SHER SINGH, SHRI, M.A., Janata, (Haryana—Rohtak—1977): s. of Shri Sis Ram; b. at Baghpur village, Rohtak District, September 18, 1917; ed. at University of Delhi; m. Smt. Prabhat Shoba Pandit, April 2, 1942; 1 s. and 2 d.; Agriculturist; Previously associated with Congress; Founder-President of Haryana Lok Samiti; First Principal, Keshav Memorial High School Hyderabad (started by Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Hyderabad in 1940 after Hyderabad Satyagraha); was Lecturer in M.S.J. College, Bharatpur and Jat College, Rohtak; Chancellor, Gurukul, Jhajjar; Member, Syndicate, Gurukul Kangri University; Member, (i) Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1946—1962 and Punjab Legislative Council, 1962—67; Parliamentary Secretary in Punjab Government, 1948—52; Deputy Leader of Punjab Congress Legislature Party, 1956-57; Minister of Irrigation and Power in Punjab Government, 1956-57; Member, (i) Forth Lok Sabha, 1967—70 and (ii) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—October 1974; Union Minister of State for Education, 1967—69; Union Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications, 1969—71; Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture, 1971—January 1974, and again Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications, January 1974—October 1974 before he resigned; Member, (i) Estimates Committee, July-August, 1977, and (ii) Committee on Government Assurances, July-August 1977; Minister of State in the Ministry of Defence since August, 1977; Delegate to Disarmament and Peace Conference, Moscow, 1962; visited U.S.A. in 1965 under Leader’s Exchange Programme; led India Delegation to Intellectual Property Conference held in Stockholm, June-July, 1967; was elected as Chairman of one of the main Committees set up by the Conference.
Social activities: Interested in eradication of untouchability, promotion of education, rural uplift and rural development; worked for civil liberties and fundamental freedoms during Emergency, 1975-76; was convener of the Conference of Religions for World Peace held in New Delhi on the occasion of Centenary Celebrations of Arya Samaj (December 1975).
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading; rendering help to the poor and ignorant.
Travels abroad: U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Italy, Switzerland, West Germany, Netherlands, Holland, France, U.K., Japan, Sweden and United Arab Republic etc.; represented India at Abao Simble, Egypt, 1968; also visited Hungary in 1972, and Australia and New Zealand in 1973.
Permanent address: Baghpur Village, Beri P.O., Rohtak District, Haryana.