in October 2009 many of the Chinese authors accused Google of violating the copyrights with its digital library. Finally in January 2010 the company said it’s no longer willing to censor the results in the country and may pull out of the country. A blog posted by Google explained exactly that like many other well know organizations it faces regular cyber-attacks Chinese Government downplays the Google’s threat of exit by saying that this is the latest manifestation of western imperialism and this time a private player. They can also blame company for not having the potential to compete with the domestic player Chinese Government holds its point that there are many ways to resolve a problem but every foreign company including Google will have to abide by Chinese Laws. (Reuters). (Economic Times Bureau).




  1. In the context of above case, examine the need of cyber laws.


  1. Do you support the actions of Chinese Government on Google? Justify your point of view.


  1. Critically evaluate Google’s decision to exit Chinese economy.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 II Sem Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                                 Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer ALL the following questions. Each carries 2 marks.                    (10 x2 = 20)


  1. Mention the objectives of industrial policy.
  2. Write a note on Environment Protection Act.
  3. What is unemployment and underemployment?
  4. State any two solutions to solve the problem of population in India.
  5. Define acquisition.
  6. State any two objectives of today’s business.
  7. Define technological environment.
  8. Mention any four challenges of international business.
  9. Mention any two types of patents.
  10. What do you mean by Hacking?




  1. Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                                  (4 x 5 = 20)


  1. Briefly explain the macro and micro environment of business.
  2. Analytically discuss the role of government in business.
  3. Explain the powers and functions of the competition commission.
  4. Critically evaluate the importance of fundamental rights.
  5. Explain the influence of culture on business.
  6. Critically examine the monetary policy of the RBI.



  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks                                  (3x 15=45)


  1. Discuss in detail the various modes of entry into global business.
  2. Explain in detail the various offences that are recognized under the IT Act, 2000.
  3. Discuss the characteristic features of Indian economy and explain the factors affecting the economy.
  4. What is Business Environmental analysis? Explain the process of analysis and mention its limitations.
  5. Discuss the role and responsibilities of Judiciary, Executive and Legislature.





Section – D


  1. Case study – Compulsory question.                                   ( 1 x 15 = 15)

Technology has brought about dynamic changes in the way organizations work. And organizations that use the latest technologies have shown tremendous growth compared to those that have resisted such technology.


It is quite evident that in today’s technology era; more and more organizations are showing a preference for the latest technologies to improve their businesses.


Of all the technologies, information technology has a special place and has become indispensable.




  1. “Organizations that have been using the latest technologies have shown tremendous growth compared to organizations that resist change. However, transfer of technology or adoption of a newer technology is not an easy process.” Comment.


  1. Write in your own understanding the important channels and methods of technology transfer.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download


st. joseph’s college of commerce (autonomous)  
BBM – ii Semester  
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100  
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)  
  1. Explain two uses of study of Business Environment.  
  2. Mention two companies that cater to the global market.  
  3. Elucidate on Moral Suasion.  
  4. What is EXIM policy?  
  5. Describe any two objectives of Industrial policy of 1991.  
  6. Throw light upon the law making body of our country.  
  7. Mention four responsibilities of government towards business.  
  8. What are the limitations of technology on business?  
  9. Explain Information technology act 2000.  
  10. What are cyber offences?  


II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)  
  11. How can Cultural differences affect Business Communication?  
  12. Write a short note on the Council of States of our Country.  
  13. Mention the reasons for poor performance of PSEs.  
  14. What are the objectives of fiscal policy in a developing country like India?  
  15. Do you think that the present economic environment is favorable to business? Discuss and give your suggestions.  
  16. Explain the Quantitative tools used by Dr. Ragu Ram Rajan to control the flow of money in the economy.  


III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                  
  17. Write a short note on :

a)      Competition laws

b)     Cyber laws

  18. The environment consists of a variety of factors outside and inside  your company doors that you typically don’t have much control over. What are the factors affecting an organization?  
  19. The economy of India had undergone significant policy shifts in the beginning of the 1990s. This new model of economic reforms is commonly known as the LPG model. The primary objective of this model was to make the economy of India the fastest developing economy in the globe with capabilities that help it match up with the biggest economies of the world. What is LPG? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of L-P-G individually.  
  20. Explain the different elements culture with relevant examples.


  21. You want to tap the global market, what are the different routes you would consider to enter into the global market? Elucidate.  


