Kamakhyanagar Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Kamakhyanagar

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal Prafulla Kumar Mallik 81695
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party Satrughan Jena 65186
 Margin 16509
23/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 237  Average Electors Per Polling 907
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 158924
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 3132
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 155792
 Postal Votes Counted 1322
 Postal Votes Deducted 188
 Valid Postal Votes 1134
 Total Valid Votes Polled 156926
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 1453
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 8 1 0 9
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 2 0 0 2
 Contested 6 1 0 7
 Forfeited Deposit 4 1 0 5
 General 112077 101988 26 214091
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 764 26 0 790
 Total 112841 102014 26 214881
 General 82553 76371 0 158924
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 1322
 Total 160246
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0


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Hindol Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Hindol

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal Simarani Nayak 93980
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party Ashok Kumar Nayak 75075
 Margin 18905
23/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 271  Average Electors Per Polling 938
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 183585
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 2090
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 181495
 Postal Votes Counted 1275
 Postal Votes Deducted 343
 Valid Postal Votes 932
 Total Valid Votes Polled 182427
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2098
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 5 3 0 8
 Nomination Rejected 2 0 2
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 5 1 0 6
 Forfeited Deposit 4 0 0 4
 General 132745 120635 21 253401
 OverSeas 1 0 0 1
 Service 810 26 0 836
 Total 133556 120661 21 254238
 General 93731 89854 0 183585
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 1275
 Total 184860
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

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Dhenkanal Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Dhenkanal

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal Sudhir Kumar Samal 89536
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party Krushna Chandra Patra 68896
 Margin 20640
23/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 273  Average Electors Per Polling 933
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 189727
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 1253
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 188474
 Postal Votes Counted 1293
 Postal Votes Deducted 222
 Valid Postal Votes 1071
 Total Valid Votes Polled 189545
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 1265
 Tendered Votes 19
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 10 1 0 11
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 10 1 0 11
 Forfeited Deposit 8 1 0 9
 General 131551 122412 24 253987
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 733 22 0 755
 Total 132284 122434 24 254742
 General 98618 91108 1 189727
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 1293
 Total 191020
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

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Sukinda Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Sukinda

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal PRITIRANJAN GHARAI 77510
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party PRADEEP BAL SAMANTA 60780
 Margin 16730
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 225  Average Electors Per Polling 896
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any 19/05/2019
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order 1
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 159998
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 938
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 159060
 Postal Votes Counted 1013
 Postal Votes Deducted 192
 Valid Postal Votes 821
 Total Valid Votes Polled 159881
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 941
 Tendered Votes 4
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 11 0 0 11
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 11 0 0 11
 Forfeited Deposit 9 0 0 9
 General 103081 98371 8 201460
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 102 10 0 112
 Total 103183 98381 8 201572
 General 82338 77660 0 159998
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 1013
 Total 161011
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

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Korei Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Korei

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal ASHOK KUMAR BAL 73403
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party BISWAJEET NAYAK 42679
 Margin 30724
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 213  Average Electors Per Polling 930
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 149416
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 3014
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 146402
 Postal Votes Counted 1001
 Postal Votes Deducted 145
 Valid Postal Votes 856
 Total Valid Votes Polled 147258
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 731
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 5 1 1 7
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 5 1 1 7
 Forfeited Deposit 3 0 1 4
 General 103208 94723 31 197962
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 133 5 0 138
 Total 103341 94728 31 198100
 General 78658 70737 21 149416
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 1001
 Total 150417
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

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Jajpur Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Jajpur

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal Pranab Prakash Das 99738
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party Goutam Ray 59082
 Margin 40656
29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 258  Average Electors Per Polling 907
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 168612
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 5005
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 163607
 Postal Votes Counted 1284
 Postal Votes Deducted 185
 Valid Postal Votes 1099
 Total Valid Votes Polled 164706
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 866
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 6 1 0 7
 Nomination Rejected 1 0 1
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 6 0 0 6
 Forfeited Deposit 4 0 0 4
 General 122328 110933 6 233267
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 602 26 0 628
 Total 122930 110959 6 233895
 General 87080 81532 0 168612
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 1284
 Total 169896
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Jaleswar Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Jaleswar

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal ASWINI KUMAR PATRA 85435
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party JAYNARAYAN MOHANTY 49992
 Margin 35443
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 24/05/2019
 Number 250  Average Electors Per Polling 949
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any 19/05/2019
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order 187  189    14-05-2019
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 181117
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 5991
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 175126
 Postal Votes Counted 660
 Postal Votes Deducted 125
 Valid Postal Votes 535
 Total Valid Votes Polled 175661
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 918
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 11 0 0 11
 Nomination Rejected 2 0 0 2
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 9 0 0 9
 Forfeited Deposit 6 0 0 6
 General 121392 115716 6 237114
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 169 10 0 179
 Total 121561 115726 6 237293
 General 89551 91566 0 181117
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 660
 Total 181777
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

