SHASTRI, SHRI RAMAVATAR [C.P.I.— Bihar, Patna, 1980] s. of late Shri Jagdish Narain: b. at Saguna; Nayatola (Yadav Nagar), Danapur Cantt P.O., Patna June, 1920; ed. at Primary School in the village, Gandhi Vidyalaya, Danapur, Patna, Bihar Vidyapeeth, Patna, Kumar Vidyalaya, Varanasi and Kashi Vidyapeeth, Shastri; m. Smt. Sushila Devi. March 2, l960; 1 d.; Political and Social worker and Journalist: previously associated with the Indian National Congress, 1930-45 and Congress Socialist Party upto 1942; joined C.P.I.., May, 1942 being: in the Congress as well: spent about 13 years (10 years during freedom movement, 3 years during Congress rule and about 15 days in Janata Party rule) in Jail; Office-Secretary, U.P. Congress Social Party, 1938; Secretary Patna District and Patna Town Committee of the C.P.I.., 1944-47; Member, (i) Bihar State Council from 1965 to date and Executive Committee of the C.P.I. from 1955, (ii) Patna District Council 1944-78 and Excutive Committee of C.P.I, from 1955 to date, (iii) Central Control Commission of the C.P.I. From 1971 to date and (iv) National council of the C.P.I. 1971 to date; Convener, Central Commission of the Bihar State Council, C.P.I. for several years; Member (i) Banaras Students Federation, 1939-40, (ii) Bihar Students federation, 1941-42, (iii) Executive Committee, Bihar Working Journalists’ Union and Bihar State Indian People’s Theatre Association 1951-53, (iv) Secretariat Executive Committee and Council of the All India Peace Council, 1967-73 (iv) Executive Committee, Indo-GDR Friendship Association from 1975 to date, (vi) Advisory Council on non-Ferrous Metals, (vii) Council of Dhanbad School of Mines in 1968 and 1975-76, (viii) Users’ Consultative Committee, Danapur Division, Eastern Railway 1967-76, (ix) Patna District Consultative Committee; 1967-76; (x) Patna District Development Committee, 1967-76, (xi) Patna District, Board 1975-76, (xii) Block Development Committees of Danapur, Manar, Bihta, Nambatpur, Phulwari Masurhi and Patna Sadar, 1967-76, (xiii) Patna District Backward Class stipend, Committee and the Sub-Divisional Committees of Danapur, Patna Sadar and Patna City, 1967—76; President, (i) Patna District Kisan Sabha, 1960-66, and continuing, (ii) Northern Railway Workers Union 1967-69 (iii) Phulwari Sharif Suti-Mill Mazdoor Union 1957-71, (iv) All India Railway Ministerial Staff Association, DhanbadBranh 1968-71; and also (v) Eastern Zone, 1972-74, (vi) All India R.M.S. Employees Union Class III, P. Division Branch, Patna, 1971-78, (vii) All India Telegraph Traffic Employees Union, Class III, Bihar Circle, Patna, 1971-74, (vii) All India Telegraph Traffic Employees Union, Class III, PatnaTelegraph Branch, 1971-75, (ix) Patna District Telephone Employees Union, (x) Bokaro Ispat Kamgar Union since 1967, (xi) Hatia Kamgar Union, Dhurva, Ranchi since 1967, (xii) Bihar Regional Provident Fund Employees Association, Patna, 1973-75, (iii) Nagrik Suraksha Sangh Gulzarbgh, Patna 1968 to date, (xiv) Laghu Udyog Tel Utpadak Sangh, Mansoor Ganj, Patna 1970 to date, (xv) Bihar State Small Industries Corporation Employees Association, Patna, 1972-74, (i) Reserve Bank Employees Association, Patna, 1968-72, (xvii) Patna Ganges Ferry Ghat Steamer Karamchari Sangh, 1974 (xviii) Pariwahan Tatha Pot Pariwahan Mantralaya Karamchari Sangh (Sadak Pakah), Patna, 1968—76, (xix) Patna District Freedom Fighters’ Organisations 1979 to date, (xx) All-India Railway Accounts Association, Danapur Branch 1977 to date, (xxi) All India Railway Checking Staff Association, N.E. Railway Sonepur Division 1979 to date, (xxii) Eastern Railway Workers’ Union, Patna 1977 to date; Working President, (i) Purvottar Railway Mazdoor Sabha, Gorakhpur for many years, (ii) All India Station Masters’ Association, Danapur Branch 1968-72, (iii) Eastern Railway Workers Union 1973-76; vice-President, (i) Indian Railway Loco Mechanical Staff Association, New Delhi 1968-72, (ii) All India Station Masters’ Association, 1968-72, (iii) Indian Railway Permanent Way Inspectors and Assistant Permanent Way Inspectors Association, Calcutta, 1972-74, (iv) Bihar State Afro-Asian Solidarity find Peace Council, Patna 1967 to date, (v) Bihar State Indo-Soviet Cultural Society, Patna, 1971 to date, (vi) All India Trade Union Congress, Bihar State Committee, Patna, since 1972 to date, (vii) Indo-G.D.R. Friendship Association, Bihar State Branch, Patna, since 1971, (viii) Hindustan Vehicles Mazdoor Union, Phulwari Sharif, 1958-64, (ix) Bihur Sate Kisan Sabha, 1959-62; Secretary, (i) Patna Progressive Writers’ Association, 1944-46, (ii) Banaras Panikal Mazdoor Union, 1941, (iii) Bihar People’s Relief Committee, 1942-46; General Secretary, (i) Bihar State Afro-Asian Solidarity and Peace Council 1954-66, (ii) Bihar State Freedom Fighters’ Association, Patna 1977 to date; Member, (i) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70, (ii) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-76, (iii) Committee on Estimates, 1969-70, (iv) Joint Committee on Offices of Profit, 1967—76, (v) Joint Select Committee, Insurance Amendment Bill 1969; (vi) Joint Select Committee on Water Pollution Prevention Bill 1969, (vii) Informal Consultative Committee, Eastern Railway, 1967-76, (viii) Mines and Metals Consultative Committee, 1969, (ix) Joint Committee on Offices of Profit, 1968—76, (x) Official Language Committee, 1974- 76 and (xi) Railway Consultative Committee, 1967-76.
Social activities: Engaged in various Trade Union, Political, Social and Cultural activities.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading Marxist and Other literature and other political, social, educational books and articles.
Special interests: Serving the people arid their uplift by changing the Capitalist society.
Publications: Wrote many socio-political articles in Hindi Journals; translated some books from English to Hindi.
Travels abroad: Finland, U.S.S.R., and Afghanistan.
Permanent address: MLA Flat No. 113, Patna-800001, and Mohanpur Punaichark, Patna-800013, Bihar.