St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2015 Economics Of Tourism Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                         (10×2=20)
  1. What are the economic benefits of tourism?
  2. Mention any two features of LAC curves.
  3. What is flexible exchange rates?
  4. Differentiate between explicit and implicit costs.
  5. Explain two exceptions to the law of demand.
  6. What is visitor profile statistics?
  7. Explain any two problems in measurement  of tourism demand.
  8. Elucidate on EIA.
  9. What is a Monopolistic market structure?
  10. Mention four methods of tourism demand forecasting.
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Tourism solves employment problems of many nation – Discuss.
  12. Explain the types of tourism demand.
  13. What are the different phases in a business cycle?
  14. Elucidate on Fixed and Flexible exchange rates.
  15. Throw light upon the relationship between MC and AC curve.
  16. Katherine, a budding entrepreneur advertises to sell cookies for $4 a dozen. She sells 50 dozen, and decides that she can charge more. She raises the price to $6 a dozen and sells 40 dozen. What is the elasticity of demand?
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. Achieving price stability has remained the dominant objective of monetary policy of Reserve Bank of India. Explain the tools adopted by the RBI to achieve this objective?
  18. What are the tourism pricing objectives? Explain the tourism pricing approaches.
  19. Write short note on

a)      Causes of changes in exchange rate.

b)     PEST analysis

  20. a)  Graphically explain long run cost curves.

b) A small firm with a fixed cost of Rs. 200. TVC for the successive quantities of output per day are as follows. Find TC, AFC, AVC, AC and MC of the firm for each level of output.

Output in units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total VC in Rs. 300 560 750 800 1050 1320 1820



What is a tourism product? Explain the features of tourism product.



IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                          

Improved Ecotourism in Sumatra, Indonesia

Bukit Lawang is one of the active ecotourism villages in North Sumatra of Indonesia located west of Medan city. Bukit Lawang village hosts an orang-utan rehabilitation center. The center was created in 1973 with support from WWF and Indonesia’s Nature Conservation Service. The aim was to rehabilitate the decline of orangutan which was widely targeted and traded. Rehabilitated species are then re-integrated in to the forest ecosystem. The rehabilitation center has become a major tourism attraction starting 1974. In 1976, about 4,000 tourists visited the center, which increased to 11,325 by 1989, and over 18,000 visitors by 1992. The number since then has rapidly increased. By 1997, over 8,000 visitors came to the rehabilitation center at the weekends.

There was adequate buffer between the rehabilitation center and Bukit Lawang separated by dense forest. Rapid increase in tourists and visitors, however, resulted in numerous development activities that reduced the size of the buffer forest. The rapid increase in ecotourism resulted in noise, litter and the increased risk of epidemic diseases. Additionally, rehabilitated apes failed to self-support in the rainforest due to human feeding and human dependence. As a result of these developments, the Ministry of Forestry decreed the orang-utan center to close down as a rehabilitation center.

The rapid increase of ecotourism also contributed to biodiversity damage resulting from the overuse of trails as well as reduced the habitat area for animal species. Similarly, local targeting of species for sale to tourists and to local markets threatened the sustainable rehabilitation of species in the ecosystem. Animals wandering outside the ecosystem are targeted for sale in nearby communities.

Rapid tourism expansion also led in the 1980s and 1990s to the development of hotels, restaurants, and other tourism-related enterprises. The use of local construction material from river beds and forests diminished the quality and value of the ecosystem as a tourism site.

a)      What is Eco- tourism? Explain the pros and cons eco-tourism in relation to the above case.

b)     Give suggestions to revitalize Bukit Lawang  as sustainable ecotourism centre.

c)      Tourism has a positive impact on the Economy. However tourism tends to have a negative impact on the environment. Is the economic benefit, worth the environmental degradation? Comment.






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