St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem Economics For Managers Question Paper PDF Download





Economics for managers

Duration: 3 hours                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100



  1. Answer any SEVEN        (7 x 5  = 35)


  1. Explain the term explicit and implicit cost with an example.
  2. Explain short run equilibrium of the firm under perfect competition.
  3. Differentiate between selling and social cost with a example.
  4. What are isocost curves? state through a schedule
  5. Explain increase and extension of demand through a figure.
  6. What is meant by dual pricing?
  7. What are learning curves?
  8. Differentiate between AC and MC.
  9. Explain the concept of marginalism.
  10. Differentiate between Micro and Macro economics.


Section – B


  1. Answer any THREE out of FIVE.                                             (3 x 15   = 45) 


  1. What is Producers equilibrium. Explain the Producers Equilibrium with the help               of a diagram.
  2. Explain Price and output determination of a discriminating monopolist.


  1. a) with the help of the following data calculate TVC.AC.MC.AVC.AFC
output 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
TFC 250            
Tc 350 500 800 1000 1300 1800 2500


  1. Explain the relationship between LAC and SAC.


  1. What is Price elasticity of demand? Explain the different degrees of price elasticity. state its significance.




  1. Explain the short run and long run equilibirium of the firm under perfect competition. explain with suitable figs



Section – C


  • Case Study – compulsory question.   (20 marks)



  • Kinley associates have been manufacturing bisleri water for the last 40 years.  In the last five years they have ventured to manufacture water filters.  Each at the rate of 6500/- each year increasing the price between 10 and 12%.


  • A. Their sales record is as follows with the help of data calculate the trend for each of the five years and the forecast for 2013 and 2014.

Analyse their trend of sales of the water filters.                                 (10 marks)


Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Sales (000’s) 210 230 280 390 560



  1. The total sales for the year 2012 was 8000. Their fixed cost available indicated rs 400000/-, the variable cost being rs 2500. Price per unit was rs 5200 at the whole sale market.  Find the BEP.  Find profits or losses at 1200 unit sales.                                                                                               ( 10 marks)




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2014 I Sem Economics For Managers Question Paper PDF Download




End Semester Examinations – OCTOBER 2014

M.I.B. – i semester



Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 100


Section – A


  1. Answer any SEVEN out of 10 questions. Each carries 5 marks.   (7 x 5  = 35)


  1. State the problem of choice in economics.
  2. Give the meaning of equi marginal utility.
  3. Mention any two managerial economic variables and its use to a firm.
  4. What is the difference e between Risks and uncertainties?
  5. Mention any two statistical techniques that help in making managerial decisions.
  6. What is the difference between substitutes and complementary goods?
  7. What is meant by unitary elastic?
  8. What are isoquants?
  9. State any two Qualitative methods used in demand forecasting.
  10. What ids discriminating monopoly?


Section – B

  1. Answer any THREE out of 5 questions. Each carries 15 marks.  (3 x 15   = 45)

11) Explain Production possibility analysis with the help of a graph. What happens when the economy is functioning at a point inside the production possibility curve?


12) Explain Cobb-Douglas production function. How is it different from CES ?


13) What are the various Economies of scale? When do they become diseconomies?


14) Discuss the various demand forecasting methods and their importance in firm level decision making.


  • Diagrammatically show the pricing-output decisions for a firm under monopolistic market.



Section – C


  • Compulsory Case study.                                                                     (1 x 20 = 20)

Shahnaz Husain is acknowledged as one of the most successful women entrepreneurs in India.

Her company, Shahnaz Husain Herbals, is one of the leading manufacturers of herbal products in the world. The company sells over 350 herbal products and operates over 200 salons in more than 130 countries. The brand, ‘Shahnaz Husain’, was valued at over $100 million in 1996 and now it is likely to be worth much more.

