St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2014 III Sem Enterprise Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester Examinations – March / April 2014

M.Com – IV Semester


Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100


Section – A

  1. Answer any SEVEN Each carries 5 marks.                            (7 x 5 = 35)
  2. What is ERP? Elucidate the various Benefits of ERP
  3. Explain the concept of Human Capital management in people soft and SAP?
  4. Explain the phases essential for the successful performance of the BPR
  5. What are the steps involved in the ERP implementation life cycle?
  6. Explain the supply chain management?
  7. Write Short Notes on: (a) MRP II (b) Order Management
  8. Explain how EDI is integrated with Enterprise Resources Planning.
  9. Describe the present scenarios of Indian ERP market? Discuss with some examples on Indian ERP packages?
  10. Discuss the ERP selection criteria? Give some Examples.
  11. What are the Future Directions in an ERP?

Section – B


  1. Answer THREE  Each carries 15 marks.                           (3 x 15   = 45)


  1. Explain with examples the conceptual model of ERP and its evolution.
  2. Discuss in detail the various evaluating criteria to assess suitability of an ERP package.
  3. What is business Model? Create a model admission process system for a University?


  1. What are the factors that are very insecure for an organization faces while migrating to an integrated ERP system?
  2. Write Short Notes on:

(a) OLAP

(b) DSS

(c) Business   Process Re-engineering

Section – C

III) Case study – Compulsory question.                                                         (1 x 20 = 20)


A new generation bank operates in three southern states of India. Its primary functions include operating customers savings, Current and fixed accounts and offering loans. It advances loans to individuals and organizations in the form of secured long and medium loans to business organizations, loans to individuals for buying durables and overdraft facilities to selected big business organizations. In addition, it has invested certain funds in Government securities. The operations of the bank are conducted through three regional offices and 100 branches across the states. The bank presently has manual information system. Now it wants to convert these system into well- designed and integrated computer based ERP Banking system. For this purpose, the bank authorities want to identify its subsystems to design the ERP Package.



  • You are asked to design a suitable ERP Model and Subsystem for the requirement of bank.
  • You can make your own assumption about the functions of banking System.







M.Com- End Semester Examinations – March / April’ 2014

Semester – IV

Subject: Enterprise Resource Management


Synopsis of Answer Keys

Section – A                                                                                                        7 x 5 = 35

  1. What is ERP? Elucidate the various Benefits of ERP

ERP is a computerized environment with a holistic view of the enterprise, aimed at seamless flow of information across the departmental barriers where by optimal planning and management of the resources is possible in the most efficient manner.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) covers the techniques and concepts employed for the integrated management of businesses as a whole, from the viewpoint of the effective use of management resources, to improve the efficiency of an enterprise.


ERP packages are integrated (covering all business functions) software packages that support the above ERP concepts.


Benefits of ERP

  • Business process automation.
  • Timely access to management information.
  • Enhanced Technology
  • Efficiency
  • Integrated Information
  • Reporting
  • User friendly
  • Access to Data
  • Customer Service
  • Functionality
  • Communication
  • Security
  1. Explain the concept of Human Capital management in people soft and SAP?
  • Addresses a broad and complex set of ERP needs
  • Securely runs typical batch and transactional workloads with high availability
  • Faster response times and accelerated report and query generation increases productivity
  • Highly scalable systems
  • Integrated virtualization provides superior consolidation capabilities


  1. Explain the phases essential for the successful performance of the BPR

According to Hammer and Champy (1993) Business process reengineering (BPR) is defined as”… The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.”

Steps Involved in Business Process Reengineering

Davenport and Short (1990) prescribe a five-step approach to Business Process Reengineering. These are:

  • Develop the business vision and process objectives
  • Identify the processes to be redesigned
  • Understand and measure the existing process
  • Identity information technology (IT) levels
  • Design and Build a prototype of New Process


  1. What are the steps involved in the ERP implementation life cycle?
  • Implementation
  • Stabilization
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Transformation
  1. Explain the concept of supply chain management (SCM)?

Supply Chain Management is a set of synchronized decisions and activities utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers manufacturers, warehouses, transporters, retailers, and customers so that the right product or service is distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize system-wide costs while satisfying customer service level requirements. The objective of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

Advantages of SCM

    • Delivery Improvement
    • Inventory Reductions
    • Improved fulfillment cycle time
    • Increased Forecast Accuracy
    • Increased Overall Productivity
    • Lower supply Chain Costs
    • Capacity Realization.




  1. Write Shore Notes on

(a) MRP II: Manufacturing resource planning which looks after production related things. The concept of MRP II was to look after shop floor and distribution management activities.

(b) Order Management: Capturing and entering the order (either in a call center or via electronic methods) performing a check of available inventory to produce the order. Order Management includes the capture, tracking and billing of customers’ orders for products.

  1. Explain how EDI is integrated with Enterprise Resources Planning.
  • Transactions are grouped together into one or more files and transmitted all the same time. Ability to become more efficient and productive.


  • Data Transport
  • Data Translation
  • Data Transformation
  • Data Integration and Business Applications
  1. Describe the present scenarios of Indian ERP market? Discuss with a few examples on Indian ERP success?


  • Not available on many platforms
  • Does not support n tier architecture
  • Non robust software engineering
  • Lacks access to ‘‘world class practices”
  • Implementation Methodology not well developed
  • Blessing of Big Six consultants, Rating Agencies
  • Various Indian companies such as Radico Khaitan, Apollo Tyres, Tata Ryerson, HCL technology etc. have been benefited after implementing ERP system.
  1. Give some Examples of ERP selection criteria?
  • Is the software ready for production?
  • Is software includes all the modules required for your business?
  • Is the software supports smooth migration of your data from your existing system?
  • What is licensing policy for the software?
  • Is the software supports smooth integration with other software systems required for running your business?
  • How is community activity, how is community support, how innovative is the system?
  • You’re ready! Let’s select Business ERP software for your business.


