RAMASWAMY, SHRI V. K., Cong., [Madras—Namakkal—(Reserved—Sch. Castes) —1962]: S. of Shri V. Kandaswamy; B. at Palayapalayam Village, Salem District, Madras, June 3, 1925; ed. at Board High School, Namakkal, Salem District; m. Shrimati R. Sellammal, May 12, 1947; 6 S. and 1 D.; Agriculturist; Member, Advisory Committee, Govt. Hospital, Namakkal, Founder of Kasthurba Girls Hostel, Namakkal; Member, Kashthurba Girls Hostel Managing Committee and Namakkal Taluk Prohibition Committee; Member, District Harijan Sevak Sangh, Salem; Vice-President, District Depressed Classes League, Salem; President, Taluk Depressed Classes League, Namakkal.
Social activities: Took part in temple entry for Harijans. Acquired poramboke lands for landless Harijans and Caste Hindus; Served as a Member of the Hindu Religious Endowment.
Hobby: Football.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Games.
Special interest: Uplift of down-trodden people including Harijans.
Sport: Football.
Travel abroad: Ceylon.
Permanent address: Namakkal, Salem District.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,08,580
Shri V. K. Ramaswamy . . 1,18,603
Shri M. P. Vadivelu . . 1,09,652
Shri S. Palanimuthu . . 28,621
Shri Seerangan . . 13,722].