RANDHIR SINGH, CHAUDHARI, M.A., LLB., Cong., (Haryana—Rohtak-1967): s. of Shri Chandgi Ram; b. at vill. Bayan Pur, July 1, 1924; ed. at C.R.Z. High School, Sonepat, Government College, Rohtak, St. Stephen’s Mission College and Law College, Delhi; m. Shrimati Vijay Laxmi, September 1, 1939; 4 s. and 3 d.; Lawyer; participated and led popular agitations and mass movements before and after Independence and courted arrest seven times on public issues; was Secretary, Punjab P.S.P.; was member, Central Committee, All India P.S.P.; was Secretary, All India Kisan Panchayat; was Delegate Socialist International; was Secretary-General, United Front of Opposition Parties, Punjab; Fellow, Punjab University, 1961—65; Member-(1) Punjab University Finance Board, 1961—63; (2) Regional Transport Authority, Ambala, 1959—61, (3) Punjab Political Sufferers Rehabilitation Board 1965-66. (4) District Flood Relief Committee, 1965-66; (5) District Citizens Committee, 1964-66, (6) Sub-Divisional Advisory Committee, 1964—66; Secretary, Haryana Education Society; Secretary-cum-Manager, C.R.A. College, Sonepat; Secretary-cum-Manager, C.R.Z. High School, Sonepat; Joint Secretary, Kamla Nehru Panchayat Shiksha Kendra Rai Member, Executive Committee, Janta Higher Secondary School, Batasa; Convener, Indo-Soviet Cultural Society, Haryana State; Convener, Sarvkhap Panchayats for Eradication of Social Evils and Stoppage of Early Marriage in Haryana State .
Hobbies: Gardening and Agriculture.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Hearing of folk songs.
Special interests: Politics and Education; specially interested in the affairs of (a) Military Personnel (b) Kisans (c) Labour (d) Harljans and (e) Teachers.
Permanent address: 79 Model Town, Sonepat, (Haryana).