SHASTRI, PROF. RAJA RAM, M.A., Shastri (Cong.) U.P. Varanasi—1971, Son of Shri Mahabir Prasad; b. at Vill. Jamalpur, Distt. Mirzapur, U.P., June 4, 1904; ed. at Kashi Vidyapith and University of Chicago; m. Smt. Saudamini Devi, 1927; 3 s. and 6 d.; Teacher; associated with Congress, 1921-47; Member, A.I.C.C., 1947; Member, Socialist Party (now P.S.P.), 1948-59 also Member of its Executive, 1958; rejoined Congress in 1961; Professor, Kashi Vidyapith, 1964-67; Vice-Chancellor, Kashi Vidyapith, 1967-71; was Member, National Commission on Labour; Adhyaksha, Puraskar Yojana Samiti, Government of U.P. (Prize Distribution Committee on Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit books); Member, University Grants Commission’s Committee on Social Work, Education and Training; was Vice-Chairman, Indian Council on Social Welfare; Member (i) Central Social Welfare Board, (ii) Hindi Granth Academy, U.P. and (iii) Yojana Mulyankan Samiti, U.P. Government (Planning Evaluation Committee).
Social activities.—Member, Administrative Committee, Gandhian Institute of Studies, Varanasi; takes keen interest in labour and social welfare activities.
Hobby.—Social work.
Favourite pastime and recreation.—Literature, drama and arts.
Special interests.—Education, social welfare and socialism.
Books published.—(i) Man ke Bhed (Hindi), (ii) Vaiyaktik Manovigyan (Hindi), (iii) Samaj Vigyan (Hindi), (iv) Social Work Traditions in India (English), and (v) Swapna Darshan (Hindi).
Received U.P. Government prize for books at (iii) and (v) above.
Travels abroad.—U.S.A., Malaysia, Singapore and several European and West Asian countries.
Permanent address.—Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi.