St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 VI Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download

St.Joseph’s college of commerce (autonomous)

End semester examination – APRIL 2013



Duration : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks: 100



  1. Answer ALL the following questions.                                                    (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. State two differences between a FFS and a CFS.
  2. How will you treat interest received on investments under the indirect method of a cash flow statement?
  3. Explain the term notional flow of cash with an example.
  4. M. company presents the following information and you are required to calculate funds from operations:


Profit and Loss Account


To Operational Expenses 1,00,000 By Gross Profit 2,00,000
To Depreciation 40,000 By Gain on Sale of Plant 20,000
To Loss on Sale of building 10,000    
To Advertisement Suspense A/c 5,000    
To Discount (allowed to customers) 500    
To Discount on Issue of Shares written off 500    
To Goodwill 12,000    
To Net Profit 52,000    
  2,20,000   2,20,000


  1. A firm’s current assets and current liabilities are Rs.24,000 and Rs.6,000 respectively. How much can it borrow from a bank without reducing its current ratio below 1.5?


  1. What is Trend Analysis?


  1. What is meant by capital gearing ratio?


  1. Distinguish between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting on the basis of
  2. Period of reporting ii)  Users of information.


  1. How are routine reports different from special reports?


  1. Assuming the current ratio of a company is 2, state with reasons in each case whether the ratio will improve or decline or will have no change.
  2. Payment of current liabilities ii) Purchase of fixed assets.

                                  SECTION – B


  1. Answer any FOUR  Each carries 5 marks.                           (4×5=20)


  1. The following is the Profit & Loss Account of I.T.R. Co., for the year 2012 and its previous year:

I.T.R. Co.

Profit & Loss Account


Particulars 2011 2012 Particulars 2011 2012
  Rs. Rs.   Rs. Rs.
To Cost of Sales 4,63,250 4,83,899 By Sales 7,21,456 8,34,250
To Administration




    Less: Returns 11,588




To Selling Expenses









By Other Incomes:

Interests &








To Interest paid 4,275 3,500 Purchase Discount 4,250 3,792
To Loss on Sale of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fixed Assets  




Profit on Sale of Land  



To Income-tax 43,038 80,390      
To net profit 70,742 88,851      
  7,20,913 8,26,759   7,20,913 8,26,759


Present the above data in the form of a common size statement.


  1. State by giving reasons whether the following transactions increase or decrease or do not affect the working capital :


  1. a) A company issues Rs.1,00,000 worth of shares for cash.
  2. b) Redemption of Debentures worth Rs.2,00,000.
  3. c) Amount received from Debtors Rs.32,000.
  4. d) Amount paid to creditors Rs.15,000.
  5. e) Advance Income Tax paid Rs.1,00,000..
  6. f) Raw materials purchased Rs.60,000 from ZB Co. on credit basis.
  7. g) Furniture purchased Rs.40,000.
  8. h) Purchased plant worth Rs.1,00,000 by issuing equal amount of Debentures of Rs.500 each.
  9. i) Bills receivable Rs.30,000 discounted for Rs.29,000.
  10. j) Debentures worth Rs.1,00,000 redeemed by raising a long-term loan of equal amount.




  1. Calculate cash from operations from the following:


  1. Profit made during the year Rs.2,50,000 after considering the following items:


  1. Depreciation on fixed assets 10,000
  2. Amortization of goodwill   5,000
  3. Transfer to general reserve   7,000
  4. Profit on sales of land   3,000


  1. The following is the position of current assets and current liabilities:

2012                2011

Rs.                   Rs.

Debtors                                                          15,000             12,000

Creditors                                                       10,000             15,000

Bills Receivable                                              8,000             10,000

Prepaid expenses                                           2,000               4,000


14)  i) Calculate Stock Turnover Ratio from the following information:

Opening stock                        =  Rs. 40,000

Closing stock              = Rs.  44,000

Sales                            = Rs.4,15,000

Gross Profit ratio        =        20%.


  1. ii) Compute pay out ratio from the following data:

No. of equity shares               = 3000

Dividend per equity share     = Re. 0.40

Net profit                                = Rs.10,000

Provision for tax                    = Rs.5,000

Preference dividend               = Rs.2,000.


  • Calculate Quick Ratio from the following Balance Sheet figures:


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital 2,20,000 Fixed Assets 2,00,000
Loan (long-term) 50,000 Stock 50,000
Creditors 40,000 Debtors 50,000
B/P 10,000 B/P 15,000
Other current liabilities 7,500 Cash and Bank Balance 15,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts 2,500    
  3,30,000   3,30,000




15)  The following data relates to Wipro Ltd.

  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Capital 2,00,000 2,50,000 2,80,000 3,00,000 3,50,000 4,00,000
Fixed Assets 1,50,000 1,80,000 2,00,000 2,10,000 1,90,000 2,00,000
Current Assets 90,000 1,40,000 1,50,000 1,70,000 2,60,000 2,90,000
Current Liabilities 40,000 70,000 70,000 80,000 1,00,000 90,000


From the above figures

  1. Calculate trend ratios for each item taking 2006 as the base year.
  2. Establish relationships (i.e., ratio) between
  • Current Assets and Current Liabilities, and
  • Capital and Fixed Assets and convert these two ratios into trend percentages for all the six years


16)  “There are no externally imposed generally accepted accounting principles for management accounting”.  In light of the above statement discuss the nature of Management Accounting.




  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.              (3×15=45)   


  1. Following are the Balance Sheets of M.S. Sales Corporation as on 31st March 2012 and 2013:


Liabilities 2012




Assets 2012




Equity share Capital 3,10,000 3,60,000 Goodwill 10,000 15,000
General Reserve      50,000 55,000 Buildings 3,00,000 2,90,000
Profit & Loss A/c 30,500 35,600 Machinery 1,50,000 1,69,000
Bills Payable 70,000 Stock 1,00,000 74,000
Creditors 1,50,000 1,35,200 Debtors 80,000 64,200
Provision for Tax 30,000 35,000 Cash & Bank 500 8,600
  6,40,500 6,20,800   6,40,500 6,20,800


The following transactions took place during the year 2013

  1. Dividend of Rs.25,000 was paid during the year.
  2. Assets of another company were purchased for Rs.50,000 payable in shares-assets purchased were stock Rs.20,000, machines Rs.25,000.
  3. Machine was further purchased for cash Rs.6,000.
  4. Taxes paid during the year Rs.28,000.


You are required to prepare a statement of Sources and Application of funds.


18)  Following are the Balance Sheets of Deon and Co., as on 31.12.2011 &

31.12. 2012

Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Equity Share capital 2,00,000 3,00,000 Land 80,000 1,20,000
12% Deb. 1,00,000 2,00,000 Plant 3,00,000 6,25,000
10% pref. Capital 2,00,000 2,50,000 Investment 1,00,000 2,00,000
Reserve & Surplus 1,00,000 1,20,000 Stock 1,50,000 2,00,000
Sundry Crs. 1,50,000 4,10,000 S. Debtors 1,00,000 1,20,000
Bank O.D. 50,000 Bank Bal. 70,000 1,35,000
Dividend  O/S 50,000 70,000      
  8,00,000 14,00,000   8,00,000 14,00,000
  1. Compare the financial position of the two companies with the help of a Comparative Balance Sheet.
  2. Analyse the changes in the working capital position of the firm.
  • Has the firm used long term or short term funds to finance its fixed assets?
  1. Comment on the overall profitability of the firm after a detailed analysis of its short and long term financial position.


19) From the following information, prepare the Balance Sheet of R.K. Motors Ltd.

Current ratio                                                      2

Working capital                                                Rs.4,00,000

Capital block to current assets                       3 : 2

Fixed assets to turnover                                  1 : 3

Sales cash/credit                                              1 : 2

Stock velocity                                                    2 months

Creditors velocity                                             2 months

Debtors velocity                                               3 months

Share capital                                                      Rs.6,00,000

Debenture / share capital                               1 : 2

Net profit                                                           10% of sales

Gross profit                                                       25% of sales

Reserves                                                             2.5% of sales.


20)  i) Inspite of increasing profits of Infotel & Co., for the last three years, the company is having shortage of cash due to which dividends cannot be paid,  Draft a report to management diagnosing the situation and suggesting the appropriate action to improve the situation.                                             (10 marks)


  1. ii) Briefly explain the different classification of management reports.

(5 marks)

  1. i) From the following particulars calculate cash from operating activities for the year ending 31st March 2012 using the direct method.   (10 marks)


Income Statement
           Sales   20,000
           Stock Adjustment:    
           Closing Stock 8,000  
           Less: Opening Stock 6,000 2,000
           Income from Investments   2,400
Raw material Consumed:    
Opening Stock 4,000  
Add: Purchases 10,000  
Less:  Closing Stock 3,000 11,000
Wages a Salaries   5,000
Other Expenses   4,000
Depreciation   1,000
Profit Before Interest and Tax   3,400
Interest   1,600
Profit Before Tax   1,800
Provision for Tax   200
Profit After Tax   1,600

Balance Sheet

Liabilities 31.3.2012 31.3.2011 Assets 31.3.2012 31.3.2011
Share Capital 8,000 6,000 Fixed Assets(Gross) 16,000 12,000
General Reserve 2,000 1,500 Less: Acc Dep. (3,000) (2,000)
        13,000 10,000
Profit Loss Account 100 200 Investments


2,400 1,600
Loans 12,000 8,000 Investments (Risk-free, Liquid) 600 400
Sundry Creditors 8,700 9,600 Inventories 11,000 10,000
Provision for Tax 200 300 Trade Debtors 4,000 3,000
Proposed Dividend 1,200 900 Cash & Bank Balances 1,000 1,200
Other current liabilities 200 300      
  32,200 26,500   32,200 26,500


  1. ii) Following is the Profit and Loss Account to Electro Matrix Ltd. for the year ended 31st December 2012:
Particulars Rs. Particulars             Rs.
To Opening Stock 1,00,000 By Sales 5,60,000
’’  Purchases 3,50,000 ’’ Closing Stock 1,00,000
’’  Wages      9,000    
To Gross Profit c/d 201000    
  6,60,000   6,60,000
To Administrative expenses 20,000 By Gross Profit  b/d 201000
’’ Selling & Distribution Expenses 89,000 ’’ Interest on Investments

(Outside business)




’’ Non-operating expenses


30,000 ’’ Profit on Sale of Investments  


To net profit 80,000    
  2,19,000   2,19,000


You are required to calculate:

  1. Gross Profit Ratio
  2. Net Profit Ratio
  3. Operating Ratio
  4. Operating Profit Ratio
  5. Administrative Expenses Ratio.                             (5 marks)



Section – D


  1. Compulsory question – Case study                    (15 marks)


  1. The following are the summarized Balance sheet of a company as on

December 31,  2012 and 2013

Liabilities 2012




Assets 2012




Share Capital 2,00,000 2,50,000 Land & Buildings 2,00,000 1,90,000
General Reserve 50,000 60,000 Machinery 1,50,000 1,69,000
Profit & Loss A/c 30,500 30,600 Stock 1,00,000 74,000
Bank Loan (long-term) 70,000 Sundry Debtors 80,000 64,200
Sundry Creditors 1,50,000 1,35,200 Cash 500 .600
Provision for Taxation 30,000 35,000 Bank 8,000
      Good will 5,000
  5,30,500 5,10,800   5,30,500 5,10,800





Additional information:  During the year ended 31st December 2013.

