Name of Member: Major Ranjeet Singh
Political Party: Jan Sangh
Constituency & State: Khalilabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
.RANJEET SINGH, MAJOR, J. S., (Uttar Pradesh-Khalilabad—1967): s. of Kr. Satya Narayan Singh; at Sehri, Distt., Basti, November 7, 1925; ed. at Doon School, Dehra Dun and K. P. Collage, Allahabad; m. Smt. Shiv Kumari Devi, February 2, 1949; 2 s. and 2 d.; Agriculturist; took part in the 1942 movement; started a Nationalist organisation while at school to infuse revolutionary zeal amongst the boys; gave up studies to join the Air Force at the behest of late Shri V. D. Savarkar; changed over to the Army; formed the “Third Circle”, a core of about six hundred Nationalist officers in the Army under the guidance of Pandit Nehru to overthrow the British; served in the Frontier Force Regiment, Dogra Regiment, and the Territorial Army; Commanded the force which shelled Lahore during the Indo-Pak, War of 1965; reconnoitred deep into the enemy defences on the second day of the war, was surrounded by the enemy with three of his men but brought then; to safety through heavy fire; left active Army service in December, 1966; presently in the Territorial Army (Artillery).
Social activities: Founder and first General Secretary of the Progressive Farmers Association of India; Manager of two Schools; Founder Secretary, Army Shikar and Hiking Assocation (ASHA).
Hobbies: Photography, especially big game photography.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Big game hunting.
Publications: Awake, Arise or Perish; In Tigers Tracks; a Hindi epic poem on the 1857 war of independence.
Sports: Hunting, swimming, flying; played all major games and was All India Light Weight Wrestling Champion in 1944 and Northern India Championship runner-up in boxing (Light Weight) in the same year.
Permanent address: Sehri Kothi, Civil Lines, Basti, U.P.
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