Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Ramgarh
Parliament Constituency: Alwar
District: Alwar
Voters Statistics:
15th Assembly Election
14th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 2013
Assembly Constituency No: 67
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Gyandev Ahuja
Votes in Favour: 73842
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: Zubair Khan
Votes in Favour: 69195
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
13th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 2008
Assembly Constituency No: 67
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Gyan Dev Ahuja
Votes in Favour: 61493
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: Zubair Khan
Votes in Favour: 45411
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
12th Assembly Election:
Election Year: Indian National Congress (INC)
Assembly Constituency No: 62
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Juber Khan
Votes in Favour: 49563
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Gyan Dev Ahuja
Votes in Favour: 48780
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
11th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1998
Assembly Constituency No: 62
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Gyan Dev Ahuja
Votes in Favour: 42966
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: Zubair Khan
Votes in Favour: 38742
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
10th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1993
Assembly Constituency No: 62
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Zuber Khan
Votes in Favour: 33510
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Gyan Dev Ahooja
Votes in Favour: 25435
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
09th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1990
Assembly Constituency No: 62
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Zubair Khan
Votes in Favour: 32208
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Raghuvar Dayal Goyal
Votes in Favour: 17647
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
08th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1985
Assembly Constituency No: 62
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Raghuwar Dayal
Votes in Favour: 18949
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: Baniya
Votes in Favour: 17943
Gender: M
Party: Indian Congress (J) (ICJ)
07th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1980
Assembly Constituency No: 62
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Jai Krishan
Votes in Favour: 17532
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (I) (INC(I))
Runner Up Candidate: Raghuwar Dayal Goyal
Votes in Favour: 16869
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
06th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1977
Assembly Constituency No: 62
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Jai Krishan
Votes in Favour: 11898
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Hari Shankar Goyal
Votes in Favour: 9553
Gender: M
Party: Janta Party (JNP)
05th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1972
Assembly Constituency No: 56
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Shobha Ram
Votes in Favour: 27923
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Brajbihari
Votes in Favour: 13816
Gender: M
Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)
04th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1967
Assembly Constituency No: 56
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: S. Ram
Votes in Favour: 13665
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: B. Behari
Votes in Favour: 8063
Gender: M
Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)
03rd Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1962
Assembly Constituency No: 37
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Uma Mathur
Votes in Favour: 9937
Gender: F
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Haru Mal
Votes in Favour: 9386
Gender: M
Party: Communist Party of India (CPI)
02nd Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1957
Assembly Constituency No: 30
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Ganga Devi
Votes in Favour: 7084
Gender: F
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Haru Mal
Votes in Favour: 5644
Gender: M
Party: Communist Party of India (CPI)
01st Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1951
Assembly Constituency No: 12
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Durlabh Singh
Votes in Favour: 18434
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Phool Chand
Votes in Favour: 4371
Gender: M
Party: Communist Party of India (CPI)
Goto Rajasthan Assembly Constituencies