1)    Dividend of Rs.23,000 was paid.

2)    Assets of another company were purchased for consideration of Rs.50,000

payable in shares. The following assets were purchased:

Stock Rs.20,000;   Machinery Rs.25,000

3)    Machinery was further purchased for Rs.8,000

4)    Depreciation written off machinery Rs.12,000

5)     Income-tax provided during the year Rs.33,000

6)    Loss on sale of machinery Rs.200 was written off to general reserve.



  1. You are required to analyse the above information and prepare the Cash Flow Statement.
  2. What was the amount of tax that the company had paid.
  3. Calculate the amount of cash the company had earned or lost solely from operations.
  4. How much money did the company transfer to reserves during the year.
  5. State the activities of the company that have resulted in the biggest inflow and outflow of cash.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 II Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



BBM – II SEMESTER (International Students)


TIME: 1 ½  HOURS                                                                                                        Max. Marks: 50


Answer any 5  questions.  Each carries 10 marks.                                                            (5 x 10 = 50)


  1. From the following forecast of income and expenditure, prepare a cash budget for the months March to June 2012.
Particulars Sales (Credit) Rs Purchases (Credit ) Rs Wages Factory Expenses Office Expenses Distribution Expenses (Rs)
Jan 2012 50,000 25,000 4,000 2,000 1,500 1,000
Feb 60,000 26,000 4,000 2,200 1,550 1,100
Mar 75,000 25,000 4,500 2,000 1,600 1,200
Apr 80,000 27,000 4,500 2,100 1,700 1,250
May 1,00,000 27,500 4,750 2,200 1,750 1,200
June 1,05,000 29,000 5,000 2,500 1,800 1,400

Additional information is as follows:

  1. Balance of cash in hand on 1st March 2012 is Rs. 20,000.
  2. The customers are allowed a credit period of 2 months.
  3. The creditors are allowing a credit of 1 month.
  4. A dividend of Rs. 25,000 is payable in June.
  5. Capital expenditure to be incurred :

Machinery purchased 20th April for Rs. 10,000; a Land has been purchased on 1st   March and the payment are to be made in monthly installments of Rs. 5,000 each.

  1. Interest on Investment of Rs. 25,000 is receivable in May.
  2. Wages are paid on 1st week of the next month.
  3. Lag in payment of other expenses is one month.


  1. The expenses for the budgeted production of 10,000 units in a factory are given below:
Particulars Per unit (Rs)
Materials 70
Labour 25
Variable overheads 20
Fixed overheads(Rs.1,00,000) 10
Variable Expenses (Direct) 5
Selling Expenses (10% fixed) 13
Distribution Expenses (20% fixed) 7
Administrative Expenses Rs. 50,000) 5
Total cost 155

Prepare a flexible budget for the production of (i) 8,000 units and (ii) 6,000 units.

  1. (a) From the following data calculate:    (4 marks)


  • Number to units to be sold to earn a profit of Rs. 1,50,000.
  • Sales to earn a profit of RS. 1,50,000.

Selling price per unit Rs. 50.

Variable selling cost per unit Rs. 3.

Variable manufacturing cost per unit Rs. 22.

Fixed factory overhead Rs. 1,75,000.

Fixed selling cost Rs. 25,000.

(b) Assuming that the cost structure and selling prices remain the same in periods I and I

find out                                                                                                           (6 marks)


  • P/V Ratio
  • E. Sales
  • Profit when sales are Rs. 1,00,000
  • Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 25,000.


Period                         Sales (in Rs)                          Profit (in Rs)

I                       1,20,000                                  9,000

II                      1,40,000                                  14,000


  1. (a) Calculate funds from operations from the following income statement.     (4 marks)


Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Salaries paid 1,00,000 By Gross profit 5,00,000
To Rent paid 25,000 By Profit on sale of vehicle 3,000
To Provision for depreciation 50,000 By Refund of tax 2,000
To Commission paid 5,000 By Dividend received 10,000
To Provision for tax 1,50,000    
To General reserve 3,000    
To Loss on sale of investment 10,000    
To Cost of issue of shares written off 2,000    
To provision for legal damages 5,000    
To Net Profit 1,65,000    
  5,15,000   5,15,000

From the following information find out the changes in working capital:     (6 marks)


Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Share Capital 545 545 Fixed Assets 3,006 2,343
Reserves 2,459 1,660 Investments 62 62
Long –Term Loan 2,796 2,295 Inventories 2,075 1,804
Current Liabilities 1,241 1,533 Debtors 1,157 687
      Cash 512 844
Provisions 434 327 Loans & Advances 663 620
  7,475 6,360   7,475 6,360



  1. Following are the summarized Balance Sheets of Arul Ltd. as on 31st December, 2011 and 2012.
Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Share Capital 1,00,000 1,50,000 Land & Building 1,00,000 90,000
General Reserve 50,000 60,000 Plant & Machinery A/c 1,00,000 1,19,000
P& L A/c 30,500 30,000 Stock 50,000 24,000
Bank Loan 70,000 Debtors 75,000 63,200
Sundry Creditors 50,000 37,200 Cash 500 1,000
Provision for taxation 32,000 35,000 Bank 2,000 15,000
      Good will 5,000
  3,32,500 3,12,200   3,32,500 3,12,200


Additional Information.

During the year ended 31st December 2012.


  • Dividend of Rs. 23,000 was paid.
  • Depreciation written off on building Rs. 10,000, Machinery Rs. 14,000.
  • Income tax paid during the year Rs. 28,000.

Prepare a cash flow statement.



  1. Explain in detail
  • The qualities of a good report. (4 marks)
  • The different kinds of management reports. (6 marks)




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 V Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download

