RAMJEE SINGH, DR. M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., Janata, (Bihar—Bhagalpur—1977): s. of late Shri Kheri Singh; b. on December, 20, 1931; ed. at R.D. and D. J. College, Monghyr, Patna University, Bhagalpur University and Ranchi University; m. Smt. Asha Devi, 1943; 2 s. and 3 d.; Teacher and Educationist; participated in the freedom movement in 1942; Detained for participation in the JP Movement for 15 months and under MISA for two months in 1974 and 1975-76; Joint Secretary, (i) Bihar Darshan Parishad, 1954—56, (ii) Akhil Bharatiya Darshan, Parishad, 1958 and (iii) Bihar Relief Committee, Bhagalpur, 1962—68; Member, (i) Bihar State, Basic Education Board, 1956—58, (ii) Education Consultative Committee, parliament, (iii) Royal Institute of Philosophy, London, (iv) Mind Association, Oxford, (iv) Australasian Society of Philosophy and Psychology; Honorary Member, (i) World Jaina Mission, and (ii) Council of Jainological Research; Life Member, Indian Philosophical Congress etc.
Social activities: Bhoodan; Gramdan; Shanti Sena, Acharya Kula, i.e. Sarvodaya work.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Social work.
Special interests: Gandhism and Jainism.
Publications: (i) The World Perspectives in Philosophy, Religion and Culture, (ii) The Jaina Concept of Omniscience, (iii) Gandhi Darshan Mimamsa, (iv) Relevance of Satyagraha for modern times, (v) Essential Unity of all Religions, (vi) Gandhi’s Relevance for Modern Times, (vii) Relevance of Guru Nanak’s Teachings for Modern Times, (via) Sa Vidya ya Vimuketya, (ix) Lohia-Smriti-Anka, (x) Gandhi Satvarshiki, (xi) Vinobha Satsang and (xii) Samaj-Darshan.
Sports and clubs: Volleyball.
Travels abroad: Nepal and Ceylon.
Permanent address: (i) Nayatola, Bhikhanpur, Bhagalpur-1, Bihar; (ii) College Professor, Post Graduate Department of Philosophy, Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur.