Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
Social and
Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime
and Recreation
Sports and Clubs
Countries visited
Shri Adikesavan15th May, 1952
Vaniyambadi in Distt. North Arcot (Tamil Nadu)
Married on 5th March, 1980
Smt. J. Maligeswari
One son and one daughter
B.A., B.L.
Educated at Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi and Law College, Madras (Tamil Nadu)
(a) 272, Post Office Street, Amburpet,
Vaniyambadi-635751 Distt. North Arcot, Tamil Nadu
(b) 31/37, Asta Lakshmi Gardens, Besant Nagar, Madras-400090. Tel. 4910590
4A, Telegraph Lane, New Delhi-110001. Tel. 3792885
Elected to Lok Sabha (Eighth)
Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation
President, Youth Cong.(I), Tamil Nadu
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth)
General Secretary, PCC(I), Tamil Nadu
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Law and Justice
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Railways
Member, Consultative Committee, Social Welfare Board
Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation
Elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth) for the third time
Started free Legal-aid cell at Madras as a means of serving the poor
Free legal-aid to the poor
Reading and cultural programmes
Member, Cricket Club, Vanniyambadi
Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, U.A.E. and U.S.S.R.; Member, Goodwill Mission to South Korea, 1989. |