SHAILESH, DR. B. L., M.A., (Economics) [Congress (I)—Uttar Pradesh, Chail (Allahabad) (Res. Sch. Castes), 1984] s. of Shri H. D. Bhagat; b. at Rampur, Karchana Taluk, Allahabad District, March 25, 1947; ed. at Delhi, Meerut and Magadh Universities; did research in Economics (Pricing Policy in Public Enterprises); Business, Management from London; m. Smt. Asha Shailesh, June 18, 1970; 1 s. and 1 d.; Civil Service and Social Worker; Chief Marketing Manager and Chief Administrative Manager, State Trading Corporation of India; Station Manager (Commercial Officer) in Indian Airlines; General Manager, Delhi State Industrial Development Corporation; Executive Director, National Consumers’ Cooperative Federation; Managing Director, Hindustan Vegetables Oil Corporation; Member, (i) Central Purchase Advisory Council, and (ii) National Institute of Rural Development;
Social activities: Worked for the upliftment of Harijans, downtrodden people, children’s education, emancipation of the poor people from their social evils and fought for the unemployment problem of the youth.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading and writing.
Special interests: Social work and upliftment of poor and unemployed youth.
Publications: Written novels ‘Naya Rishta’ and ‘Kalank’ in Hindi and other novels depicting social evils and how to emancipate the people from them.
Sports and clubs: Member, India International Centre, New Delhi.
Travels abroad: All European countries, U.S.A., Canada, Middle East countries and Japan.
Permanent address: R-192, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi-110048.