DUTT, SHRI ASHOK KRISHNA, M.A., LL.B. Janata, (West Bengal—Dum Dum—1977): s. of late Shri Asim Krishna Dutt; b. at Calcutta, November 21, 1928; ed. at La Martinere School, Calcutta, Presidency College, Calcutta, Calcutta University Law College, Attorney-at-Law from Calcutta High Court; m. Smt. Mira Dutt, March 9,1950; 1 s. and 1 d.; Solicitor and Advocate; associated with Congress from student days till 1969 and later with the Congress (O), 1969—77, was detained under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act during the Emergency and arrested under the DIR on more than one occasion; General Secretary, (i) West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee (O), 1971—77, (ii) Janata Party West Bengal, 1977, (iii) Calcutta University Law College Union, 1949-50; Assistant General Secretary, Presidency College Union, 1944-45; Member, (i) Senate, Calcutta University since 1957 and (ii) Syndicate, Culcutta University since 1973; Founder Secretary, Theatre Centre, Calcutta; Chairman, 24-Parganas District Central Cooperative Bank, 1962—72 and Director, West Bengal State Cooperative Bank, 1968—71; Member, West Bengal Legislative Assembly, 1962—67; General Secretary, West Bengal Congress Legislature Party, 1962— 67; presently Member, Public Accounts Committee.
Social activities: Associated with several colleges, schools, social and cultural clubs and Associations in West Bengal, Bihar and Delhi.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Painting, reading and listening to Music.
Special interests: External Affairs, Sports, Games and dramatics.
Accomplishment in letters, art and science: Paintings exhibited in the Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta.
Publications: Contributed several articles in various newspapers and periodicals. Chairman of the Board of Advisors of the Bengal Quarterly Journal “Sahitya-O-Sanskrit”.
Sports and clubs: Member of the Governing Body of the Indian Football Association, West Bengal since 1953, Treasurer, 1963 and Vice-President, 1964; Member (i) Mohan Bagan Athletic Club, (ii) Indian Football Association and (iii) National Cricket Club, Calcutta; President, Greer Sporting Club.
Travels abroad: Japan, USA, England, West Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia, Java, Bali, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal and in childhood travelled extensively in Europe, South-East and Far East Asia.
Permanent address: 22. London Street, Calcutta.