I. Answer ANY TEN of the following question (10X2=20)
1. Give the meaning of the term Management Accounting.
2. Explain the concept of flow of funds.
3. Explain the treatment of extraordinary items in cash flow statement (as per AS 3).
4. Write a note on managerial uses of ratio analysis.
5. A Firm’s current assets and current liabilities are Rs. 24,000 and Rs. 6,000 respectively.
How much can it borrow from a bank without reducing current ratio below 1.5?
6. Give the meaning of the term Budgetary control.
7. Mention any 4 operating budgets.
8. Give the meaning of the term Marginal Cost.
9. X co has an overall PV ratio of 40% the marginal cost of Product A is estimated to be Rs.
30. Determine the selling price for Product A.
10. What do you mean by variance analysis?
11. Write a note on idle time variance.
12. A factory works on the standard costing system
The standard estimate for materials for manufacture of 1,000 units of a commodity is 400
Kgs at 2.50 per kg. When 2,000 units of the community are manufactured, it is found
that 820 kgs of materials are consumed @ Rs. 2.60 per kg. Calculate the material
II. Answer ANY FOUR of the following question s. (4X5=20)
13. Write a note on the role of management accounting in the present scenario.
14. Calculate the trend percentages from the following figures of X Ltd., taking 2004 as the
base and interpret the:
Year Sales Stock Profit before tax
(Rs. In lakhs)
2004 1,881 709 321
2005 2,340 781 435
2006 2,655 816 458
2007 3,021 944 527
2008 3,768 1,154 672
15. Following are the balance sheets of Rachana Ltd., as on 30th June 2010 and 2011:
Liabilities 2010 (Rs.) 2011 (Rs.) Assets 2010 (Rs.) 2011 (Rs.)
Share capital 1,00,000 1,50,000 Fixed Assets 2,00,000 3,00,000
Reserves 1,00,000 1,00,000 Current
50,000 80,000
Loan 20,000 80,000
30,000 50,000
Total 2,50,000 3,80,000 Total 2,50,000 3,80,000
Prepare a comparative balance sheet.
16. The working capital of XYZ Ltd., has deteriorated in recent years and now stands as
Rs. Current
Inventory 5,60,000 creditors 4,90,000
Debtors 3,50,000 Bank loan 2,10,000
cash 70,000
total 9,80,000 total 7,00,000
a) Compute current and quick ratio
b) A further bank loan of Rs. 50,000 against debtors is under negotiation, assuming the
loan is received; calculate the revised current and quick ratio.
17. With the following data for a 60% activity, prepare a budget for production at 80%
and 100% capacity:
Production at 60%
600 units
Materials Rs. 100 per unit
Labour Rs.40 per unit
Direct expenses Rs,10 per unit
Factory overheads Rs. 40,000 (40%
Administration expenses Rs. 30,000 (60%
18. From the following data of A and Co., Ltd., relating to budgeted and actual performance for
the month of March 2009, compute the Direct Material and Direct Labour cost Variance.
Budgeted data for March:
Units to be manufactured 1,50,000
Units of Direct Material Required (based on
std rates)
Planned purchase of raw material (units) 5,40,000
Average unit cost of direct material Rs.8
Direct labour hours per unit of finished goods ¾ hr
Direct labour cost (total) Rs. 29,92,500
Actual Data at the end of March:
Units actually manufactured 1,60,000
Direct Material cost (purchased cost based on
units actually issued)
Direct Material cost (purchased cost based on
units actually purchased)
Rs. 45,10,000
Average unit cost of direct material Rs.8.20
Total direct labour hours for march 1,25,000
Total direct labour cost for march Rs. 33,75,000
III. Answer any THREE of the following questions. (3X15=45)
19. K Ltd. provided the profit and loss account and balance sheet on 31st March 2006 and
2007 as follows:
Profit and Loss Account
Particulars 2006
Particulars 2006
To Cost of goods sold 6,90,000 8,10,000 By sales 12,00,000 14,00,000
To Administrative
1,50,000 1,20,000
To selling expenses 1,80,000 2,30,000
To net profit 1,80,000 2,40,000
12,00,000 14,00,000 12,00,000 14,00,000
Balance sheets
Particulars 2006
Particulars 2006
Equity share
4,00,000 4,00,000 Land 4,00,000 3,00,000
share capital
1,00,000 2,00,000 Building 3,00,000 3,50,000
Reserves and
1,25,000 1,90,000 Plant 3,20,000 2,70,000
Debentures 2,50,000 50,000 Stock 31,000 20,000
Loan 2,00,000 1,30,000 Debtors 42,000 53,000
40,000 50,000 Cash 35,000 22,000
Bills payable 25,000 10,000 Outstanding
12,000 15,000
Total 11,40,000 10,30,000 Total 11,40,000 10,30,000
Prepare a comparative profit and loss account and a comparative balance sheet.
20. With the following ratios and further information given below, complete the trading
account, profit and loss account and balance sheet of Mr. X:
Gross profit ratio 25%
net profit ratio 20%
Sales/inventory ratio 8
Fixed assets/total current
Fixed assets/total capital 3/2
Capital /total outside
Fixed assets Rs. 15,00,000
Closing stock Rs. 2,00,000
Performa trading and profit and loss account
To cost of sales ……………. By sales …………….
To gross profit (25% on
……………. …………….
To expenses ……………. By gross
To net profit (20% on sales) …………….
……………. …………….
Performa Balance sheet
Capital balances
Add: net profit
……………. fixed assets …………….
Total liabilities ……………. Stock …………….
Other current
……………. …………….
21. From the following contained in the income statement and the balance sheet of A Ltd.,
prepare Cash Flow Statement using i) direct method OR ii) indirect method
Income statement for the year ended March 31, 2011
Net sales (A) 2,52,00,000
Less: cash cost of sales 1,98,00,000
Depreciation 6,00,000
Salaries and wages 24,00,000
Operating expenses 8,00,000
Provision for taxation 8,80,000
(B) 2,4,80,000
Net operating profit (A-B) 7,20,000
Non-recurring income- profit on sale of
Retained earnings and profits brought forward 15,18,000
Dividends declared and paid during the year 7,20,000
Profit and loss account balance as on March 31,
Assets as on March 31, 2010 March 31, 2011
Land 4,80,000 9,60,000
Building and equipments 36,00,000 57,60,000
Cash 6,00,000 7,20,000
Debtors 16,80,000 18,60,000
Stock 26,40,000 9,60,000
Advances 78,000 90,000
90,78,000 1,03,50,000
Liabilities as on March 31, 2010 March 31, 2011
Share capital 36,00,000 44,40,000
Surplus in profit and loss account 15,18,000 16,38,000
Sundry creditors 24,00,000 23,40,000
Outstanding expenses 2,40,000 4,80,000
Income tax payable 1,20,000 1,32000
Accumulated depreciation on building and
12,00,000 13,20,000
90,78,000 1,03,50,000
The original cost of equipment sold during the year 2007-08 was Rs. 7,20,000
22. The following are the balance sheets of Beta Ltd., for the year ending March 31, 2010 and
March 31, 2011:
Balance sheets
(as on March 31st)
Capital and liabilities 2010 (Rs.) 2011 (Rs.)
Share capital 13,50,000 15,75,000
General reserves 4,50,000 5,62,500
Capital reserves( profit on sale of investment) – 22,500
Profit and loss account 2,25,000 4,50,000
12% debentures 6,75,000 4,50,000
Accrued expenses 22,500 27,000
Creditors 3,60,000 5,62,500
Provision for dividends 67,500 76,500
Provision for taxation 1,57,500 1,71,000
33,07,500 38,97,000
Assets 2010 (Rs.) 2011 (Rs.)
Fixed assets 22,50,000 27,00,000
Less: accumulated depreciation 4,50,000 5,62,500
Net fixed assets 18,00,000 21,37,500
Long term investments (at cost) 4,05,000 4,05,000
Stock (at cost) 4,50,000 6,07,500
Debtors (net of provision for doubtful debts of Rs. 90,000 and Rs.
1,12,500 for 2010 and 2011 respectively
5,06,250 5,51,250
Bills receivable 90,000 1,46,250
Prepaid expenses 22,500 27,000
Miscellaneous expenditure 33,750 22,500
33,07,500 38,97,000
Additional information:
(i) During the year 2010-11, fixed assets with a net book value of Rs.22,500
(accumulated depreciation, Rs. 67,500) were sold for Rs. 18,000
(ii) During the year 2010-11, investments costing Rs. 1,80,000 were sold, and also
investments costing Rs. 1,80,000 were purchased
(iii) Debentures were retired at a premium of 10%
(iv) Tax of Rs. 1,23,750 was paid for 2009-2010
(v) During the year 2010-11, bad debts of Rs. 31,500 were written off against the
provision for doubtful debt account
(vi) The proposed dividend for 2009-10 was paid in 2010-11
Required: Prepare a funds flow statement for the year ended March 31, 2011.
23. A company is producing an identical product in two factories. The following are the details
in respect of both the factories:
Factory X Factory Y
Selling price per unit 50 50
Variable cost per unit 40 35
Fixed cost 2,00,000 3,00,000
Depreciation included in
40,000 30,000
Sales (units) 30,000 20,000
Production capacity (units) 40,000 30,000
You are required to determine:
a) Break even point for each factory individually
b) Which factory is more profitable
c) Cash BEP for each factory individually
d) BEP for company as a whole; assuming the present product mix
e) BEP for company as a whole; assuming that product mix can be altered as desired
f) Consequences on profits and BEP if product mix is changed to 2:3 and total demand
remains constant.
Note: BEP may be indicated in number of units.
IV) Case Study-one compulsory question. (15 marks)
24. The following details of estimates are obtained in respect of the retail business of fancy
Ltd., for the months of January to March 2011:
A. Working Capital as on 1st January 2011 has been estimated as under:
Cash and bank
Debtors 51,400
Creditors 42,200
Outstanding expenses 4,000
Dividend due 9,700
Tax due 6,400
Stock 26,000
B. Budgeted profit statements for the three months are:
January February March
Sales 42,000 36,000 34,000
(-)Cost of sales 32,700 28,100 26,600
Gross profit 9,300 7,900 7,400
(-)Administrative, selling and distribution
6,300 5,400 5,100
Net profit before tax 3,000 2,500 2,300
C. Budgeted balances at the end of each month
January February March
Stock 24,000 22,000 20,000
Debtors 52,000 50,000 47,000
Creditors 40,000 39,000 38,000
Outstanding expenses 4,000 4,000 4,000
Dividend due 9,700 – –
Tax due 6,400 6,400 6,000
Depreciation amounting to Rs. 1,700 has been included in the budgeted expenditure of
each month.
You are required to prepare a month-wise cash budget for the three months on receipt
and payment basis.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 VI Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester examination – APRIL 2014



Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Section – A


  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                              ( 10 x 2 = 20)
  2. What is Management Accounting as per American Accounting Association?
  3. State any 4 objectives of Management Accounting.
  4. What is Trend Analysis?
  5. What is Management Reporting?
  6. Give the meaning of Ratio Analysis.
  7. Mention any 4 Balance Sheet Ratios.
  8. State any two uses of fund flow analysis.
  9. What is Cash Flow Statement?
  10. Distinguish between internal and external analysis.
  11. State the significance of Acid Test Ratio.


Section – B


  1. Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                             ( 4 x 5 = 20)
  2. Explain any five functions of Management Accounting.


  1. “Accounting Reports are a matter of necessity for the management and not a matter of convenience”. Explain critically the above statement.


  1. Briefly explain the following:
  2. Current Ratio b)  Liquid Ratio      c)  Absolute Liquid Ratio.


  1. State with reasons whether the following transactions result in increase/decrease/ no change in working capital.
  2. Bills receivable Rs. 65,000 discounted for Rs. 63,000
  3. Fixed Assets Rs. 5,00 ,000 sold
  4. Short term loans raised Rs. 1,00,000
  5. Issue of shares Rs. 10,00,000 against fixed assets
  6. Good will written off Rs. 5000


  1. From the following details, prepare Land and Buildings A/c and explain the treatment of various items in the preparation of Cash Flow Statement .
  • Balance in Land And Buildings A/c as at 1-4-2012 Rs. 5,60,000 and as at 31-3-2013 Rs. 8,04,000
  • Purchase of Land and Buildings during the year 2012-13 Rs. 3,00,000.
  • There was no sale of any land or buildings during the year.


  1. From the following data, compute trend percentages taking 2008 as base.


Year Sales (Rs.) Closing Stock (Rs.) Profit Before Tax (Rs.)





















Section – C

  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.                  (3 x 15 = 45)


  1. From the following Balance Sheets of RKS Ltd, prepare comparative balance sheet and comment upon the financial position of the company
Particulars 2012 2013

Land and buildings

Plant and Machinery


Other fixed assets

Cash in hand

Bills receivables

Sundry debtors


Prepaid expenses



























Equity share capital

Reserves and surplus


Long-term loans

Bills payable

Sundry creditors

Other current liabilities



















14,35,000 16,97,000


  1. From the following information, prepare income statement and balance sheet:

Debtors turnover ratio = 2 times

Inventory turnover ratio=1.25

Fixed assets turnover ratio= 0.8

Debts assets ratio= 0.6

Net profit margin = 5%

Gross profit margin = 25%

Return on investments = 2%





Income statement:

Particulars Amount

Less: Cost of goods sold

Gross profit

Less: other expenses


Less: Interest at 5%




Balance sheet


Long term debt

Short term debt


Net fixed assets


Sundry debtors



  1. Balance sheet of Anita ltd as on 31.12.2012 and 31.12.2013 were as follows:
Liabilities 2012 2013 Assets 2012 2013
Share capital

Share premium

8% debentures

General reserves

P & L account

Provision for taxation

Proposed dividend

S. creditors
















Plant &  Machinery

Land & buildings




Cash and bank













  5,00,000 6,50,000   5,00,000 6,50,000

Additional information:

  1. Investments costing Rs. 8,000 was sold for Rs. 15,000. The profit being

credited to P & L A/c.


  1. An interim dividend of Rs. 20,000 was paid during the year.


  1. Accumulated depreciation on

31.12.2012                  31.12.2013

Land & Building      30,000                         40,000

Plant & Machinery   40,000                         60,000


  1. Depreciation charged during the year

Land & Building Rs. 10,000

Plant & Machinery Rs. 20,000


  1. Debentures were redeemed at par



  1. Profit & loss account balance 2012 Rs. 50,000

Add: profit for 2013                                     Rs. 40,000

Rs. 90,000

Less: interim dividend                                            Rs. 20,000

Rs. 70,000

Prepare a Cash flow statement



  1. The following schedule shows the balance sheets in condensed form of Machinery manufacturing ltd. At the end of the year 2012 and 2013.
Assets : 2012 2013
Cash and bank balance

Sundry debtors

Temporary investments

Prepaid expenses


Land & buildings
















5,52,000 5,35,000

Sundry creditors

Outstanding expenses

8% debentures

Depreciation fund

Reserve for contingencies

P & L a/c

Share capital

















5,52,000 5,35,000

The following information concerning the transactions is available:

  1. 10% dividend was paid in cash
  2. New machinery for Rs. 30,000 was purchased but old machinery costing Rs. 12,000 was sold for Rs. 4,000, accumulated depreciation was Rs. 6,000.
  3. Rs. 20,000, 8% debentures were redeemed by purchase from open market at Rs.96 per debentures of Rs. 100.
  4. Rs. 36,000 investments were sold at book value.


