Dr. Nirmal Khatri Member of Parliament (MP) from Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Dr. Nirmal Khatri

Political Party: Indian National Congress

Constituency & State: Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 8,15


Fifteenth Lok Sabha


Members Bioprofile
Khatri, Dr. Nirmal
Constituency   : Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Party Name     : Indian National Congress (INC)
Email Address : (i) nirmalkhatri[AT]sansad[DOT]nic[DOT]in
(ii) nirmalkhatri1[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Father’s Name Late Shri Narayan Das Khattry (Freedom Fighter)
Mother’s Name Smt. Bimla Khattry
Date of Birth 04 Jan 1951
Place of Birth Faizabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Marital Status Married
Date of Marriage 24 Nov 1973
Spouse’s Name Smt. Veena Khattri
No. of Sons 2
M.A. (Pol Sc.), LL.B., Ph.D.
Educated at K. S. Saket Post-Graduate College, Ayodhya, Faizabad,
Uttar Pradesh
Profession Advocate
Permanent Address
6/6/41, Mohalla – Bazaza,
City & District – Faizabad – 224 001
Uttar Pradesh
Tel. (05278) 221675, 09415039039 (M)
Fax. (05278) 221676
Present Address
17, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla Lane (Canning Lane)
Near Ferozeshah Road,
New Delhi – 110 001
Tels. (011) 23782326, 9013180202 (M)
Fax. (011) 23782289
Positions Held
1972-76 President, City Youth Congress, Faizabad
1976-77 President, District Youth Congress
1977 Member, U.P. Youth Congress Executive Body
1978 General Secretary, District Congress Committee, Faizabad
1978-80 General-Secretary, U.P. Youth Congress
1980 – 85 Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly
5 Dec. 1980 – 1 Oct. 81 Deputy Minister, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
1 Oct. 1981- 19 July 82 Minister of State, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
28 Jul 1982 – 25 Jun 85 President, Uttar Pradesh Youth Congress
July 1985-86 Member, Executive U.P.C.C.
1984 Elected to 8th Lok Sabha
1985-87 Member, House Committee, Lok Sabha
Feb. 1986 Observer, A.I.C.C.Punjab Assembly Elections, Distt. Hoshiarpur
1992-93 General Secretary, U.P.C.C.
10 June 93 – 94 Member, National Integration Council, Uttar Pradesh
Aug. 1994 Observer, A.I.C.C., Karnataka Assembly Election, Distt. Chikmangalore
1996-98 and Apr. 1999-2004 Vice-President, U.P.C.C.
1997 Member, U.P.C.C. and A.I.C.C.
July 2004 – 2010 Secretary, A.I.C.C.
2005 Observer, A.I.C.C., Haryana Assembly Election
2009 Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (2nd term)
2009-2010 Convenor, Second Sub-Commitee of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language
31 Aug. 2009 Member, Standing Committee on Railways
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Human Resource Development
Member, Congress Working Committee (Speical invitee)
Member, JPC to examine matters related to allocation and pricing of telecom licenes and spectrum
Member, Central Advisory Board of Archaelogy
Deputy Chairman, Rajbhash Committee of Parliament
President, U.P. Congress Committee
9 Jun. 2013 Member, House Committee
Literary, Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
Running a library and organising the “Book Fair” every year in Faizabad (U.P.), through Late Shri Narayan Das Khattry Memorial Trust
Social And Cultural Activities
Various social and cultural activities are organised in Faizabad through the society “Seva Sammit” and other societies; renowned educationists and children are honoured on the Birth Aniversary of “Shri Acharya Narendradev” every year; participated in Dandi March 12th March-6th April, 2005 by A.I.C.C.
Special Interests
Music,reading and social work
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Travelling new places
Sports and Clubs
Badminton and lawn tennis; Captain, Badminton Team, Saket Post Graduate College, Ayodhya, 1973-74; Member, Rotary Club, Faizabad
Countries Visited
France, Italy, U.K. and U.S.S.R.;Attended (i)World Youth Festival sponsored by Indian Youth Congress Moscow, U.S.S.R., July, 1985; (ii)Commonwealth Parliamentarian Group, London, September, 1986, sponsored by Indian Youth Congress; (iii) Youth Delegation sponsored by Govt. of India, London, May, 1982; and (iv) Youth Delegation sponsored by Indian Youth congres to USSR, September, 1984
