Name of Member: Shri Ahmed Hussain
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Dhubri (Assam)
Lok Sabha Experience: 6
6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
HUSSAIN, SHRI AHMED, B.A., B.T., Congress, (Assam—Dhubri—1977): s. of Shri Md. Siraj Ali Mondal; b. at Chapar, Goalpara District, May 30, 1941; ed. at Chapar High School, B. N. College, Dhubri and Gauhati University; m. Smt Maya Ahmed, December 11, 1965, 3 s.; Teacher; presently Member, Petitions Committee.
Social activities: Established two High Schools and three L.P. Schools; attended many social service camps like flood relief camps, fire victims camps.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading.
Special interests: Social work.
Sports and clubs: Associated with several clubs.
Travels abroad: Bangladesh in 1950.
Permanent address: Millanpur, Mosque Road, Chandmari, Gauhati, Assam.
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