REDDl, SHRI BEZWADA RAMACHANDRA, B.A., Independent (Madras—Nellore—1952): S. of Shri Subba Reddi; B. Kavati, Nellore District, November 24, 1894; ed. at C.A.M. High School, Nellore and Pachayappa’s College, Madras; m. Shrimati Bujjamma, 1922; 6 S. and 5 D.; Cultivation and mica mining; Member, Mettur Project Committee, 1927; Village Magistrate and President, District Village Panchayat Board, 1927—29; Member, Economic Enquiry Committee of Godavary and Kistna and Guntur, 1929-30; President, District Educational Council and President, District Board, 1929-30; President, Madras Legislative Council, 1930—37; Member, Land Revenue Enquiry Committee, 1937; Member, Madras State Food Advisory Committee, from 1945; Served as Member of the Central Road Traffic Board, Madras, and the Central Recruitment Board, Bangalore during last war; Member, Post-war Reconstruction Committees, Central as well as the State, 1945-46; Member, Livestock Development Board, Madras, 1945—50, Land Revenue Reforms Committee, 1950-51 Member, I.C.A.R. Economic Sub-Committee (Central); Vice-Chairman, Mica Mines Welfare Cess Committee, Nellore; President, Madras Mica Association; President, Madras Chamber of Agriculture; Member, Nellore District Welfare Association—Tuberculosis Institute; Member, South Indian Liberal Federation.
Clubs: Cosmopolitan Club, Madras, Rotary Club and Nellore Club, Nellore.
Hobby: Music, Poetry and Drama.
Favourite pastime: Radio and Cinema.
Recreation: Tennis.
Permanent address: Buchireddipalam, Nellore District.