Other Information
Finance Minister, Student Parliament Saket Mahavidyalaya Ayodhya, 1970-71; Chairman, U.P. Awas Vikas Parishad, 2nd June, 1984-26th Dec. 1984; Convener, Lal Bahadur Shastri Birth Centenary Committee, 2004;Director (i)National Textile Corporation, Kanpur; and (ii) UCO Bank, 2007-2009;Secretary (i)N.D. Khattry Memorial Trust & also Study Center; President (i) Seva Samiti Society, Faizabad; (ii) Sri Ram Ballabha Bhagvant Vidya Peeth, Intermediate College, Deorhi, Faizabad; (iii) Rotract Club, Faizabad; (iv) North Region Indian National Bank Officers Conferderation; and (v) Kalika Prasad-Narayan Das Degree College, Kithwa, Distt. Faizabad; Vice-President, Lions Club, Faizabad;Chief Patron, (i) K.S. Saket P.G. College, Managing Committee, Ayodhya; and (ii) Govt. Press Employees Federation, Lucknow;Patron, Ramayana Mela Committee, Ayodhya; Trustee, Rajiv Gandhi Study Circle; Member (i) Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 1988;(ii) National Integration council, U.P., 10th May 1993-1994; (iii) Antony Introspection Committee, A.I.C.C. , Oct. 1999; (iv)Constitution Club, New Delhi; (v) Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, New Delhi; (vi) I.F.W.J. (Indian Federation Working Journalists);(vii) National Council of India Youth Congress; (viii) Central Advisory Board of Archeology; (ix) E.C., B.B.A, Central University, Lucknow; (x) Central Employment Guarantee Coucil ; (xii) Arya Samaj, Faizabad; (xiii) Devers Club, Faizabad; (xiv) Executive Council of Avadh University, Faizabad; (xv) Telecom Advisory Committee, U.P.; and (xvi) Saket Bhumi Sanrachan and Development Samiti appointed by U.P. Government, 21 June, 1985; Life Member, Indian Parliamentarian Group; Correspendent (i) AAJ daily published from Varanasi, 1976; and (ii) Janvarta daily published from Varanasi; EditorSaket Darpan published from Faizabad (weekly and monthly);Conferences Attended: (i) Indian Youth Congress Conference for District President and General Secretary, Delhi 14th-15th May, 1975; (ii) All India Congress Open Session, Chandigarh, 1975 and Calcutta, 1983 ; (iii)Journalist Training Camp organized by U.P. Hindi Samachar Patra Sammelan, Haldwani, U.P. 23rd -29th May, 1975;(iv) Indian Youth Congress Block President Conference, Delhi, 9th -10th Aug. 1976; (v) Indian Youth Congress Workers Conference,Gauhati, 19th-20th Nov., 1977;(vi)Annual Conference of Indian Federation of Working Journalist, Hyderabad, 25th -28th Aug. 1977; (vii) All India Congress Committee Workers Confernce, Delhi, 1978; (viii)I.F.W.J. , 28th -30th, Aug. 1980, Cochin and Banglore, Aug. 1982; (ix)Youth Congress Block President Conference, Tirupati, 13th-14th April, 1984; (x) Congress Centenary Celebration,Bombay, 27th-29th December, 1986; (xi) Seva Dal National Training Camp for Young Parliamentarians, Nainital (U.P.) 28th Aug., 1986; (xii) Asia National Conference of Rotary International, New Delhi, 12th-15th, October, 1987 (xiii)U.P.C.C. Chintan Camp, Haridwar (U.P.) 7th-9th Feb, 1999;(xiv) U.P.C.C. Political Camp, Vrindavan (U.P.), 24th-25th Aug., 2001; and (xv) Congress Rally, Delhi, 6th March, 2000; Attended A.I.C.C. Sessions : (i) 13th September, 1979, Delhi; (ii) 4-5th November, 1988, New Delhi; (iii) 4th May, 1985, New Delhi; (vi) Open Sessions, 1983, Calcutta;(v) 14th -16th April, 1992, Tirupati; (vii) 27-28th March, 1993, Suraj Kund; (viii) 10-11th June, 1994 Delhi; (ix) 6th April, 1998 New Delhi; (x) 18th December, 1998, New Delhi;(xi) 25th May 1999, New Delhi; (xii) 17th-18th March, 2001, Bangalore; (xiii) 24th -25th May 2002, New Delhi; (xiv) 21 August, 2004 New Delhi; (xv) Actively involved in Dandi March (Gujarat), 12th – 6th April 2005; and (xvi) 2nd November 2010, New Delhi; Attended A.I.C.C. Plenary Sessions: (i) 8-10th August, 1997, Calcutta; (ii) 21st-23rd January, 2006, Hyderabad; and (iii) 19th -20th December, 2010, New Delhi.



These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from https://loksabha.nic.in/. Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

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