QURESHI, SHRI AZIZ, M.A., LL.B. [Congress (I)—Madhya Pradesh, Satna, 1984] s. of Shri Zia-ul-Hasan; b. at Bhopal, February 3, 1940; ed. at Government Hamidia College, Bhopal, Agra University, Agra, Vikram University, Ujjain, and Bhopal University, Bhopal; Unmarried; Lawyer; imprisoned for brief period in (i) February, 1978 for taking part in official party movement against Janata Party rule, (ii) during the Nerbudda Andolan and (i) for organising a demonstration against the arrest of late Shrimati Indira Gandhi; Minister of State, Government of Madhya Pradesh for (i) Irrigation and Power, 1972-75, (ii) Education and Endowments, 1976-77; Head of the Department of Political Science for 9 years and Principal, Aurobindo Arts and Law College, Bhopal for one year; Member, AICC since 1972, General Secretary, M.P.C.C. and M.P.C.C. (I), 1977-80; Incharge, Publicity and Public Relations Department, Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee 1961-62; selected for A.T.C.C. Cooperative Training in 1959 and worked as AICC cooperative organiser in Madhya Pradesh; Secretary, Madhya Pradesh Congress Election Committee, 1980; rounder member, Indian Youth Congress and its First General Secretary in Bhopal; Secretary, Transport and Reception Committee, All India Congress Seva Dal Rally at Bhopal, 1959; Chairman, Madhya Pradesh State Fisheries Development Corporation, Bhopal, 1931-84; General Secretary, Friends of Soviet Union Madhya Pradesh Branch; Member, (i) Madhya Pradesh State 20-Point Programme Committee, (ii) Senate, Vikram University, Ujjain, (iii) Court of Bhopal University, (iv) Bar at the Madhya Pradesh High Court; Member, Madhya Pradesh, Legislative Assembly, 1972-77.
Social activities: Upliftment of weaker sections of society, particularly rural youth, students and physically handicapped people-promotion of adult education.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading, Music, Travelling and Angling.
Special interests: Preservation of wild life and forests.
Sports and clubs: Hockey, Tennis and Angling.
Permanent address: 1, Karbala Road, Bhopal.