CHARAN SINGH, SHRI, B.Sc., M.A., LL.B., [Lok Dal—Uttar Pradesh, Baghpat, 1984] s. of Ch. Meer Singh; b. at Noorpur Village, Ghaziabad District, December 23, 1902; ed. at Government High School, Meerut and Agra College, Agra; m. Smt. Gayatri Devi, June 5, 1925; 1 s. and 5 d.; Lawyer and Political Worker; associated with Congress 1929-67; Founder-leader of (i) Bharatiya Kranti Dal, 1967, (ii) Bharatiya Lok Dal, 1974, (iii) Janata Party, 1977, (iv) Lok Dal, September, 1979 and (v) Dalit Mazdoor Kisan Party, 1984; Minister, Government of Uttar Pradesh, 1951-67 with a gap of 17 months; Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh, April, 1967—February 1968 and February 1970—October 1970; Union Minister of Home Affairs, March 26, 1977—June 30, 1978; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, January 24, 1979—July 19, 1979; Prime Minister July 28, 1979—January 14, 1980; Vice-Chairman, District Board, Meerut, 1930—35; Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1937—39 and 1946—77; Parliamentary Secretary, Uttar Pradesh, 1946—51; Leader of the Opposition, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1971—77; Member, (i) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79 and (ii) Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980—84.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading.
Special interests: Economic problems, especially agrarian problems.
Publications: (i) ‘Abolition of Zamindari’, (ii) ‘Cooperative Farming X-rayed revised under the title ‘India’s Poverty and its Solution’, (iii) ‘Agrarian Revolution in Uttar Pradesh’, (iv) ‘India’s Economic Policy’ –A Gandhian Blue Print, (v) ‘Economic Nightmare of India’ – Its Cause and Cure, (vi) ‘Who is Casteist?’ –An Analysis, (vii) ‘Shistachar’ , (viii) ‘Land Reforms in U. P. and Kulaks’, (ix) ‘India’s Political System’ (under publication).
Travels abroad: U.S.A.
Permanent address: 12, Tughlak Road, New Delhi-110011.