  1. What are the Future Directions in an ERP?
  • New Markets, New Channels, Faster
  • Implementations Methodologies, Business Models and BAPIs,
  • Convergence on Windows NT, Application Platforms, New
  • Business Segments, More Features, Web Enabling, Market
  • Snapshot


Section – B                                                                                               3 x 15   = 45

  1. Explain with examples the conceptual model of ERP and its evolution.

ERP and its evolution

MRP-I: Material requirement planning, which was nothing but a historical background of ERP, the motive, was only to tap inventory i.e. raw materials planning.

  • MRP-II: Manufacturing resource planning which looks after production related things. The concept of MRP II was to look after shop floor and distribution management activities.
  • ERP: Enterprise resource planning whose role is very wider and not confined to one department but have a broader purview.
  • ERP-II or MRP-III: Money resource planning or ERP-II advent can be seen few years after ERP system origination
  1. Discuss in detail the various evaluating criteria to assess suitability of an ERP package implementation
  • Flexibility
  • Comprehensive
  • Integrated
  • Beyond the company
  • Best Business Practices
  • New Technologies

 Other Factors

  • Global Presence of package
  • Local Presence
  • Market Targeted by the package
  • Price of the package
  • Obsolescence of package
  • Ease of implementation of package
  • Cost of implementation
  • Post implementation support availability
  1. What is business Model & Create a model admission process system for a University?

Admission Model Contents

Admission Committee Setup

  1. What are the factors that are very unsafe for an organization faces while migrating to an integrated ERPsystem?
  2. Single point of failure
  3. Structural Changes
  4. Job Role Changes
  5. Online, real -time
  6. Change Management
  7. Distributed Computing experience
  8. Broad system access
  9. Dependency on external assistance
  10. Program interfaces and data conversions
  11. Data content quality
  12. Privacy and confidentiality
  13. Write Short Notes on

(a) OLAPOn-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)

OLAP can be defined in five words-Fast Analysis of Shared Multidimensional Information.

OLAP describes a class of technologies that are designed for live ad-hoc data access and analysis. While transaction processing (OLTP) generally relies solely on relational databases, OLAP has become synonymous with multidimensional views of business data. These multidimensional views are supported by multidimensional database technology and provide the technical basis for calculations and analysis required by Business Intelligence applications.

OLAP is being used for applications such as product profitability and pricing analysis; activity based costing; manpower planning; and quality analysis, or for that matter any management system that requires a flexible, top down view of an organization.

(b) DSS – Decision support systems

Decision support systems were created to assist managers in this task. Decision support systems are interactive information systems that rely on an integrated set of user-friendly software and hardware tools, to produce and present information

The main characteristics of a DSS are:

  • DSS is designed to address semi-structured and unstructured problems.
  • DSS mainly supports decision-making at the top management level.
  • DSS is interactive, user-friendly can be used by the decision-maker with little or no assistance from a computer professional.
  • DSS makes general-purpose models, simulation capabilities and other analytical tools available to the decision-maker.

(c) Business   Process Re-engineering

“BPR is the rethinking of business processes to improve the speed, quality, and output of materials or services.”

Elements of BPR

  • Rethinking the theory of the business.
  • Challenging old assumptions and discharging old rules that are no longer applicable.
  • Breaking away from conventional wisdom and the constraints of organizational boundaries.
  • Using information technology not to automatic outdated process but to redesign new ones.
  • Externally focus on customers and the generation of greater value for customers.
  • Internally focus on harnessing more of the potentials of people and applying it to those activities.
  • Encourages training and development by building creative work environment.
  • Encourages training and development by building creative work environment


Section – C                                                                                                     1 x 20 = 20

  1. Compulsory Case study
  • (a) Any innovative model for banking industry with example
  • Check with relevant and appropriate information on the given issue



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com 2016 IV Sem Enterprise Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
  1. What are the benefits of  ERP?
  2. What are the five stages of Data warehousing process?
  3. Order Management helps the company in integrating front office with back office operations. Justify the same with example.
  4. In what way the efficient supply chain would lead to growth of the company. What are the elements of the supply chain?
  5. What are the different problems faced by SME’s in selecting the ERP Package?
  6. How can a consultant be in a more advantageous situation rather than a employee of the company?
  7. Explain the role of vendors from selecting an ERP package to the implementation stage?
  8. BPR would definitely eliminate the complexities to smoothen the operations of the company. Discuss.
  9. Why Re-engineering? Name some of the benefits that a company can get from BPR.
  10. What are the various symbols that would build up the flow chart of a Business Process?
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  11. What are the new developments in ERP? How can the existing systems take  leverage  in adapting to the new technology?
  12. How can blue dart as a company overcome the logistic challenges? Explain in detail how this will benefit the company.
  13. Explain in detail the  importance of the acquisition team and their role in the procurement process of an ERP Package?
  14. Customization of an ERP Package would suit the needs of the enterprise. Discuss the same by taking a company as an example?
  15. What are the key steps involved in developing a BPR? Design a process of an organization by using a flow chart.
III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
  16. Assuming you are the CEO of a retail giant, what are the essential steps you would take to revamp the whole system and how can you fill the existing GAPS and eliminate them as a part of the restructuring strategies? Discuss the same in detail.



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