Master of Library & Information Science Academic Library Systems Sample Paper 1 (English)

Academic Library Systems

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

आतंरिक मूल्यांकन हेतु प्रश्न पत्र ‘A’,’B’ और ‘C’ तीन खण्डों में विभाजित है| प्रत्येक खण्ड के निर्देशानुसार प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए|

Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

  1. What is formal education?
  1. What is zero based budgeting?
  1. What is per-capital method?
  1. What is formula budget?


Section-B (Short Answer Questions)


Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1. Enumerate the objectives of educational institutions.
  2. Define collection development.
  3. Define human resource management.
  4. Write a short note on INFLIBNET.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. Explain the contribution of University Grant Commission in promoting academic libraries.
  2. What do you understand by human resource management? Discuss its new dimensions into the field of library science.

Master of Library & Information Science Preservation and conservation of Library Material Sample Paper 1 (English)

Preservation and conservation of Library Material

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

  1. Describe the kinds of manuscripts.
  2. Describe spiral binding.
  3. Describe Microfiche.
  4. Describe the Micro-cards.

Section-B (Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1. Enumerate the inorganic writing  bases.
  1. Discuss the various environmental factors which damage the library material.
  1. Explain the digital preservation and conservation.
  1. Explain the writing material used in ancient India.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  • Describe the Biological factors which damage the library material and how to protect.
  • Write a detailed note on enemies of micro-documents.

Master of Library & Information Science Application of Information Communication Technology in Libraries Sample Paper 1 (English)

Application of Information Communication Technology in Libraries

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

  1. What is T.C.P./I.P.?
  2. What is Digital Technology?
  3. What is a Database?
  4. Classify computers on the basis of size.

Section-B (Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1. Explain  the need of ICT in library and information centers.
  2. Write short note on use of database.
  3. Explain E-Journals in brief.
  4. Explain bibliographic database.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. Explain major challenges of digital preservation.
  2. Explain modules of SOUL software.

Master of Library & Information Science Management of Library and Information Centers Sample Paper 1 (English)

Management of Library and Information Centers

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark.  4×1=04

नोट: सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को प्रश्नानुसार एक शब्द , एक वाक्य या अधिकतम 30 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है| 4×1=04

  1. What do you mean by motivation?
  2. What is library organization?
  3. Define ‘Mangement’.
  4. Explain need of event management in Library.

Section-B (Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1. Explain nature of change in libraries
  1. Explain components of management.
  1. Explain characteristics of Scientific Management approach.
  1. Explain flow of work in event.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. Write a note on new dimensions of library management and human resources development.
  1. Explain factors for disaster in libraries and achieves.

Master of Library & Information Science Information Products and Services Sample Paper 1 (English)

Information Products and Services

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

नोट: सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को प्रश्नानुसार एक शब्द , एक वाक्य या अधिकतम 30 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है| 4×1=04

  1. NASSDOC stands for?
  2. Name any three information consolidation products.
  3. What is Newsletter?
  4. Write the First Law of Library Science enunciated by Rangnathan.

Section-B (Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1. Describe the benefits of E- newsletter.
  2. State the types of Information analysis and consolidation centers.
  3. Describe the need for literature search.
  4. Explain the functions of trade and product bulletins.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. Write an essay on House Journal.
  1. What is literature search? Describe computer assisted literature search.

Master of Library & Information Science Information Sources, Resources and Systems Sample Paper 1 (English)

Information Sources, Resources and Systems

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

आतंरिक मूल्यांकन हेतु प्रश्न पत्र ‘A’,’B’ और ‘C’ तीन खण्डों में विभाजित है| प्रत्येक खण्ड के निर्देशानुसार प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए|

Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

नोट: सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को प्रश्नानुसार एक शब्द , एक वाक्य या अधिकतम 30 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है| 4×1=04

  1. Write full form of ‘ KBES.’
  1. Wide Area Network (WAN).
  1. What is cyber media?
  1. Give the full form of IFLA.

Section-B (Short Answer Questions)


Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1. Name the electronic database in Social Sciences.
  1. What do you understand by cito-analysis?
  1. Enumerate internet search engines.
  1. Make a comparison between information broker and information consultant.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. Explain primary information sources with examples.
  1. Describe the criteria for evaluation of web resources.

Master of Library & Information Science Information storage and Retrieval Sample Paper 1 (English)

Information storage and Retrieval

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.


Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

नोट: सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को प्रश्नानुसार एक शब्द , एक वाक्य या अधिकतम 30 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है|4×1=04

  1. Which organization updates Universal Decimal Classification?
  1. Write types of indexing.
  1. Who first used the word ‘thesaurus’?
  1. Common Communication Format is developed by which organization?

Section-B (Short Answer Questions)


Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1. Explain in brief POPSI Indexing system.
  1. Write short notes on International Standard for Bibliographical Description.
  1. Explain basic factors of intellectual organization of information.
  1. Discuss changes taking place in library classification in present time.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. Describe features of 7th Ed. of Colon Classification.
  1. Explain in detail about Information Storage and Retrieval System (ISAR).

Master of Library & Information Science Organization of Knowledge and Research Methodology Sample Paper 1 (English)

Organization of Knowledge and Research Methodology

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.


Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

नोट: सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को प्रश्नानुसार एक शब्द , एक वाक्य या अधिकतम 30 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है| 4×1=04

  1.               Mention the types of loose assemblage mode of formation of subject.
  1.               What do you mean by multidisciplinary subjects ?
  1.               Mention the year of origin of L.C. Classification Scheme .
  1.               In which year Lotka gave the Inverse Square Law ?

Section-B (Short Answer Questions)


Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1.               What do you mean by Authority Centred Mode of Thinking ?
  1.               Define ‘ research’.
  1.               Discuss qualities of  good questionnaire.
  1.               Discuss salient features of scientific writing of thesis or dissertation.

Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. Discuss Authoritative, Speculative and  Positivistic mode of thinking  and their  impact on the development of knowledge.
  1. Enumerate the various Statistical  Software Packages and explain the salient features of MS-Excel.

Master of Library & Information Science Library, Information & Society Sample Paper 1 (English)

Library, Information & Society

Max Marks: 20

Note: The Internal Assignment has been divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write answer as per the given instruction.

आतंरिक मूल्यांकन हेतु iz’u पत्र ‘A’,’B’ और ‘C’ तीन खण्डों में विभाजित है| प्रत्येक खण्ड के निर्देशानुसार प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए|


Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 4×1=04

  1.             Which Committee remarked that a ‘university is as good as its library’?
  2.             In which year Imperial Library was converted as National Library of India.
  3.             Library is trinity of three components, mention them?
  4.             Name the first library association founded in India and year of its establishment.


Section-B (Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 4 marks. 2×4=08

  1.               What do you mean by ‘information literacy’?
  1.               What do you mean by ‘knowledge explosion’?
  1.               Mention the social objectives of library as given by Robert  D Leigh .
  1.               What do you mean by ‘cybercrime’?


Section ‘C’ (Long Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 08 marks. 1×8=08

  1. How library can be regarded as growing organism? What factors affect the growth of the library? What measures are to be taken by the library staff to cope up with the growth?
  1. Discuss the role of library and information centers in the modern society.
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