MISHRA, SHRI SHYAM DHAR, B.A., LL.B., Cong., (U.P.-Mirzapur-1962): S. of Pt. Kashi Prasad Misra; B. Kathauta, Gopi Ganj, Varanasi, July 29, 1918; ed. Lovett High School, Gyanpur, Banaras Hindu University and Allahabad University; m. Shrimati Shanti Devi, April, 1938; 2. S. and 3. D.; Trader and Agriculturist; President, District Congress Committee, Banaras State 1947-49 and General Secretary, 1952-58; Minister for Finance, Revenue and Police, Banaras State, 1949; Member (i) U.P.C.C., since 1948; (ii) Central Silk Board 1952-55; (iii) Railways Users’ Zonal Consultative Committee, North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur 1954-58; (iv) U.P. Industries and Health Committee, 1951-52; (v) All India Congress Committee till 1960. (vi) U.P. Congress Selection Committee 1961 (vii) Zila Parishad Executive Committee, 1959 onwards, (viii) District Industries Committee, Varanasi. (ix) Woollen Development Council, Govt. of India, (x) Prohibition Committee, Government of India (xi) Coordination Committee of Khadi and Village Industries Commission; (xii) Indian Parliamentary Group; Director, District State Bank, Banaras 1961; Director, Cooperative Union, Banaras till 1960, Observer for Bombay of All India Congress Committee 1961, Chairman (i) Study Team for Pilot Project industries (26 Pilot Projects Industries) Government of India 1959-60; (ii) Cooperative Training Committee, Government of India, 1961 (iii) Study Team for relationship of Panchayats to Cooperatives, Government of India, 1961, Member, U.P. Congress Parliamentary Board; Member, Banaras State Assembly, 1943-49; M.L.C. U.P. 1950-52; Member, Rajya Sabha 1952-62; Member Public Accounts Committee 1956-58; Parliamentary Secretary to Union Minister for Community Development and Cooperation 1959—62 and Deputy Minister of Community Development, Panchayati Raj and Co-operation since 1962.
Social activities: Organised several educational institutions as under:—
(1) President, Rashtriya Vidyalaya, Gopi Ganj Varanasi. (2) President, Radhaswami Dham High School, Varanasi. (3) Member Executive Committee-Kalikanagar High School, Varanasi. (4) Member Executive Committee-Sewasharam Higher Secondary School, Varanasi. (5) Member Executive Committee-Bharatiya Higher Secondary School, Chauri till 1959. (6) Founder, Kashi Naresh Degree College, Gyanpur. Pioneered the cooperative movement in Banaras area. Member Sahkarita Samiti Jangi Ganj. Took active part in drive against untouchability and propagation for widow marriages. Established a Sarva Sewa Ashram.
Hobby: Photography.
Favourite pastime: Gardening and tours.
Special interests: Study of books on finance, planning; local government and constructive work.
Sports and clubs: Tennis and indoor games.
Travels abroad: U.S.A., Canada, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Egypt, Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore and Pakistan.
Books published: Essays in various magazines and periodicals.
Permanent address: Gopi Ganj, Varanasi U.P.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,30,119
Shri Shyam Dhar Misra . . 88,408
Shri Muirlidhar . . 72,553
Shri Abdul Wahad . . 38,830
Shri Raj Bahadur . . 23,295
Shrimati Ram Dasi Devi . . 4,927
Shri Ram Sakal . . 2,120].