You are required to prepare schedule of changes in working capital and fund flow statement.



  1. The profits of Excellent ltd declined year by year. As a management accountant of the company draft a report to the management exploring the reasons for declining profit and suggest the corrective measures.


Section – D


  1. IV) ONE Compulsory question.                                              (1 x 15 = 15)


Michael Ltd. wants to expand its operations. It needs additional funds. However, HDFC Ltd., its banker is not in a position to provide any additional funds to it due to credit squeeze. Rather it wants the company to reduce its bank overdraft substantially preferably by 50% in the next six months. The management appoints you as a Consultant to ascertain what has gone wrong with the company and suggest appropriate measures.

The Balance sheets of the company as on 31.12.2012 and 31.12.2013 are as follows:

(Rs. In Lakhs)

Liabilities 2012 2013 Assets 2012 2013
Share capital


6% Debentures(Unsecured)

8% Mortgage on Freehold Property


Proposed Dividend

Provision for taxation

Secured overdraft ( by  a floating charge on assets)


















Freehold property

Plant & Machinery

Investment on shares

Other investments

















  730.50 817.50   730.50 817.50


The following additional information for the year 2013 is relevant:

  1. Credit Sales            875 lakh
  2. Credit Purchases                          520 lakh
  3. Overheads             83.75 lakh
  4. Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 17.50 lakh
  5. Dividend for 2012 was paid in full
  6. Amount paid towards taxations for the year 2013 21.50 lakh


You are required to prepare a cash flow statement and briefly comment on the financial position of the company and suggest remedial measures to overcome the financial crisis.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2014 V Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download




B.Com (Travel & Tourism) – V SEMESTER


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks: 100



  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                                      (10 x2 =20)


  1. How does a Cash Flow Statement differ from a Fund Flow Statement?
  2. Mention any four essentials of an effective system of Budgetary Control?
  3. State with examples the type of transactions that do not result in a flow of funds?
  4. Differentiate between a fund flow statement and an Income statement.
  5. Calculate Stock Turnover Ratio from the following information:

Opening Stock                        Rs. 30,000

Purchase                                 Rs. 1,15,000

Closing Stock                          Rs. 20,000

  1. Current ration 2.50 Acid test ratio 1.75 Stock Rs. 1,50,000. Calculate net working capital.
  2. Classify the following into:
  • Operating Activities (ii) Investing Activities (iii) Financing Activities
  • Interest paid on Debentures or Long term loans by a Financing Company.
  • Interest paid on Debentures or Long term loans by a Non Financing Company.
  • Sale of patents.
  • Issue of share capital


  1. List the chief characteristics of Management Accounting.


  1. The opening balance in the Provision for Taxation Account as on 1st January 2013 was Rs. 30,000 and the closing balance on 31st December 2013 was Rs. 40,000. The taxes paid during the year amounted to Rs. 25,000. How will you deal with this item in the fund flow statement?


  1. Average stock of a firm is Rs. 1,00,000 and its opening stock is Rs. 10,000 less than the closing stock . Calculate opening and closing stock.



  1. Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                                        (4×5=20)


  1. Alpha Manufacturing Co. has drawn up the following Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2013.


Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening Stock 26,000 By Sales 1,60,000
To Purchases 80,000 By Closing Stock 38,000
To Wages 24,000    
To Manufacturing


To Gross Profit c/d 52,000    
  1,98,000   1,98,000
To Selling & Dist Expenses 4,000 By Gross Profit b/d 52,000
To Administrative Expenses 22,800 By Compensation for acquisition of land 4,800
To General Expenses 1,200    
To Value of Furniture (loss by fire) 800    
To Net Profit 28,000    
  56,800   56,800


You are required to calculate :

  • Selling and distribution  expenses ratio
  • Gross Profit Ratio
  •  Net Profit Ratio
  •  Operating Ratio
  • Operating Profit Ratio.


  1. State with reasons whether the following transactions result in an increase or decrease of working capital or do not affect the working capital.

(a) Issue of equity shares of Rs. 2,50,000 for cash.

(b) Land was exchanged for machinery worth Rs. 1,50,000.

(c ) Sold goods costing Rs. 25,000 for Rs. 30,000.

(d) Debtors of Rs. 10,000 paid cash.

(e) Purchased machinery for Rs. 75,000 in cash.


  1. Calculate Fund from operations from the following Profit and Loss A/c.





Profit & Loss Account
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
To Salaries 10,000 By Gross Profit 2,00,000
To Rent 3,000 By Profit on sale of Machine 5,000
To commission 2,000 By Refund of tax 3,000
To Discount allowed 1,000 By Dividends received 2,000
To Selling Expenses 20,000    
To Transfers to General Reserve 20,000    
To Provision for tax 10,000    
To Loss on sale of Investments 5,000    
To Discount on issue of Debentures 2,000    
To Preliminary Expenses 3,000    
To Provision for Depreciation 14,000    
To Net Profit 1,20,000    
  2,10,000   2,10,000



  1. From the following information of a manufacturing concern . Compute Trend ratios taking 2010 as the base year (interpretation not required).


Particulars 2010 2011 2012 2013
Sales (Net)

Less: Cost of goods sold

Gross Profit

Less: Operating expenses

Net operating profit

Less: taxes

Profit after tax

























15 10 17.5 25


  1. From the following particulars , prepare a Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2013.

(i) Total sales for the year were Rs. 20,50,000 out of which cash sales amounted to Rs. 14,20,000.

(ii)  Total purchases for the year were Rs. 15,30,000 out of which cash purchases totalled Rs. 10,20,000.

  • Cash collected from credit customers during the year amounted to Rs. 4,80,000.
  • Cash paid to suppliers of goods on credit was Rs. 4,50,000.
  • Depreciation for year was Rs. 40,000 whereas salaries and other expenses amounted

to Rs. 1,60,000

  • Redeemable preference shares of the face value of Rs. 1,00,000 were redeemed during

the year at a premium of 10% .

  • Income tax paid Rs. 80,000.
  • New machinery was purchased for Rs. 30,000 on 1st January 2013.
  • 25,000 was paid as dividend for the year ended 31st March 2013.
  • Equity shares of the face value of Rs. 2,00,000 were issued at a premium of 5% during the year .
  • The balance of cash and bank as on 1st April 2012 was Rs. 85,000.


  1. Calculate ‘Cash from operations’ from the following information:


  March 31, 2013


March 31, 2014


Profit & Loss Account 80,000 90,000
Stock 60,000 50,000
Debtors 25,000 23,000
Bills Receivable 8,000 9,000
Creditors 32,000 28,000
Expenses outstanding 3,500 4,500
Bills Payable 35,000 22,000



III)     Answer any THREE questions.      Each carries 15 marks.                     (3×15=45)


17.a) Nike Ltd has three sales divisions at Mumbai , Bangalore and Delhi . It sells two products – Product X and Product Y. The budgeted sales for the year ending 31st December 2012 at each place are given below:

Mumbai Product X

Product Y

1,00,000 units @ Rs. 8 each

70,000 units @ Rs. 5 each

Bangalore Product Y 1,10,000 units @  Rs. 5 each
Delhi Product X 1,50,000 units @ Rs. 8 each


The actual sales during the same period were as follows:

Mumbai Product X

Product Y

1,25,000 units @ Rs. 8 each

75,000 units @ Rs. 5 each

Bangalore Product Y 1,25,000 units @  Rs. 5 each
Delhi Product X 1,55,000 units @ Rs. 8 each

From the reports of the sales personnel it was considered that the sales budget for the year ending 31st December 2013 would be higher than 2012 budget in the following aspects:

Mumbai Product X

Product Y

8,000 units

5,000 units

Bangalore Product Y 13,000 units
Delhi Product X 10,000 units

Intensive sales campaign Bangalore and Delhi is expected to result in additional sales of 25,000 units in product X in Bangalore and 18,000 units of product Y in Delhi.

You are required to prepare a sales budget for the period ending 31st December 2013.


  1. b) Explain any five differences between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.                                                                                                             (10+5)
  2. Following are the summarized balance sheets of ESS GEE Ltd. as on December , 31st 2012 and 2013.
Liabilities 2012 (Rs) 2013 (Rs) Assets 2012 (Rs) 2013 (Rs)
Share Capital 1,00,000 1,30,000 Land & Building 1,00,000 95,000
General Reserve  25,000 30,000 Machinery 75,000 84,500
Profit and Loss A/c 15,200 15,400 Stock 50,000 37,000
Bank Loan (Long term) 35,000     — Sundry Debtors 40,000 32,100
Sundry Creditors 75,000 67,500 Cash 200 300
Provision for tax 15,000 17,500 Bank     — 4,000
      Goodwill     — 7,500
  2,65,200 2,60,400   2,65,200 2,60,400


Additional Information:

  • Dividend of Rs. 11,500 was paid.
  • Assets of another company were purchased for a consideration of Rs. 30,000 payable in shares .

The following assets were purchased:

Stock Rs. 10,000                    Machinery Rs. 12,500

  • Machinery was further purchased for Rs. 4,000.
  • Depreciation written off machinery Rs. 6,000.
  • Income tax provided during the year Rs. 16,500.
  • Loss on sale of machine Rs. 100 was written off to General Reserve.

You are required to prepare a  Funds Flow statement.


  1. Prepare the Balance Sheet of KT Ltd as on 31st March 2013 from the following.
Gross Profit ratio 25%
Current ratio 2.3
Liquidity ratio 1.2
Stock Turnover ratio 4.5 times
Fixed Assets Turnover ratio

(Based on sales)

2 times
Debt collection period 1.5 months
Fixed Assets to Shareholders net worth 1.2
Reserves and Surplus to Equity 0.3
Net Working Capital Rs. 2,60,000


  1. Following is the balance sheet of AB Co Ltd as at 1/01/ 2013. And 31/12/ 2013
Liabilities 1/01/2013 31/12/2013 Assets 1/01/2013 31/12/2013
Equity share capital 3,00,000 3,50,000 Land & building 2,30,000 3,90,000
Share premium _____ 30,000 Plant & Machinery 85,400 1,40,000
General reserve 45,000 65,000 Furniture 5,500 6,500
Profit and loss 30,000 80,800 Stock 82,400 95,700
Debentures ______ 70,000 Sundry debtors 75,000 85,500
Sundry creditors 85,000 90,700 Bank balance 34,200 44,300
Provision for taxation 22,500 40,500      
Proposed dividend 30,000 35,000      
  5,12,500 7,62,000   5,12,500 7,62,000




Additional Information:

  • Depreciation written off during the year.

