Name of the College: Swami Devi Dyal College of Education
Address of the College: Village- Golpura, Tehsil- Barwala , Panchkula
State: Haryana
Course Name: E.T.E
Course Recognition: Elementary Teacher Education (E.T.E)
Year: 2005
Exams Question Papers General Knowledge Election Directory
Name of the College: Swami Devi Dyal College of Education
Address of the College: Village- Golpura, Tehsil- Barwala , Panchkula
State: Haryana
Course Name: E.T.E
Course Recognition: Elementary Teacher Education (E.T.E)
Year: 2005
Name of the College: Mahipat Singh College of education
Address of the College: Vill-Saral Aurangabad,Tehsil-Bahadurgarh , Jhajjar
State: Haryana
Course Name: E.T.E
Course Recognition: Elementary Teacher Education (E.T.E)
Year: 2008