  You want to tap the global market, what are the different routes you would consider to enter into the global market? Elucidate.
IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                            
  22. Non-Price Competition : Hyper market vs. Mini Market


In the metropolitan cities of India, the grocery shops these days are facing a tough competition from the newly coming up Malls, Super Markets and Hyper markets in the monopolistic competitive structure of the business.


Many grocery shops are family business enterprises or partnership concerns.

Mohandas Modi runs a family business, a grocery shop   “ UTTAM” Mini-market , at the corner of Thakur Village at Kandivli ( East) , Mumbai. The area is surrounded by many new residential buildings and complexes. In the vicinity , there is a Hypermarket  called ‘D- Mart’.  ‘Uttam‘ is in a corner away from ‘D- Mart’. Modi’s business is not disturbed by  ‘D- Mart’. This is because Uttam shop is at a more convenient location to the dwellers in the Uttam Complex.


In 2009 , however , it is expected that a Hypermarket  ‘ Marko Mart’ will start operating just opposite the  “Uttam” minimarket . In Borivali,  Makro Mart has earned reputation for everyday low price business strategy which has been possible due to its large scale operations and bulk buying. Makro mart claims to have the following distinct features leading to its competitive  advantage:

·         Low prices

·         Wide range of goods- besides groceries, consumer durables, clothing and hardware.

·         Sophisticated on shopping infrastructure

·         Superior display of items

·         Hygienic spacious environment

·         Attractive packing

·         Credit card facilities

·         Gift schemes

·         Aggressive advertising

·         Social prestige


On this count, Modi found his mini-market  “Uttam” at a disadvantageous position.


a.      What should Modi do to sustain his business.

b.      Examine the impact of Super Markets on Petty Shopkeepers  in general.

c.       Suggest a strategy for sustaining the SMEs  against  giant enterprises.





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2016 II Sem Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download




Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
1. What is Economic Environment?
2. What do you mean by Privatization?
3. List down the objectives of Foreign Trade Policy of 2004-09?
4. Define preamble of a statute?
5. Write a short note on TRIMS and TRIPS
6. Expand SAARC.
7. Mention any two harmful effects of Technology on business.
8. What do you mean by Open market operation?
9. Write a short note on SEZ.
10. Define Natural Environment of Business.
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
11. What are the differences between GATT and WTO?
12. List down the benefits of globalization? Explain in detail.
13. Define “Competition Commission of India”.  Discuss the features of competition Act 2002.
14. What are the methods of technology transfer? Explain with examples.
15. What is the primary factors affecting the economy?
16. Explain Directive State Policy.
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
17. Discuss how the internal and external factors affect the business.
18. Elaborate the societal benefits of technological development.
19. Discuss the constitutional environment of business in India.
20. What are the impact of globalization on Indian Business? Explain in detail.
21. Discuss on the New Industrial Policy of 1991.
IV) Case Study – Compulsory question.                                                                (1×15=15)                                                                                           
22. The public sector Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), the major oil refining and marketing company which was also the canalizing agency for oil imports and the only Indian company in the Fortune 500, in terms of sales, planned to make a foray in to the foreign market by acquiring a substantial stake in the Balal Oil Field in Iran of the Premier oil. The project was estimated to have recoverable oil reserves of about 11 million tones and IOC was supposed to get nearly four million tones.

When IOC started talking to the Iranian company for the acquisition in October 1998, oil prices were at rock bottom ($11 per barrel) and most refining companies were closing shop due to falling margins. Indeed, a number of good oil properties in the Middle East were up for sale. Using this opportunity, several developing countries “made a killing by acquiring oil equities abroad”.

IOC needed Government’s permission to invest abroad. Application by Indian company for investing abroad is to be scrutinized by a special committee represented by the RBI and the finance and commerce ministries. By the time the government gave the clearance for the acquisition in December 1999 (more than a year the application was made), the prices had bounced back to $24 per barrel. And the Elf of France had virtually took away the deal from under IOC’s nose by acquiring the Premier Oil.

The RBI, which gave IOC the approval for $15 million investment, took more than a year for clearing the deal because the structure for such investment were not in place, it was reported.



  1. Discuss the internal, domestic and global environment of business revealed by this case.
  2. What would have been the significance of the foreign acquisition to IOC?
  3. What are the lessons of this case?












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