Land and building                 Rs. 60,000

Plant and machinery                        Rs. 50,000

Furniture                               Rs. 1,200

  • Tax paid during the year Rs. 22,500 and dividend paid is Rs. 30,000

You are required to prepare a Cash Flow Statement.


  1. The expenses budgeted for production of 10,000 units in a factory are furnished


Particulars Per unit (Rs)
Materials 70
Labour 25
Variable Expenses (Direct) 5
Variable Factory Overheads 20
Fixed Factory Overheads (Rs. 1,00,000) 10
Selling Expenses (10% fixed) 13
Distribution Expenses (20% fixed) 7
Administrative Expense (Fixed – Rs. 50,000) 5
Total cost of sales per unit 155


You are required to prepare a budget for the production of 6000 units, 8,000 units and 10,000 units showing total cost  and  cost per unit.




  1. IV) Case study- Compulsory questions.             (15 marks)


  1. The following are the balance sheets o Hindustan Ltd for the year 1/01/2012 and 31/12/2012.








Liabilities 1/01/2012 31/12/2012 Assets 1/01/2012 31/12/2012
Equity share capital 4,00,000 6,60,000 Fixed assets less depreciation 4,80,000 7,00,000
Pre. Share capital 2,00,000 3,00,000 Stock 80,000 1,00,000
Reserves 40,000 60,000 Debtors 2,00,000 2,50,000
Profit & Loss A/c 30,000 40,000 Bills Receivable 40,000 1,20,000
Bank O.D. 1,00,000 1,00,000 Prepaid expenses 20,000 24,000
Creditors 80,000 1,00,000 Cash in hand 80,000 1,06,000
Provision for taxation 40,000 50,000 Cash at Bank 20,000 60,000
Proposed dividend 30,000 50,000      
  9,20,000 13,60,000   9,20,000 13,60,000


(a) Compare the financial position of the above two companies with the help of a

Comparative Balance Sheet.

(b)  Identify the changes that have taken place in the working capital of the company

and comment.

(c ) Has the increase in fixed assets been financed from long or short term funds?

How would you evaluate the company’s policy with regard to this aspect?

(d) Comment on the short term and long term position of the concern and draw a

conclusion of the overall profitability of the organisation.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester ExaminationS– MARCH / APRIL 2015
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                      (10×2=20)
  1. What is meant by Management Reporting?
  2. Give any four examples of Current Assets.
  3. What is the need for calculating Turnover Ratio? State any two turnover ratios.
  4. When will there  be a flow of fund? Explain with a suitable example.
  5. Explain briefly Notional Cash Inflow and Outflow.
  6. Distinguish between External Reports and Internal Reports.
  7. Calculate Expenditure Ratios:

Factory Expenses = Rs. 30,000.

Administrative Expenses = Rs. 20,000.

Net Sales = Rs. 1,20,000.

Net Profit = Rs. 50,000.

  8. Who are the users of Financial Statements of a Company? Elaborate.
  9. Give any two points of differences between a funds flow statement and a cash flow statement.
  10. What is the procedure for preparing funds flow statement?


II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (4×5=20)
  11. Prepare a Common-Size Income Statement for the following income statements of GT Ltd. for the year ended 31st March 2013 and 2014.

Particulars 2013 (Rs.) 2014 (Rs.)
Gross Sales 31,00,000 39,00,000
Less: Sales Returns 1,00,000 2,00,000
Net Sales 30,00,000 37,00,000
Cost of Goods Sold 19,00,000 20,00,000
Gross Profit 11,00,000 17,00,000
Operating Expenses:    
Administrative Expenses 3,75,000 5,30,000
Selling and Distribution Expenses 2,35,000 2,50,000
Total Expenses 6,10,000 7,80,000
Operating Income 4,90,000 9,20,000
Non- Operating Income 1,35,000 2,15,000
Total Income 6,25,000 11,35,000
Non-Operating expenses: Interest 1,95,000 2,15,000
Profit Before Tax 4,30,000 9,20,000
Less: Tax 2,00,000 4,00,000
Net Profit After Tax 2,30,000 5,20,000
  12. From the following balance sheets of Zain Company prepare a statement showing changes in working capital.

Particulars 31.12.2013 (Rs.) 31.12.2014 (Rs.)
I.                   Equity and Liabilities    
Shareholder’s Funds:    
a.      Share Capital 1,50,000 1,25,000
b.      Reserves and Surplus:    
–          Profit & Loss A/c 75,000 60,000
–          Preliminary Expenses (3,000) (5,000)
Non-current Liabilities
Current Liabilities:    
Short-term Borrowings:

–          Loans (Payable on demand)

Trade Payables:    
–          Trade creditors 45,000 50,000
–          Bills Payable 35,000 20,000
TOTAL 3,22,000 2,50,000
II.                Assets    
Non-Current Assets:    
–          Tangible Fixed Assets (Land) 27,000 15,000
–          Intangible Assets (Goodwill) 5000 10,000
Non-current Investments 10,000 15,000
Currents Assets:    
–          Inventories (Stock) 1,20,000 87,000
–          Trade Receivables (Debtors) 90,000 98,000
–          Cash and Cash Equivalents 70,000 25,000
TOTAL 3,22,000 2,50,000



“The task of management accounting involves furnishing of accounting data to the management for basing its decisions on it”— In the light of this statement describe the various characteristics of management accounting.




Calculate (i) Sales (ii) Closing stock (iii) Sundry Debtors (iv) Sundry Creditors from the following ratios.

Gross Profit Ratio = 20%; Stock Velocity = 5 times; Debtors Velocity = 3 months; Creditors Velocity = 2 months; Gross Profit as on 31st March, 2014 is Rs. 1,40,000 and Opening stock is Rs. 80,000.





Indicate whether the following transactions result in a flow of funds or not, and whether it will lead to an increase /decrease or does not affect the working capital.

  1. Purchase of fixed assets by borrowing long term loan

ii.            Redemption of Preference share capital

  1. Received acceptances from customers
  2. Payment or discharge of bills payable
  3. Purchase of New Machinery.






Diagrammatically depict the traditional classification of ratios.



III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)
  17. Prepare the Trading and Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2014 from the following information.

Gross Profit Ratio = 20% Fixed Assets = Rs. 12,00,000
Net Profit Ratio = 16% Sundry Debtors = Rs. 70,000
 Stock turnover ratio = 5 times Current Ratio = 3:1
 Net Profit to Capital = 1/8 Long Term Loan =Rs. 2,75,000
 Fixed Assets to Capital = 6/5 Operating expenses = Rs. 20,000
 Fixed Assets to Current Assets = 4 Non- operating expenses = Rs. 11,250.
Capital to Total Liabilities = 2/3 Closing stock = Rs. 1,40,000



The following are the Balance Sheets of a concern for the year 2013 and 2014. Prepare a Comparative Balance Sheet.

I.                   Equity and Liabilities 2013 (Rs.) 2014 (Rs.)
Equity Share Capital 6,00,000 12,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 4,00,000 5,00,000
Debentures 5,00,000 9,00,000
Long Term Loans on Mortgage 2,00,000 5,00,000
Bills Payable 2,00,000 3,00,000
Sundry Creditors 90,000 2,70,000
Other Current Liabilities 10,000 30,000
TOTAL 20,00,000 37,00,000
II.                Assets    
Land & Buildings 6,00,000 10,00,000
Plant & Machinery 4,00,000 10,00,000
Other Fixed Assets 1,00,000 1,50,000
Cash & Bank 50,000 1,50,000
Inventories 4,50,000 6,50,000
Sundry Debtors 1,00,000 3,90,000
Bills Receivable 3,00,000 3,50,000
Prepaid Expenses —- 10,000
TOTAL 20,00,000 37,00,000


Comment on:

a.      Short term financial position of the concern showing the effect on working capital.

b.      Long term financial position.

c.       Profitability of the concern.





The following are the summaries of the Balance Sheet of a Limited Company as at 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014.

Particulars 2013 (Rs.) 2014 (Rs.)
I.                   Equity and Liabilities:    
Shareholder’s Funds:    
Share Capital 2,00,000 2,60,000
Reserves and Surplus:    
–          Reserves 50,000 50,000
–          Profit & Loss A/c 39,690 41,220
Non-current Liabilities:    
–          Provision for Taxation 40,000 50,000
Current Liabilities:    
–          Bank Overdraft 59,510
–          Trade Payables:    
–          Sundry Creditors 39,500 41,135
–          Bills Payable 33,780 11,525
TOTAL 4,62,480 4,53,880
II.                Assets    
Non-Current Assets:    
 Tangible Assets:    
–          Land & Building 1,48,500 1,44250
–          Plant & Machinery 1,12,950 1,16,200
Intangible Assets: (Goodwill) —- 20,000
Current Assets:    
–          Inventories (Stock) 1,11,040 97,370
–          Sundry Advances 2,315 735
–          Trade Receivables (Sundry Debtors) 85,175 72,625
–          Cash at Bank 2,500 2,700
TOTAL 4,62,480 4,53,880

The following additional information is obtained from the general ledger:

a.      During the year ended 31st December, 2014, an interim dividend of Rs. 26,000 was paid.

b.      The assets of another company were purchased for Rs. 60,000 payable in fully paid shares of the company. These assets consisted of stock Rs. 21,640, machinery Rs. 18,360 and goodwill Rs. 20,000. In addition, sundry purchases of Plant were made totaling Rs. 5,650.

c.       Income tax paid during the year amounted to Rs. 25,000.

d.     The net profit for the year before tax was Rs. 62,530.

You are required to prepare a statement showing the sources and applications of funds for the year ended 31.12.2014 with all the necessary workings.

  20. (a) What are the objectives of reports to management? Suggest general principles to be borne in mind when designing reports.


