Name of the Karnataka Assembly Constituency: Raibag
Parliament Constituency: Chikkodi
District: Raichur
Voters Statistics:
15th Assembly Election
14th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 2013
Assembly Constituency No: 6
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Aihole Duryodhan Mahalingappa
Votes in Favour: 37535
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: Pradeep Ramu Malagi
Votes in Favour: 36706
Gender: M
Party: IND
13th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 2008
Assembly Constituency No: 6
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Aihole Dhuryodhan
Votes in Favour: 39378
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: Omprakash S Kanagali
Votes in Favour: 24818
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
12th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 2004
Assembly Constituency No: 207
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Sarikar Bheemappa Channappa
Votes in Favour: 54049
Gender: M
Party: Janata Dal (United) (JD(U))
Runner Up Candidate: Laxman Yamanappa Kamble
Votes in Favour: 43855
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
11th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1999
Assembly Constituency No: 207
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Ghatage Shama Bhima
Votes in Favour: 52728
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Parashuram Yallappa Jaganur
Votes in Favour: 45720
Gender: M
Party: Janata Dal (United) (JD(U))
10th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1994
Assembly Constituency No: 207
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Ghatage Shama Bhima
Votes in Favour: 32297
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Murgod Dundappa D.
Votes in Favour: 25008
Gender: M
Party: JD
09th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1989
Assembly Constituency No: 207
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Ghatage Shama Bhima
Votes in Favour: 37948
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Ghewari Maruti Gangappa
Votes in Favour: JD
Gender: M
Party: JD
08th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1985
Assembly Constituency No: 207
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Ghevari Maruti Gangappa
Votes in Favour: 41597
Gender: M
Party: JNP
Runner Up Candidate: Basanaik Shrimant Krishna
Votes in Favour: 38706
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
07th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1983
Assembly Constituency No: 207
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Kamble Shravana Satyappa
Votes in Favour: 31365
Gender: M
Party: JNP
Runner Up Candidate: Nadoni Rama Sidling
Votes in Favour: 28071
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
06th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1978
Assembly Constituency No: 207
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Nadoni Rama Shidling
Votes in Favour: 18562
Gender: M
Party: JNP
Runner Up Candidate: Holer Laxman Vithal
Votes in Favour: 15830
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
05th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1972
Assembly Constituency No: 199
Category of Reservation: General (Unreserved)
Elected Member: V. Lakhagouda Patil
Votes in Favour: 36372
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Sidling Rama Bane
Votes in Favour: 15526
Gender: M
Party: NCO
04th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1967
Assembly Constituency No: 199
Category of Reservation: General (Unreserved)
Elected Member: P. V. Lakhgaud
Votes in Favour: 31732
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: N. B. Kamappa
Votes in Favour: 6981
Gender: M
Party: IND
03rd Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1962
Assembly Constituency No: 37
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Balu Shidraya Soudagar
Votes in Favour: 26049
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Vasant Gurupad Pattan
Votes in Favour: 3125
Gender: M
Party: REP
02nd Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1957
Assembly Constituency No: 2
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Patil Vasantrao Lakhgouda
Votes in Favour: 37070
Gender: M
Party: IND
Runner Up Candidate: Shah Balachandra Premchandra
Votes in Favour: 23152
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
01st Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1957
Assembly Constituency No: 2
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Patil Vasantrao Lakhgouda
Votes in Favour: 37070
Gender: M
Party: IND
Runner Up Candidate: Shah Balachandra Premchandra
Votes in Favour: 23152
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Election Year: 1957
Assembly Constituency No: By Polls
Category of Reservation: scheduled caste (SC)
Elected Member: Talwalkar Sampatrao Pradhanji
Votes in Favour: 32553
Gender: M
Party: SCF
Runner Up Candidate: Kambale Shivrudrappa Udapa (Sc)
Votes in Favour: 18593
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Goto Assembly Constituencies