SINGH, PROF. N. TOMBI, M.A. [Congress (I)—Manipur, Inner Manipur; 1989]: s. of N. Chaoba Singh; b. at Uripok, Imphal District, Manipur, February 2, 1927; ed. at Guwahati University, Guwahati; m. Chittamohini Devi, June 22, 1955, 3 s. and 4 d.; Teacher, Journalist, Writer, Social Worker; participated in freedom struggle;
Public Offices held: Cabinet Minister, Manipur, 1967-69;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Member, AICC Later AICC (I), 1963 till date, Gen. Secy. PCC(I), Manipur, 1963-71, Vice-President, PCC (I) Manipur, 1980-85;
Previous Membership: Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77, Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79, Eighth Lok Sabha, 1984-89; Legislative Assembly, Manipur, 1967-69;
Committee Experience: Member, Estimates Committee and Joint Select Committee on Code of Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill, Fifth Lok Sabha; Member, Jt. Select Committee on Mental Hygiene Bill, Sixth Lok Sabha; Member, Committee on Official Language and Joint Select Committee on Mental Council Bill, Eighth Lok Sabha; Convenor, Second Sub-Committee of Committee on Official Language, 8th Lok Sabha; Member, Committee on Official Language, March 23, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of Communications, 1990; Convenor, Second Sub-Committee of Committee on Official Language, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading and writing;
Publications: Manipur A Study (English), Manipur and The Mainstream (English); Khamba and Thoifi (English); Chithi and Nupi (both short story collections in Manipuri); Founder-Editor, Manipur Times (English Weekly) and Manipur Mail (English Daily); Editor, Chhatra Jagat and Joint Editor, Mukti (both Manipuri periodicals);
Travels Abroad: Nepal, Burma;
Special Interests: Agriculture, Horticulture, Manipuri Cultural Tradition;
Sports and Clubs: Organised sports clubs and orgnisations associated with Imphal Sporting Club as Hony. Secy. 1955 to 1963; Member, Governing Body, All Manipur Sports Association, 1955 to 1963;
Social Activities: An active social worker;
Other Information: Teacher, Imphal College, 1955-64; Member, Syndicate and Senate, Manipur University, 1980-86; President, All India Small Newspaper, Editors’ Conference, 1985; associated with Naharol Sahitya Premee Sabha, Manipuri Sahitya Parishad, Manipuri Cultural Forum, Manipur Sangeet Natya Sabha and such other cultural organisations;
Permanent Address: Uripok Ninghoukhongjam, Leikai Imphal, Manipur, Tel. No. 22222.