(b) “The purpose of cost accounting is not merely ascertainment of cost, it is also performance evaluation and management decision-making”—In this context bring out the various differences between Cost and Management Accounting.                                                                                        (10+5)











The following are the comparative balance sheets of ABC Ltd. as on 31st March 2014 and 2013:

Particulars 2013 (Rs.) 2014 (Rs.)
I.                   Equity and Liabilities    
Shareholders Fund’s:    
Share Capital (Shares of Rs. 10 each) 3,70,000 3,50,000
Reserve and Surplus:    
–          Profit & Loss A/c 52,800 50,400
Non-Current Liabilities:    
–          9% Debentures 30,000 60,000
Current Liabilities:    
–          Trade Payables (Creditors) 59,200 51,600
TOTAL 5,12,000 5,12,000
II.                Assets    
Non-Current Assets:    
–          Tangible Assets: (Land) 1,50,000 1,00,000
–          Intangible Assets: (Goodwill) 25,000 50,000
Current Assets:    
–          Inventories (stock) 2,13,500 2,46,000
–          Trade Receivables (Debtors) 84,500 71,000
–          Cash and Cash Equivalents:    
Cash and Bank 35,000 42,000
Temporary Investments 4,000 3,000
TOTAL 5,12,000 5,12,000


Other particulars provided to you are as follows:


a.      Dividends declared and paid during the year Rs. 17,500.

b.      Land was revalued during the year at Rs. 1,50,000 and the profit on revaluation transferred to Profit & Loss A/c.


You are required to prepare Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31.3.2014 using Indirect Method.












IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                           
  22. KMWD Ltd. furnishes the following financial figures:

Particulars 31.3.2013 31.3.2014
Preference Share Capital 5,00,000 7,00,000
Debentures 3,00,000 2,00,000
Loan 2,50,000 3,25,000
Current Assets 5,00,000 6,00,000
Current Liabilities 2,50,000 3,00,000
Inventory (included in current assets) 15,000 25,000

(a)   Calculate Cash Flow from Financing Activities from the above information. (4 marks)

(b)   Compute current ratio and liquid ratio for KMWD Ltd. for the both years and Comment on the current financial position of the Company. (6 marks)

(c)    From the following transactions state when there is flow of fund or not:

(i)                 Purchase of fixed assets against issue of shares or debentures.

(ii)              Writing off of fictitious assets, say goodwill. (2 marks)

(d)  From the table above show the Net Working Capital of the company for both the years and Comment. (3 marks)






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce V Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Mention any two characteristics of Management Accounting.
  2. Issue of Shares against purchase of Land Rs. 25,00,000.  Does this transaction involve flow of funds?  Give reason.  If it does, state the amount of flow.
  3. Mention any four tools of Financial Statement Analysis.
  4. What is Management Accounting?
  5. Mention any two roles of a Management Accountant in the present scenario.
  6. ‘Management Accounting is very advantageous to any organization’.  Mention any two advantages to support this statement.
  7. Working Capital is Rs. 5,40,000; Current Ratio = 2.8 : 1; Inventory = Rs. 3,30,000.  Calculate Current Assets, Current Liabilities and Quick Ratio.
  8. Under what heads do the following appear in Cash Flow Statement.

A Interest received on Investments.
B Dividends paid on Preference Shares.
C Purchase of Fixed Assets.
D Purchase of Stock against issue of shares.
  9. From the following, calculate Debt-equity Ratio.

Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Equity Share Capital 2,50,000
Reserves and Surplus 1,50,000
Profit and Loss 25,000
12% Debentures 2,00,000
  10. Calculate Funds from Operation from the following:

Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Net Profit as per Profit and Loss Account 1,25,000
Interest on Investments received 1,500
Loss on sale of assets 2,000
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 12,000
Salary paid for the year 72,000
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Mention any five differences between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.
  12. From the following Balance Sheets of the Hindusthan Industries Ltd. compute the trend percentages using 31st March 2013 as the base year. (INTERPRETATIONS NOT REQUIRED)


 Particulars 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
Share Capital 2,00,000 2,50,000 3,00,000
Reserves 1,00,000 1,50,000 1,50,000
Loans 2,00,000 1,00,000 50,000
Sundry Creditors 3,00,000 4,00,000 2,00,000
Buildings 2,00,000 2,50,000 3,00,000
Plant 2,00,000 2,50,000 1,00,000
Stock 2,50,000 2,50,000 1,50,000
Debtors 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
Cash at Bank 50,000 50,000 50,000
  13. Calculate funds from Operation from the following:

a. Net Profit for the year ended 31.03.2015 is Rs. 16,50,000.
b. Gain on sale of building Rs. 35,500.
c. Goodwill appears in the books at Rs. 1,80,000 out of which 20% has been written off.
d. Old Machinery worth Rs. 18,000 has been sold for Rs. 16,500 during the year.
e. Rs. 1,75,000 has been transferred to General Reserve.
f. Depreciation has been provided on Machinery and Furniture at 10% of total cost.  Total Cost of Machinery and Furniture amount to Rs. 60,50,000.
  14. The expenses for the production of 5,000 units in a factory are given as follows:

Particulars Per Unit (Rs.)
Materials 50
Labour 20
Variable Overheads 15
Fixed Overheads (Rs. 50,000) 10
Administrative expenses (5% variable) 10
Selling Expenses (20% Fixed) 6
Distribution expenses (10% Fixed) 5
Total cost of sales per unit 116

You are required to prepare a budget for the production of 7,000 units.













From the following figures calculate cash flow from operating activities:

Particulars 2015 (Rs.) 2014 (Rs.)
Balance of Profit & Loss 5,00,000 2,50,000
Provision for Depreciation 1,60,000 80,000
Outstanding wages 8,000 15,000
Prepaid Insurance 16,000 9,000
Goodwill 25,000 32,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts 20,000 14,000
Balance of Trade Receivables 1,10,000 98,000
Provision for Income Tax 45,000 25,000
Cash and bank balance 13,000 25,000
  16. Calculate the following ratios with the help of the information given:

a)      Operating Ratio b)     Gross Profit Ratio
c)      Quick Ratio d)     Turnover to Working Capital Ratio
e)      Shareholders’ Funds to Total Assets Ratio.  


Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Equity Share Capital 2,00,000 Opening Inventory 24,000
8% Preference Share Capital 1,60,000 Purchases 2,40,000
9% Debentures 1,20,000 Wages 16,000
General Reserve 20,000 Closing Inventory 36,000
Sales 4,00,000 Selling and Distribution Expenses 4,000
Liquid Assets 1,00,000 Non-current Assets 4,24,000
Current Liabilities 60,000    
III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                
  17. With the help of following ratios and further information given below, complete the Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of Deepa and Co.

Gross Profit Ratio 20% Net Profit Ratio 15%
Sales/Inventory Ratio 6 Fixed Assets/Total Current Assets 1:1
Fixed Assets/Total Capital 3/2 Capital/Total Outside Liabilities 1 / 2
Inventory  (Rs.)  3,90,000 Fixed Assets   (Rs.) 27,00,000

Trading and Profit and Loss Account

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Cost of goods sold   By Sales  
To Gross Profit c/d      
To Expenses   By Gross Profit b/d  
To Net Profit      

Balance Sheet as at ………

Liabilities Amount Amount Assets Amount Amount
Capital     Fixed Assets    
Add: Profit     Current Assets:    
Outside Liabilities     Other Current Assets    
Total     Total    
  18. From the following prepare the schedule of changes in Working Capital and Fund Flow Statement.

Name of the Co.:  ABC Ltd.

Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2014

Particulars Note No. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013
(1)  Shareholders’ Funds:      
        (a) Share Capital          3,60,000         2,40,000
        (b) Reserves and Surplus 1        1,25,400         1,00,500
(2)  Share Application Money pending allotment      
(3)  Non-current Liabilities:      
        (a) Long-term borrowings (8% Debentures)             78,000                      –
(4)  Current Liabilities:      
        (a) Short-term borrowings      
        (b) Trade Payables (Creditors)          1,09,200         1,00,500
        ( c) Other current liabilities      
        ( d) Short-term provisions (Tax)             32,700            29,400
TOTAL          7,05,300         4,70,400
II. ASSETS:      
(1)  Non-current assets:      
        (a) Fixed Assets:      
                    (i) Tangible Assets 2        4,98,000         2,80,200
                   (ii) Intangible Assets      
        (b) Non-current Investments      
(2)  Current Assets:      
        (a) Current Investments      
        (b) Inventories             78,000            66,300
        ( c) Trade Receivables (Debtors)          1,17,300         1,09,500
        ( d) Cash and Cash Equivalents (Bank)             12,000            14,400
         (e) Short-term Loans and Advances      
         (f)  Other Current Assets      
TOTAL          7,05,300         4,70,400


Note: 1:      
Reserves and Surplus:   31.12.2014 31.12.2013
General Reserve             27,000            18,000
Share Premium             36,000            24,000
Profit and Loss A/c             62,400            58,500
           1,25,400         1,00,500
Note: 2:      
Tangible Assets      
Land and Building          3,39,600         1,66,200
Plant and Machinery          1,53,900         1,06,800
Furniture                4,500               7,200
           4,98,000         2,80,200


Additional Information:

Depreciation written off during the year on Machinery is Rs. 38,400 and on Furniture is Rs. 1,200.

Assume Debentures were issued at the beginning of the year.

  19. A company is expecting to have Rs. 18,000 cash in hand on 1.4.2015 and it requests you to prepare cash budget for the three months, April to June 2015.  The following information is supplied to you:

Month Sales (Rs.) Purchases (Rs.) Wages (Rs.) Expenses (Rs.)
Feb 70,000 44,000 6,000 5,000
Mar 80,000 56,000 9,000 6,000
Apr 96,000 60,000 9,000 7,000
May 1,00,000 68,000 11,000 9,000
Jun 1,20,000 62,000 14,000 9,000

Other information:

a)      Period of credit allowed by suppliers is two months.

b)     15% of sales are for cash and the period of credit allowed to customers for credit sales is one month.

c)      Delay in payment of wages and expenses one month.

d)     Income tax Rs. 28,000 is to be paid in June 2015.

e)      Dividend to be received in May 2015 Rs. 5,000.

f)       Capital Expenditure to be incurred in May 2015 is Rs. 60,000.

  20. Vishnu. Ltd provides you the following information for the year ending 31st March 2015.

1 Sales for the year amounted to Rs. 2,00,000 out of which 60% is for cash.
2 Cost of goods sold was 50% of total sales.
3 All inventories were purchased on credit.
4 Collections from debtors amounted to Rs. 60,000.
5 Payments to creditors for inventory totaled Rs. 45,000.
6 Depreciation charged during the year on machinery amounted to Rs. 15,000.
7 Goodwill written off during the year Rs.30,000
8 Total salary for the period amounted to Rs. 6,000 out of which Rs.1,000 was outstanding.
9 Office expenses paid in cash amounted to Rs.8,000 and outstanding office expenses were Rs.2,000.
10 Land was purchased for Rs. 2,50,000 and the consideration was discharged by the allotment to the vendors of zero percent convertible debentures.
11 Fully paid equity shares of the face value of Rs. 2,00,000 were issued at a premium of 20%.



A machine was sold for Rs. 15,000. The book value of the machine was Rs. 17,000.

