LOHIA, RAM MANOHAR, Ph.D., S.S.P., (Uttar Pradesh-Kannauj-1967): s. of Shri Hiralal Lohia, b. at Akbarpur, Distt. Faizabad, March 23, 1910; ed. at Berlin University; Unmaried; Social Worker; helped found Congress Socially; Party, 1934; Secretary, Congress Foreign Department, 1936—38; Chairman. Congress Socialist Conference, 1947; General Secretary, Praja Socialist Party,1954; Chairman, Editorial Board, Mankind and “Jan”; Chairman, Socialist Party, 1956; initiated Goa and Nepal struggles in 1946 and Kisan, (Peasant) marches and struggles beginning with 1947 and Asian Socialist Conference in 1951; arrested twenty-five times for participation in freedom movements of India, Goa and Nepal and civil disobedience movement in free India as also Mississipi, America; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1963—67.
Accomplishment in letters, art and science: Doctor of Philosophy of the Berlin University; formulated theories of Twin origins of Capitalism and Imperialism; Small Unit Machine; Equal irrelevance; The Third Camp; Immediacy-Oscillation between Class and Caste; Efficiency, total or maximum; physical and Cultural approximation of Mankind; Permanent Civil Disobedience; Co-existence with Approximation; Autonomous relationship of general and economic aims or spirit and matter; Inverse relationship of Internal Rebellion and External Invasion; preferential opportunity for Backward Groups in place of equal opportunities and Seven Revolutions.
Publications: Wheel of History; Will to Power; Guilty men of India’s Partition; Marx, Gandhi and Socialism; Notes and Comments; Interval during Politics; Foreign Policy; Krishna, Valmiki aur Vashishta; Kranti Ke Liye Sangathan; India, China and Northern Frontiers; Language; The Caste System; The Indian Agriculture; Socialism; Hinduism; India and Pakistan; Hindu Aur Musalman; Samajvadi Ekta; Nirasha ke kartavya; Krantikaran; Sarkari; Math Aur Kujat Gandhivadi.
Permanent address: 7, Gurudwara Rakabganj Road, Delhi.