![](https://www.entranceindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Shri-K.K.-Shetty.gif) |
SHETTY, SHRI K. K., (Cong.) Mysore-Mangalore—1971, Son of Shri K. Samkaya Shetty; b. at Vill. Kotapadi, Distt. South Kanara, April, 18, 1901; ed. at Christian High School, Udipi, Tilak Vidyalaya, Udipi and Vishwabharathi, Shantiniketan; m. Shrimati Nethavathi K. Shetty, 1936; 3 s. and 4 d.; Agriculturist; took active part in the national struggle in 1920-21, 1930-31 and 1942; was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment; was General Secretary, South Kanara District Congress Committee for about 15 years and later its President for three terms, 1939-65; General President for three terms, 1939-65; General Secretary and later President of the South Kanara District Krishak Sangh, 1936-45; Secretary, Congress Socialist Party of Karnataka, 1940-46; President, Press Workers Union of South Kanara District and the South Kanara District Trade Union Council, 1945; elected Member, South Kanara District Board, 1958-62; Member, (i) Pradesh Congress Committee, 1939-68 and (ii) A.I.C.C, 1967; Chairman, Mysore State Coir Board, 1958-60; Member, All India Coir Board, 1961-62 and its Vice-President for one year; Member, Mysore Legislative Council, 1956-70; Deputy Chairman, Mysore Legislative Council, 1956-58; Chairman, Mysore Legislative Council, 1968-71.
Social activities.—Took leading part in organising trade union and kisan movements in the District; stood and fought for progressive social reforms and worked for Harijan uplift.
Special interests.—Journalism, progressive literature and dramatic art.
Accomplishments in letters, art and science.–Written several dramas, novels and stories; got an award from the State Government on “Gandhijeevana ‘Kidigalu” (sparks of Gandhiji’s life).
Publications.—Published and edited Kannada weeklied ‘Navayuga’, ‘Sarvodaya’ and ‘Rashtra Jyothi’; published 10 social and political dramas, 2 novels, 3 books for the use of school boys which were prescribed as non-detail text books by the Madras and Mysore Governments;
Travels abroad.—U.S.S.R., West German, Switzerland, France, U.K, Port of Spain, West Indies Mexico, U.S.A., Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore.
Permanent address.—Nav Ketan, Mangalore-7, Distt. South Kanara, Mysore.