13 Another machine having a book value of Rs. 4,000 was scrapped and was treated as ordinary business loss.
14 A vehicle was purchased for cash at a cost of Rs. 1,50,000.
15 Dividends paid during the period amounted to Rs. 40,000.
16 Income tax paid Rs.10,000.
17 Cash in hand and at bank as at 31st March 2014 totaled Rs. 75,000.

You are required to prepare a Cash Flow statement using direct method.




The Balance Sheets of S & Co. and K & Co. are given as follows:

Balance Sheets as at 31.03.2015

Particulars S & Co.  (Rs.) K & Co.  (Rs.)
Equity and Liabilities:    
Shareholders’ Funds:    
Preference Share Capital 1,20,000 1,60,000
Equity Share Capital 1,50,000 4,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 14,000 18,000
Non-current Liabilities    
Long-term Loans 1,15,000 1,30,000
Current Liabilities:    
Bills Payables 2,000 0
Sundry Creditors 12,000 4,000
Outstanding Expenses 15,000 6,000
Proposed Dividend 10,000 90,000
Total 4,38,000 8,08,000
Non-current Assets    
Land and Building 80,000 1,23,000
Plant and Machinery 3,34,000 6,00,000
Current Assets    
Temporary Investments 1,000 40,000
Inventories 10,000 25,000
Trade Receivables 4,000 8,000
Prepaid Expenses 1,000 2,000
Cash and Cash Equivalents 8,000 10,000
Total 4,38,000 8,08,000

Prepare the Common Size Balance Sheet of the two Companies and answer the following questions:

(a)   What is the position of working capital in both the companies?

(b)   Which company has depended more on outsiders’ funds?

(c)    Has fixed assets been financed by Working Capital in any of the companies?




IV) Case Study                                                                                                              (1×15=15)                                                                                           
  22. The Balance Sheets of Vijay Ltd., are as follows:

Liabilities 31.03.14 31.03.15 Assets 31.03.14 31.03.15
Equity Share Capital 4,00,000 5,00,000 Plant and Machinery 6,00,000 6,80,000
Term Loan 1,00,000 60,000 Non-current Investments 50,000 40,000
Reserves & Surplus 80,000 50,000 Sundry Debtors 30,000 14,000
Public Deposits 1,00,000 75,000 Stock 65,000 60,000
Provision for tax 20,000 22,000 Prepaid Expenses 5,000 0
Proposed Dividend 20,000 25,000 Cash at Bank 30,000 13,000
Sundry Creditors 60,000 75,000      
Total 7,80,000 8,07,000 Total 7,80,000 8,07,000

You are required to:

a)      Prepare a Statement of Changes in Working Capital.         (5 Marks)


b)     Calculate the Current Ratio and Liquid Ratio of the Company as at 31.03.2014 and 31.03.2015.                                                        (4 Marks)


c)      Calculate the new Current Ratio of the company after it pays off the proposed dividend of Rs. 20,000 on 01.04.2015.                  (2 Marks)


d)                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mention at least 4 transactions which will not affect the flow of funds.                                                                          (4 Marks)





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


B.B.A.(International Students)– I SEMESTER
Duration: 1 ½  Hours                                                                                  Max. Marks: 50
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                (10×2=20)
  1. Give the meaning of Management Accounting.
  2. State the various methods of financial analysis.
  3. How does Ratio analysis help to analyse data?  Give examples of two ratios.
  4. Explain any two objectives of Management Accounting.
  5. Calculate Current Assets when current ratio is 2.6:1 and current liability is Rs. 40,000.
  6. Gross Profit is 20% on sales, cost of goods sold is Rs. 3,00,000. Find out sales.
  7. Mention any four duties of a Management Accountant.
  8. What are the main types of Ratio’s?
  9. Average stock of a firm is Rs. 50,000. Its opening stock is Rs. 10,000 less than its closing stock. Find opening and closing stock.
  10. Differentiate between Financial and Management Accounting.
II) Answer any TWO questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                             (2×15=30)
  11. Following is the Balance Sheet of J.K. Ltd. as on 31.3.2014 and 31.3.2015. You are required to prepare the Comparative Balance Sheet and Comment on the Financial Position of the Firm.

Liabilities 31.3.2014 31.3.2015 Assets 31.3.2014 31.3.2015
Share Capital 1,00,000 1,25,000 Building 75,000 1,50,000
Reserves & Surplus 20,000 25,000 Furniture 2,00,000 2,40,000
8% Debentures 45,000 30,000 Stock 1,00,000 35,000
Long Term Borrowings 2,00,000 2,50,000 Debtors 40,000 1,00,000
Creditors 1,25,000 1,50,000 Cash 1,32,500 1,20,000
Bills Payable 45,000 50,000      
Bank Overdraft 12,500 15,000      
  5,47,500 6,45,000   5,47,500 6,45,000
  12. Using the following data complete the Balance Sheet:

Gross Profit (20% of sales) Rs. 60,000

Share Capital Rs. 50,000

Credit Sales to Total sales 80%

Total assets turnover (on sales) 3 times

Closing stock turnover (to cost of sales) 8 times

Average Collection Period (for 360 days) 18 days

Current ratio 1.6

Long Term Debt to Equity 40%

Balance Sheet

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share Capital ? Fixed Assets ?
Long Term Debt ? Stock ?
Creditors ? Debtors ?
    Cash ?
  ?   ?



(a) Following is the details of M/S BSL as on 31.3.2014 and 31.3.2015. You are required to prepare the Common-Size Income Statement for the year ending and Comment on the Profitability of the concern.           (10 marks)

Particulars 31.3.2014 31.3.2015
Sales 3,50,000 4,50,000
Cost of Goods Sold 2,75,000 4,00,000
Operating Expenses 4,500 15,000
Office Expenses 4,500 15,000
Selling Expenses 2,500 3,000
Distribution Expenses 1,250 1,000
Financial Expenses 10,000 12,500
*Tax Rate is 35%


(b) Briefly show the Traditional Classification of Ratios through a chart.

(5 marks)




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2016 VI Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download




Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                        (10×2=20)
  1. Define the term ‘Management Accounting’?
  2. Mention any two differences between Cash Flow Statement and Fund Flow Statement.
  3. What are Financial Activities?  Give any two examples of Financial Activities.
  4. Explain the scope of Management Accounting. (any 2 points).
  5. Mention any two objectives of Reports.
  6. Explain Internal Reports with an example.
  7. Average stock of a firm is Rs.50,000. Its opening stock is
Rs.10,000 less Than its closing stock. Find out the opening and  closing stock.
  8. Gross profit ratio 20% on sales. Total gross profit Rs. 1,00,000. Cash sales Rs.1,20,000. Average debtors Rs. 95,000.  Calculate Debtors turn over ratio.
  9. For calculating ‘Cash flow from Operating Activities’ from the given figure of ‘Net Profit’ earned during a year, how would you deal with:

a.      Decrease in Debtors b.      Increase in Bank Balance
c.       Increase in Bills Payable d.     Decrease in Debentures
  10. Calculate Inventory Turnover Ratio from the data given below:

Inventory at the beginning of the year Rs. 20,000
Inventory at the end of the year Rs. 10,000
Purchases Rs. 2,50,000
Return Outwards Rs. 5,000
Sales Rs. 3,50,000
II) Answer any FOUR questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                      (4×5=20)
  11. Mention any five differences between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.
  12. Calculate the following ratios with the help of the information given:

a)      Gross Ratio b)     Net Profit Ratio
c)      Quick Ratio d)     Turnover to Working Capital Ratio
e)      Shareholders’ Funds to Total Assets Ratio.  



Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Equity Share Capital 2,00,000 Opening Inventory 24,000
8% Preference Share Capital 1,60,000 Purchases 2,40,000
9% Debentures 1,20,000 Wages 16,000
General Reserve 20,000 Closing Inventory 36,000
Sales 4,00,000 Selling and Distribution Expenses 4,000
Liquid Assets 1,00,000 Non-current Assets 4,24,000
Current Liabilities 60,000    
  13. From the following figures calculate cash flow from operating activities:

Particulars 2015 (Rs.) 2014 (Rs.)
Balance of Profit & Loss 5,00,000 2,50,000
Provision for Depreciation 1,60,000 80,000
Outstanding wages 18,000 15,000
Prepaid Insurance 16,000 29,000
Goodwill 32,000 35,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts 20,000 14,000
Balance of Trade Receivables 1,10,000 1,98,000
Provision for Income Tax 45,000 35,000
Cash and bank balance 23,000 25,000



Calculate Funds from Operation from the following:

a Net Profit for the year ended 31.03.2015 is Rs. 3,85,000.
b Loss on sale of building Rs. 35,500.
c Goodwill appears in the books at Rs. 80,000 out of which 20% has been written off.
d Old Machinery worth Rs. 18,000 has been sold for Rs. 20,000 during the year.
e Rs. 25,000 has been transferred to General Reserve.
f Depreciation has been provided on Machinery and Furniture at 10% of total cost.  Total Cost of Machinery and Furniture amount to Rs. 8,00,000.
  15. From the following Balance Sheets of the Vivek Industries Ltd. compute the trend percentages using 2012-13 as the base year. (Interpretations not required)

 Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Share Capital 2,60,000 3,25,000 3,90,000
Reserves 1,30,000 1,95,000 1,95,000
Loans 2,60,000 1,30,000 65,000
Sundry Creditors 3,90,000 5,20,000 2,60,000
Buildings 2,60,000 3,25,000 3,90,000
Plant 2,60,000 3,25,000 1,30,000
Stock 3,25,000 3,25,000 1,95,000
Debtors 1,30,000 1,30,000 1,30,000
Cash at Bank 65,000 65,000 65,000



Explain the General Principles of a Good Reporting System.



III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)                                                                                                 
  17. John Ltd provides you the following information for the year ending 31st March 2015.

1 Sales for the year amounted to Rs. 2,00,000 out of which 60% is for cash.
2 Cost of goods sold was 50% of total sales.
3 All inventories were purchased on credit.
4 Collections from debtors amounted to Rs. 60,000.
5 Payments to creditors for inventory totaled Rs. 45,000.
6 Depreciation charged during the year on machinery amounted to Rs. 15,000.
7 Goodwill written off during the year Rs.30,000
8 Total salary for the period amounted to Rs. 6,000 out of which Rs.1,000 was outstanding.
9 Office expenses paid in cash amounted to Rs.8,000 and outstanding office expenses were Rs.2,000.
10 Land was purchased for Rs. 2,50,000 and the consideration was discharged by the allotment to the vendors of zero percent convertible debentures.
11 Fully paid equity shares of the face value of Rs. 2,00,000 were issued at a premium of 20%.
12 A machine was sold for Rs. 15,000. The book value of the machine was Rs. 17,000.
13 Another machine having a book value of Rs. 4,000 was scrapped and was treated as ordinary business loss.
14 A vehicle was purchased for cash at a cost of Rs. 1,50,000.
15 Dividends paid during the period amounted to Rs. 40,000.
16 Income tax paid Rs.10,000.
17 Cash in hand and at bank as at 31st March 2014 totaled Rs. 75,000.