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Morada Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Morada

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal RAJKISHORE DAS 68551
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party DR. KRUSHNA CHANDRA MAHAPATRA 61847
 Margin 6704
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 283  Average Electors Per Polling 794
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order N/A
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 179439
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 2343
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 177096
 Postal Votes Counted 848
 Postal Votes Deducted 171
 Valid Postal Votes 677
 Total Valid Votes Polled 177773
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 1556
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 11 2 0 13
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 11 2 0 13
 Forfeited Deposit 9 2 0 11
 General 112481 111729 5 224215
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 342 22 0 364
 Total 112823 111751 5 224579
 General 87595 91844 0 179439
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 848
 Total 180287
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Baripada Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Baripada

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party PRAKASH SOREN 72225
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal SAROJINI HEMBRAM 52814
 Margin 19411
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 24/05/2019
 Number 255  Average Electors Per Polling 848
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any 19/05/2019
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order 04
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 161557
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 4428
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 157129
 Postal Votes Counted 1083
 Postal Votes Deducted 309
 Valid Postal Votes 774
 Total Valid Votes Polled 157903
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2325
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 5 2 0 7
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 5 2 0 7
 Forfeited Deposit 3 1 0 4
 General 106947 108729 3 215679
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 438 31 0 469
 Total 107385 108760 3 216148
 General 80041 81516 0 161557
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 1083
 Total 162640
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Badasahi Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Badasahi

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party SANATAN BIJULI 69072
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal BRUNDABAN DAS 57953
 Margin 11119
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 24/05/2019
 Number 240  Average Electors Per Polling 792
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order N/A
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 149700
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 5150
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 144550
 Postal Votes Counted 677
 Postal Votes Deducted 108
 Valid Postal Votes 569
 Total Valid Votes Polled 145119
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 1861
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 7 1 0 8
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 7 1 0 8
 Forfeited Deposit 5 1 0 6
 General 95345 94476 9 189830
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 333 12 0 345
 Total 95678 94488 9 190175
 General 74791 74909 0 149700
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 677
 Total 150377
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Udala Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Udala

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party BHASKAR MADHEI 69725
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal SRINATH SOREN 68292
 Margin 1433
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 243  Average Electors Per Polling 793
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 152599
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 2270
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 150329
 Postal Votes Counted 988
 Postal Votes Deducted 281
 Valid Postal Votes 707
 Total Valid Votes Polled 151036
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2271
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 4 3 0 7
 Nomination Rejected 1 1 0 2
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 3 2 0 5
 Forfeited Deposit 1 2 0 3
 General 95932 96607 2 192541
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 135 4 0 139
 Total 96067 96611 2 192680
 General 74334 78265 0 152599
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 988
 Total 153587
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Karanjia Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Karanjia

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal BASANTI HEMBRAM 60064
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party PADMA CHARAN HAIBURU 51301
 Margin 8763
 DATES 23/04/2019 23/05/2019 24/05/2019
 Number 242  Average Electors Per Polling 772
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 144814
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 6143
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 138671
 Postal Votes Counted 239
 Postal Votes Deducted 71
 Valid Postal Votes 168
 Total Valid Votes Polled 138839
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 1989
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 9 2 0 11
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 1 0 0 1
 Contested 8 2 0 10
 Forfeited Deposit 7 1 0 8
 General 92869 93671 6 186546
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 201 4 0 205
 Total 93070 93675 6 186751
 General 71213 73600 1 144814
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 239
 Total 145053
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Bangriposi Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Bangriposi

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal SUDAM MARNDI 72050
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party SUGDA MURMU 60206
 Margin 11844
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 258  Average Electors Per Polling 817
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any 19/05/2019
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order 01
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 168805
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 3397
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 165408
 Postal Votes Counted 742
 Postal Votes Deducted 263
 Valid Postal Votes 479
 Total Valid Votes Polled 165887
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2027
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 12 0 0 12
 Nomination Rejected 1 0 0 1
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 11 0 0 11
 Forfeited Deposit 9 0 0 9
 General 105231 105156 6 210393
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 268 10 0 278
 Total 105499 105166 6 210671
 General 83987 84818 0 168805
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 742
 Total 169547
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Rairangpur Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Rairangpur

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party NABA CHARAN MAJHI 60901
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal BASANTI MARNDI 58054
 Margin 2847
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 296  Average Electors Per Polling 794
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order N/A
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 163653
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 3107
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 160546
 Postal Votes Counted 766
 Postal Votes Deducted 188
 Valid Postal Votes 578
 Total Valid Votes Polled 161124
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2114
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 7 3 0 10
 Nomination Rejected 1 0 0 1
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 6 3 0 9
 Forfeited Deposit 4 2 0 6
 General 115215 118924 8 234147
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 816 12 0 828
 Total 116031 118936 8 234975
 General 80171 83482 0 163653
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 766
 Total 164419
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Saraskana Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Saraskana

