SRIKANTAIAH, SHRI H. C. [Congress (I)—Karnataka, Hassan, 1989]: s. of Chowdegouda Patel; b. at Hirisave, Hassan District, Karnataka, July 18, 1926; ed. at Mysore College; m. Late Nagamma, 1948, 3 s. and 5 d.; Agriculturist, Educationist, Political and Social worker; suffered imprisonment during freedom struggle, 1942—47;
Public Offices held: Chairman, Village Panchayat, Hirisave; President, Taluk Development Board, Channarayapatna; Minister, Karnataka, 1974—83;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Vice-President and Executive Member, Pradesh Congress Committee, Karnataka;
Previous Membership: Legislative Assembly, Karnataka 1972—85; Legislative Council, Karnataka, 1986—December 1989;
Committee Experience: Member, Public Accounts Committee, Karnataka Legislative Assembly; Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Urban Development, 1990;
Delegation to Foreign Countries: Delegate to International Cooperative Alliance Meeting at Budapest, to Seminar on Developing Countries at Sofia and to Atlanta to participate in a discussion to make Bangalore a sister city of Atlanta;
Travels Abroad: U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Japan, Germany, France, Singapore, Hongkong, U.K., Holand, Czechoslovakia;
Special Interests: Cooperative movement;
Sports and Clubs: Volleyball, Lawn Tennis; Member, Golf Club, Century Club and Sadashivnagar Club, Bangalore;
Social Activities: Founder-President, Adichunchanagiri B.Ed., College, Sri Adichunchanagiri First Grade College, Sri Adichunchanagiri Industrial Training Institute and Sri Adichunchanagiri Pharmacy College and High School, Channarayapatna, Hassan;
Other Information: President, Taluk Agricultural Produce Cooperative Marketing Society, Channarayapatna, Primary Land Development Bank, Channarayapatna and Karnataka State Cooperative Marketing Seeds Federation; Director, D.C.C. Bank, Hassan, Karnataka State Cooperative Apex Bank, Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers, Mangalore, Indian Potash Ltd., Madras, Indian Farmers’ Fertilisers Cooperatives Ltd. New Delhi and Karnataka State Food and Civil Supplies Corporation; Vice-President, All India Cooperative Marketing Federation and NAFED, New Delhi; Vice-Chairman, Mysore Power Corporation;
Permanent Address: 418, Rajmahal Vilas Extension, 12th Main, Bangalore, Karnataka-560012.