You are required to prepare a Cash Flow statement using direct method.

  18. The Balance Sheets of S & Co. and K & Co. are given as follows:

Balance Sheets as at 31.03.2015

Particulars S & Co.  (Rs.) K & Co. (Rs.)
Equity and Liabilities:    
Shareholders’ Funds:    
Preference Share Capital 1,80,000 2,40,000
Equity Share Capital 2,25,000 6,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 21,000 27,000
Non-current Liabilities    
Long-term Loans 1,72,500 1,95,000
Current Liabilities:    
Bills Payables 3,000 0
Sundry Creditors 18,000 6,000
Outstanding Expenses 22,500 9,000
Proposed Dividend 15,000 1,35,000
Total 6,57,000 12,12,000
Non-current Assets    
Land and Building 1,20,000 1,84,500
Plant and Machinery 5,01,000 9,00,000
Current Assets    
Temporary Investments 1,500 60,000
Inventories 15,000 37,500
Trade Receivables 6,000 12,000
Prepaid Expenses 1,500 3,000
Cash and Cash Equivalents 12,000 15,000
Total 6,57,000 12,12,000

Prepare the Common Size Balance Sheet of the two Companies and answer the following questions:

(a)   What is the position of working capital in both the companies?

(b)   Which company has depended more on outsiders’ funds?

Has fixed assets been financed by Working Capital in any of the companies?


  19. From the following prepare the schedule of changes in Working Capital and Fund Flow Statement.

Name of the Co.:  ABC Ltd.

Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2015



Particulars Note No. 31.12.2015 31.12.2014
(1)  Shareholders’ Funds:      
        (a) Share Capital          3,60,000         2,40,000
        (b) Reserves and Surplus 1        1,25,400         1,00,500
(2)  Share Application Money pending allotment      
(3)  Non-current Liabilities:      
(a) Long-term borrowings             78,000                      –
(4)  Current Liabilities:      
        (a) Short-term borrowings      
        (b) Trade Payables (Creditors)          1,09,200         1,00,500
        ( c) Other current liabilities      
        ( d) Short-term provisions (Tax)             32,700            29,400
TOTAL          7,05,300         4,70,400
II. ASSETS:      
(1)  Non-current assets:      
        (a) Fixed Assets:      
                    (i) Tangible Assets 2        4,98,000         2,80,200
                   (ii) Intangible Assets      
        (b) Non-current Investments      
(2)  Current Assets:      
        (a) Current Investments      
        (b) Inventories             78,000            66,300
        ( c) Trade Receivables (Debtors)          1,17,300         1,09,500
        ( d) Cash and Cash Equivalents (Bank)             12,000            14,400
         (e) Short-term Loans and Advances      

(f)  Other Current Assets

TOTAL          7,05,300         4,70,400


Note: 1:      
Reserves and Surplus:   31.12.2015 31.12.2014
General Reserve             27,000            18,000
Share Premium             36,000            24,000
Profit and Loss A/c             62,400            58,500
           1,25,400         1,00,500
Note: 2:      
Tangible Assets      
Land and Building          3,39,600         1,66,200
Plant and Machinery          1,53,900         1,06,800
Furniture                4,500               7,200
         4,98,000       2,80,200

Additional Information:

Depreciation written off during the year on Machinery is Rs. 38,400 and on Furniture is Rs. 1,200.


  20. XY Company Ltd. is unable to pay dividends to the shareholders of the company due to shortage of cash and cash equivalents, in spite of making reasonable profits for the past few years.

You are asked to submit a report to the management bringing out the reasons for the shortage of cash and cash equivalents and your suggestions to the management to overcome the situation.

  21. Using the following details, prepare Balance Sheet of Ajay Ltd.:

a)      Current Ratio = 2.75

b)     Quick Ratio = 2.25

c)      Working Capital = Rs.7,00,000.

d)     Reserves and Surplus = Rs. 1,00,000.

e)      Total current assets included stock, debtors and cash only, which are in the ratio of 2 : 6 : 3

f)       Total current liabilities included creditors and bills payable in the ratio of   3 : 2

g)     Fixed Assets are 50% of Share Capital.

h)     The Share Capital is Rs. 12,00,000.  There are no other items of assets or liabilities.


IV) Case Study – Compulsory question.                                                                (1×15=15)                                                                                          
  22. The Balance Sheets of Deeps Ltd., is as follows:

Liabilities 2014 2015 Assets 2014 2015
Equity Share Capital 4,00,000 5,00,000 Plant and Machinery 6,00,000 6,80,000
Bank Loan 1,00,000 60,000 Goodwill 50,000 40,000
Reserves & Surplus 80,000 50,000 Sundry Debtors 30,000 14,000
Debentures 1,00,000 75,000 Stock 65,000 60,000
Provision for tax 20,000 22,000 Prepaid Expenses 5,000 0
Proposed Dividend 20,000 25,000 Cash at Bank 20,000 6,000
Sundry Creditors 60,000 75,000 Preliminary Expenses 10,000 7,000
Total 7,80,000 8,07,000 Total 7,80,000 8,07,000

You are required to calculate the following:

a)      Prepare the Schedule of Changes in Working Capital for the year ending 2015                                                                                                    (6 Marks)

b)     Calculate cashflow from Operation for the year ending 2015.  (5 Marks)

c)      Current Ratio and Quick Ratio for the year 2015.      (4 Marks)












St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.A. 2016 II Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



B.B.A . (International Students ) –  II SEMESTER
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions.  Each carries 2 marks.                                (5×2=10)
  1. State any two objectives of Budgetary Control.
  2. Classify the following operating investing or financing activities under the cash flow statement.

(a)   Purchase of building

(b)   Sale of machinery

(c)    Issue of shares

(d)  Payment of wages

  3. From the following information find out the amount of profit earned during the year using the marginal costing technique:

Fixed Cost Rs. 2,50,000
Variable Cost Rs. 10 per unit
Selling price Rs. 15 per unit
Output level 75,000 units
Sales Rs. 1,00,000
Profit Rs. 10,000
Variable Cost 70%




Find out (i) P/V ratio , (ii) Fixed cost

  5. Mention any two essentials of an effective Budgetary control system.
II) Answer any TWO questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                              (2×5=10)
  6 From the following data, you are required to calculate:

(a)   P/V ratio

(b)   Break-even sales with the help of P/V ratio.

(c)    Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 4,50,000

Fixed Expenses Rs. 90,000
Variable Cost per unit  
Direct Material Rs. 5
Direct Labour Rs. 2
Direct Overheads 100 % of Direct Labour
Selling Price per unit Rs. 12
  7 The following information at 50% capacity is given. Prepare a flexible budget and forecast the profit or loss at 60% capacity.

Particulars Amount (Rs)
Fixed Expenses:  
Salaries 50,000
Rent and Taxes 40,000
Depreciation 60,000
Administrative Expenses 70,000
Variable Expenses:  
Materials 2,00,000
Labour 2,50,000
Others   40,000
Semi–Variable Expenses  
Repairs 1,00,000
Indirect Labour 1,50,000
Others   90,000

It is estimated that fixed expenses will remain constant at all capacitates. Semi- Variable expenses will not change between 45% and 60% capacity, will rise by 10% between 60% and 75% capacity .

Estimated sales at various levels of capacity are :

Capacity Sales (Rs)
60% 11,00,000
70% 13,00,000
  8 The following details are available from a company.

Liabilities 31/12/2014




Assets 31/12/2014




Share Capital 70,000 74,000 Cash 9,000 7,800
Debentures 12,000 6,000 Debtors 14,900 17,700
Reserve for doubtful debts      700    800 Stock 49,200 42,700
Trade Creditors 10,360 11,840 Land 20,000 30,000
P/L A/c 10,040 10,560 Goodwill 10,000    5,000
  1,03,100 1,03,200   1,03,100 1,03,200

 In addition , you are given:

a.      Dividend paid total Rs. 3,500.

b.      Land was purchased for Rs. 10,000.

c.       Amount provided for amortisation of goodwill Rs.5,000.

d.     Debentures paid off Rs. 6,000.


Calculate cash from operating activities.


  9 The sales turnover and profit during two years were as follows:

Year Sales  (Rs) Profit (Rs)
2014 1,40,000 15,000
2015 1,60,000 20,000

You are required to calculate:

(i)                 P/V ratio

(ii)              Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 40,000

(iii)            Profit when sales are Rs. 1,20,000

III) Answer any TWO questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                           (2×15=30)                                                                                                
  10. From the following budget data, forecast the cash position at the end of April, May and June 2015:

Month Sales (Rs) Purchase (Rs) Wages (Rs) Miscellaneous (Rs)
February 1,20,000 84,000 10,000 7,000
March 1,30,000 1,00,000 12,000 8,000
April 80,000 1,04,000 8,000 6,000
May 1,16,000 1,06,000 10,000 12,000
June 88,000 80,000 8,000 6,000

Additional information:

Sales: 20% realised in the month of sales, discount allowed 2% . Balance realised equally in two subsequent months.

Purchases: These are paid in the month following the month of supply.

Wages: 25% paid in arrears following month.

Miscellaneous expenses : Paid a month in arrears.

Rent: Rs. 1,000 per month paid quarterly in advance due in April.

Income –tax : First instalment of advance tax Rs. 25,000 due on or before 15th June.

Income from investments: Rs. 5,000 received quarterly , in April , July , etc.

Cash in hand: Rs. 5,000 on 1st April ,2015



  11. You are given the following data for the coming year of a factory:

Particulars Amount (Rs)
Budgeted Put 80,000 units
Fixed Expenses 4,00,000
Variable Expenses per unit 10
Selling Price per unit 20

Draw a break – even chart showing the break-even point. If the selling price is reduced to Rs. 18 per unit, what will be the new break-even point?

  12. From the following information you are required to prepare a Cash Flow Statement of C.P Ltd. For the year ended 31st December 2015  using the indirect method.

Liabilities 31/12/2014




Assets 31/12/2014




Share Capital 70,000 70,000 Plant & Machinery 50,000 91,000
Secured Loans (Repayable in 2020) —– 40,000 Inventory 15,000 40,000
Creditors 14,000 39,000 Debtors 5,000 20,000
Tax Payable 1,000 3,000 Cash 20,000 7,000
P& L A/c 7,000 10,000 Prepaid Expenses 2,000 4,000
  92,000 1,62,000   92,000 1,62,000





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