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party Dr. BUDHAN MURMU 53197
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal AMAR SINGH TUDU 46384
 Margin 6813
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 263  Average Electors Per Polling 776
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order N/A
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 154722
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 2206
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 152516
 Postal Votes Counted 471
 Postal Votes Deducted 9
 Valid Postal Votes 462
 Total Valid Votes Polled 152978
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2206
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 14 0 0 14
 Nomination Rejected 4 0 0 4
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 10 0 0 10
 Forfeited Deposit 7 0 0 7
 General 100947 102784 8 203739
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 396 1 0 397
 Total 101343 102785 8 204136
 General 75436 79285 1 154722
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 471
 Total 155193
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Jashipur Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Jashipur

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party GANESH RAM SING KHUNTIA 58708
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal GOLAKBIHARI NAYAK 50156
 Margin 8552
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 24/05/2019
 Number 293  Average Electors Per Polling 717
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 164686
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 7280
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 157406
 Postal Votes Counted 860
 Postal Votes Deducted 192
 Valid Postal Votes 668
 Total Valid Votes Polled 158074
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2044
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 10 0 0 10
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 10 0 0 10
 Forfeited Deposit 7 0 0 7
 General 104724 104736 8 209468
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 533 15 0 548
 Total 105257 104751 8 210016
 General 80407 84279 0 164686
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 860
 Total 165546
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Champua Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Champua

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Biju Janata Dal Minakshi Mahanta 89525
 Runner-Up Bharatiya Janata Party Murali Manohar Sharma 63117
 Margin 26408
 DATES 23/04/2019 23/05/2019 23/05/2019
 Number 253  Average Electors Per Polling 896
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 169287
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 1537
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 167750
 Postal Votes Counted 395
 Postal Votes Deducted 44
 Valid Postal Votes 351
 Total Valid Votes Polled 168101
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 750
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 16 1 0 17
 Nomination Rejected 1 0 0 1
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 15 1 0 16
 Forfeited Deposit 14 0 0 14
 General 114178 112534 9 226721
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 77 2 0 79
 Total 114255 112536 9 226800
 General 84551 84736 0 169287
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 395
 Total 169682
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

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Nilgiri Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Nilgiri

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party SUKANTA KUMAR NAYAK 69517
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal SANTOSH KHATUA 67940
 Margin 1577
 DATES 29/04/2019 23/05/2019 24/05/2019
 Number 219  Average Electors Per Polling 929
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order NA
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 156297
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 1200
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 155097
 Postal Votes Counted 489
 Postal Votes Deducted 9
 Valid Postal Votes 480
 Total Valid Votes Polled 155577
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 1203
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 9 1 0 10
 Nomination Rejected 1 0 0 1
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 8 1 0 9
 Forfeited Deposit 6 1 0 7
 General 102235 100956 10 203201
 OverSeas 1 0 0 1
 Service 219 20 0 239
 Total 102455 100976 10 203441
 General 76200 80096 1 156297
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 489
 Total 156786
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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Keonjhar Assembly Constituency Odisha 2019 Election result MLA and Statistical Data

Constituency: Keonjhar

 RESULT  Party  Candidates  Votes
 Winner Bharatiya Janata Party Mohan Charan Majhi 72760
 Runner-Up Biju Janata Dal Madhaba Sardar 71636
 Margin 1124
 DATES 23/04/2019 23/05/2019 24/05/2019
 Number 284  Average Electors Per Polling 797
 Dates(s) of Re-Poll if Any
 Numbers Of Polling Stations where Re-Poll was Order NA
 Total Votes Polled On EVM 172458
 Total Deducted Votes From EVM 2158
 Total Valid Votes polled on EVM 170300
 Postal Votes Counted 623
 Postal Votes Deducted 264
 Valid Postal Votes 359
 Total Valid Votes Polled 170659
 Test Votes polled On EVM 0
 Votes Polled for ‘NOTA'(Including Postal) 2160
 Tendered Votes 0
 CANDIDATES Men Women Others Total
 Nominated 9 0 0 9
 Nomination Rejected 0 0 0
 Withdrawn 0 0 0 0
 Contested 9 0 0 9
 Forfeited Deposit 7 0 0 7
 General 112924 113402 12 226338
 OverSeas 0 0 0
 Service 138 9 0 147
 Total 113062 113411 12 226485
 General 86271 86187 0 172458
 Overseas 0 0 0
 Proxy 0
 Postal 623
 Total 173081
 Votes Rejected due to other Reason 0

Important Links:

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