Shahnaz Husain group of Companies was started in 1970 in New Delhi with a capital investment of Rs.35,000 as a parlour offering anti ageing treatment and ayurvedic care and today it has become one of the leading brand in beauty care ,having 400 chains of Ayurvedic treatment centres and over 350 products Worldwide. ‘Shahnaz Husain’ brand diversified its business. The company was able to grow systematically and currently operates three major complementary businesses,   namely Herbal products available in all leading stores around the world like Harrods (London), Bloomingdale (New Yory) and Galleries Lafayette (Paris). Recently, the company has decided to launch four skin care products in partnership with Elder Pharma and the third is the diversification into Beauty Salons and at present the Company has more than 200 beauty centres. But today, after being synonymous with beauty care for four decades, Husain’s business is showing signs of graying and she is aging too. Firms like ‘Himalaya’ Clarins, The Body Shop and L’Oreal are taking away the attention of the younger generation and have been able to move quickly and capture the ‘mass’ market.


  1. Examine the objectives of the firm in the light of its beginning. Also analyse what triggered the alternative objectives for the firm during it journey?
  • Examine the Profit maximization versus sales maximization objectives of her firm.
  1. What other alternative objectives can she define for the firm ? Give reasons.







M.I.B. – i semester

 Economics for Managers


Scheme of valuation

  1. choice in economics robins- unlimited wants, limited resources so problem of choice
  2. equi marginal utility equalizing utilities with price and finally with utility of money

3 revenue, cost

  1. Risks and uncertainties -possibility of loss, indefinite, indeterminate
  2. two statistical techniques – correlation regression
  3. substitutes- satisfies same want competitive and complementary – used together
  4. unitary elastic % change in price = percentage change in quality
  5. isoquants- different combinations of K and L that produce a certain amount of a good or service.
  6. Qualitative methods used in demand forecasting based on judgments, opinions, intuition, emotions, or personal experiences
  7. discriminating monopoly- charges different prices in different markets


Section – B

  1. Answer any THREE out of 5 questions. Each carries 15 marks.                                                                                                       (3 x 15   = 45)

11) curve depicting all maximum output possibilities for two or more goods given a set of inputs (resources, labor, etc. in efficient


12) Cobb-Douglas- technological relationship between the amounts of two or more inputs, particularly physical capital and labor, and the amount of output  CES constant elasticity of substitution describing production, usually at a macroeconomic level, with two inputs which are usually capital and labor.


13) Economies of scale- process of expansion, the producer may benefit from the emergence of economies of scale, when input output relationship is at the optimum


14) demand forecasting methods –  quantitative qualititative and importance -decision making- determine the quantities that should be purchased, produced, and shipped.

  1. pricing-output decisions for a firm under monopolistic market.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Economics For Managers Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. Explain the Discounting principle with an example.
  2. What are Learning curves? Briefly analyse their significance in business.
  3. Analyse the sales maximization theory of the firm. What is your opinion?
  4. What are isoquant curves? Explain with an tabular example.
  5. State the difference between contraction and decrease of demand.
  6. Explain the innovation theory of profits.
  7. What are external economies? State any two types of external economies.
  8. State the difference between implicit and explicit cost with suitable examples.
  9. Explain the income elasticity of demand with a mathematical problem.
  10. Distinguish between TR, AR and MR with suitable examples for each.
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. What is meant by the total outlay method of measuring price elasticity? State the method with a mathematical problem.
  12. Discuss the price and output of discriminating monopolist.
  13. What is meant by price elasticity? State the different degrees of price elasticity.
  14. Explain the short run and long equilibrium of the firm under perfect competition.  Use suitable diagrams to explain.
  15. Elucidate the law of variable proportion.  State the important stage in the production function of a firm.
III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
  16. Zion industries have been manufacturing spare parts for the last 6 years.  The sales of iron mini rods has been the following:

a. Calculate the demand for each of the five years and find demand for the next 3 years.

years Production in Lakhs
2010 43
2011 56
2012 74
2013 80
2014 107

b. The industry obtained new orders from BEML to manufacture wheel alignment plates.  This was a very new order for Zion.  They started their production in December  2014.  The fixed cost was 500000.  The average variable cost after much deliberations came to Rs. 800.  They price each unit at 1400.  What is Break even analysis. Find their BEP.

c. Calculate their profits at 1000 units.




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